Never In My Life......... did I think I'd hear a President of the United States all but declare war on 1/4 of the citizens of the nation.

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2021 Sep 10, 10:33am   1,370 views  54 comments

by mell   ➕follow (10)   💰tip   ignore  


Yet that is what Joe Biden did yesterday.

That was worse than stupid; it was inciting an all-on rebellion.

Within hours approaching half the States had declared vehement opposition.

In the fantasy land wild imaginations of some on the left everyone will fold. Uh, nope.

First, Biden reportedly exempted The Post Office. That alone was likely enough to get his attempt ruled against on an injunctive basis. You obviously aren't serious about public health when one of the agencies that the public has contact with every day is exempt, it is an essential agency and has something like 600,000 employees.

Why did he exempt them? Because they're a union shop and a large percentage have refused vaccination. Biden knows this and he knows that if they walk or strike he's instantly **ed, and they both can and might. A later update said oh no, they're included. We'll see.

But then during his presser he let the truth out: "We're going to protect vaccinated workers against unvaccinated workers."


If the vaccines are in fact vaccines and work then..... what protection do those who choose to get them need? None! But if they don't work -- if you get vaccinated and are still at risk then why would someone take one? It's stupid to take a jab that doesn't actually protect you. More to the point why would those who haven't been vaccinated not tell you to go straight to Hell, and why would any court uphold this sort of order when you admit that a person who accepts the vaccine is not protected -- that is, it does not actually provide protection against disease?

Then there's the other problem: A quarter of all Americans have had Covid-19 and are immune. They have actual protection. 12x or more better than a jab and they already took the risk because they got infected. A huge percentage of them were essential workers and took the risk over the first nine or so months of this thing while making sure you had medical care, your grocery store was stocked and your mail got delivered.

In doing this they got infected, some died, nearly all recovered and all of those who recovered are presumptively immune. They have no reason whatsoever to put up with any of this bull**** and if they all walk their employer is **ed instantly, no matter who that employer might be.

Incidentally while that percentage was 20% in May it's obviously higher now. And among health-care workers that level of prior infection is especially high because they worked for mine months with no access to vaccines at all but were repeatedly, usually on a daily basis, exposed to infection -- frequently with inadequate PPE.

Take a hospital, for example. If 25% of the nurses walk out the place is destroyed. They are instantly both unable to provide care and out of compliance with regulatory mandates that carry the force of law. If and when people die as a result they will get sued and be bankrupted. There's no way to cover that manpower shortage; it's impossible.

Nobody is a slave in this nation folks. With very few exceptions any employee can quit and any group of employees can strike. The few exceptions (railroads and airlines) are protected from unilateral changes in working conditions without going through collective bargaining and the penalties for doing so outside of that process are criminal, not just fines. Further, they're must prosecute crimes, not discretionary. So no, the airlines cannot mandate anything if the unions, pilots and such say "nuts" either -- nor can the railroads! The ability to unilaterally change working conditions was given up by them in exchange for strike protection. Violate that and it's game on.

Declaring war on a quarter of the nation's population is not only stupid it's not enforceable without all of them eating a nation-ending upheaval -- and they know it. What are you going to do? Try to kill 80 million people? Good luck. Try to forcibly inject them? When its a quarter of the population how do you do that and not get ambushed, never mind your families and homes while you're out on your jab patrol? Try to starve people out? Someone who has nothing to lose -- who you already declared dead when you did that -- suddenly has every single thing they might choose to do to you, and everyone you know and care about, never mind infrastructure and similar, become literally free. Whether the left likes it or not you can't kill someone twice. Again, those attempting to enforce this bull**** have to go to work and similar. You can't be two places at once and they're short about 50 million cops for security purposes -- some 25x or more the cops they have. Trying to put the mandate on employers is cute but that makes the problem 100x worse. Not one corporate executive in a thousand, and zero middle managers, HR persons and similar have any effective security while at the same time you just created 80 million potential corporate saboteurs who may decide to act on their way out the door!

Oh, and as for all those federal law enforcement folks? The union that represents 30,000 of them blasted this announcement. Would you trust your security to those folks if you try to use force?

Let's say Biden and his minions succeed. Whether through forced jabs or mass-murder, does it matter? Nope. Why would you work for an evil jackass beyond the bare minimum in the US after that event? How long does a corporation survive with 20% of the workforce having every reason to ** them up to the maximum possible extent ? Morale? Ha! Once that is destroyed you will never get it back. Kill all 80 million whether economically or physically and suddenly there's 40 million unoccupied living units and both real estate prices and property tax receipts collapse. The average operating margin of a corporation is such that whether you fire, murder or******off a quarter of the working population to the point they give you the finger all those firms go bankrupt and now all the commercial real estate plus the stock and bond markets are a smoking crater. The cities go feral within weeks to months as nobody can be paid (will the cops and firefighters show up for their shift without a paycheck?) and their bond ratings all go to "D" (that's "default"), including said police and fire department. Take 20% off any city or state budget on a forced basis and the gangs and illegal MI6 drug lords will own every single blue hive within weeks. You think Portland or Minneapolis is bad now? Ha! That, times about five, is all of the blue cities.

So calm down folks. This is going to get fought, and Biden will lose. In fact, I suspect his handlers, whoever they are that put this asinine pile of dog squeeze together, intended that it lose. They know damn well what the consequences are if they actually go to war on this issue whether they win or not. The S&P 500 trades at 500 (if you're lucky) and your $500,000 house is worth $50,000 -- if it's not a smoking ruin.

Bottom line: He's full of bluster and bull**** and his handlers know it. He probably doesn't because he's a demented old fool but those behind the scenes sure do.

You couldn't set up what he did more-clearly to fail than to exempt the Post Office.

Never mind Biden's chief of staff who admitted -- via retweet -- this is flagrantly illegal and the administration knows it. Courts consider the intent behind policies and Klain publicly endorsed using OSHA as a "work around" to enact a flagrantly-illegal mandate.

So what was the goal?

That's simple: Given that map the USSC will be why it loses; diversity of the inbound lawsuits guarantees it. They'll get the case on an emergency basis and will likely enjoin before anyone is forced to do anything as it's a loser for Biden. He either loses in the Supreme Court or the Supreme Court destroys the economy, the markets and virtually every corporation in America. The Supreme Court justices know this. Biden's handlers know this too and after the CDC loss on the eviction moratorium they also have to fully expect this goes exactly nowhere with the make-up of the court.

But what's the wet dream of the left?

Packing the court.

They're crazy enough to risk a civil war to drum up more left-side support for it too.

Don't fall for it.

Make them shoot first, if that's really what they want. They don't have the stomach for it and, more to the point, they know what happens if they set it off.

It's a bluff, a stupid bluff at that, and ultimately it ends this Administration either by expulsion or political neutering.

That's my prediction and I slept perfectly well last night.


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11   mell   2021 Sep 10, 12:23pm  

richwicks says
FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
richwicks says
You've never heard a president declare war on Americans before? Guess you don't listen very closely:


is there a non-youtube link please?


original link

That was a threat to the anti-war group, of which I am one, and always will be. None of our stupid fucking wars are about the protection of this nation and that's the ONLY legitimate reason to go to war.


As much as I despise this war criminal that is not the same as you could have simply shrugged your shoulder at the US going to war (unless one of your family members would be on the tour) and be done with it, this time it's threatening every US citizens livelihood and coercing them to take an experimental agent. I don't want to evaluate what's ethically worse, but it's def a war inside the country now, but W paved the way for it. Still I think this is worse as it's closer to home for many. Also just because boosh brought afghanistan doesn't mean you have to botch the pull-out and leave US citizens stranded there.
12   richwicks   2021 Sep 10, 12:33pm  

mell says
Still I think this is worse as it's closer to home for many.

Good. You had 2 decades of warning. FINALLY you're waking up. You know how fucking hard to do this? To get people to pay SOME fucking attention? I know how hard it is. I'm glad the gubermint is doing it for me finally.

mell says
Also just because boosh brought afghanistan doesn't mean you have to botch the pull-out and leave US citizens stranded there.

Well, if the US didn't start a bullshit war, there would be nobody to abandon, would there?

Don't allow the fuckers to start a new bullshit war, and this bullshit won't happen again, will it? In fact, string Boosh up on a lamp pole and let his body rot in full view over 5 years, and I guarantee it will not happen again for at least a generation.

Every person that died in Afghanistan, including the enemy combatants, were better, more moral people than this fucker was.

Don't hold on to your old convictions, your old propaganda. We've all been tricked before, we've all been propagandized, we've all by lied to. Realize what George W. Bush WAS. He's a mass murderer who put this country on a path to inevitable destruction.
13   Patrick   2021 Sep 10, 1:00pm  

Tenpoundbass says
They are lying their asses off about the number of Vaccinated people. The Las Vegas Raiders, is going to play to an empty stadium because they mandated that all attendees must be vaccinated. You would think they would be happy with 80% or more attendance if there was that many vaxed idiots.


Biden has declared war on well over half of the US.

Even a lot of TDS-addled Democrats are saying "Woah, what is this latest shit from Biden?"
14   mell   2021 Sep 10, 1:19pm  

richwicks says
mell says
Still I think this is worse as it's closer to home for many.

Good. You had 2 decades of warning. FINALLY you're waking up. You know how fucking hard to do this? To get people to pay SOME fucking attention? I know how hard it is. I'm glad the gubermint is doing it for me finally.

mell says
Also just because boosh brought afghanistan doesn't mean you have to botch the pull-out and leave US citizens stranded there.

Well, if the US didn't start a bullshit war, there would be nobody to abandon, would there?

Don't allow the fuckers to start a new bullshit war, and this bullshit won't happen again, will it? In fact, string Boosh up on a lamp pole and let his body rot in full view over 5 years, and I guarantee it will not happen again for at least a generation.

Every person t...

Nobody is exonerating boosh, we're not talking about morals here, it's just much closer to home and the prez has to protect their own citizens and people first. Yes, it wouldn't happen if we prosecuted war criminals to the fullest extent, but we can still pull out the stranded families and people instead of fucking fleeing before we give up that shithole.
15   mell   2021 Sep 10, 1:21pm  

Also I don't think many believed the WMD bullshit back then. But boosh had silent / tacit approval of both chambers so he did what he wanted to do without repercussions.
16   Patrick   2021 Sep 10, 1:22pm  

mell says
it's just much closer to home

This is clearly true. While a war abroad for the profit and power of the US elite was very disturbing and should be opposed by everyone, it's a different thing from having your children injected with the spike toxin against your will.
17   richwicks   2021 Sep 10, 1:26pm  

mell says
Nobody is exonerating boosh, we're not talking about morals here, it's just much closer to home and the prez has to protect their own citizens and people first.

Morals and survivability are very tightly linked. What our traitorous president Bush did was diminish our survivability.

mell says
Yes, it wouldn't happen if we prosecuted war criminals to the fullest extent, but we can still pull out the stranded families and people instead of fucking fleeing before we give up that shithole.

I will give you a flip-side of this argument.

If you thought this war was wrong, would you have joined up on behalf of this war, as either a soldier or a contractor?

The people left behind were either naive (innocents) or were collaborators.

I feel sorry for one ONE group. I try to educate people. I try to be honest, and attempt to warn them, but I have seen and known people who simply want to join the military as they see it as social advancement. They don't give a fuck if they have to kill people, in their own country, defending their own nation, for a cause they have been propagandized into believing in.

There's no right or wrong in war. No American had to die in Afghanistan, if there was no war in Afghanistan. People wailing about the horror of their children or husbands, or even wives dying in a foreign nation, don't seem to recognize they are invaders. Our country is invading other nations. This shit has to stop.

We were the best, most moral, ethical nation this world has ever seen. We can do that again. I'm pointing at the Neocons for our moral downfall.
18   richwicks   2021 Sep 10, 2:47pm  

Patrick says
mell says
it's just much closer to home

This is clearly true. While a war abroad for the profit and power of the US elite was very disturbing and should be opposed by everyone, it's a different thing from having your children injected with the spike toxin against your will.

And this is what we get for not resisting a warcriminal.

There's a direct line from having a tyrant to having tyranny. The time to resist was 20 years ago, and people who resisted were denounced as traitors, fools, collaborators, etc.

People like Cindy Sheehan were trying to protect your rights. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden. Chickens are coming home to roost.

I'll go to a concentration camp before I get this fucking vaccination. Will any of you? If it's 50% of the population, we're NOT going to prison. Tired of being trapped in the herd of cattle. You're not a cow, you're a human being - or are you?
19   HeadSet   2021 Sep 10, 6:47pm  

HunterTits says
I just posted this to my friends on FB. I expect to lose some of them, but I don't give a shit. They can rot in hell.

Maybe you will not lose them al as friends, but maybe open up there eyes a bit.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Sep 10, 6:48pm  

Has anyone else noticed that the original AP article from yesterday said this would impact 100 million Americans, but only 80 million are without the shot? I saw a post on Reddit where a guy really went into the numbers. If we assume the government shot numbers are correct, 80% eligible for the shot have taken it. That's already past herd immunity. Again by government numbers, at least 20% have been exposed to covid. Yet year over year we have a 300% increase in cases.

In reality I think the actual number of people who have taken the shot is closer to 40% tops, and total for entire American population is closer to 1/3rd. But imagine what would happen if they reported that and we all suddenly realized we're in the majority?
21   HeadSet   2021 Sep 10, 6:49pm  

It seems that one could have a court case under "equal protection of the laws" since the Post Office and WH Staff are exempt, but not other private or Federal workers.
22   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Sep 10, 6:52pm  

HeadSet says
It seems that one could have a court case under "equal protection of the laws" since the Post Office and WH Staff are exempt, but not other private or Federal workers.

And Congress, including all congressional staff...
23   Ceffer   2021 Sep 10, 6:53pm  

The foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC has changed all that to 'unequal persecutions under the law we invent by fiat as we go along'. We're welcome.
25   GNL   2021 Sep 10, 7:56pm  

HunterTits says
I just posted this to my friends on FB. I expect to lose some of them, but I don't give a shit. They can rot in hell.

I just had it out with all my siblings today. I have 4 siblings and 3 have taken the jab. I told them I will no longer consider any of them who voted for Biden and/or support forced vax my family members. Shit is getting real.
26   Blue   2021 Sep 10, 8:32pm  

Just had a conversation with someone I know for long who vented his anger at me that he is nervous when he sees unvaccinated around him and is super firm on his beliefs that vaccine is approved by gov and safe to everyone. I knew he is a Trump hater but bursting was kind of a surprise now.
I think the current administration enabling all the vaxers to intensify their hate on control group. Be carefully folks.
27   SoTex   2021 Sep 10, 9:34pm  

WineHorror1 says
I just had it out with all my siblings today. I have 4 siblings and 3 have taken the jab. I told them I will no longer consider any of them who voted for Biden and/or support forced vax my family members. Shit is getting real.

Yeah, I visited my family in Texas over the holiday. They think I'm dirty unvaxentated. My sis is an emergency room nurse and I tricked her when I saw a CNN article on the screen in her lexus about the Pfizer jab. I asked her, "Did you hear the Pfizer vaccine got FDA approval?", her, "Yes!", me, "No it didn't! They are lying. It was for a BioNTech drug called comority (sp?) that hasn't even been manufactured yet!", her, (head exploding), "I don't care! I have people coming into my emergency room and dying every day! Young ones now and all are unvaccinated!"

At that point I didn't even try to explain that although I believe her, I'm convinced the delta is BECAUSE of the mass vaccinations and this time next year the vaccines won't help anymore. The vax is making it worse. The vaxed are fucking super spreaders and she might actually transfer it to our old parents - who also didn't want to hear shit about it.
28   GNL   2021 Sep 10, 10:07pm  

just_passing_through says
WineHorror1 says
I just had it out with all my siblings today. I have 4 siblings and 3 have taken the jab. I told them I will no longer consider any of them who voted for Biden and/or support forced vax my family members. Shit is getting real.

Yeah, I visited my family in Texas over the holiday. They think I'm dirty unvaxentated. My sis is an emergency room nurse and I tricked her when I saw a CNN article on the screen in her lexus about the Pfizer jab. I asked her, "Did you hear the Pfizer vaccine got FDA approval?", her, "Yes!", me, "No it didn't! They are lying. It was for a BioNTech drug called comority (sp?) that hasn't even been manufactured yet!", her, (head exploding), "I don't care! I have people coming into my emergency room and dying every day! Young ones now and all are unvaccinated!"

At that point I didn't even try to explain that although I believe her, I'm convinced t...

This is where I start losing my mind. There's simply no way for me to know the truth. I read contradictory stories every day. All I know is, I want to be free.
29   SoTex   2021 Sep 10, 10:10pm  

Don't let em push you around. In particular if they are Biden voters. Mine aren't and they are STILL wash brained.
30   Ceffer   2021 Sep 10, 10:10pm  

Well, over time, there will likely be fewer and fewer of the vaccinated to argue with. Again, never heard of anybody getting alleged Covid. Over 55 park near us in Santa Cruz, it seems like 30 percent of the park turned over since the vaccines. There are lots of houses around us, too, that have gone up for sale, many more than the previous years we have been here. Some we know of are vax related, some we haven't heard specifically about it.
31   SoTex   2021 Sep 10, 10:25pm  

Here's a spin on Rin's method, with a horse paste twist:


It too describes molecules that block the spike protein in several ways which should help one deactivate the jab. Pretty good detail for that specific case actually.
32   porkchopXpress   2021 Sep 10, 10:30pm  

I still agree with Rin's hypothesis that we have the most ammo against an adenovirus vaccine vs mRNA bullshit. Neutralize that virus before it can even infect a cell to create spike protein.
33   Ceffer   2021 Sep 10, 10:34pm  

This last speech wasn't just the aging con artist and his senile malapropisms. Biden revealed that he is truly an evil, malignant piece of shit.
34   SoTex   2021 Sep 10, 11:44pm  

porkchopexpress says
I still agree with Rin's hypothesis that we have the most ammo against an adenovirus vaccine vs mRNA bullshit. Neutralize that virus before it can even infect a cell to create spike protein.

Hopefully. The drawback of adenovirus is it deposits DNA into the cell nucleus which lasts much longer and makes mRNA.
35   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Sep 11, 7:05am  

I think you all know where I stand. I'm not anti Vax the way many of you are. I had my concerns about getting the shot initially, but ended up rolling up my sleeve. It was a personal choice.

The issue here is the government trying to force this upon people who, for a range of reasons, don't want it.

The federal government can mandate policies for its employees. They can extend certain requirements to Federal contractors. But to try and extend to any company with over 100 people? That is a bridge too far in my view.

Let's see them enforce try and enforce this. The private sector will resist.

This whole Covid situation is like watching a slow motion car wreck. You know it will end badly.
36   DhammaStep   2021 Sep 11, 7:16am  

GreaterNYCDude says
I think you all know where I stand. I'm not anti Vax the way many of you are. I had my concerns about getting the shot initially, but ended up rolling up my sleeve. It was a personal choice.

The issue here is the government trying to force this upon people who, for a range of reasons, don't want it.

The federal government can mandate policies for its employees. They can extend certain requirements to Federal contractors. But to try and extend to any company with over 100 people? That is a bridge too far in my view.

Let's see them enforce try and enforce this. The private sector will resist.

This whole Covid situation is like watching a slow motion car wreck. You know it will end badly.

I just want to say that I'm sorry we were unable to coerce you into not taking it.

Is that hypocritical? Yes.
37   zzyzzx   2021 Sep 11, 9:30am  

WineHorror1 says
There's simply no way for me to know the truth.

If it's being censored, it's probably true.
38   WookieMan   2021 Sep 11, 9:32am  

mell says
Never In My Life......... did I think I'd hear a President of the United States all but declare war on 1/4 of the citizens of the nation.

I don't think our POTUS even knows what he said..... That's the sad part.
40   Patrick   2021 Sep 11, 9:57am  

zzyzzx says
WineHorror1 says
There's simply no way for me to know the truth.

If it's being censored, it's probably true.

I'm quite confident that I know these truths:

- the virus was invented in Wuhan with funding from Fauci, who knew very well that he was violating the law on gain-of-function research
- the disease is not any more serious than a bad flu, fortunately
- the "vaccine" is definitely not safe and tens of thousands of Americans have died from it at a minimum
- using mRNA to get your own body to make the very same toxin (the spike protein) which causes the bad effects of the disease is a bad idea
- ivermectin is quite effective at preventing death, along with vit D, zinc, quercetin, HCQ
- ivermectin and other early treatments are banned specifically to protect vaxx profits and to increase the rate of serious cases among the elderly
- natural immunity from recovery is far more effective than the vaxx, but is not acknowledged again to protect vaxx profits
- Israel is seeing the rapid spread of variants exactly because so many people there have submitted
- Big Pharma is running the CDC, FDA, and NIH
- Democrats are delighting in causing fear and job loss among many Republicans, as a revenge for having elected Trump
41   GNL   2021 Sep 11, 2:45pm  

Patrick says

- the virus was invented in Wuhan with funding from Fauci, who knew very well that he was violating the law on gain-of-function research

I believe Rand Paul proved this.

- the disease is not any more serious than a bad flu, fortunately

As far as how easily spread it is, I would most definitely agree. I also agree that it has a very small effect on healthy people of any age. Although, interestingly, I know a healthy person (61 yo) who died but my 83 year old parents (each has many comorbitities) will not die from Covid.

- the "vaccine" is definitely not safe and tens of thousands of Americans have died from it at a minimum

I have to trust this is true. I have no way to confirm this.

- getting your own body to make the very same toxin (the spike protein) which causes the bad effects of the disease is a bad idea

I have to trust that it does this.

- ivermectin is quite effective at preventing death, along with vit D, zinc, quercetin, HCQ

My wife and I are on a prevention protocol that includes HCQ. My inlaws do as well. So far, so good. Trusting.

- ivermectin and other early treatments are banned specifically to protect vaxx profits and to increase the rate of serious cases among the elderly

Sure seems so. This is one of the BIGGEST reasons why I, overall, believe Covid is a scam.

- natural immunity from recovery is far more effective than the vaxx, but is not acknowledged again to protect vaxx profits

To me, this is beyond logical. I'll go with my God given body on this one. Although, I do realize there are some diseases that nobody can handle? I wonder why that is.

- Israel is seeing the rapid spread of variants exactly because so many people there have submitted

I have no way to know if this is propaganda or not.

- Big Pharma is running the CDC, FDA, and NIH

It sure seems so.

- Democrats are delighting in causing fear and job loss among many Republicans, as a revenge for having elected Trump...

Aren't there many Democrats getting punished by all of this also?
42   Patrick   2021 Sep 11, 11:34pm  

WineHorror1 says
Aren't there many Democrats getting punished by all of this also?

Yes, and I think that the law of karma means that a lot of them are going to die exactly from what they are trying to impose on others.

It's almost too perfectly ironic not to happen.
43   HeadSet   2021 Sep 12, 7:08am  

Patrick says
Yes, and I think that the law of karma means that a lot of them are going to die exactly from what they are trying to impose on others.

Yes, and they will blame the "unvaxxed" villains. Just how soldiers sent off to fight a needless war blame the enemy for their deaths instead of the politician who sent them.
44   Karloff   2021 Sep 12, 9:13am  

Five Steps to Tyranny

original link

Step One: 'Us' and 'Them'
Step Two: Obey Orders
Step Three: Do 'Them' Harm
Step Four: Stand Up or Stand By
Step Five: Exterminate
45   clambo   2021 Sep 12, 9:58am  

The benefit or danger of the shot is irrelevant.
"My body, my choice" doesn't apply only to abortions.
The lunatic left is out of control.
A pox on all of them.

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