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Voters did not give the Liberals credit for their management of the COVID-19 pandemic, something many party officials expected. An anticipated sleepy campaign turned out to be anything but for the party.
Dr. Zelenko
Message to Humanity
Bad people have used fear and isolation to induce mass psychosis. We have been victims of psychological warfare.
Let’s wake up together and just say NO to our evil and corrupt governments.
Mass and non-violent resistance will destroy the few sociopathic and devolved pagans, just like a little light pushes away much darkness.
Victory over tyranny is within reach by simply ignoring the recommendations of narcissistic despots that want you to die.
Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
I have many & major concerns. In brief the population of the planet of being taken through the gates of hell over a probably partly invented virus, which is not unusual in its lethality.
I agree these ‘vaccines’ were never appropriate & there was ample evidence of global fraud by fear long before that vaccine was prematurely considered for emergency use authorisation.
Re-reading Dr Peter Doshi’s blog post in BMJ, referencing Pfizer’s regulatory submission to FDA, he made some striking observations.
Specifically, he pointed out how THOUSANDS of suspected ‘cases’ from the vaccine arm of the trial had been “removed from statistical analysis because of “unspecified protocol deviations”.
When Doshi reanalysed the data with all the subject included, ‘efficacy’ fell to 19% (and not significant).
I know enough about clinical trials & the many conventions that ensure you don’t carry undeclared conflicts of interest.
What was done in that trial was clearly improper. In reality, the Pfizer / BioNTech product never even worked in the closely controlled trial.
I also think there is a virus. I’m no longer convinced it’s as described but is a blend of genetic material from several different sources.
Three key questions:
1. Do these vaccines work?
I suspect none of them do. Paul & Howard lays out some of the evidence.
2. Are these vaccines safe?
They are absolutely not safe. They are responsible for huge numbers of horrific injuries & deaths in completely unprecedented numbers, based on review of public vaccine safety monitoring systems in the US, U.K. & Europe.
3. Are these vaccines necessary?
No, not at all. If anything, deaths rise immediately after mass vaccination started almost everywhere when the data was good enough to examine. On the other side of the medical ledger, excellent treatments have been identified & used, 85-90% of severe illness & death was prevented.
Given the foregoing, that these are not vaccines, they don’t work as vaccines, they’re massively far away from any acceptable safety profile & there are low cost, well understood drug treatments, why would you allow anyone to stick a needle in your arm?
I beg of you: if you’ve not been vaccinated, do not capitulate now. If you’ve been vaccinated, reject the bribe of some of your freedoms bank (aka vaccine passport). Giving in to tyranny always leads to more tyranny.
We must not cooperate with our own entrapment. I keep a good eye out on many countries. It is clear that one objective is to lure us all into a VaxPass database. Then we’ll have to show it in order to buy food. Now you cannot protest, or you’ll go hungry.
Ultimately, it’s my deduction that the evil perpetrators will exploit they tyrannical powers to kill off the majority of the human race.
Something like this has been planned for close to 40 years. See The Georgia Guidestones.
Please share this & please resolved to cooperate only with your fellow citizens in thwarting this diabolical crime.
Best wishes
Dr Mike Yeadon
I absolutely will not consider any postition which requires the jab.
For what it's worth I have started replying to recruiters - regardless of whether I am open to discuss a new opportunity or not - that I will not consider positions that comply with the tyrannical EO and/or am fully remote (on a contracting basis if necessary) for the foreseeable future. Maybe if more and more engineers explicitly make that point they will start telling companies "if you want talent you need to stop this clot shot coercing bs".
mell saysFor what it's worth I have started replying to recruiters - regardless of whether I am open to discuss a new opportunity or not - that I will not consider positions that comply with the tyrannical EO and/or am fully remote (on a contracting basis if necessary) for the foreseeable future. Maybe if more and more engineers explicitly make that point they will start telling companies "if you want talent you need to stop this clot shot coercing bs".
See, now this is how you do it. I'm sure there are many more ways.
Silence so far from the first one (not surprised as many are bay area cucks), replying to the 2nd one now. It's a "healthcare" company, those are notorious for coercing the jab.
Ultimately, it’s my deduction that the evil perpetrators will exploit they tyrannical powers to kill off the majority of the human race.
Silence so far from the first one (not surprised as many are bay area cucks), replying to the 2nd one now. It's a "healthcare" company, those are notorious for coercing the jab.
mell saysSilence so far from the first one (not surprised as many are bay area cucks), replying to the 2nd one now. It's a "healthcare" company, those are notorious for coercing the jab.
Kaiser Cucks are the worst. "I have Kaiser" like it's something special.
Dr Mike Yeadon saysUltimately, it’s my deduction that the evil perpetrators will exploit they tyrannical powers to kill off the majority of the human race.
This is the kind of stuff that gets him labeled, "conspiracy theorist".
What some uber rich and communists don't realize is that wealth is created by liberated labor. Slave labor won't work.
No. Slave labor has produced wealth from the time of the Pharaohs, then during the time of the serfs, then under Communist regimes.
You confusing wealth with status.
You confusing wealth with status.
Not anywhere near the wealth that would be produced by free people
richwicks saysYou confusing wealth with status.
Not at all. A pharaoh had the top wealth of what was available in his day. A large palace full of servants, the best food in the kingdom, drawn baths, his choice of the best maidens, top scribes, jewelers, goldsmiths, and other professional at his beck and call, and more such as command performance plays and music performances. A pharaoh was not in dire poverty because he did not have a transistor radio.
richwicks saysYou confusing wealth with status.
Not at all. A pharaoh had the top wealth of what was available in his day. A large palace full of servants, the best food in the kingdom, drawn baths, his choice of the best maidens, top scribes, jewelers, goldsmiths, and other professional at his beck and call, and more such as command performance plays and music performances.
A pharaoh was not in dire poverty because he did not have a transistor radio.
richwicks saysI basically have all that and more.
You have your choice of the finest maidens? Nice!
And today is the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Executions
Tonight, an hour ago, Christmas Eve, I did two acts of civil disobedience as requested by RFK, Jr. (well he actually requested everyone to do three each day). I wanted to buy a couple of absurd gifts for my wife (I always get her a few real gifts and a few absurd gifts-she loves it) at Goodwill San Rafael and was screamed at as I entered to put a mask on. When I finished my shopping I was accosted by the manager and of course got into the regular discussion of how they’re breaking the law and they could be liable to a lawsuit. Then two or three more employees started harassing me and the same discussion ensued. Eventually though I looked at them in the eyes and told them, “Unless you stop complying, all this will never end and you all know it a fraud and by no means get the poison injection, and if you have already, do not get the boosters!!” They were all silent at this point and the hostility dropped and I kept talking in an authoritative but gentle way and it was like a hush came over the store. And then I said to them, “God bless you and merry Christmas!” Silence. A gentle silence. And then a few of them wished me Merry Christmas.
Just about the exact same scenario happened 15 minutes later at Andronicos. The same demonic energy and then it all ceased when I started to tell them what they had to do to stop all this and to not get the injections. As soon as I started talking that way, they all grew quiet as if they all knew in their heart it was true and were waiting for someone to just say it. I did not expect this at all. I was able to buy my groceries at Andronicos and get my gifts without a mask and without having to do a cash drop. I was ready with my cash just in case.
An encouragement for you to practice random acts of disobedience and senseless acts of noncompliance.
New York Protesters Rally Against Vaccine Bills in Albany: ‘We Need Civil Disobedience in This Country’
The point remains though: the government has no power without mass compliance by the sheep.
The point remains though: the government has no power without mass compliance by the sheep.
The only way to overthrow a tyrant is for a more benevolent shepherd to take charge.
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