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Patrick saysVaccinated Texas school counselor who ‘had done everything right’ dies after contracting COVID-19
He did do everything right. He got vaccinated and died.
I don’t really like mentioning these cases as doing so is both intrusive and anecdotal, but since Reddit has entire threads dedicated to mocking unvaccinated people who have died and the legacy media highlights unvaccinated deaths at every opportunity, exposing the reality that vaccinated people are dying is necessary. The vaccine is far, far from a magic bullet. And we might want to ask ourselves why the highest profile Covid deaths seem to have occurred after vaccination.
NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA — A 48-year-old woman is dead after yet another “rare coincidence” involving COVID-19 shots.
Ms. Genene Norris received the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on April 8, according to the Daily Mail. She almost immediately fell ill. Doctors diagnosed her with “rare” blood clots and placed her on dialysis in the ICU four days after the shot. That indicates kidney failure. She died on April 14.
The Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is at least being semi-honest about the situation. A spokesperson said the blood clots were “likely linked to the vaccine.” But the agency doesn’t have much choice after a string of deaths related to the experimental shots.
The Northern Daily Leader reported that a “fit and healthy” 55-year-old died in Tamworth, New South Wales on April 21. The newspaper did not name him. But we’re told his name is Darren Lee Missen. He had “massive blood clots” in his lungs after a COVID-19 shot. There were at least four other cases of blood clots in Australia after AstraZeneca shots in the last several weeks. Despite the TGA’s kind-of-honest statement, deputy secretary John Skerritt told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that the benefits of AstraZeneca shots outweigh the risks. He did not articulate any tangible benefits in his statement.
Ms. Norris worked for Sanitarium Health Food Company. It is solely owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which encourages adherents to “responsibly participate in protective and preventive immunization programs.” The company said in a statement that it is “saddened by the loss of a much loved employee.”
They should suspend all of the "vaccines" immediately, for the sake of humanity.
Ellen Berends: Michigan woman who posted about her cousin dying after Johnson & Johnson injection in April, dead five months after Pfizer mRNA injections
Jovita Moore: Atlanta news anchor develops two brain tumors 12 days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA injection, still recovering from surgery
Call me crazy, but suffering a mild heart attack as an athlete in your 20s due to problems with your Achilles heel sounds very far fetched.
I'm sure heart attacks following ruptured achilles tendons aren't "Extremely Common" in 20-something athletes, or 60-year old non-athletes for that matter.
PS. I have it downloaded but it's too big for p.net - 30MB.
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