Happy Ramadan!

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2017 May 26, 10:09am   27,152 views  103 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

It's here, starting with opening fire on a bus full of Coptic Christians in Egypt!


ISIS calls for the bloodiest Ramadan ever:

Bloody Friday, June 26, 2015, Start of Ramadan. 400+ Deaths in One Day from Terror Worldwide. That's a lot of shark attacks.

2016 was the Bloodiest Ramadan? From Turkey to Orlando.

How many terror attacks do Christians launch during the 12 days of Xmas?

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82   Strategist   2017 Jun 20, 10:22am  

zzyzzx says

Poor Muslims. There are no jobs available for terrorists. They have to start their own terrorist business.

84   FortWayne   2017 Jun 20, 6:05pm  

Those seem to be temp jobs, single assignment kind of deal

Strategist says

Poor Muslims. There are no jobs available for terrorists. They have to start their own terrorist business.

85   zzyzzx   2017 Jun 21, 10:35am  


Flint, Michigan: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” stabs police officer in act of terrorism

87   curious2   2017 Jun 24, 3:02am  

As this year's Bombadan Bombathon draws to a close, now seems the right time to link an explanation of why so many Muslims celebrate their "holy" month by murdering people:

"History Explains Why Terror Attacks Spike During Muslim Holy Month
The year 624 AD marked a turning point in world history, when the Arab brigands choosing to follow a self-declared prophet named Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Quraysh hit upon a unique recipe.

Before the “Nakhla Raid,” the caravan attacks committed by the first disciples of the person 1.6 billion Muslims now revere as their Prophet Muhammad were calamitous failures. So, instead, the first followers of Islam chose to combine violence with deception.

Seventh century Arabia was a free-for-all of warring tribes who nevertheless all shared one ethical principle. Acts of war during the holy months, particularly the two months which included Ramadan when pilgrims journeyed to the then multi-faith shrine in Mecca, were strictly forbidden.
Islam’s prophet Muhammad then conveniently revealed verses from his god, including 2:217 of the Quran. Quite simply, it was those committing the attacks that were the true victims, because the non-Muslims by their sheer presence were denying Muslims the ability to truly follow their religion.

Non-Muslim practices – homosexuality would be an example – risked averting Muslims from the straight path of Sharia. Such temptations, according to Allah, were a far greater sin than the slaughter of such infidels.
The whole world has witnessed homosexuals being thrown off buildings for two years in Islamic State controlled territory, but in a commitment to a puritanical application of Islamic law, for CAIR the “nothing to do with Islam” pretense must be maintained at all costs.
As a consequence of mass Islamic immigration into the West, the terrorist violence so commonplace both between Muslims and by them during this period has been exported alongside them into our nations.

89   Strategist   2017 Jun 25, 7:57am  

Thank You President Trump for breaking a stupid tradition of celebrating terrorist rituals.

91   curious2   2017 Jun 27, 12:29pm  

"Thomas Jefferson never held any Iftar dinner and only three out of 45 presidents ever hosted one, so there is no such “tradition” to cancel.

Amy B. Wang of the Washington Post led the pack with this nonsense...“Trump just ended a long tradition of celebrating Ramadan at the White House.”
In her ahistorical article, Wang also quotes John Quincy Adams who expressed “with an air of fascination” his dinner with the Tunisian envoy, but quotes Adams without also noting that the president thought Islam was a terrible and brutal creed.

What Adams thought about Islam is instructive. For instance, he described Islam as a religion of hate in a piece he wrote in the late 1820s:

"The natural hatred of the Mussulmen towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Koran. … The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart. It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies. … In the 7th century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab … spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. … He declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as a part of his religion. … The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust, to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature."

Other prominent Americans at the time also disparaged Islam.
Both Ben Franklin and John Quincy’s famed father, John Adams, criticized Islam as a doctrine of war, not a religion.
After all, it should also be remembered that one of our earliest military actions was against Muslims when Jefferson fought the Barbary Pirates.
To claim that the very first president to authorize war against Muslims would have hosted a dinner to honor Islam is an absurdity of the first order.

For more of what the founders thought of the dead charlatan Mohamed and his followers, consider President John Quincy Adams:

"As the essential principle of his faith is the subjugation of others by the sword; it is only by force, that his false doctrines can be dispelled, and his power annihilated... The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God... The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force... Such is the spirit, which governs the hearts of men, to whom treachery and violence are taught as principles of religion."

93   Strategist   2017 Jun 28, 10:55am  

zzyzzx says

Death To Infidels!

95   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 16, 11:35am  

I feel sorry for "ordinary peaceful Muslims", They also get a bad rap as being done above due to dirty ISIS/Wahhabi.
(Same way as Hindooo bring shame to ordinary Bhartis OR Hitler to Germans).

Identify the enemy, which is ISIS not ordinary Muslims.(And elites who want all citizens to be on each other's throat)
Some people will come with following "Why the ordinary Muslims don't speak up?"

Some do and majority of them are too oppressed to do anything.
See How "elites" stole the election in USA.. How many Americans are speaking up? Very few and this is just start of oppression... Wait when it reaches ISIS level.. How many Americans will speak up..
How many Chinese speak up against CCP?
How many Cubans speak against brutal Castro?

I always say be sensible and not lose our privileged of free speech and 2nd amendment.
Misdirected hate will get us where other countries are.. and No Muslims are not the only oppressors.
... heck even so called Buddhists are massacring minorities in Myanmar.
96   Patrick   2021 Apr 16, 3:27pm  

farmer2021 says
I feel sorry for "ordinary peaceful Muslims"

Most Muslims are just ordinary people who were born into a very violent and intolerant religion.

It's not their fault, but Islam still commands them to take over the world and kill all those who will not submit by converting or paying the jizya.
97   Booger   2021 Apr 19, 4:21pm  


Neighbor who tossed an elderly Jewish woman off a balcony while yelling 'Allahu Akbar' avoids trial because he smoked weed
98   PeopleUnited   2021 Apr 19, 4:37pm  

Patrick says
farmer2021 says
I feel sorry for "ordinary peaceful Muslims"

Most Muslims are just ordinary people who were born into a very violent and intolerant religion.

It's not their fault, but Islam still commands them to take over the world and kill all those who will not submit by converting or paying the jizya.

It’s not their fault they were born into lies and violence. Even the brainwashed Hitler youth are account though for their actions and motives after they become old enough to make their own choices.
99   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 19, 7:13pm  

Booger says
Neighbor who tossed an elderly Jewish woman off a balcony while yelling 'Allahu Akbar' avoids trial because he smoked weed

Leftists, 1960-2015: "LOL, Reefer Madness, Hun hun hun, ignorant people. Schedule I drug, om mani padme hum, man. Weed is like the peace drug, man."
Leftists, 2015- : "Muslim maniac only killed old Woman because he was under the influence of the violent, whacky weed, not because of Islam!"
100   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Apr 19, 7:16pm  

We got BLM out here, state sanctioned looting and arson.
102   Patrick   2021 Nov 8, 10:27pm  

Was the knifeman yelling "Jesus loves you"?

Somehow I don't think so.
103   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 8, 10:30pm  

He was chanting "Om mani padme hum, Oh Jewel in the Lotus!"

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