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Anthony Vera
Nov 16
What we really have now is a pandemic of people who can’t admit they were wrong.
6:48 PM · Nov 16, 2021
Nov 16
Replying to @anthvera24 @NurseGirl8989
And they double down.
Booster Doses are Extremely Dangerous and They Will Make Everything Worse
Additional vaccinations will drive infections up, not down. ...
When Israel rolled out boosters in August, they also saw spikes in infections and deaths. It is the same phenomenon we observed after dose 1. Only the second dose does not enhance infections, presumably because it is administered in the protective shadow of the first one. As with everything involving this virus and our vaccines, there are probably multiple causes at work here. For about ten days following vaccination, the vaccinated are more susceptible to infection, and a subset of them probably become minimally symptomatic super-spreaders.
Millions of people across Europe and North America will become eligible for Dose 3 at the very height of coronavirus season, in December and January. Uptake will be highest among medical professionals and nursing home personnel. There is the potential for real catastrophe here. While the vaccines don’t work as advertised, they are powerful pharmaceutical products and they have strange, unexpected effects — not only on the bodies of people who take them, but also on the dynamics of transmission and infection. Deranged medical bureaucrats, who refuse to abandon their dreams of controlling a highly contagious seasonal respiratory virus, have whole populations popping these things like aspirin. They could very well succeed in making Corona into the unprecedented public health disaster that the virus itself never quite was.
UPDATE: Always-sharp commenter someothercat points to this further proof: Infection peaks in Gibraltar are cascading from the oldest age groups to the youngest, following the order in which they were boosted.
COVID vaccine debate topics
If anyone accepts our debate offer, there are a few things we'd love to talk about.
35 min ago
Vaccine safety
We have 8 different ways showing the vaccines have killed over 150,000 Americans so far. How can all 8 methods be wrong?
The CDC says nobody has died from the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Surely, you can’t believe that, can you? Peter Schirmacher showed without a doubt that at least 30% to 40% of the deaths within 2 weeks after vaccination were caused by the vaccine. Someone is lying. Do you have an expert more qualified than Schirmacher who claims he’s wrong?
Why were there 4X as many cardiac arrests in the treatment group than the placebo group in the clinical trial. The VAERS data shows very clearly a 450X increase in cardiac events post vaccine. Isn’t it possible that those deaths could have been caused by the vaccine? How was that possibility ruled out?
Dr Toby Rogers found we’ll kill 117 kids for each kid we save from COVID. Is this acceptable? Did he get it wrong? How? What is the correct risk-benefit analysis that we should be using that shows this number?
How come sports players are dying on the field at a rate 60 times higher than normal?
The Pfizer data presented at the CDC meeting showed the VAERS data for myocarditis is at least 5X under-reported. How come the CDC hasn’t said anything?
Every physician we talk to says there are higher rates of everything post-vaccine than pre-vaccine. How is that possible?
Can we see evidence that the rates of myocarditis is lower with COVID than the vaccine, e.g., from actual clinical practices? We’d love to see this data.
VAERS analysis
VAERS analysis shows clearly that these vaccines kill more people than they save. Did we get it wrong?
VAERS shows causality due to time proximity and dose dependency. Why won’t anyone from the CDC acknowledge this? We can satisfy all 5 Bradford-Hill critera. So we can prove the vaccines caused these injuries including death.
If the CDC is telling the truth that there are no deaths from the vaccine, how do you explain the causality numbers in VAERS?
We calculate a URF of 41 using the CDC methodology and the VAERS numbers. What is the correct number and how did we goof?
How come there are more VAERS events reported this year than all 30 years combined? It isn’t overreporting since individual providers report exactly the same statistic, like 2000 cases this year and 0 in the last 11 years.
Why are there over 4,000 adverse events in VAERS elevated by 10X or more over baseline?
What was the cause of the deaths of the 14 kids the CDC analyzed? These were not “normal” deaths. So what “caused” them? Bleeding in the brain??? Why is this showing up this year yet no record of it in 30 years of VAERS history for that age range. Isn’t that a big suspicious?
VAERS shows this is the deadliest vaccine in human history, even with a URF of 1. So why are we allowing it?
Can we bust the CDC claim about causality? It’s time to put that one to bed, isn’t it?
How come John Su isn’t defending himself against our allegations that he didn’t calculate the VAERS URF and nobody from the CDC will come to his defense either?
How about that Harvard study? It shows the line is sloping the wrong way. How do you explain that? It seems pretty incriminating?
How come the US has 150X times higher cases per capita than Uttar Pradesh which has just an 11% vaccination rate.
If the vaccines are so effective than how can a New York hospital have a 90% admission of vaccinated patients in an area with a 50% vaccination rate?
The Pfizer study shows 20 people who got the drug died vs. 14 who got the placebo. How can anyone conclude that the drug is the better option if you want to stay alive?
Why is Gavin Newsom not taking the $5M for giving us a blank piece of paper. Most sane people would take that offer in a heartbeat. Is he hiding something or is there a legit reason for the bizarre behavior?
How about the case of Maddie de Garay? Isn’t that clinical trial fraud? How come you aren’t holding them accountable? A permanent paralysis in the treatment group is something people should be aware of, isn’t it?
How about fraud in the Pfizer study. It’s a double blind study, yet there were 5X the exemptions in the treatment group than the placebo group. That was bigger than the effect size. How come nobody said anything?
Do you agree with the CDC that recovered people cannot spread the virus. Therefore, those who are recovered should certainly be exempt
Do you agree that people who recover from COVID and get it again won’t be hospitalized or die? Got a counterexample?
Can we see the risk-benefit analysis showing mandates are a good idea? And how do you tradeoff risking my life for someone else’s life?
If the vaccine works, why do we need mandates? If the vaccine don’t work, why do we need mandates?
Do you agree with this? “COVID vaccine mandates are necessary because the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.”
Let’s chat about masking. Fauci said they were useless, then 1 month later, they are required. Did the laws of physics change in March 2020?
Early treatments
Why aren’t we using early treatment protocols like Fareed and Tyson with a 99.76% reduction in hospitalization and 100% reduction in death?
Newsom is mandating our kids get the vaccine, but his kids are unvaccinated. If it is safe for our kids, how come it isn’t safe for his kids?
I forgot to mention this in this thread or another. My wife said absolutely no booster for her. It's not because I'm married to her, but she's a tough chick that rarely gets sick or complains about stuff. I think she's having more issues than she's telling me about. It's been about 2 weeks now with sinus like infection and dry cough. Then the lady part issues.Funny, my wife said the same thing. No booster for her after she got Pfizer in May/June timeframe. She has also had some sinus issues and keeps asking if I have the same problem, but nope...I don't because I didn't inject experimental poison into my body. Deep down she knows this is a big fucking "I told you so" which of course I won't bring up, but she has had some minor issues here and there and I'm curious if she thinks it's the vaxx.
Covid vaccine schedule is very suspicious. It's not just two and done. It's not just one booster annually. It's several a year. The only thing I know is that the "vaccine" is on the same schedule as a porcine zona pellucida vaccine (PZP).Some guy in the Conspiracy sub-reddit posted about this. The PZP maker has a partnership with Pfizer in using their nanolipid delivery system or some shit. Holy hell man...it's starting to line up.
PZP is used to sterilize wild horses and other species. The PZP vaccine is usually given, initially, in a series of 2 vaccinations 2-6 weeks apart and then a booster every 8 months to a year, depending on the species. It reduces pregnancy rates by 80-90% The CEO of Pfizer is also a veterinarian.
Sound schizo? Find me another "vaccine" with the same schedule! Until then I'm staying entirely suspicious that this is the only one the Covid shots match up with schedule wise.
This is interesting. But PZP doesn't alter your RNA like the Covid vaccines do. I'm sure sterilization is a major part of their plan but I think it's way more diabolical than that.
As a side note, I had lunch with an old colleague of my who is 42 years old. He had the Pfizer shots back in April I believe. He told me that over the last six months, his testosterone and libido have dropped to the point where he needs Viagra to have sex with his newlywed wife. She's pissed because she thinks he's not into her anymore, but I wonder if these vaccines just slowly deteriorate your mojo.
Funny, my wife said the same thing. No booster for her after she got Pfizer in May/June timeframe. She has also had some sinus issues and keeps asking if I have the same problem, but nope...I don't because I didn't inject experimental poison into my body. Deep down she knows this is a big fucking "I told you so" which of course I won't bring up, but she has had some minor issues here and there and I'm curious if she thinks it's the vaxx.
As a side note, I had lunch with an old colleague of my who is 42 years old. He had the Pfizer shots back in April I believe. He told me that over the last six months, his testosterone and libido have dropped to the point where he needs Viagra to have sex with his newlywed wife. She's pissed because she thinks he's not into her anymore, but I wonder if these vaccines just slowly deteriorate your mojo.
Let’s not forget the easiest argument in the book. “I’m waiting until there’s enough supply globally for everyone to get their first shots, never mind my third. I don’t want to be selfish.”
Liberal heads will explode at this. There is no response. Their internal computers will be met with errors that conflict other errors that conflict other errors. Total meltdown. Then you can quietly walk away as their eyes turn to blue screens of death.
We've all read negative reactions to the jab. I'm starting to think it's worse than what is being reported because women feel like they cannot speak up about it. My wife's current behavior, emotion and physical issues are not normal. I tread lightly so as not to throw it in her face, but I told her not to get this shit. You're young and healthy. This vaccine isn't even approved by themselves for fucks sake. Why take it? EUA is bullshit. Should be UA, Unapproved Authorization.
No one, even women want to appear weak generally.
With vaxes, they can't even begin to diagnose all the stuff that comes from vaccine injury, either obvious or subtle, and the auto-immune stuff many try to act as if it is psychosomatic.
WookieMan saysNo one, even women want to appear weak generally.
BTW, when raising chickens we learned that sick chickens will do their best to look well, because looking sick makes them targets for predators.
The very idea of having your body generate a protein embedded in your cell walls so that you body can learn to attack that protein is just begging for auto-immune disorders.
My wife's current behavior, emotion and physical issues are not normal. I tread lightly so as not to throw it in her face, but I told her not to get this shit. You're young and healthy. This vaccine isn't even approved by themselves for fucks sake. Why take it? EUA is bullshit. Should be UA, Unapproved Authorization.I'll do you one better. My wife is young and healthy AND already had Covid and STILL got this fucking poison injected into her body. Why? So we should go places and not be restricted. I asked her yesterday about the booster and she said "no, unless I need it to go places or travel". What the flying fuck?
I'll do you one better. My wife is young and healthy AND already had Covid and STILL got this fucking poison injected into her body. Why? So we should go places and not be restricted. I asked her yesterday about the booster and she said "no, unless I need it to go places or travel". What the flying fuck?
As a side note, I had lunch with an old colleague of my who is 42 years old. He had the Pfizer shots back in April I believe. He told me that over the last six months, his testosterone and libido have dropped to the point where he needs Viagra to have sex with his newlywed wife. She's pissed because she thinks he's not into her anymore, but I wonder if these vaccines just slowly deteriorate your mojo.
When one's body is fighting for its right to live, the Pony Baloney is not high on the priority list.
Fauci says babies and toddlers could be eligible for COVID-19 vaccine by early 2022
When one's body is fighting for its right to live, the Pony Baloney is not high on the priority list.
We are in the middle of world war three. Needles are cheaper than bombs.
Rin saysWhen one's body is fighting for its right to live, the Pony Baloney is not high on the priority list.
When you're married for a while, the tables turn and you need to fuck 'em regular or they get cranky.
I have no idea how this paper made it past the censors but there it is! This was published a month ago but didn’t receive much fanfare and now we know why—it confirms what we’ve been saying for months now: the vaccines have not stopped and likely will not stop the pandemic.
Back in July we tweeted that the CDC data mapping vax rates to COVID-19 case rates shows ZERO impact of the former on the latter:
CORONAVIRUSOfficial Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher in Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed
Demolishes case for vaccine passports.
Published 14 hours ago on 19 November, 2021Paul Joseph Watson
germany's vakzine fail
despite over 67% fully vaxxed covid looks worse than 2020 ...
germany reached 50% fully vaxxed on july 27th. that figure is now over 67%.
it is making NO difference.
all else equal, just given prior surges and the greater past generation of natural immunity you’d expect a drop.
but we’re seeing a major rise instead.
to make this easier to see, i grabbed the our world in data data and plotted it year against year starting august 1.
cases are MUCH higher. they are currently 124% higher as a 7 day moving average than this date last year. ...
but perhaps it works on severity?
nope. on a societal scale, it does not seem to. the hospitalization data was sparse and incomplete for germany, so i looked at deaths instead.
they have been higher all along and are basically indistinguishable now.
taken as a cumulative, deaths are 84% higher than the same time span a year ago despite a variant with notably lower CFR.
And I bet it's way under-reported.Yes, of course. Only symptomatic cases that seek medical care are reported. Unreported are symptomatic cases that do not seek medical care and asymptomatic cases.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.