SIkh Genocide 2.0 started.

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2022 Jan 5, 6:14pm   2,434 views  35 comments

by indc   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Since the sikh guy is not gracing the site anymore I think I want to inform you all about the next step in Sikh genocide 2.0.

Today sikhs blocked the Indian PM car in the state of Punjab in India. The PM of India wanted to sacrifice himself to start the Sikh genocide.

I have to agree with @Farmerswon and feel bad for all the Sikhi in the world.



This is Piers Corbyn, brother of former UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

He is making fun of Indian PM since he had to return as the road was blocked by the "farmers". US should learn from this. If you give in to thugs it will just embolden them. Indian PM gave in to these thugs and now they attacked him directly.

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1   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 5, 6:39pm  

He should use an Mi-6 and fly 100 feet over them, giving them the bird.
2   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 5, 7:03pm  

I am not checking this site for now.
@patrick has great feature that I get a email message, if there is a comment directed at me.
Thanks @indc for adding me , So That I can show once again "Liar Liar, Hindooo pant on fire".

1) First last week he commented that "Sikh is arrested" for a Hindooo agent causing Bomb Blast in Germany.
It was a fakest news ever as there was no arrest and Sikhs don't cause bomb blasts of innocents, It is only Hindooo cult looking for Riots and Genocide.
Nbody was arrested. @indc ran away after spreading fake news.

2) Now their leader Modi ran away by making this story of blockage. The real reason was zero participation from Punjabis and #ModiGoBack campaign same was Simon Go back against the British.

Punjab is not Hindu Land where you pay 3x the Hindoo median wage of "$1.5" and people will show up. He saved himself from embarrassment by using typical Hindu liar trick.
3   indc   2022 Jan 5, 7:10pm  

HAHAHA, you leftis dont change in any part of the world. This is same tactic used to show there was no support for trump.

5   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 5, 7:16pm  

Twitter banned me for calling for "Death Penalty" for Sikh Genocide 2.0 promoters.
They only restored after many back and forth and was forced to delete those tweets.
We are asking for fairness to also ban those who call for Sikh Genocide 2.0.

@paraga at twitter CEO is biased Hindu it seems.
6   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 5, 7:19pm  

After PM Modi returns, threats of Genocide and 'Repeat of 1984' (massacre of Sikhs) openly given on social media.
Not only veiled handles on twitter have been used for posting hate messages against Sikh community, even from genuine FB accounts ...
8   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 5, 7:39pm  

indc says
HAHAHA, you leftis dont change in any part of the world. This is same tactic used to show there was no support for trump.


700 against 500k expected.
Not big achievement. Your video itself show.
I don't have time, But You can search for payment made to bring those 700 also.

Liar Liar, Hindooo pant on fire again.
9   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 5, 7:43pm  

OK Final reports are in. seems 5K NOT 700.
1% of 500k expected.

5,000 turn up at PM Narendra Modi’s Ferozepur rally venue
BJP had claimed 5 Lakh people would attend event in border district of Ferozepur
11   PerfectlyFlawed   2022 Jan 5, 9:53pm  

So he was in twitter jail after all.
12   indc   2022 Jan 6, 10:45am  

FarmersWon says
Twitter banned me for calling for "Death Penalty" for Sikh Genocide 2.0 promoters.
They only restored after many back and forth and was forced to delete those tweets.
We are asking for fairness to also ban those who call for Sikh Genocide 2.0.

@paraga at twitter CEO is biased Hindu it seems.

Twitter is so pro-hindu that a hindu's account(journalist) is suspended because all she did was requested indian Home minister to save her brother from terrorists in Kashmir on twitter.

@Farmerswon shared pictures of spikes on road to stop the Farmers as they were trying to drive tractors on to police. Maybe Indian Police should have put Tanks on the road like in tiananmen square.
13   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 6, 12:15pm  

indc says
@Farmerswon shared pictures of spikes on road to stop the Farmers as they were trying to drive tractors on to police. Maybe Indian Police should have put Tanks on the road like in tiananmen square.

We all know Hindu is Genocidal cult.
We are running a handle "#HindusCalling4SikhGenocide " and thousands are tweeting.
Hopefully we can shame some Hindus with soul to accept humanity, @indc and cult are hardened Hindu Nazis.
14   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 6, 12:34pm  

indc says
@Farmerswon shared pictures of spikes on road to stop the Farmers as they were trying to drive tractors on to police. Maybe Indian Police should have put Tanks on the road like in tiananmen square.

Meanwhile no spikes for French farmers in civilized country.
Spikes only in Lawless mob ruled Hindu Land where 80% of politicians are criminals.
Dirty Protest: Huge pile of manure dumped at France's National Assembly

Lindu slayer
Follows you
ਜਬ ਲਗ ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ ਰਹੇ ਨਿਆਰਾ ॥
ex lindu now a proud sikh, first I used to worship rocks now I worship eternal akaal purakh. I bash lindus for a living
15   indc   2022 Jan 6, 12:52pm  

FarmersWon says

We all know Hindu is Genocidal cult.
We are running a handle "#HindusCalling4SikhGenocide " and thousands are tweeting.
Hopefully we can shame some Hindus with soul to accept humanity, @indc and cult are hardened Hindu Nazis.

Hindus were genocided by muslims/ christians and are now not ready to be genocided by Mc-sikhi now. I am hoping we learnt something in last 1000 yrs. If Nazism is the only way then I think we should do that too. Personally I dont agree with Nazism as it is result of christianity.
16   indc   2022 Jan 6, 12:59pm  

FarmersWon says
Meanwhile no spikes for French farmers in civilized country.
Spikes only in Lawless mob ruled Hindu Land where 80% of politicians are criminals.

For how many days did the french farmers block the road?

Are you forming khalisthan in france now. Good luck.

Just because you make a cartoon doesn't mean that is the truth. My suggestion for your movement instead of calling it Sikh genocide 2.0. Call it Sikh genocide 6.0, maybe it will be more acceptable.

genocide 1- mughals, thousands killed.
genocide 2- in pakistan millions killed.
genocide 3- in afghanistan thousands killed.
genocide 4- killed as troops for british
genocide 5- in delhi thousands killed*
genocide 6- the supposed genocide now happening in the world.
17   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 6, 1:15pm  

indc says
For how many days did the french farmers block the road?

Pretty much every one of french farmers. Only Hindu slave take shit from tyrants as it in their DNA.

indc says
Are you forming khalisthan in france now. Good luck.

Cow Toxins cause brain hemorrhage after dementia... You getting there.So quit ON THAT STUFF.

indc says
Just because you make a cartoon doesn't mean that is the truth. My suggestion for your movement instead of calling it Sikh genocide 2.0. Call it Sikh genocide 6.0, maybe it will be more acceptable.

Hindu coming to Guru Deg Bahadar is historical fact, So no explanation needed for that part of picture.
If You need proof for Hindu "blue tickers" are calling for Sikh Genocide. Just go to twitter and their Shit show in various rallies.

The Genocide numbering is post Hindu Land as Mughals were already chopped and thrown in history garbage.
Hindu Cult MOB RULE is on death bed and going to expire soon and replaced with "Khalsa Raj".
18   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 6, 1:26pm  

Genocidal Hindu.
If even a scratch would have come to @narendramodi
ji, then you must understand @rahulgandhi
what could have happened...?!

1984 would be dwarfed in all memories, be aware clearly.

Modji ji is the head of a family of 130 crore Indians.
19   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 6, 1:41pm  

Our resident "Brahman corruption and indecency" expert is saying they came from Thailand.

English translation:
Absolutely all Thai traitors should be checked. I say check the dirt lying in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan.

Some live sermons are happening and generally every episode is new discover about Brahman treason.
20   indc   2022 Jan 6, 2:03pm  

FarmersWon says
indc says
For how many days did the french farmers block the road?

Pretty much every one of french farmers. Only Hindu slave take shit from tyrants as it in their DNA.

I asked how many days did they block the road. Are you weak on comprehension?
21   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 6, 2:29pm  

indc says
I asked how many days did they block the road. Are you weak on comprehension?

Problem is with you.
As long as it took to get their demands met.

French were smart and have civilized system, so agreed quickly.
Hindu criminal mob run system(80%+ politicians are rapists) were forced on knees in one year by brave farmers.

French politician can still visit farmers, Whereas Hindu mob is insulted and thrown out from every place. Like Genocider Modi from Punjab.
22   indc   2022 Jan 7, 9:00am  

HunterTits says

I did not see your @Huntertits message in another thread about kazakhstan. Why dont you grace yourself over there too here for your reference.

23   indc   2022 Jan 7, 9:01am  


Here a SIkhi telling how to kill the PM of India. And people making games about killing indian PM.
24   RWSGFY   2022 Jan 7, 9:34am  

25   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 7, 9:48am  

indc says

Here a SIkhi telling how to kill the PM of India. And people making games about killing indian PM.

Like every dictator in past, Sikhs have defeated Modi intellectually and in race for ethical and moral high ground.
He like every dictator in past is looking to take revenge by causing Sikh Genocide 2.0.
Hindu Cult is in end phase and will be destroyed like Mughals.

Why Modi can do is because Hindu has Genocidal DNA.
@indc like Genocidal Hindu will like to see Sikh blood spilling.
They worship God of torture.
27   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 7, 10:06am  

Modi is characterless Hindu like 80% of their rapist politicians and large population.
He is faking attempt on his life.
He can just declare himself like Hitler and come for Sikh Gencide 2.0 like Nazis came after Jews.
A video has emerged which shows that @BJP4India
workers were hailing @PMOIndia
during his halt on a flyover at Piyareana village on January 5. A remote angle of this scene was used by media to report it as a protest threatening life of Indian PM. #StopDefamingPunjab
28   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 7, 10:12am  

Remember Hindu/Hindu Land approval rating is 0% in Sikhs.
Also Sikhs never thought of Hindu backstabbing in 1984 after their centuries of protecting them.... So they were caught off guard by Hindu treason.

Now typical Hindu is treated like a "Bastard ready to back stab" by Sikhs and they won't wait for Genocider Hindu Land government this time to protect themselves.
It will be war not genocide and Hindu may win from Sikhs, But China and Pakistan will capture most of it by the time Sikhs are forced to retreat to other countries.
29   indc   2022 Jan 7, 10:39am  

FuckCCP89 says

That is what Churchill said when he was told indians were dying because of famine during WW2.
30   indc   2022 Jan 7, 12:41pm  

HunterTits says
Not that it is not bad what is happening to the Sikh's in India. Just nobody gives a shit in the grand scheme of things anymore than ppl really care about the Kurt's in the ME or the Rom in Eastern Europe.

I completely agree with what you are saying. You should not be bothered by what is happening in India or in Europe. But the discussion here is not about India. Its about sikhs in your neighborhood who are propagating terrorist activities in your neighborhood. Will you hate 100% muslims in your neighborhood hopefully not. But you should be careful about the 5% who want to harm you or someone else in the name of religion. @FarmersWon tries hard to project hindus in bad space I am ok with that everyone has their own opinions. But if your opinions start affecting others thats when problem starts. You calling India a shitty place does not bother me. But if you say I want to bomb it to teach it a lesson that is when the problem starts.

The sikhs in North America and europe even in AUstralia became a backbone of the agri-economy. They had bad experience in India I dont deny that but they had been radicalised in the west by imaginary stories and pakistani ISI. Now they are too rich for western economies to ignore them and they are really batting to kill some hindus because their ancestors faced some discrimination. In reality sikhs are safe in India, just these rich sikhs are trying to forment trouble in India. Which I am trying to point out.

Coming back to Kazhakistan it is only 1000 miles from place where sikhs want to trouble India :)
31   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 7, 1:22pm  

indc says
Its about sikhs in your neighborhood who are propagating terrorist activities in your neighborhood. Will you hate 100% muslims in your neighborhood hopefully not. But you should be careful about the 5% who want to harm you or someone else in the name of religion.

Show me police reports of Sikh terrorism in west in last 10 years.
I have shown countless of Hindus deported for attacking Sikhs.

indc says
Now they are too rich for western economies to ignore them and they are really batting to kill some hindus because their ancestors faced some discrimination

Why don't you tell How generations of Sikhs saved Hindu ass and their women?
Also tell what You guys are doing now. Click on the link and All the Hindus calling for Sikh genocide will show up.
Sikhs want international tribunals and hanging of Hindu perpetrators.

32   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 7, 1:29pm  

indc says
In reality sikhs are safe in India, just these rich sikhs are trying to forment trouble in India. Which I am trying to point out.

India and safe. Drink less of Cow toxins.

They are doing Hitler style rallies and this @indc idiots is saying minorities are safe in India.
33   Blue   2022 Jan 7, 1:36pm  

Sikhs are new Muslims.
34   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 7, 1:49pm  

Blue says
Sikhs are new Muslims.

Hindus are still Hindus. Genocidal and Nazi worship for ever.
Rape/Riot DNA can never change.

BJP goons doing this on purpose to have response from #Sikhs as a retailation and then can create polarisation of votes. Cheap tactics by them are aimed at erupting violence in #Punjab . Pls tackle it @CHARANJITCHANNI
35   TechBrosWon   2022 Jan 7, 1:56pm  

Hindooo dirty since 1947. Time for Hindoo cult is over.

Sun with raysThe case of "No Sikh Vacancies" in army - started by Sardar Patel - who was as anti-Sikh, if not more, as Gandhi & Nehru!
Fleur-de-lisUnsurprisingly, he was also responsible for dispatching circular to Govt offices mentioning all Sikhs as criminal tribes and to be monitored & 'handled'.

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