Canada trucker convoy reaches half a million people

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2022 Jan 25, 12:07pm   76,851 views  998 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I admire these truckers.

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282   stereotomy   2022 Feb 7, 2:51pm  

Oh Canada - Fuck Yeah!
285   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 2:55pm  

NuttBoxer says
Actually, studies have shown only 3% is necessary. American Revolution was fought by a minority. That's how it usually goes. We do the grunt work, and if we win, THEN everyone joins us.

290   Eric Holder   2022 Feb 7, 3:20pm  

I found several used truck tractors for as low as $11K on Craigslist. Fully functioning with about 300K miles on the clock and minor issues like a coolant leak... Might not be a good vehicle for real trucking but fucking perfect to be parked in the middle of some Sacramento intersection. Add a used trailer for $5-6K and it becomes even perfectER. =))
291   Patrick   2022 Feb 7, 5:20pm  


Mark Changizi

One of the frustrations of the Covid Cult is that the folks in the Resistance are not cancellable.

Most of us are previously unknown, don’t have fancy high profile resumes we’re trying to defend at all costs, and won’t get fired for speaking out.

Basically, we’re truckers.

295   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 3:35am  


Many Canadians wrote in with their personal experiences of the trucker convoy. Here’s one report:

I live in a mid-sized city in Southwestern Ontario, roughly 6 hours from Ottawa, in good traffic. On Thursday, I drove up with a friend to Ottawa to see the convoy as it rolled into town. Up the 401 (the busiest highway in North America and the critical artery that ties Southwestern Ontario together), we saw crowds of people waving flags, holding signs with supportive messages for the convoy, and cheers on every overpass. Anytime that we were near a tractor-trailer as it rolled under a bridge, the crowds packed on top hooped and hollered—even though there was no way to tell if that truck was part of the convoy!

On Thursday night, Ottawa was still relatively quiet, although there were a lot of Canadian flags flying from pickups and SUVs. Regular folks who got in their cars, pickups, SUVs, and vans beat the convoy to Ottawa on Thursday night and early Friday morning.

Around 10 AM on Friday, January 28, the HONKING began. Day 1 of The HOONKENING. People in pickups, cars, SUVs, vans were starting to pile into town, and they began jamming up roads in the downtown core, most importantly Wellington St, the street the Parliament buildings sit on. As far as I can ascertain, the first big trucks arrived from the Southwestern Ontario leg a couple of hours later. They, too, piled up on Wellington St and other roads in the downtown core and held their horns down.

Seemingly, entire hotels in Downtown Ottawa were booked out by protestors. I walked the streets of downtown with a group of friends on Friday night. Despite the temperature hovering somewhere around -27℃, the city was one giant block party. Folks were screaming at the top of their lungs for "FREEEEEEEEDOM!!!!" firecrackers and fireworks popped off intermittently, HOONKING was incessant. One woman was running around with her shirt off, wearing body paint that said "My Body, My Choice," while a burly gent wielded dual Canadian flags wearing nothing but his underwear and some steel-toes.

People actually had fun in this country for the first time in two years.

I entered the lobby of the Ottawa Marriott hotel, and the best way I can describe the scene is by likening it to the Taliban takeover of the American embassy in Kabul last year. Gents were guzzling wine straight from the bottle, smokes were lit, and no one was wearing a mask except for the cowed security guard standing by the door, head down, having been defeated earlier that day by the sheer overwhelming numbers.

We moved up the floors, and every suite had a raucous party underway. I got up to the 26th floor and stepped out onto the balcony to see the whole street below packed with crowds of people streaming between the trucks, still honking, echoing up into the sky. Ottawa was occupied.

I managed to retreat to a quiet place on the outskirts of town and lay down to rest. But, the party did not stop. It stretched into the morning of Saturday, halted for an hour or so around 8 AM so people could grab some breakfast, and then revved right back up again. Everyone in the downtown core converged on Parliament like moths to a light. Parliamentary Security put barriers up at every entrance except one, creating a chokepoint everyone had to pass through. However, the numbers proved decisive again, and they soon gave up any attempts at screening the crowd.

This was also when the Western leg arrived in town, further causing massive traffic jams and effectively forcing pedestrian travel in the downtown core.

The scene was much the same on Sunday, except the focus shifted from the Hill itself to a truck parked across Wellington St equipped with a flatbed and a booming sound system. Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People's Party of Canada (the only political party that has fought against covid restrictions since the beginning and the first organized group, in general, to do so), spoke and got huge applause from the crowd.

Many people headed home on Sunday night, and the crowd had noticeably thinned on Monday, yet Wellington St was still loaded with trucks. On Tuesday, when I left, all but the most hardcore truckers had left the city. The group still present at the Hill intend to stay there for two to four years if necessary!

Since returning to my home city, I have noticed that mask compliance has absolutely cratered, though it was never high here, to begin with. I would estimate about 2 out of every ten people still walk around with their cuck muzzle. Many businesses that have capacity limits in Ontario, such as gyms, spas, and restaurants, now openly defy them.

In Saskatchewan, the Premier announced that his province would scrap every covid-related restriction and measure within the month, including the vaccine passport. In Québec, the psychopath in charge, who has perhaps been one of the most gleefully-dictatorial politicians in the Western world throughout the dystopia, announced that he is scrapping the proposed "unvaccinated tax."

In Australia, the USA, and Europe, I have also heard reports of similar convoys taking inspiration from Canada that will drive to their respective capitals and demand an end to measures in their countries.

Recently, a smaller convoy has blockaded a critical border crossing in Alberta, where many goods pass into and out of Canada and the United States. The police did not mobilize heavily in Ottawa or attempt much of anything. However, the RCMP stationed at the Alberta border blockade are spooked and discussing violent actions against the truckers.

Given that Trudeau fled Ottawa like Louis XVI, well in advance of the convoy's arrival, and that no one in Ottawa attempted to storm Parliament despite outrageous corporate media incitation and blanket-designations of racism, white supremacy, and all the other –isms, it makes sense why the police stood by. But now that a critical economic node is threatened, action is taken. We'll see what happens.
296   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 3:40am  

Here’s another:

Hello from the centre of the trucker protest. I live 4 km from Parliament Hill [downtown Ottawa]. I have walked the streets of the protest on two occasions for about 4 hours each. Yesterday and today I ferried several drivers to my house for showers and conversation. I put one up for the night and will continue to try to be of service.

The Mass Psychosis Media continues to call these people racists and announce without evidence that they are destructive and violent. The Prime Minister in Hiding has called them ‘racists and misogynists with unacceptable views’. His only response to any question is vaccines. I have seen nothing but smiling polite and thoughtful people who may hold some very different views on many issues than I do but are united over the one issue of the protest, which is that vaccines should be a choice. The unvaccinated ones that I have spoken with have long lists of personal anecdotes about adverse reactions and tales of absurd regulations and restrictions from across this huge country. […]

The Liberal Party government and the left of centre party, the New Democratic Party (the one I used to vote for) that keeps their minority in power, claim that this a small fringe group of right wing extremists. The right wing politicians are capitalizing on their frustration and gaining their support by giving them a voice, but most are hard-working people who don't want anything to do with politics. The implementing of a requirement for compulsory inoculation for truck drivers crossing into Canada from the US touched off a protest supported by jabbed and unjabbed alike. They have the support everyone who has lost a job by the same restrictions on all government workers, Provincial or Federal no matter what kind of working conditions they have. My daughter-in -law works alone in the forest, tending to a fish spawning channel. A friend's son, a financial analyst who has always worked from home. Both have lost their employment. Farmers have now joined the protest. For every one who is on the Hill, including myself , there are at least a dozen who would be there with them if they could. The coordination that has gone into making sure everyone is well taken care of is very impressive.

This morning a heavy equipment mechanic was strolling among the trucks offering repairs. The downtown hotels are ignoring their mask requirements, allowing drivers to use the public washrooms and happily booking rooms that have been empty for almost two years.

There are widely trumpeted complaints from people who are not in this small capital city, that it has been 'paralyzed' . A few blocks near the houses of parliament are blocked by trucks. The rest of the city is experiencing nothing worse then the usual tie-ups from road construction and snowbanks. Relations with the police have been excellent and there is always a clear lane for emergency vehicles. At least there was until the city officials ordered large snow removal vehicles to block intersections. Did I say that we have a lot of snow that needs clearing? Blame it on the truckers.

The occupied area is the where the high-rise office buildings of government agencies and banking and other corporate headquarters are located. This area has been a ghost town for two years and the logistics of getting workers up the lifts with social distancing is an impossibility. These people have been working from home and the local radio station even did a story two weeks ago on a failing shoe repair business, a shop that used to be crammed with people sitting in their socks while the cobbler fixed their footwear.

The government is doubling down. Parliament has hardly sat during the pandemic and just returned from extended lockdown Christmas break on Monday. The conservatives tossed out their moderate leader this morning and have probably chosen an interim one while I am writing this.

It is very difficult to find information on what events are scheduled on the Hill or what danger the protesters now face. Facebook pages have to be rebuilt every day because they are taken down almost immediately.
297   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 9:57am  


Ottawa truckers trying to clean up trash, police stopping them from cleaning, based on technicalities.
298   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 10:07am  


After a judge ruled yesterday that honking is now illegal in Ottawa, truckers responded by honking.
299   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 10:07am  


Aerial footage of the blockade at the U.S.-Canada border in Coutts against restrictions and the vaccine pass.
300   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 10:22am  


Liberal MP Breaks Ranks: Trudeau Govt’s Policies Divisive, Reassess All Measures
Government and Covid-19, Protests, Truckers / By Gord Parks / February 8, 2022
Quebec MP Joël Lightbound just finished a press conference in which he sounded much like Interim Conservative Leader, Candice Bergen, MP, in her speech Monday, Jan. 31, where she lambasted Trudeau for his divisive politics in not supporting truckers and protesters outside on Parliament Hill for wanting their freedoms. Lightbound says the Liberal Party’s divisive politics, which spreads beyond the truckers and into broader society, must stop and that all Covid measures and vaccine mandates must be reevaluated like Dr. Theresa Tam has stated and like many other countries are now doing. A road-map with clear benchmarks on how to lift restrictions should also be part of the party’s move forward.

Lightbound says there are other party members who also feel “discomfort” over the current state of affairs.
302   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 12:26pm  


Bell and Rogers target TRUCKERS with planned blackout (after they had their fuel stolen)

Jessica Rose

I will be doing my best to keep lines of communication open. Trudeau asked the truckers to go home. They said no. So he’s commanding the cell companies to refuse service in a planned blackout.
303   Patrick   2022 Feb 8, 12:50pm  

After police banned people bringing in fuel for the truckers:

305   Ceffer   2022 Feb 8, 1:18pm  

Trudeau has ordered crop dusters to drop zyklon b and anthrax on the protesters. The Globalists REALLY REALLY want Canada, and no sacrifice of innocent lives is too many. Kommies will be Kommies.
306   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Feb 8, 1:59pm  

Patrick says
I will be doing my best to keep lines of communication open. Trudeau asked the truckers to go home. They said no. So he’s commanding the cell companies to refuse service in a planned blackout.

Hopefully not cutting video feed before launching a false flag, or committing physical violence against protestors.
308   HeadSet   2022 Feb 9, 5:56am  

Ceffer says
Trudeau has ordered crop dusters to drop zyklon b and anthrax on the protesters.

And the reply he gets: "But Sir, you banned all crop dusters for "environmental" reasons.
309   Blue   2022 Feb 9, 7:41am  

Just spoke to someone very nice but a vaxer lives near parliament, feels the life is almost normal, Trudeau is abscond for a while and not clear when he will be back. He is trying to make sure the truckers run out of money, fuel and leave!
311   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:38am  


American convoy March 1st, cars invited to join, get a CB radio.
312   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:40am  


Trudeau mocked for fleeing the honkening.
313   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:43am  


Testimony of Canadian policewoman. Hearts are breaking open. The trucking movement is going to do it. The time has come. The truth is rolling.
314   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:48am  


Trucker on some kids seeing his face without a mask.
315   Ceffer   2022 Feb 9, 9:51am  

Justin Castro apparently is doubling down on the Nazi/Kommie angle, so his instructions from Switzerland is to hold the Nazi line. If the solidarity protest breaks him, it is Globalists in the trash bins of the world. The little faggot frater murderer isn't up to the task of grim reaper Imperium.
319   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 10:12am  


Truckistan Amb. Poso 🏁
UPDATE: Truckers reject Kenney's statement. Say they want a PERMANENT end to mandates, not a temporary one.

Syd Fizzard
Coutts border blockaders were not happy with the announcement by Jason Kenney today, updates sure to come soon.

Help their legal defence at TruckerLawyer.ca
320   Ceffer   2022 Feb 9, 10:20am  

Justin Castro is complaining on the Globalist hotline that his body double is too ugly for him and has a gap between his front teeth. He demands more flattering body doubles and no tooth gaps.

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