Canada trucker convoy reaches half a million people

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2022 Jan 25, 12:07pm   76,870 views  998 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I admire these truckers.

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311   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:38am  


American convoy March 1st, cars invited to join, get a CB radio.
312   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:40am  


Trudeau mocked for fleeing the honkening.
313   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:43am  


Testimony of Canadian policewoman. Hearts are breaking open. The trucking movement is going to do it. The time has come. The truth is rolling.
314   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 9:48am  


Trucker on some kids seeing his face without a mask.
315   Ceffer   2022 Feb 9, 9:51am  

Justin Castro apparently is doubling down on the Nazi/Kommie angle, so his instructions from Switzerland is to hold the Nazi line. If the solidarity protest breaks him, it is Globalists in the trash bins of the world. The little faggot frater murderer isn't up to the task of grim reaper Imperium.
319   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 10:12am  


Truckistan Amb. Poso 🏁
UPDATE: Truckers reject Kenney's statement. Say they want a PERMANENT end to mandates, not a temporary one.

Syd Fizzard
Coutts border blockaders were not happy with the announcement by Jason Kenney today, updates sure to come soon.

Help their legal defence at TruckerLawyer.ca
320   Ceffer   2022 Feb 9, 10:20am  

Justin Castro is complaining on the Globalist hotline that his body double is too ugly for him and has a gap between his front teeth. He demands more flattering body doubles and no tooth gaps.
321   mell   2022 Feb 9, 10:21am  

Truck Fudeau!
325   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 7:11pm  


Nick Motichka, a 10-year veteran of the Calgary Police Service, delivered a strong message on Facebook to his fellow regulation enforcement officers: “Police are here to help and protect people” not “to do the politicians’ dirty work… What is happening in Ottawa, with the clear political influence on the police, to physically exert political will on peaceful protesters for nothing more than possible political gain is so very wrong, on so many levels.”
328   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 9:22am  


A working-class liberty movement
The Canada truckers protest goes global — and it’s about more than just vaccines

February 9, 2022

The problem is that the single biggest threat to any “order” is a disenchanted and capable minority — like, say, truckers able to snarl downtowns and blockade highways. If the consensus that underpins an order crumbles, if the mass buy-in that’s needed to sustain an order is no longer there, then the order itself can also give way. This is why Trudeau has no choice but to talk to the truckers: there is no other way out and they wield more power than he seems to think they do.

Yet beyond that, it’s also worth asking: do Canadians really subordinate liberty to order? Do their leaders really imagine that one of the most reliable impulses in human history, the desire to be free, suddenly goes dormant north of Buffalo? Yes, Canadians are more likely than Americans to be vaccinated and to support vaccine rules. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t grown weary of all the hectoring and bullying, the isolation and the depression and the enforced gloom, just like the rest of us have.

Protests often begin in response to specific policies only to grow into something larger. And just as the Tea Party in the United States blossomed out of opposition to Obamacare, just as the gilets jaunes in France exploded out of a fuel tax, so too do the Canadian truckers appear to be expanding their brief beyond cross-border vaccine mandates and into grander ideas of freedom and choice. The demonstrations have become a kind of primal honk against the entire dismal public health regime. And as another winter quarantine drags on, it’s not unforeseeable that they could garner mass support.

There’s another dimension to this too: political movements are very often mobilizations of one class against another. This appears to be the case with the truckers. I haven’t gone outside in days! white-collar remote workers wearing their Succession snuggies cry, neglecting to mention that their public-health staycations are made possible by those who must go out, by cooks and grocers and deliverymen and, yes, truckers. This is what the class divide looks like in the year 2022.

It may be that those who procure our food for a living have finally had enough of being pushed around. And the class identity here is enjoined to the ideology. It has been most absurdly suggested in some conservative circles of late that individual liberty is mainly a concern of elites. In fact, the opposite is true. It’s the ambitious bureaucrat and the gooey-eyed professor of theory who think they can remake society through force; the working man covets his freedom. The real divide over liberty runs not down the American-Canadian border but between the managerial class and the hardhats.

And so, thanks to those hardhats, things are now moving quickly. The truckers’ latest move has been to blockade the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, responsible for much of the commerce between Canada and the United States. Another border crossing into Montana has also been corked up. The provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan have responded by announcing they’re ending all Covid restrictions. Copycat protests have popped up from Australia to New Zealand to France to Belgium.

Trudeau has thus backed himself into a corner. Against such a mighty adversary, he has no choice but to negotiate, yet by sneering at the truckers, he’s ensured that any overture will look like a humiliating about-face. And that’s not even touching on the trainwreck of optics he’s created: this spoiled dauphin, this ludicrous Kennedy of the tundra, talking down to workers who want only to make decisions for themselves. After months of gray austerity imposed by heavy-handed government, a cheerful spirit of liberty is in the air.
329   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 10, 9:27am  

Patrick says
A working-class liberty movement
Fantastic writing and spot on!
330   mell   2022 Feb 10, 9:37am  

It's their fight club moment. Blue collar class realizes without them goes nothing. Godspeed!
331   stereotomy   2022 Feb 10, 9:45am  

"The people you are after are the people you depend on.
We cook your meals.
We haul your trash,
We connect your calls,
We drive your ambulances.
We guard you while you sleep.
Do. Not. Fuck. With. Us.

Prophetic in 1999 . . .
332   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 9:53am  


No jab no mask no test no form

Funny that the border guard asks about mask and test, but does NOT require them.
333   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 9:55am  


Lots of donations coming in for the protests
334   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 9:55am  


A flood of Canadians packed the streets of Toronto yesterday, refusing to comply with the whims of the government. Trudeau, smearing the movement from a distance, has yet to engage the people.
335   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 9:59am  


🇨🇦 Protesters block Canada-bound traffic on Ambassador Bridge in Windsor
336   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 10:12am  


Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Holly, noted the conversations happening between the Canadians and the White House and with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

“They found a way to effectively protest. I would not be shocked if we saw those kinds of protests in the United States because they have been so effective,” Slotkin said.
337   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 10:21am  

Birth of a Canadian trucker:

340   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 1:44pm  

Israel joining in:


Here are the Stated Goals of the Freedom Convoy Israel 2022:

“We’re demanding a complete end to the declared state of emergency, the Law of Rights, and all mandates and restrictions related to Covid-19.

As a result, the following rules will be adjusted accordingly:

✅ Full return to school without school closures, mandated testing, quarantines, masks, or any health-related issues in school.

✅ Businesses and Livelihoods- Full opening of the economy without any restrictions and a ban on harming the livelihood of workers for health related reasons.

✅ Human Dignity and Freedom: Citizens who are vaccinated and citizens who are unvaccinated are equal and are to be treated equally. We demand an immediate end to discrimination and the invasive nature of demanding medical choices be publicized. We demand that full rights to medical privacy be restored to every individual.”

Twitter avatar for @IsraelConvoy
Israel Convoy 2022
Pls retweet!
As of Monday, 14.2, Israel will join the freedom convoys!
We'll head to Jerusalem from all over the country to demonstrate for freedom and against the tyrannic legislation here!
Away darkness! People of the world are united for freedom!
347   Onvacation   2022 Feb 10, 6:03pm  

349   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 10:35pm  


Canadian police abusing an old man who supports the truckers.

1. I think I know how this trucker rebellion is going to end. Hear me out.

2. Two days in a row, Liberal MPs have publicly distanced themselves from Trudeau's fiasco. He's never had such a crisis before and he's never mismanaged it so badly. Gerald Butts' usual advice - smear everybody as racist sexist Nazis - isn't working. It's made things worse.

3. No-one believes it anymore, especially when everyone can see for themselves how happy and Canadian the crowd is. They see thousands of Canadian flags but they hear Trudeau snarling about Nazi flags. Suddenly Trudeau looks old and out of touch.

4. So Trudeau is abusing working people, minorities, independent thinkers. People who used to vote for him. I can't get over the fact that 57% of Green voters love the truckers. Trudeau's smiley mask has slipped; he's shown his rage. Voters will never un-see that.

5. Trudeau never apologizes (except for when he apologizes for other people's sins). He is emotionally incapable of admitting he was wrong. He never has in his life. So he's stuck as the angry guy. It's not a good look. That's 100% Gerald Butts.

6. Trudeau is polling as the worst politician to deal with the crisis according to BOTH pro- and anti-truckers! (How is that even possible?)

It's a remarkable combination of insults, incompetence, and fleeing the city. Both sides blame Trudeau.

PM Trudeau is supposed to speak tonight in the House.

Ottawa residents aren’t thrilled with his handling of the crisis. We didn’t explore this in more detail but suspect people want to know what he thinks can be done.

He’s alienated folks on both sides of the convoy

7. But he can't back down now. How can you call someone a racist sexist Nazi, and say you'll never meet with them -- and then meet with them?

But that's exactly what most people want Trudeau to do. Including half of the people in Ottawa!

8. Trudeau has made outrageous threats and the Ottawa Police have disgraced themselves by carrying out those threats with shocking brutality. This video has 3M views in two days. This is Trudeau's vibe now. But how can he back down? He can't lose face.

No Truckers No Freedom

9. That video is bad enough. But imagine going truck by truck, extracting men, women and children? Here's a vid from the Coutts border crossing. What's Trudeau going to do -- shoot them? Policing doesn't work when the bulk of citizens don't consent.

10. So the truckers aren't backing down. All Ottawa courts would do is end the honking. The Coutts and Milk River blockade probably have 5,000 people in the middle of the prairie. And now the single most important bridge in North America is locked down.

11. I call it the most important because it carries 25% of Canada-U.S. trade on it -- connecting the auto industry on either side of the Detroit River. And the bridge just happens to be privately owned, too.

12. Trudeau has no clue what to do. He's losing his cool. He's losing voters. He's even losing his MPs. Only the fools at the Ottawa Police and the Media Party are still marching with him. Gerald Butts is panicking -- he's lashing out and suing critics.

13. But look at this! Vice President Jen Psaki (I think that's her title) was asked about the truckers. And she didn't do a Butts. She didn't smear or slander or attack. In fact, she seemed to praise the truckers and pretend Joe Biden was one of them!

Psaki tries and fails miserably at gaslighting on hero Canadian truckers— dismissing their MASSIVE protest as "sporadic congestion and blockages" and "not related" to the vaccine mandate

They think you're stupid.

14. For all her flaws VP Psaki can control her emotions, unlike Trudeau and Butts. Trudeau thought demonizing truckers somehow made him look better, so he doused the fire with kerosene. Psaki was conciliatory and friendly. Why?

15. Again, because she can control her emotions. She doesn't have a vendetta against Canadian truckers like Trudeau does. She just doesn't want the Trucker Spring to spread to the U.S. She doesn't want the political optics. She doesn't want the economic carnage. She's a grown-up.

16. Imagine what a trucker rebellion would do in the U.S. Supply chain mess. Inflation. Unemployment. Visual proof of Biden's economic failure on TV every night. Alienating working class voters Biden needs so desperately this November.

Trudeau's mess is creeping over the bridge.

17. But the truckers are already changing the political climate. Half a dozen Democrat states just ended mask mandates. Democrats are looking for a graceful exit for Fauci. Biden doesn't need this staring contest. And here, I predict, is how this ends:

18. Biden gets the CDC to announce that The Science™️ has evolved again, and St. Fauci now says truckers don't need to be vaccinated to cross the border. Biden's policies are working so well, they can be retired already! Biden is a friend of the working man!

19. Biden saves the day. He saves jobs. He's normalizing America! And the Teamsters will praise him. And because he didn't demonize the truckers, he won't lose face.

But all cross-border trucks do round trips. So if Biden ends the vaccine mandate, Trudeau has to, as well.

20. You can't have a cross-border vaccine mandate in one direction. Biden will move, Trudeau will follow. He'll say it was for Canada-U.S. relations, and that it wasn't because of those racist, sexist, Nazi truckers.

But of course, it will be. And everyone will know it.

21. These Canadian truckers -- and everyone cheering them on, despite the rage of the establishment -- are saving Canada. They're already making us more free. They've done more damage to Trudeau than the last two Conservative Party leaders combined. They're a political tsunami.

22. They've restored a sense of community in a country that Trudeau and Butts pitted against itself. They've restored a common purpose in a country where lockdown laws kept us isolated from each other. They've literally been a moveable street festival. They're great Canadians.

23. I mean, come on. Don't you wish you were there?

24. But what's never happened before is these Canadian truckers will be responsible for making America a freer place. The daily TV images of the Canadian truckers have some paternity in the Democrats' about-face on masks this past week. (What other intervening event did that?)

25. But it's those brave truckers on the Ambassador Bridge who put a fright into Biden and Psaki. In 1812, the last time Canada invaded the U.S., they sacked the place and burned down the White House. Psaki doesn't know her history but Biden is old enough to have been there.

26. To save the U.S. economy from a trucker rebellion, Joe Biden will lift his trucker vaccine mandate. Trudeau will have to follow, though he will be so enraged he'll probably punch through the drywall.

I can't see much further into the future than that.

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