Canada trucker convoy reaches half a million people

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2022 Jan 25, 12:07pm   76,872 views  998 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I admire these truckers.

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347   Onvacation   2022 Feb 10, 6:03pm  

349   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 10:35pm  


Canadian police abusing an old man who supports the truckers.

1. I think I know how this trucker rebellion is going to end. Hear me out.

2. Two days in a row, Liberal MPs have publicly distanced themselves from Trudeau's fiasco. He's never had such a crisis before and he's never mismanaged it so badly. Gerald Butts' usual advice - smear everybody as racist sexist Nazis - isn't working. It's made things worse.

3. No-one believes it anymore, especially when everyone can see for themselves how happy and Canadian the crowd is. They see thousands of Canadian flags but they hear Trudeau snarling about Nazi flags. Suddenly Trudeau looks old and out of touch.

4. So Trudeau is abusing working people, minorities, independent thinkers. People who used to vote for him. I can't get over the fact that 57% of Green voters love the truckers. Trudeau's smiley mask has slipped; he's shown his rage. Voters will never un-see that.

5. Trudeau never apologizes (except for when he apologizes for other people's sins). He is emotionally incapable of admitting he was wrong. He never has in his life. So he's stuck as the angry guy. It's not a good look. That's 100% Gerald Butts.

6. Trudeau is polling as the worst politician to deal with the crisis according to BOTH pro- and anti-truckers! (How is that even possible?)

It's a remarkable combination of insults, incompetence, and fleeing the city. Both sides blame Trudeau.

PM Trudeau is supposed to speak tonight in the House.

Ottawa residents aren’t thrilled with his handling of the crisis. We didn’t explore this in more detail but suspect people want to know what he thinks can be done.

He’s alienated folks on both sides of the convoy

7. But he can't back down now. How can you call someone a racist sexist Nazi, and say you'll never meet with them -- and then meet with them?

But that's exactly what most people want Trudeau to do. Including half of the people in Ottawa!

8. Trudeau has made outrageous threats and the Ottawa Police have disgraced themselves by carrying out those threats with shocking brutality. This video has 3M views in two days. This is Trudeau's vibe now. But how can he back down? He can't lose face.

No Truckers No Freedom

9. That video is bad enough. But imagine going truck by truck, extracting men, women and children? Here's a vid from the Coutts border crossing. What's Trudeau going to do -- shoot them? Policing doesn't work when the bulk of citizens don't consent.

10. So the truckers aren't backing down. All Ottawa courts would do is end the honking. The Coutts and Milk River blockade probably have 5,000 people in the middle of the prairie. And now the single most important bridge in North America is locked down.

11. I call it the most important because it carries 25% of Canada-U.S. trade on it -- connecting the auto industry on either side of the Detroit River. And the bridge just happens to be privately owned, too.

12. Trudeau has no clue what to do. He's losing his cool. He's losing voters. He's even losing his MPs. Only the fools at the Ottawa Police and the Media Party are still marching with him. Gerald Butts is panicking -- he's lashing out and suing critics.

13. But look at this! Vice President Jen Psaki (I think that's her title) was asked about the truckers. And she didn't do a Butts. She didn't smear or slander or attack. In fact, she seemed to praise the truckers and pretend Joe Biden was one of them!

Psaki tries and fails miserably at gaslighting on hero Canadian truckers— dismissing their MASSIVE protest as "sporadic congestion and blockages" and "not related" to the vaccine mandate

They think you're stupid.

14. For all her flaws VP Psaki can control her emotions, unlike Trudeau and Butts. Trudeau thought demonizing truckers somehow made him look better, so he doused the fire with kerosene. Psaki was conciliatory and friendly. Why?

15. Again, because she can control her emotions. She doesn't have a vendetta against Canadian truckers like Trudeau does. She just doesn't want the Trucker Spring to spread to the U.S. She doesn't want the political optics. She doesn't want the economic carnage. She's a grown-up.

16. Imagine what a trucker rebellion would do in the U.S. Supply chain mess. Inflation. Unemployment. Visual proof of Biden's economic failure on TV every night. Alienating working class voters Biden needs so desperately this November.

Trudeau's mess is creeping over the bridge.

17. But the truckers are already changing the political climate. Half a dozen Democrat states just ended mask mandates. Democrats are looking for a graceful exit for Fauci. Biden doesn't need this staring contest. And here, I predict, is how this ends:

18. Biden gets the CDC to announce that The Science™️ has evolved again, and St. Fauci now says truckers don't need to be vaccinated to cross the border. Biden's policies are working so well, they can be retired already! Biden is a friend of the working man!

19. Biden saves the day. He saves jobs. He's normalizing America! And the Teamsters will praise him. And because he didn't demonize the truckers, he won't lose face.

But all cross-border trucks do round trips. So if Biden ends the vaccine mandate, Trudeau has to, as well.

20. You can't have a cross-border vaccine mandate in one direction. Biden will move, Trudeau will follow. He'll say it was for Canada-U.S. relations, and that it wasn't because of those racist, sexist, Nazi truckers.

But of course, it will be. And everyone will know it.

21. These Canadian truckers -- and everyone cheering them on, despite the rage of the establishment -- are saving Canada. They're already making us more free. They've done more damage to Trudeau than the last two Conservative Party leaders combined. They're a political tsunami.

22. They've restored a sense of community in a country that Trudeau and Butts pitted against itself. They've restored a common purpose in a country where lockdown laws kept us isolated from each other. They've literally been a moveable street festival. They're great Canadians.

23. I mean, come on. Don't you wish you were there?

24. But what's never happened before is these Canadian truckers will be responsible for making America a freer place. The daily TV images of the Canadian truckers have some paternity in the Democrats' about-face on masks this past week. (What other intervening event did that?)

25. But it's those brave truckers on the Ambassador Bridge who put a fright into Biden and Psaki. In 1812, the last time Canada invaded the U.S., they sacked the place and burned down the White House. Psaki doesn't know her history but Biden is old enough to have been there.

26. To save the U.S. economy from a trucker rebellion, Joe Biden will lift his trucker vaccine mandate. Trudeau will have to follow, though he will be so enraged he'll probably punch through the drywall.

I can't see much further into the future than that.
352   rocketjoe79   2022 Feb 11, 8:29am  

The defunding continues to try to get these good folks to cave in.
353   Cash   2022 Feb 11, 9:32am  

354   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 10:01am  


We should not have politicized the public health response to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

And Justin Trudeau should have focused on managing the actual ground truth of COVID-19 instead of following the script provided to him by the leadership of the World Economic Forum. ...

We are now seeing shocking signals of desperation from our globalist, corporatist opponents. The incompetence of the Party of Davos is becoming plain for all to see.

1) For the first time, we can clearly see that they are willing and able to collude with Silicon Valley to weaponize the banking system against us. ...

Taking 10 million US Dollars from a political fundraising campaign is something that most of us could not have imagined two years ago.

Clearly, this has backfired, because its exposed to everyone that there is an unnatural coordination between government, the information technology sector, and the banks.

And now we have direct video evidence of this collusion from the infamous Zoom call recording documenting the involvement of the Government and Mayor of Ottawa.

2) The censorship is ramping up, and our opponents are no longer really trying to justify it.

The attacks on Joe Rogan are truly a desperate act.

To attack the most beloved media icon in North America has so much downside and again, shows they are coordinating.


3) So desperate are these conspirators, they’ve now literally asked the US Department of Defense to commit a felony; changing data in the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database.

Stupidly, it had already been released - and is now being studied by the medical community. THEY WERE CAUGHT WITH THEIR PANTS DOWN, CHANGING DATA AFTER THE FACT. My guess is that this deserves criminal investigation.

This will also backfire, because now people are personally exposed and my guess will run for the hills or become whistleblowers. I hear that lawyer Thomas Renz is being inundated with new whistleblower actions and information releases.

4) It’s time to end the FAKE Emergency powers which have been used to suspend your constitutional and natural rights.

There is no Emergency. Treatment strategies for curing COVID-19 using repurposed drugs were discovered by March 2020. Omicron is not a killer. The censorship must stop.

Reading from the deeply academic book of Dr. Mattias Desmet titled “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” –

“Alternative voices are stigmatized by a veritable Ministry of Truth, which is crowded with “fact checkers”. Freedom of speech is curtailed by various forms of censorship and self-censorship; people’s right to self-determination is infringed upon by coercive vaccination strategies, which impose heretofore unthinkable social exclusion and segregation upon society.” ...

Regarding the genetic COVID vaccines, the science is settled.

They are not working to prevent infection, replication, and spread to others, and they are not completely safe. In our daily lives, with our friends, with our families, with our co-workers we all know that this is true.

They are not completely safe, and the full nature of the risks remain unknown. In contrast, the natural immunity which healthy immune systems develop after infection and recovery from COVID-19 is long lasting, broad, and highly protective from disease and death caused by this virus.

Now we have Omicron. These vaccines were designed for the Original Wuhan strain, a different virus. These vaccines do not prevent Omicron infection, viral replication, or spread to others, and there are data suggesting that they make the risk of infection and disease higher.

These genetic vaccines are leaky, have poor durability, and even if every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada were vaccinated, these products cannot achieve herd immunity and stop COVID.

If there is risk, there must be choice. ...

All of us have the right to understand those risks, and to decide for ourselves whether we willingly accept those risks. ...

Self-harm, suicide and drug abuse in children have taken off all around the world. Anxiety, bullying, intimidation, coercion have become the norm. Measured IQ in the very young has dropped. Fundamental childhood delays are easily measured. And physical damage to children from injecting them with genetic vaccines in order to protect the elderly from a virus is occurring.

As a parent, it is ultimately your responsibility to protect your children. If they are harmed by these genetic vaccines, you are the one that will have to take care of them. And you will carry that burden for the rest of your life and theirs. On average, between one in two thousand and one in three thousand children that receive these vaccines will be hospitalized in the short term with vaccine-caused damage. Only with the passage of time will we know what long term damage may occur. The vaccines do not protect our children from becoming infected with Omicron, and do not prevent infected children from infecting others. In contrast, the pharmaceutical companies and the government are almost fully protected from any damages these products might cause to them. If your child is damaged by these vaccines, you will be left alone with both your grief and the burden of care.

These genetic vaccines can damage your children. They may damage their brain, their heart, their immune system, and their ability to have children in the future. And many of these types of damages cannot be repaired.

So I beg you, please, get informed about the possible risks that your children may be damaged by these experimental medical products. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. Think for yourself. Because it is your responsibility to protect and nurture them. If they are damaged, no regional authority, no government public health official, no television doctor will be there to help you. You, your family and your child will have to carry the load yourselves. ...

Canada is your country. You own this amazing gift, but you must defend it if you wish to keep it, or the Globalists will take it from you. They promise that in the future you will own nothing and you will be happy. Do you believe them?
359   Ceffer   2022 Feb 11, 10:55am  

It is kind of interesting to watch. The Globalists and Soros have put in puppets who are despicable, spineless opportunists, addicts, mentally ill trannies, printing press diploma stooges, and outlandish idiots specifically to inflict humiliation on the population they want to murder. "Look how powerful we are. We can put these horrible apparitions into your institutions and allow them to rule over you, useless eaters!"

It doesn't seem that Davos/Bilderberg/Geneva et alia factored in that their puppets would be so dependent and incompetent, that they are incapable of implementing the One World Order. They aren't Stalins and HItlers, they are pathetic used car salesmen and Realtors.
363   Ceffer   2022 Feb 11, 11:40am  

Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, and now Ontario rolling back the Kommie vax mandate bullshit? That's four of the main six lower latitude states of Canada. Only Quebec and BC remaining?
"Headlines for February 11, 2022 -- Victory! Premier Doug Ford says Covid BS is Ending "Very Soon""
Victory! Ontario Premier Doug Ford caves and says he's pulling the passports.
"We're getting back to normal very soon!"

364   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 12:14pm  


Oath of Allegiance:

I, ________, do swear (declare) that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada,
Her Heirs and Successors.
So help me God.

The difference between America and Canada is that America is a republic, from res publica the "public thing". But Canada is still under a monarchy. It is not a republic.
365   Zak   2022 Feb 11, 12:21pm  

I always said that the left wing protests are interesting, and we should listen to them, and the right wing protesters the same, but if the center everyday people with jobs start to shut things down and protest, they will grind society to a halt and FORCE the issues back to reality by simply shutting down the infrastructure to live day to day. It's not a right wing issue when these working class folks are stopping their jobs for multiple weeks, and all along the way, their fellow citizens are bringing them food, fuel, and money.
366   Eric Holder   2022 Feb 11, 12:27pm  

Patrick says

Oath of Allegiance:

I, ________, do swear (declare) that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada,
Her Heirs and Successors.
So help me God.

The difference between America and Canada is that America is a republic, from res publica the "public thing". But Canada is still under a monarchy. It is not a republic.

367   Eric Holder   2022 Feb 11, 12:28pm  

Zak says
I always said that the left wing protests are interesting, and we should listen to them, and the right wing protesters the same, but if the center everyday people with jobs start to shut things down and protest, they will grind society to a halt and FORCE the issues back to reality by simply shutting down the infrastructure to live day to day. It's not a right wing issue when these working class folks are stopping their jobs for multiple weeks, and all along the way, their fellow citizens are bringing them food, fuel, and money.

This is what happens when the silent majority becomes not so silent.
368   Ceffer   2022 Feb 11, 12:32pm  

Patrick says
But Canada is still under a monarchy. It is not a republic.

Since 1871, the US Corporation has also been under the British Monarchy and the Vatican, albeit covertly. The Vatican has been DC tax collector and payroll dispensers, and has raked off their vig as debt repayments for themselves and City of London, Babylonian style, unbeknownst to the citizenry. Supposedly according to the Woo, the contracts/treaties with the Commonwealth have expired or gone bankrupt, and both Canada and Australia could be merged into US if they wanted to. The US Corporation is also bankrupt and now gone.

Any so called unity fantasies would have to be under a re-constituted Republic, however, if anybody even seriously wanted them.

"America Was Stolen by the Holy Roman Empire"
369   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 12:49pm  


Ontario residents cheering on the freedom protests on Facebook get a visit from police
Police in Ontario have admitted to scanning Facebook Groups for those that support the Freedom Convoy protests, finding their addresses and turning up at their doorstep to provide “information” about peaceful protests.

A viral video from a woman has been shared around social media, showing an officer turning up on the doorstep after the woman was taking part in a freedom-focussed Facebook group.

Government monitoring your "free" speech online and showing up at your door?

Reason 613 to never use Facebook at all, for anything. Same for Google. Your Google searches go into your dossier, to be used against you when convenient.
372   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 1:47pm  


If you were looking for a story to really tick you off today, I have the displeasure of telling you "ya found it!"

In a shocking viral video, you can see a 78-year-old man, who is a grandfather, and barely over 5 feet tall get roughed up and arrested by Ottawa Police for honking his car horn.
I wish it wasn't true. I wish that I, along with the other 3.4 million viewers, never saw this– I really wish it never happened.

It never should have happened.
This poor man's name is Gerald H. Charlebois. He is retired, lives in Ottawa, and focuses on being a grandfather.

On February 7, he made the "mistake" of honking his horn in support of the Trucker Freedom Convoy.

The video shows the officer grabbing the old man's arm stating that he "is under arrest." There is a bit of a struggle, then Gerald falls over, gets back up, and is put into handcuffs.

You can also click here to view this tweet on Twitter.
He eventually was fined $110 for honking.

Here is the video:

373   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 2:00pm  


We need a new name for Canada...
There are a lot of great suggestions!

Jessica Rose
Feb 10






Honk Kong




Northwest Truckertories




What say you guys? Well take a vote? Like in a Democracy!
374   Ceffer   2022 Feb 11, 2:04pm  

They are supposed to be cucks of the Crown, so 'Juggernautistan' would work.
375   Ceffer   2022 Feb 11, 3:01pm  

When your trucks are taken away from you:

376   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 3:31pm  


Canadian military investigates army officer who urged uprising against ‘medical tyranny’
Maj. Steve Chledowski appears in a video in which he calls federal and provincial politicians traitors

Author of the article:David Pugliese • Ottawa Citizen
Publishing date:Feb 11, 2022 • 1 hour ago • 3 minute read ...

Maj. Stephen Chledowski, an artillery officer, appears in a nine-minute video in which he accuses federal and provincial politicians of being traitors and suppressing the rights of Canadians. “I am calling on my military and police comrades to now stand up and protect your loved ones against this government-forced medical tyranny,” he said in the video downloaded on various social media outlets. ...

Chledowski, who appears in uniform during the video, says he has been in the military for more than 20 years and has served in Afghanistan. He stated he is unvaccinated and added that he has held several army command positions. Chledowski is an artillery officer based in Oromocto, N.B.

Chledowski claims “liar” politicians and governments have tricked Canadians with regulations and health measures designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. “For two years our elected government officials have been using the tactics of fear, intimidation, coercion and financial and physical violence against us to gain compliance for certain repeated medical procedures,” he said.

Chledowski claims the government has manipulated military and police. “You are now a weapon against the very people you love,” he said. ...

In May 2021, a Canadian Forces member who called on fellow military personnel to refuse to help with the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines was charged with an offence related to mutiny. It’s believed to be the first time in decades that the Canadian military has laid such a charge. A court-martial hearing will be held in September for that individual.

Officer Cadet Ladislas Kenderesi was charged with one count of “endeavoring to persuade another person to join in a mutiny,” an offence under the National Defence Act. Kenderesi was also charged with one count of behaving in a scandalous manner unbecoming of an officer.

Kenderesi will face a court martial sometime in September, DND officials have confirmed.

Kenderesi and Chledowski are true Canadian patriots. God bless them! I hope their message is heard by the rest of the Canadian military.

More objective reporting than the propaganda from nationalpost.com is here:


Here is his video:


original link
377   Ceffer   2022 Feb 11, 3:39pm  

"It is not Trudeau's choice to step down or to attempt to stay. It is the decision of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is a critical decision which will affect the entire world. This is not a battle for just Canada, it is a battle for the World. This is the first domino of corruption and if it falls, the entire plan of the WEF fails because all the corrupt dominos will fall if they are forced out of power. Leaving them in power really is simply a short respite for the People.
Frankly, the WEF cannot afford for Trudeau to step down. If he falls, Biden falls, Australia falls, New Zealand falls and all of Europe falls. Then the rest of the world joins in.
The sane world is crazy not to make Ottawa the hill they will die on and not give in. It is an opportunity unexpected. Probably an opportunity that will not come again.
The Truckers are truly the People's Army. Where else could you quickly assemble such a strong, younger Army to possibly confront the Globalist Tyranny Army? It is an Army everyone else can join and get behind. Half the Globalist Tyranny Army will desert them and join the Truckers if they appear to succeed in Ottawa.
Truckers can win, this but it will take support from everyone. There is a window of opportunity that will not stay open forever. Time is not on our side.
The WEF is not going to go without a fight or without having great fear that they will be smashed by this world-wide movement. Even then the WEF members will be sorely afraid of ending up like Mussolini hanging in the Milan Square and will fight to avoid that.
I think people greatly underestimate the overall importance of Ottawa and underestimate the difficulty of overcoming Trudeau. He and the WEF simply cannot afford to lose. I fear also that the People of the world cannot afford to lose in Ottawa. It will likely be the People's last battle if they lose Ottawa.
I do not agree that this is only about a non violent confrontation. I don't think the WEF will fold because of a lengthy non violent protest of a few thousand truckers. They have been working on this tyranny plan for 100 years. I think they will fold only if they are clearly weaker in strength than the People's Army. Whether it is non violent or violent confrontation, for either way to succeed requires great power standing behind the Truckers with obvious reserve waiting behind them. This means the WEF must act now before the People's Army grows too large with strong reserves. I expect action by the WEF soon to squash this uprising. This is not about Trudeau, this is the WEF plan in place around the world. Everyone must be ready to heavily support the Truckers and step into the battle if they are attacked."
379   Patrick   2022 Feb 12, 10:19am  


Bill Maher says Freedom Convoy truckers have a right to be 'pissed off' at elitists who 'sit at home in their Lululemons' before comparing Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to Hitler for questioning if the unvaccinated should be 'tolerated'
HBO Real Time host Bill Maher, 66, said the Freedom Convoy protesters have a right to be 'pissed off' at elitists who 'stay at home in their lululemon's'
Panelists author Vivek Ramaswamy and former presidential candidate Marianne Williamson agreed, saying the 'system is corrupt'
However, Williamson also pointed out that Americans should learn from the peaceful protesters in Canada, who are not attacking a government building
Maher later slammed Justin Trudeau for his controversial comments toward the 'tolerance' of the unvaccinated and compared the PM to Hitler
Trudeau said in September: 'They don't believe in science, they're often misogynistic, often racist. They take up space...do we tolerate these people?'
'Tolerate these people? Now you do sound like Hitler,' Maher said on his show on Friday

When Maher questioned panelists about whether they thought this was something bigger than just vaccine mandates, Woke Inc author Vivek Ramaswamy agreed that this was an 'uprising of everyday citizens' and the 'unelected class of leaders.'

'These are the unelected class leaders that ultimately, I think, are using the bureaucratic power to supplant the will of every day,' Ramaswamy said.
381   Patrick   2022 Feb 12, 11:44am  


"On est là!"(We are here!). Great atmosphere of the yellow shirts in Chartres where the Breton freedom convoy passed.
382   Patrick   2022 Feb 12, 11:45am  


A freedom protestor and a police officer hug.
383   Patrick   2022 Feb 12, 11:49am  


Images from fourth day of blockade of Ambassador Bridge near Windsor, Ontario.

"Terrorists" do not set up bouncy castles for kids. Legitimate protesters do.

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