Psychology of vaxxers. They are accepting the state into their body, becoming one with the government

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2021 Oct 22, 3:04pm   198,271 views  1,287 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Maybe the battle is between those who unfairly benefit from credentialism, and those who don't.

Liberals defend their credentials which allow them to exploit those who don't have the same credentials. Credentials create monopolies, the ability to set high prices regardless of quality of service. It is a way to defeat free market competition.

The funding of universities depends entirely on the demand for their degrees, which they control. Their biggest horror would be a system where anyone could take tests to prove competence in a subject without paying for the years of classes and subjecting themselves to obedience to professors.

Thatcher and Trump refused to give the automatic respect many academics feel is their due. They gave the impression that they could see right through us, an uncomfortable feeling.
- Thomas Frank

Most of academia is less about learning than about paying for a paper proof of status and conformity. Non-conformists are expelled from schools, or failed out. Most teachers do not like their authority to be questioned. Bosses like the academic proof of conformity when they hire. The most "educated" are the most obedient.

Trump was a threat to their credentials and therefore a threat to their incomes and status.

The academic elite need a reason to hate those threatening themselves, therefore they use imaginary "racism", to which there is no defense. The accusation is the conviction.

Then they don't need to worry about the real class problem, which is independent of race. They would be uncomfortable looking at class, because they'd have to look at themselves and their unearned class privileges.

So their faith in the injection is faith in the "expert class" of which they are members, and they demand that the hoi polloi submit to it as an expression of the elite's power and prestige.

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224   Patrick   2022 Feb 17, 10:40am  


CLAREMONT, CA—Sources have confirmed that local assistant professor of Applied Gender Entanglement Studies, Spenther Dillstump, unsealed his front door for the first time in two years then, clutching his emotional support Fauci Doll and whispering a prayer of righteous safetyism to Dr. Rachel Walensky, emerged from his home to face the eerie dystopia of people living normal lives.

“Eeek! What’s that horrific monstrosity! We’re all gonna die!” yelled Dillstump according to witnesses who reported him pointing at the unmasked smiles of an older couple walking past. The quadruple-masked adventurer was also seen trying to ward off the couple with a printout of outdated CDC guidelines while shouting long-disproven facts about natural immunity.

Numerous eyewitness accounts describe Mr. Dillstump as frantically scurrying behind trees and dumpsters whenever humans passed by in their threatening states of happiness and normalcy.

Onlookers later described police arriving at the city park in search of terrorist groups acting violently, as described by an anonymous 911 caller. All they saw were a few families enjoying the fresh air, children laughing and playing, and a crazed man behind some bushes gargling hand sanitizer. Underfunded and overworked, the officers were unable to question the individual—identified by onlookers as Dillstump—as dispatch sent them away to the 39th carjacking that day.

Exhausted and overwrought, Spenther Dillstump eventually snuck back to the eternal safety of his home, having never found a store that sold hazmat suits and still mandated masks, vaccines, social distancing, and BLM attire.
227   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 17, 12:15pm  

Crazy Eyes, everytime
228   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 17, 12:17pm  

School Board Flips out an calls LEOs to eject woman who showed School Board Members out and about unmasked from their Social Media.

229   Patrick   2022 Feb 17, 7:56pm  


Crafting Messages for Vaccine Compliance. “Guilt, Anger, Embarrassment or Cowardice — What Works Best?”
Researchers Study
230   Patrick   2022 Feb 18, 9:27pm  


this stage of the pandemic is really one of the more mystifying parts. if you listen closely, you can hear the popping of burning wires.

i got vaccinated.

i got covid.

i got really sick.

thank goodness i got vaccinated!

you should get vaccinated too!

i mean, at a certain point you’re thanking your lucky rabbit foot for keeping you from having lost your gold fillings on top of your wristwatch last poker night…

it’s like the last vestiges of observational capability have finally been beaten out of a meaningful portion of the population.

truly, we have entered the post rational world of the unfalsifiable claim.

“it would have been worse if i had not!”

it’s such a wonderful meme. so pervasive. so persuasive. and so totally, utterly impervious to contradiction.

it’s the perfect brainworm to justify what you did.

you can show them all the societal data you like about higher rates of hospitalization this year than last in groups that were 95%+ vaccinated.

it does not matter. no aggregate data can refute any individual belief about one specific datapoint among many.

“i’m sure it helped.”

this belief lets anyone feel good about vaccination and boosting even as they fall ill.

it literally turns the contraction of covid by vaccinated people into the belief that covid vaccines worked for them.

this may be the most successful piece of product positioning in human history.

cognitive bias becomes cognitive dissonance becomes an iron bar certainty that your virtuous behavior saved you.

as a perfect pathway to self justification and validation of priors, it’s near 100% effective if you simply believe hard enough. ...

the alternative is admitting that you were played for a chump. people are highly averse to such conclusions.

of course, spotting the chump is easy:

ask such a person what would convince them that the vaccine did not prevent covid from being worse.

see if they have an answer.

if they do not, well, then it’s pure presumption.

that which cannot be falsified cannot be proven either.

bingo. chumpitude verified.

and boy do people not want things proven.

we’ve reached the point where agencies will no longer publish objective data because it does not support their conclusions.

“we cannot provide data because people might analyze it!” is not much of a mantra, is it? ...

NEW - Public Health Scotland will stop publishing data on Covid deaths and hospitalizations by vaccination status because there are "significant concerns about the data being misused deliberately by anti-vaccination campaigners."

231   HeadSet   2022 Feb 19, 6:48am  

Patrick says
cognitive bias becomes cognitive dissonance becomes an iron bar certainty that your virtuous behavior saved you.

Welcome to pack animal human nature:
A 5-year-old who bothered to think about it would know that Santa cannot possibly deliver to all the world's kids in one night. But he trusts the "authorities" who said so and not believing may mean no toys for Christmas.
Any modern educated person should know that a genie did not abracadabra the universe a few thousand years ago. But believing that makes one feel virtuous and means they will survive death.
Admitting that jabs, masks, and lockdowns do nothing to prevent Covid means admitting that one was a fool, along with admitting that their precious Dem party lied to them.

I was at a house party last year where I was discussing Covid with and old friend. He was double jabbed and insisted that it was a "vaccine" and not a jab. It was a friendly and polite discussion but after I presented some facts to him, he replied, "I will not believe that my government lied to me."
233   GNL   2022 Feb 19, 2:56pm  

Patrick says

Bet on it. I'm 55 years old and I believe that when I die there will still be people masking. Right this minute, my wife and I are at Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant in Northern Virginia. There is a table of 3 teenagers sitting at a table and when the waiter comes over, they put their masks on. There is no mask laws here.
234   Patrick   2022 Feb 19, 3:12pm  

My wife's take:

I understand wanting to believe. I want to believe that the vaccinated are at least somewhat protected, either from getting the disease at all or from getting a severe case.

So a lot of all this is about wanting to believe something provably false.
235   richwicks   2022 Feb 19, 10:56pm  

HeadSet says
He was double jabbed and insisted that it was a "vaccine" and not a jab. It was a friendly and polite discussion but after I presented some facts to him, he replied, "I will not believe that my government lied to me."

Operation Ajax
Operation PBSuccess
Project MKUltra
Cointel Pro
Operation Mockingbird
The King Suicide Letters
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident - the Pentagon Papers that proved it was a lie
Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
Qaddafi causing a "humanitarian crisis in Libya" which is now in civil war with slavery markets since he was killed
Assad using chemical weapons in Syria, with two OPCW whistleblowers pointing out this was a lie

That's a short list. I've avoided more controversial ones and some of those are controversial - but those are all examples of which I'm entirely convinced our government has lied, and a "normie" would possibly accept.

At this point, if a person doesn't realize their government will purposely lie to them, I no longer consider them naive, I consider them frustratingly stupid. It's blatantly obvious.

People can often see the OLD lies, and accept them, they can't accept the current ones. They think something was done to fix it. Nothing has been done.
239   GNL   2022 Feb 20, 10:57am  

Patrick says

I don't understand this photo. The cop flew the flag shown in the photo next to his? I can't figure out if the person who wrote about trying to figure out who the cop is is for the cop or against the cop. Confusing.
240   Patrick   2022 Feb 20, 8:15pm  


Pharma uses our own instincts against us

Social belonging is so important that most bougiecrats would rather die of a heart attack or give their kid autism than risk being labelled an anti-vaxxer.
243   Patrick   2022 Feb 21, 5:09pm  


I found it deeply disturbing that a professional attempted to train this girl to wear a dehumanizing mask, which caused her mental anguish, so students, their parents, and teachers at my school could feign a false sense of security. I told my principal that no child or adolescent should have to get used to something as ludicrous and harmful as wearing a mask just to receive an education, especially if they suffer from an anxiety disorder. Furthermore, my school administration believed it necessary to reveal this student’s “vaccination” status in order assuage people’s irrational fears, and to force her to undergo weekly burdensome testing, since they considered a maskless child a safety concern! I called out the administration’s callousness towards this girl, and in effect caused my first ripple of the year, which later turned into waves of criticism of my school’s unscientific policies of Covid containment.

Masking and vaxxing are mental illnesses.
245   Ceffer   2022 Feb 23, 11:56am  

They embrace the grim reaper of immolation. The long pigs are domesticated for the slaughterhouse.
246   PeopleUnited   2022 Feb 23, 12:06pm  

Patrick says

It’s like a priest wearing a backwards color, a symbolic gesture of piety.
247   Ceffer   2022 Feb 23, 12:11pm  

PeopleUnited says
It’s like a priest wearing a backwards color, a symbolic gesture of piety.

Same around Santa Cruz. Like those animals they return to the wild who don't even register that their cage doors are open.

If anybody says anything about my not wearing a mask, I'll try saying to them: "You'll stop wearing it when you feel stupid enough."
248   WookieMan   2022 Feb 23, 12:17pm  

Patrick says
Masking and vaxxing are mental illnesses.

Yup. Also control. Most of the vaccinated I know now are regretting it. They did it for work or because of peer pressure.

Met with some different friends we haven't seen since the beginning of this. About 10 adults. Myself and one other were the only pure bloods. Two were CPD cops, didn't want to get vaccinated but had to to keep their jobs. All the ladies all had the same issues I've mentioned with my wife. At some point this isn't a side effect and we need to acknowledge the vaccine is fucking women up.

No one believes the narrative. Not sure they ever did. If you have a random group of friends that you haven't talked to in a while, try it. It confirms my anecdotal evidence that this is pure bull shit. No one is actually scared of this virus and never was.
249   Patrick   2022 Feb 23, 8:37pm  


Last night, one of my subscribers posted this comment on “In memory of all those who ‘died suddenly,’ February 15-21”):

A few days ago the Chicago theatre community was shaken by the loss of one of our own. She had moved to LA to pursue acting and was missing (we all shared her info like crazy) only to be found dead on the 18th.

I’m a pariah amongst my colleagues for my stance on vaccines so I can’t even utter the notion around them. But I’m pretty sure it’s the vax.

Sanjoy Mahajan’s reply:

I'm with you on not even uttering the notion. There's so little point. The people in the Covid trance cannot even hear the idea.

Last April, the father (healthy, 48 y.o.) of my daughter's good friend from school died suddenly in his garden. It was 1 day after his age group (55 and under) became "eligible" as they say (as if it were akin to being an "eligible bachelor"). It happened in a city of jab fanatics, so my guess was that he had got his first jab the previous day and had a cardiac event or stroke. His obituary said that he died "of no known cause" -- my first personal encounter with that phrase. ...

Is it possible to break that trance? The personal tragedy of losing someone to the jab, or of losing one’s own health because of it, has snapped people out of it; but there are all those who’ve been hypnotized so deeply that no personal loss, or agonized firsthand account of suffering, will wake them up. They’re like kamikaze pilots, or sleeper agents mind-controlled to carry out assassinations. If anything can wake them up, it would have to be some intervention far more radical than simply trying to talk them out of it, whatever you may say.

So it would seem that we have lost them, too, to this grotesque worldwide experiment, even though they’re still around.
250   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Feb 23, 8:52pm  

Watching a documentary on what happened in Victoria, and a statement from a participant really sums up beautifully the psychology this post is trying to understand. All the bullshit of the scamdemic creates an illusion of safety, and questioning that bullshit threatens the illusion. The other big illusion they prey on the illusion of moral superiority. That all the bullshit somehow means you are a good person who is saving lives. Again, questioning the narrative threatens the illusion.

So people think the sacrifice was worth it to stay safe, or they are a super hero who saved lives. But if it's all for naught, didn't make them any safer, and actually put them at more risk. Didn't save anyone, and actually harmed people, who wants to face that?
251   Patrick   2022 Feb 23, 10:38pm  

@NuttBoxer I think you're right.
254   Patrick   2022 Feb 24, 4:24pm  


Often, in an argument, what people think they are arguing about is not the
real subject of disagreement, which is deeper and often unspoken, if it is
even understood. So it is here. The divisions that have opened up in
society about the covid vaccines are not really about the covid vaccines at
all: they are about what vaccination symbolises in this moment. What it
means to be 'vaxxed' or 'unvaxxed', safe or dangerous, clean or dirty,
sensible or irresponsible, compliant or independent: these are questions
about what it means to be a good member of society, and what society
even is, and they are detonating like depth charges beneath the surface of
the culture. ...

We could all throw peer-reviewed studies that we don’t really understand at
each other, and they would all miss the mark because the vaccine is not the
point. The point is what it symbolises - and what it is being used to build.
I am a writer. I know how to construct stories. I know what makes them
succeed or fail, and I have a nose for when a story does not hang together.
The covid Narrative is just such a story. It doesn’t fit together, even on its
own terms. Something is wrong. The surface tale does not reflect what lies
beneath. And what lies beneath is what interests me now. ...

Most of all, it has revealed the authoritarian streak that lies beneath so
many people, and which always emerges in fearful times. In the last month
alone I have watched media commentators calling for censorship of their
political opponents, philosophy professors justifying mass internment, and
human rights lobby groups remaining silent about ‘vaccine passports.’ I
have watched much of the political left transition openly into the
authoritarian movement it probably always was, and countless ‘liberals’
campaigning against liberty. As freedom after freedom has been taken
away, I have watched intellectual after intellectual justify it all. I have
been reminded of what I always knew: cleverness has no relationship to
wisdom. ...

Most of all, though, what the covid apocalypse has revealed to me is that
when people are frightened, they can be easily controlled.
Control: this is the story of the times. Across the world we are seeing an
unprecedented claim to control staked by the forces of the state, in alliance
with the forces of corporate capital, over your life and mine. All of it
converges on the revealed symbol of our age: the smartphone-enabled QR
code that has, with frightening speed and in near-silence, become the new
passport to a full human life. As ever, our tools have turned on us. Another
revelation: they were never our tools to begin with. We were theirs.

This is a great essay, worth reading in full.
257   Patrick   2022 Feb 28, 5:36pm  


In the coordinated propaganda and censorship response to the COVID-19 public health crisis, globalists and corporatists are directly incorporating Hitler’s own principles for crowd control. If we look closer, we can clearly see coordinated actions by the BBC-led Trusted News Initiative, various Scientific Technological Elite, large financial groups (such as Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street), and the World Economic Forum acting in real time to suppress a growing awareness by the general public of having been actively manipulated. It is increasingly becoming clear that these organizations and aligned nation-states have been using crowd psychology tools to generate significant fear and anxiety of COVID-19 to advance their agendas on a global scale. They have used COVID to drive a planned and coordinated agenda, the Great Reset.

Multiple governments have now admitted to actively using fear and 'Mass Formation'-related theories as a tool for totalitarian population control during this outbreak. These are basically psychological operations aimed at populations of nations. One glaring example has been operating in the UK:

“Scientists on a committee that encouraged the use of fear to control people’s behavior during the Covid pandemic have admitted its work was “unethical” and “totalitarian”.

SPI-B warned in March last year that ministers needed to increase “the perceived level of personal threat” from Covid-19 because “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened”.

Gavin Morgan, a psychologist on the team, said: “Clearly, using fear as a means of control is not ethical. Using fear smacks of totalitarianism. It’s not an ethical stance for any modern government. By nature I am an optimistic person, but all this has given me a more pessimistic view of people.”

(Published in The Telegraph “Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists Members of Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour express regret about ‘unethical’ methods” by Gordon Raynor, Associate Editor, May 14, 2021)
259   mell   2022 Mar 1, 8:52pm  

Patrick says

260   HeadSet   2022 Mar 2, 6:43am  

Patrick says

Actual name. A fine Irish name, but too fitting here.

"The last thing I want is for schools to be a source of anxiety for our students and it feels like making masks optional because of all the messaging, especially at the beginning of the pandemic that my mask not only protects me, it protects my community," Hana O'Looney said.

How about educating the kids with actual facts? Such a philosophy must be an unknown concept at her school.
262   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 11:45am  


Irina Ioudina runs a company called Medical Munich, a kind of medical tourism bureau that helps Russian nationals travel to Munich to receive treatment in hospitals here. Recently, she received an email from Dr Ortrud Steinlein, director of the Ludwig Maximilians-Universität Clinic for Human Genetics, announcing that her facility would no longer treat Russians:

Dear Ms Ioudina

due to the serious violation of international law by the autocrat Putin, who is obviously mentally disturbed, we are refusing in principle to treat Russian patients, with immediate effect. Ukrainian patients remain of course very welcome.

Sanctions have made it all but impossible for Russians to receive treatment in Germany in any case, but after screenshots of this outrageous email made the rounds, LMU clarified that the doctor had “communicated her personal opinion in a very emotional situation” and that their clinics will “treat all patients regardless of nationality, religion, cultural or gender orientation.” (Steinlein has also reportedly apologised privately to Ioudina.) This is the same LMU, which last December immediately fired and banned from the premises an unvaccinated employee of their Institute for Pathology, for the crime of posting a viral video to TikTok about the testing harassment to which she was subject.

Dr Steinlein’s attitude should surprise nobody. There is the proximate cause, that throughout the West, health professionals have spent the past six months fantasising about denying medical treatment to people whose views on vaccination differ from their own. And there is the more general politicisation of the entire medical profession over the past two years, which has left us with a whole hoard of petty tyrants like Steinlein, who now believe it is their responsibility to shape and enforce all manner of government policies.

The consequences of containment will be with us for a very, very long time.

The left sees the imposition of dangerous and ineffective vaxx mandates and the withholding of medical care as a political weapon against wrongthink.
263   mich   2022 Mar 3, 11:51am  

Patrick says

dude that's horrible

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