Afghan chaos undercuts Biden's promise of competence

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2021 Aug 18, 2:48pm   141,027 views  1,256 comments

by RWSGFY   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

The shambolic unravelling of America's withdrawal from Afghanistan comes from a yet to be written textbook of "how to lose at everything". Warnings hadn't been heeded, intelligence was clearly totally inadequate, planning was lamentable, execution woeful.

Let's just focus in on one thing - although there are any number that are worthy of examination.
The withdrawal came during the "fighting season" - a phrase I have to say I have always found rather odd. But in Afghanistan there is a fighting season which starts in spring - and then in winter, when the country freezes over, there is a time when the Taliban go home to their tribal homelands. Did no-one think that it might have been better to have ordered the withdrawal for the dead of winter when Taliban forces weren't there, poised to fill the vacuum?

The end result might have been the same - a Taliban takeover - but it would have almost certainly led to a more orderly drawdown. Yet the Biden administration wanted an eye-catching date. They wanted the withdrawal completed by 11 September. Twenty years on from 9/11 - an artificial, self-imposed deadline.


Biden's election campaign could be boiled down to three messages to distinguish himself from Donald Trump. First, he would be more empathetic. He would be more competent. And instead of "America First", it would be replaced by the mantra "America is back".
But in his address yesterday, there wasn't a whole lot of empathy towards the thousands of Afghans who've helped Americans these past 20 years. On competence, even his biggest cheerleaders would struggle to say the withdrawal of American troops has been anything other than shambolic.
And after the bewildering events of the past few days, how exactly is America back?


But on the policy itself, Joe Biden is utterly defiant. He summoned up his inner Harry Truman and made clear in his speech that the buck stops with him. He was, however, happy to distribute blame in much the same way that a muck spreader disperses manure in all directions. The Afghan leadership weren't up to it, the Afghan armed forces had no fight in them; Donald Trump had negotiated a bad deal.


A fascinating nugget from a briefing that's just been given by Joe Biden's National Security Adviser. Since the fall of Kabul, Jake Sullivan revealed, Biden hadn't spoken to another world leader. Wasn't that just a bit surprising, given that there were a lot of other nations - including Britain - who'd committed vast resources to Afghanistan?


When the G7 gathered in Cornwall and the Nato nations met in Brussels the sense of relief was palpable among the prime ministers and presidents that a more outward looking American president was in charge. But given what has unfolded - how America has been humiliated, how Joe Biden embarked on a policy he was cautioned against by these leaders - there is now a good deal more wariness.
And who will feel they have gained most from America's departure - apart from the Taliban, of course? Why, three countries near Afghanistan - Russia, Iran and China. I'm not sure that is what Joe Biden had in mind when he said after his inauguration that "America is back".


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231   Patrick   2022 Feb 24, 9:52am  

Along with massive inflation:

232   Patrick   2022 Feb 24, 8:03pm  


Weakness invites predators.

While the US military fought a two-front battle for change—climate and gender—the Russians prepared for war.

While the US military and intelligence apparatus conducted a coup to remove a president over his mean tweets, Russia laid out plans to restore the Soviet Union’s sphere of influence.

While the US shuts down its own petroleum production industry, Russia made Europe its oil slave.

Yet, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is only a small symptom of the end of America.

If you take a look at the world as a whole instead of focusing on the crisis of the moment, you realize quickly the United States holds little influence. Its former title as “leader of the free world” evaporated on January 20, 2021, and it took the free world with it. Here’s a quick survey:

The US is about to grant Iran permission to build nuclear weapons

Canada, Australia, and Austria are police states

Saudi Arabia, long an American puppet regime, now ignores US calls to increase oil output

Iran is dictating terms of a new nuclear weapons treaty to US stenographers

Yet, the symptoms of America’s collapse are much broader and deeper than the attention-grabbing images in Ukraine.

America Is China’s Puppet

First, China announced new sanctions against Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon for daring to sell defense parts to Taiwan. The United States government has not responded. Or has it? The next hidden story might be Biden’s response.

The US Department of Justice will soon end President Trump’s policy of protecting US intellectual property and military intelligence from Chinese espionage out of fear of being called “racist.” The DOJ has already begun dropping charges against Chinese spies. Now, under pressure from Chinese spies who work for America’s major research universities, Attorney-General Merrrick Garland has signalled the US will let the Chinese spies ship American technology, including military secrets and biological weapons research, to China.

While Biden was talking tough to Putin, who ignored the bluster, Biden continues to kowtow to Xi. The Biden administration ignores the recently announced pact between Russia and China to combat the US and Europe. Via Zero Hedge:

And while the West is united against Russian actions in the Donbas, just as it is united against a possible incursion by China in Taiwan, Russia's stance on the matter is clear: hours before the Winter Olympics opened two weeks ago, Putin and Xi Jinping declared that they are backing each other over standoffs on Ukraine and Taiwan with a promise to collaborate more against the West.

Russia and China are simply behaving the way unprincipled victors behave. They know that America is defenseless at the moment.

They watched how the US media and Deep State sabotaged the Trump administration—breaking laws, wiretapping, conducting show trials in the Senate, framing Trump allies.

They saw Black Lives Matter and Antifa extort over a billion dollars from US corporations by burning American cities nearly to the ground.

They’ve seen Biden’s dementia advance to the point he sent his half-wit vice president to a security summit last weekend.

They’ve watched the US military abandon, not only Afghanistan, but its own purpose by making climate change, inclusion, and transgenderism its new mission.

They watch in amazement as the US government invites millions of foreign, illegal aliens across our Southern border.

In all of this, Xi and Putin recognized America for what it has become: an empire grown tired of its place in the world, a nation ashamed of its own existence. The US is like Muhammad Ali in his first fight against Leon Spinks.

When I write about the end of America, I’m telling you the truth as best I can see it. It’s better to be prepared for calamity that doesn’t happen than unprepared by one that does.

Regardless of where this all goes, you can’t deny that the US is on the ropes, confused, and tired.

Why wouldn’t Putin take Ukraine? Why wouldn’t he take Poland? Why wouldn’t Xi take Taiwan and possibly Japan? What’s stopping them? Certainly not America’s woke military.

America Has Not Yet Begun to Stumble

Believe it or not, Biden has been in office just 13 months. Even if Republicans were to take the House and Senate in 2022, China and Russia will have eleven more months to do whatever they want. (And, frankly, if I were a Republican member of Congress, I would give Joe Biden no additional authority. Authorizing this particular president to use military force anywhere in the world would be like authorizing a drunk 15-year-old to drive a Corvette.)

A Republican Congress under Biden would be just as feckless and feeble as it was under Obama. Only a handful of Republicans in the entire country have the spine to challenge a Democrat president, and the FBI and DOJ will keep those renegades in check.

Meanwhile, American citizens are more divided than at the outset of the Civil War. The left does not want to share the same land mass with Trump supporters, and vice versa. Neither political faction would lift a finger to stop Putin from annihilating the other side. As Dr. Ben Hunt explained back in 2015:

There’s one inevitable consequence of significant political polarization: the center does not hold. Our expectation that The Central Tendency carries the day will fail, and this failure will occur at all levels of political organization, from your local school board to a congressional caucus to a national political party to the overall electorate. Political outcomes will always surprise in a polarized world, either surprisingly to the left or surprisingly to the right. And all too often, I might add, it’s a surprising outcome pushed by the illiberal left or the illiberal right.

That’s why I began warning about the end of America. Not because I thought I’d get some jollies reading long, angry emails from old friends. I took no joy in that. I did it because it was the truth as best I could discern.

And those early warnings did not suggest fighting to the end. For good reason. The end had come and gone by that time. The Tea Party and Trump were our last hopes. As Phylis Schlafly said in December 2015:

“He [Trump] does look like he’s the last hope [for America],” Schlafly said. “We don’t hear anybody saying what he’s saying. In fact, most of the people who ought to be lining up with him are attacking him. They’re probably jealous of the amount of press coverage he gets. But the reason he gets so much press coverage is the grassroots are fed up with people who are running things, and they do want a change. They do want people to stand up for America. It really resonates when he says he wants to ‘Make America Great Again.’”

Trump has now come and gone. He never really got a chance to Make America Great Again because Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, the DOJ, and the media didn’t want America to be great again. And Biden has undone all of Trump’s incredible accomplishments in just one year. Dementia Joe has three years remaining.

America Is In Decline

By every measure, America is far worse off than it was five years ago when Trump took office. The foundational decay of our culture and institutions is now obvious to all, especially Russia, China, and Iran. Trump may not have drained the swamp, but he proved beyond a doubt the swamp exists, it’s toxic, and it’s the source of that nauseating odor that’s been choking us since Reagan rode off into the sunset.

“But, Bill,” you say, “what about the Durham investigation?”

The Durham investigation will go as far as the Deep State thinks it needs to go to avoid an all-out revolt from the right. And no farther. They’ll give us one or two scalps belonging to people we never heard of. (Ever hear of Ghislaine Maxwell before Epstein didn’t hang himself?) Then, John Durham will accept his well-deserved retirement.

If Durham tries to go too far, he’ll be fired. Never forget that Durham reports to Merrick Garland and serves at the pleasure of Joe Biden. And there are plenty of judges waiting to grant defendants’ motions to dismiss.

“But, Hennessy, Trump will be back in 2025!” Perhaps. Assuming the people who tried to rig 2016 and succeeded in rigging 2020 decide to leave things to chance in 2024. (I don’t think they will.)

But, even if Trump or DeSantis becomes the 47th president, what will he inherit? A military composed of trannies to who hate half of America and an officer corps comprising Antifa and BLM terrorist, China occupying most of the Pacific Rim, and Russia’s borders returned to 1988? A nuclear Iran? Germany aligned with Moscow? Eight million new illegal immigrants carefully distributed to key districts in swing states? A national debt too large for me to display on a single typed line?

Come to think of it, the oligarchs might have every intention of letting Trump walk into that booby trap.

And to which federal agency would Trump or DeSantis turn for support? He can’t fire civil servants. The people he appoints to run those agents can’t make their employees implement policy or law. As Bill Bennett found out when he was Secretary of Education, the Secretary has the helm, but it’s not attached to rudder. The permanent bureaucracy does not answer to the Executive Branch nor to the Legislative Branch, but to the Bureaucracy alone.

2016 was America’s last chance. We did what we could: we elected Trump.

At the time, most of us believed America wanted to be great. It didn’t. It wanted to watch Netflix and eat candy and play dress-up games.

Little did America know that Netflix, candy, and pretty dresses exist only because of America’s greatness. We are trust-fund kids living large on the principal because the interest wasn’t good enough anymore.

Ever wonder why there’s a worker shortage? Sure, the Covid money is part of the problem. But it’s also because a large number of Americans have no desire, no intention, of contributing to the society. At least two generations were raised from birth to do only two things: consume and complain. Except for a tiny few who went off to Afghanistan and Iraq, those generations have reached their 40s without ever having sacrificed for a greater good. They believe in their truth and their passions which have no connection to reality.

And despite all the symptoms of the West’s decline listed above, the West’s obsequious response to Covid was the most obvious sign of collapse.

Putin Watched the Lockdowns Like a Wolf Watching a Herd of Sheep

When I walk through my local stores, I’m struck by the mask wearers. Most are under 40.

I did a quick survey in Walmart last week. Estimating ages, I found that 80 percent of people under 30 wore masks. 100 percent of school-age children wore masks even if their parents did not. Of those whose age I estimated between 40 and 70, about 30 percent wore masks.

These demographic clusters represent different cultures, not just different generations.

The younger generations from which warriors emerge are weak, afraid, and submissive.

The woke military.

BTW, I live in a rural, suburban area that’s about 65 percent Republican.

For 200 years, Americans refused to kowtow to authority. We were founded on the idea that we are the authority. We created our government, gave it its mandate, drew its boundaries of action, and reserved the right to change its members or abolish it altogether.

For the last 80 years, the West mimicked this American attitude. But sometime between the storming of the beaches at Normandy and the celebration of transgender military officers, Americans surrendered their right to institute and control government.

Predators smell weakness. Putin and Xi rule over cultures that believe power belongs to the government. They were held at bay by the West’s opposite belief that power comes from God through the people. The Soviets never feared the US government as much as it feared US citizens. The people were always the wild card no invader could subdue.

But we’ve lost that fearsome mystique, at least in the predators’ eyes.

America’s subservience to vague authority, our willingness to close our shops, shutter our schools, abandon our churches, and cover our faces proved that we lost the magic that made us unique. Like Russians or Chinese, we would do whatever the authorities told us for own good. We would rat out our disobedient neighbors and wear a mask to prove our allegiance to the state.

Having lost our fearsomeness as a people, Putin and Xi could now measure their ambitions only against our government’s ability and willingness to stop them. Looking at the Biden White House, they find a president unwilling even to exit a conquered nation with dignity. A man who refuses to defend American intellectual property from its enemies.

Ukraine was there for the taking.

If you are made of the stock that conquered the American frontier, band together with others like you. We have a new nation to found.
233   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 24, 8:23pm  

Patrick says

To be fair, this was what $30T in debt and three decades of Liberal Hegemony/NWO/Hyperinterventionism/Neoliberalism/Washington Census got us.

"Avoid entangling alliances". Some wisdom is eternal, and the detractors always say "That was a different era".

We are now obligated to expose ourselves to a nuking over Vilnius by Treaty. How stupid is that?

"Hi son, I know you have three arms, but we had to be nuked in order to save Estonia from occupation by a foreign power in a situation that had nothing to do with our actual important and vital interests."
234   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 24, 8:27pm  

Vital interests:

Cheap Gas and Oil.
Freedom of the Seas
No East Side Gangsters on our West Side Turf.

Everything else is optional and should never be something we get so committed to, we endanger ourselves.

BTW, that includes Israel under "optional" as some of you have been poking about. God has that taken care of.

Our job is to be the shining city on the hill, and help out those who are helping themselves to Freedoming. Not doing the Freedoming for them.
240   Patrick   2022 Mar 2, 8:50pm  


Biden’s words from last fall should ring a false note in the ears of Americans:

"For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death. For themselves, their family and the hospital they’ll soon overwhelm,"

Welp, that didn’t happen.

Not only did that not happen, but remember when Biden ran on the campaign pledge that he would not mandate the vaccine?

You know, when President elect Joe Biden said this: (video)

A reporter asked: “Should vaccines be mandatory”

“No, don’t think they should be made mandatory, I would not demand that they be made mandatory just like I do not believe that masks have to mandatory nationwide…”

So Biden lied. Just remember - this is the President.
243   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 11:26am  


MARCH 3, 2022
Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Emboldened Putin
Weakness is provocative, and Joe Biden’s performance as commander-in-chief has been Exhibit A.

As Vladimir Putin’s war crimes — his indiscriminate shelling of neighborhoods and his missile attacks on high-rise apartment buildings — continue to pile up in gut-wrenching fashion, one thing becomes painfully clear: These many hundreds of dead Ukrainian men, women, and children would be alive today if Donald Trump were still president.

Democrats, of course, don’t want to hear it, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Putin was a relatively good little dictator during Trump’s four years in office, but he’s become a mass-murdering despot on Joe Biden’s watch.

Those are the facts. And facts, as John Adams said, are stubborn things.

Here’s another fact — one born out of centuries of observation all across the animal kingdom: Weakness is provocative. Great whites don’t attack killer whales. Lions don’t go after bull Cape buffaloes. Predators almost invariably go after the old and the weak. And so it is in geopolitics. Predators like Vladimir Putin don’t mess with leaders like Donald Trump. Instead, they bide their time and wait for an easier target.
249   Patrick   2022 Mar 8, 10:01am  


FLASHBACK: Trump Says You'll Be Paying $7 or $8 For Gas Under Biden
250   Patrick   2022 Mar 9, 11:11am  

Biden sends "20th hijacker of 9/11" back home: Mohammad Mani Ahmad al-Qahtani, the Saudi national dubbed the "20th hijacker of 9/11," has been released from Guantanamo Bay, where he has been detained for nearly two decades. He has been handed over to Saudi Arabia.

Perhaps this is related to Biden's need to get Saudi Arabia to pump more oil.
251   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 9, 11:14am  

Saudi Arabia and UAE not returning Biden calls.


The US is the only country of note talking about banning Russian Oil and Gas.

Sberbank and other Russian banks NOT cut off from SWIFT, so the Germans, Dutch, etc. can pay for the Gas.

China is extending Credit and taking RMBs for Russian transactions on everything, goods and energy alike.

India and Brazil not participating.
252   Patrick   2022 Mar 10, 9:18am  


On Tuesday evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson condemned the sanctions that have been placed on Russia by the Biden Administration, saying that those who would be suffering the most would be middle class Americans, not Putin or Russia.
"You may have noticed that Joe Biden announced today a new front in his ongoing war against America's middle class," said Carlson.

He noted that Biden didn’t frame it in this way, but instead as a "moral victory" over Putin in Russia in the form of banning the import of Russian energy.
Carlson also noted that "every constituency loved it."
"The media agreed that Joe Biden had never seen more presidential. Democratic officials seem deeply relieved, for once they could talk about something other than COVID and the southern border. They'd rather be on offense than defense. Republican leaders, meanwhile, seemed happiest of all they barked like seals, finally a chance to sound tough and decisive without making CNN angry. Thank you, Joe Biden. We can all be John McCain now you rarely see unity like this and the city is divided as Washington," said Carlson.
"The unity was so heavy in fact, so delightful and intoxicating. That no one remember to ask the most basic question. Why exactly are we doing this? What's the point?" Carlson asked.
He said that if the reason was to bankrupt Putin, that wouldn’t work because he has markets for Russia’s oil in other countries. He also noted that Biden didn’t claim that the sanctions would end the war in Ukraine.
"So who exactly are these sanctions aimed at? Think about it. If you want to identify the target of a penalty consider who's going to suffer most from it. And in this case, the answer could not be clear. It’s middle income Americans," said Carlson.
"They're the ones who were crushed for two years under COVID restrictions. They're the ones who are about to be pummeled by shutting down more energy sources. Notice a theme here, the people in charge take the middle class above all, so it's not Vladimir Putin who's getting punished. It's American citizens. It's you," he added.
Carlson noted the rising prices of gasoline, which has in turn raised the prices of food, electricity, and anything that travels by land.
Following a clip of Biden during his Wednesday address announcing the ban of Russian energy imports, Carlson said "It takes something like that to tell a lie like the one you just heard at the end of by the statement, 'it's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.'"
"Oh, but it simply is true. It's demonstrably true. And everyone knows it. On his first day in office, Biden single handedly killed the Keystone XL Pipeline," said Carlson. "Then just days before Russia invaded Ukraine. Weirdly, Biden's administration shut down all new energy leases and permits on federal land that happened. Vladimir Putin did not do that. Joe Biden did it."
Carlson then played a clip of White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, noting that "Biden's publicist tried to explain that actually preventing domestic energy production which they have done is very different from holding back domestic energy production."
"Let me give you the facts here. Now when they say that, you know the lies are coming and indeed in this case, they arrived promptly. Because oil companies have not used all the permits they've received, Jen Psaki told us, that means this is their fault. They're not trying hard enough to produce energy they could but they don't want to," said Carlson.
"But wait a second, Jen Psaki, what if there's no oil or gas underneath the permanent land? In that case, energy producers would want permits for land where the energy is. Turns out they don't want dry wells, they want wells that flow. But they’re not getting it thanks to the green new deal lobby that completely controls this administration, they can't get those permits. And that's what's happening here," he added.
Carlson pressed those who doubt his statements to ask those who work in the energy business about Psaki’s comments.
"Jen Psaki just lied to you. They are all lying to you. You probably guessed that already, but you can't say it. Because if you wonder what these policies may be doing to your country or to your family, you are selfish and disloyal. In fact, you're unpatriotic, because real patriotism is caring about Ukraine first. And by the way, caring about Ukraine, means prolonging a bloody war in Ukraine until the entire country of Ukraine has been destroyed and millions of Ukrainians are refugees. We know we can do it because we did it in Iraq. We can do it in Ukraine. That's patriotism," Carlson concluded.
253   Patrick   2022 Mar 10, 10:04am  


Biden Admin Denies Former World No. 1 Tennis Champ Novak Djokovic’s Access to Country Due to Vaccine Status — But Opened Border to 2 Million Unvaccinated Illegal Aliens in Last Year
By Julian Conradson
Published March 9, 2022 at 6:38pm
255   Patrick   2022 Mar 10, 2:31pm  


Watch this video, and look at the three congressmen that President Biden is referring to, and tell me this is something that would have been in the news for 4 weeks if Trump said it:


You can also click here to view this tweet on Twitter.
The three congressman you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball and the other one looks like he can bomb you.

Umm, did he really just say what I think he said???
256   HeadSet   2022 Mar 10, 3:46pm  

Patrick says
other one looks like he can bomb you.

As in looks like an Arab bomber?
257   richwicks   2022 Mar 10, 5:23pm  

Patrick says

I don't get it.
258   HeadSet   2022 Mar 10, 6:23pm  

richwicks says
I don't get it.

Those two fellows are among those who jumped out of the Twin Towers on 9-11 rather than be burned to death. When those two French guys were filming the immediate aftermath of the planes hitting the towers, you could hear a body plopping into the ground about every minute or so.
259   richwicks   2022 Mar 10, 6:30pm  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
I don't get it.

Those two fellows are among those who jumped out of the Twin Towers on 9-11 rather than be burned to death. When those two French guys were filming the immediate aftermath of the planes hitting the towers, you could hear a body plopping into the ground about every minute or so.

But who is the 20th hijacker?

I got the 9/11 reference. Personally, I think 9/11 was a false flag - at minimum our government allowed it to happen, at maximum, they made it happen. I view 9/11 as the Reichstag fire. If you want to really go down the rabbit hole, I can take you there, but it shouldn't be a surprise to anybody here our government is run by sociopathic killers and murderers. When you get into the details of it, it gets fuzzy and indistinct - you really don't have to go that far, just realize the government is lying about a lot of it, and that's all you need to know. They wouldn't lie if they were innocent.
268   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 2, 1:23pm  

richwicks says
Personally, I think 9/11 was a false flag - at minimum our government allowed it to happen, at maximum, they made it happen

Allowed it to happen. The evidence is the Visa Express program being quietly reinstated in months after 9/11 and the special chartered flight, which was actually the subject of the first Factchecks. The "Factcheckers" glommed onto red herrings like whether it was "Commercial" or "Private" or "Charter" Regardless, Saudis including Bin Laden family members were whisked out on a plane, the only non-Military/non-Emergency Response flight allowed in the few hours after 9/11.

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