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When the Canadian dollar is worthless,
a friendly reminder that he who controls the ability to store, access, and transfer money can exert near total control over a society.
it’s a thing you need to know. because believe you me, the governments know it too and they rely heavily upon this monopoly for both surveillance and for suppression.
you’re seeing it right now in canada as funds for protesters get frozen, blocked, and outright stolen.
the families of those who donated to the truckers (and had their data hacked) are finding their accounts frozen by the government. it’s being used as explicit punishment under emergency powers to silence and attack peaceful political opponents. ...
we did not take your right to speech, we just took your money because you spoke. (and yes, political donations are and must be protected speech) ...
it’s not an accident that as we see this in the US:
this convoy is being largely funded by crypto. and yeah, sure, you cannot seize a cold wallet that is self stored and air-gapped and sure, there is generally no fiduciary to force,
BUT, and this is a major but, it’s also pretty hard to turn that BTC or ETH into USD that you can use to buy, say, diesel fuel without tripping over the US government.
and i’m very curious to see if this is something they manage to get around. ...
the “globalist” leaders are not taking kindly to the idea of challenge to their control of money systems.
make no mistake: the fight to control money will be the axis mundi of the social credit systems the collectivist planners seek to impose.
any tool the state can use against your enemies it can turn upon you as well.
and in time, they will. ...
and this is exactly why taking them away and rendering money, commerce, savings, and investment opaque to government will be one of the most important projects of the coming decade.
it will fundamentally reshape the nature of the relationship between people and government and result in perhaps the most potent reapportionment of power since the magna carta or the bill of rights.
it will make we the people the customer of the state not its subject because the state will not be able to grab wealth at will anymore. you cannot tax what you cannot see.
they declare emergency, brand opposition as terrorists, and start seizing assets.
this is a playbook straight from the 1930’s.
this is not fixable. we cannot get a “nice leviathan that respects you.’
moving outside it and making it subject to our tolerance rather than we to its is the only way.
the technology is, for the first time, really available to do this.
the majority of holders are still in unrealized profit of 35%.
Although I am not a big fan of BTC or ETH
Bitcoin stuck under $40K, but BTC price hits another all-time high vs. Russian ruble
Bitcoin stuck under $40K
Bitcoin stuck under $40K
Oh wait, I forget BTC haters only care about price when its correcting.
BTC goes up: Silence by the hater
Me: "hey where are the haters??"
Haters: "We dont care about price!"
BTC price corrects
Haters: "BTC price is down!!!!"
Most of BTC exchanges are enforcing anti-Putler sanctions, btw.
My understand is if you're using an offline wallet, you're still dependent on third party software.
Fuck Biden and his digital dollar.
What would you rather own, twenty one ounce gold coins or one Bitcoin binary code on your flashdrive?
If you don't hold it you don't own it.
new asset class
If the dollar crashes what will bitcoin be traded in?
If you want to gamble don't pretend like you are investing. FOMO keeps it going.
I hate to inform you OV every investment/trade is a gamble.
Lottery tickets are a gamble, but probably a safer bet than HODLing Bitcoin, wouldn't you agree?
I bet most here don't agree with that naive uneducated statement. Maybe wookie dog
I wish you could hear how ignorant, pushing stupid you sound
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