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Men under the age of 60 are forbidden from leaving Ukraine right now as the government calls them to fight for their nation.
This brave woman wants to pretend she's a man (and Big Tech would insist I call her a man or else be guilty of a crime against woke science and the woke gods).
But when it comes to actual manly stuff – like defending your nation from the Ruskies and their tanks – then it's okey dokey to just be a woman again so you can get out of Dodge.
From the article:
He [sic] read the news that all men in Ukraine ages 18 to 60 were not permitted to leave the country and obligated to serve in the military.
He [sic] told Insider he [sic] needed to stay with his mother and care for her. Leaving her to flee Ukraine alone just was not an option.
You know what we call such actual men?
You know what we call such actual men?
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, who identifies as the “wife” of Chasten Buttigieg.
I wouldn't fight for my current government.
That sentiment was probably said by many Ukes before the Russian invasion. But when the enemy moves in, you decide to fight
Repeal the 19th and 80% of our problems disappear overnight.
Return welfare to the original purpose of being for widows or the disabled, nothing for single mothers, and half our problems would disappear in a decade.
But when the enemy moves in, you decide to fight - not for the corrupt government, but for homeland and family.
You know why I think the 1950's was such a boomtime? The slave masters eased up on their slavery because there were a lot of men that were fully capable of killing their masters, and masters knew this.
I've read soldiers telling about how you really just fight for your unit, so that you and the other guys in it survive.
I've read soldiers telling about how you really just fight for your unit, so that you and the other guys in it survive.
Just a reminder: A 4th-grade classroom is a room full of 9- and 10-year-old children. And while she's spouting her literal religious beliefs, she has kids in that room saying things like how it applies to them.
One of the kids can be overheard saying,
Dude, that's me! Right on! I wanna be a boy but I don't like being a girl.
So this British hospital dismissed rape allegations in a female-only ward ... and yeah, it turns out the alleged rapist was "transgender" and the hospital kept that hush hush for a YEAR
‘Gender Reassignment’ Is Dangerous
It’s fraught with complications that ultimately make the “cure” worse than the affliction.
Utah Lawmakers Enact Ban on Transgender Youth in Girls’ Sports, Overriding Governor’s Veto
Republican lawmakers in Utah overrode a veto from the state’s governor, also a Republican, to push through a ban on transgender youth in girls’ sports.
A total of 15 Republican lawmakers—10 state Representatives and five state senators—flipped to support the bill.
Gov. Spencer Cox earlier this week vetoed the measure, H.B. 11, that “[prohibits] a student of the male sex from competing against another school on a team designated for female students.”
The measure will now go into effect July 1, making Utah the 12th state to enact some form of a ban on transgender athletes in school sports. The other 11 states are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia.
Christina Pushaw 🇺🇸
There are public schools in Florida where K-3 students are struggling… they’re behind on reading, math, and vocabulary. They’re recovering from developmental & emotional impacts of school closures in 2020 & mask mandates last year. This is NOT what they need! Let kids be kids 🙏🏼
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So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.