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115171   joshuatrio   2022 Mar 30, 5:09am  

Eman says
Buyers are buying in panic in this market if you ask me.

Agree 100%.

As much as I want a new pad, my gut says to watch and wait.
115172   theoakman   2022 Mar 30, 5:38am  

It's really simple, people who are smart in one area mistakenly assume they are proficient in other areas. That's why everyone thought they were an expert on viruses when most of them couldn't even tell you what RNA actually is.
115173   HeadSet   2022 Mar 30, 6:31am  

Sounds like a new term for the baddies to use against anyone catching on to their evil. "My advancement from negative net worth to multi-millionaire in the last two years has nothing to do with my election to office. Amazing the apophenia out there." Also "Only an apopheniac would think the rise in youth heart attacks has anything to do with the vaxx."
115174   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 30, 7:37am  

What? People are struggling to survive in "neoliberal economy"? Puhleeeze! You can literally go from cradle to grave w/o ever holding a job and be fed, clothed and have your medical needs covered. In SF they will even buy you your favorite drugs and booze and deliver them to your luxurious hotel room.
115175   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 30, 7:42am  

It's MT or GTFO!
115176   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Mar 30, 8:48am  

sounds about right

globalism is bad, it hasn’t benefited americans, only ultra rich
115177   NDrLoR   2022 Mar 30, 8:49am  

joshuatrio says
It is smooth though
Like the old Buick Dynaflows 1948-1963.
115178   joshuatrio   2022 Mar 30, 9:11am  

It's MT or GTFO!

I'd agree with this. But MT is becoming a rarity these days.
115179   WookieMan   2022 Mar 30, 9:59am  

joshuatrio says
It's MT or GTFO!

I'd agree with this. But MT is becoming a rarity these days.

Fun to drive. Even a shit car. But it's a pain in the ass to be honest driving 2 MT's over 12-13 years. I basically have a bus now with the Armada. All the luxuries. I don't need a BMW or some luxury car, but I'll take the high end average car. As long as the stereo works, seat warmers work and I can tow up to 9k lbs I'm satisfied. Oh and it fits my kids. Still pissed about the Sequoia... these car threads piss me off.
115180   rocketjoe79   2022 Mar 30, 10:29am  

How about EV? ICE cars are dead.
115181   richwicks   2022 Mar 30, 2:35pm  

DooDahMan says

What's supposedly in the first picture? A man in the clouds?

Cloud watching was literally a past time 40 years ago I know. I've done it back then, the game is what do you spot, and then getting the other person to see it. Still think my brother screwed with me a few times saying he could see something that I never could. Not like we had cameras back then to force them to explain it.

Anyhow, I think nearly everybody sees faces in the other two images, hardly surprising or shocking.
115182   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 30, 2:59pm  

WookieMan says
I'd agree with this. But MT is becoming a rarity these days.

Fun to drive. Even a shit car. But it's a pain in the ass to be honest driving 2 MT's over 12-13 years.

How is it a pain? I drove many years in the SFBA traffic. No pain. I drove fucking truck-based diesel RV on the wrong side of the fucking road (Australia) and still it was no pain at all.
115183   Booger   2022 Mar 30, 3:02pm  

Traffic killed the manual transmission.
115184   EBGuy   2022 Mar 30, 3:18pm  

rocketjoe79 says
How about EV? ICE cars are dead.

This looks pretty interesting as it powers a supercar (hybrid with a two liter 3 cylinder engine). Via MotorTrend.
The new power unit has been dubbed the "Terrier," and it features Koenigsegg's new compact electric motors, which have now been named after the only known particle that has to deal with all four forces of the universe—the "quark." A single Koenigsegg Quark motor produces 250 kW, or 335 hp, and 443 lb-ft of torque at its peak output, and weighs just 63 pounds....
While we wait for more details on the layout of the Quark motor, we posit it likely has its permanent magnets arrayed in a manner that can be energized either axially or radially, and that there are electric stator winding phases located both radially and axially, and energized independently under whatever conditions are optimal for each design's power and torque delivery. Essentially, Koenigsegg smashed both layouts together and designed programming to make it work.
What you really need to know is that it means "optimal" power delivery from the motor, and doesn't need a transmission or step gears because "the RPM of the motor is right from the get-go," according to CEO Christian von Koenigsegg.
115186   richwicks   2022 Mar 30, 10:14pm  

rocketjoe79 says
How about EV? ICE cars are dead.

No, ICE is FAR from dead.

Electric cars (currently) require rare earths, and the electrical grid (at least in the West) can't handle the load. Electric cars are a fad.

The government can try to force people to move to EVs but the result will be people just won't be driving anymore. That will be the actual result.
115187   mell   2022 Mar 30, 10:24pm  

Still only driving MT today. I will buy used MT cars as long as I can find them. AT always had a gay feeling.. not that there's anything wrong with it ;)
115188   ForcedTQ   2022 Mar 30, 10:40pm  

richwicks says
rocketjoe79 says
How about EV? ICE cars are dead.

No, ICE is FAR from dead.

Electric cars (currently) require rare earths, and the electrical grid (at least in the West) can't handle the load. Electric cars are a fad.

The government can try to force people to move to EVs but the result will be people just won't be driving anymore. That will be the actual result.

I’m pretty sure that is the government desired result. Limit private ease of movement. When only the upper 10% of population can afford to travel, you have a much more captive slave audience…
115189   richwicks   2022 Mar 30, 10:58pm  

ForcedTQ says
I’m pretty sure that is the government desired result. Limit private ease of movement. When only the upper 10% of population can afford to travel, you have a much more captive slave audience…

Could be the direction they want to go, but the United States isn't Europe. There are vast distances between cities and towns. It would push us toward revolution.

Eventually, the population is going to realize the US government itself is at war, and has been at war, against the US citizen.

They had to blatantly steal an election to get to this point and the potato that put into the executive office is an absolute disaster. I know this stupid government though, they will double down. They will put people in place as necessary, and through whatever means necessary - from recruiting politicians to blatant election fraud again. 3 years from now, we'll have a Mitt Romney or some other similar milquetoast "republican" as president - it won't be Trump, UNLESS he's controlled opposition, and maybe he is.

People expect some sort of change with the next election, NOPE! Not going to happen. It will be a bunch of bought and paid for "representatives" that will keep pushing forward into a direction nobody wants to go other than them.

Hollywood has been a major driving force for this sort of propaganda. They are dead. I can see it, that's a major lynchpin of propaganda, and it's broken. Interesting times ahead. If you don't think the propaganda is failing at every level, see the comments on this video:


Nobody respects our current president. There's no defense of him at all. I've never seen this before. I saw people fiercely defend George W. Bush, and Obama, and of course Trump. There's nobody defending Biden other than propaganda, and that's all smoke and mirrors. If Cliton was president meathead, there would be defense so I'm rather happy with Biden. If we have to have a meat puppet as president that is going to do nothing but betray the entire country, best to get the most hated and least defensible shithead possible.

We've got that.
115190   Ceffer   2022 Mar 30, 11:35pm  

Car critics to have street creds have to subscribe to the notions that any car that is a 'real' car has to have: 1. manual transmission 2. Rear wheel drive 3. a bit of understeer 4. big, sticky tires 5. as many hp as you can cram under the hood 6 0 to 60 in less than five seconds.

Dumping on CVT is obligatory or you are a car wimp by definition.

It seems that 99.9 percent cars, the ones that do well with 99.9 percent of actual driving conditions for most people, are dumped on because they don't do well in the .1 percent of conditions of the race track or obstacle course.
115191   richwicks   2022 Mar 31, 2:35am  

DooDahMan says
Here's why change blindness happens as well as the effect it can have on how you perceive and interact with the world around you.


I would need to see an example demonstrated to me, not a claim that it happens. I'm doubtful of this.

One thing our brain recognizes is visual change because we are scavengers/hunters - mostly scavengers. I think this article is talking about more subtle change though and that's not visual.

I have seen psychology demolished in my time. Assisted touch was one I'm pretty closely connected with. I saw a psychologist swear it was true to dismissing it as an awful mistake. Psychology is filled with fraud.
115192   richwicks   2022 Mar 31, 2:56am  

DooDahMan says
richwicks says
Psychology is filled with fraud.

As are politics, business, religion and anything else that humans interact with.

Psychology is far more insidious than you think. It builds a model of human behavior to correct people to. The model is wrong and impossible to achieve, it's a religion.

The most useful psychology books I've read were on evolutionary psychology which explained how morality would have to evolve among any social species - not just man - but any social species.

The models built around current psychological models are impossible positions. No human is like the ideal model. It's like "what would Jesus do?" when Jesus probably never existed, and is just a legend. It's unobtainable. It's a religion - there is no possibility to attain the perfection.
115193   zzyzzx   2022 Mar 31, 5:13am  

richwicks says
That will be the actual result.

That is the desired result, as per the ruling class.
115194   zzyzzx   2022 Mar 31, 5:14am  

Ruining the rest of the country now.
115195   clambo   2022 Mar 31, 7:13am  

I departed California when I no longer wanted to work. But, California can follow you.

Because I was self employed for a while and still derived some income from the little business that another guy ran, California taxed me for the money derived in California.
The money was not the problem, I was just pissed having to prepare a California 540 form.

I said fuck it and told my clients that I sold the business to the guy.

I have Florida residence, so I can renew my car registration by mail every 2 years.
I can renew my drivers license by mail once for 8 years.

I’m going to spend my time in Baja California Sur Mexico and can take my car down there.
Florida is okay in some places, but I feel very far from California, unlike in Baja which is a quick trip back to visit.

I save about $7,000/year in California taxes, until I begin to spend my investments, which would increase them.

I refuse to pay the rich pensions for goldbricks, cops, firemen, healthcare for illegals, and all the rest.
I can have a good time with the extra dough before I get too old to care about fun.

California is fine if you’re still working or a zillionaire. Now I’m going to be another tourist.

Edit: I established Florida residence and have a bank account here, but I will actually live in Baja California Sur Mexico by the fall.
115196   RC2006   2022 Mar 31, 7:23am  

Ah, this was the first year CA didn't get one penny in taxes from me.
115197   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 31, 8:33am  

Ceffer says
Car critics to have street creds have to subscribe to the notions that any car that is a 'real' car has to have: 1. manual transmission 2. Rear wheel drive 3. a bit of understeer 4. big, sticky tires 5. as many hp as you can cram under the hood 6 0 to 60 in less than five seconds.

Dumping on CVT is obligatory or you are a car wimp by definition.

It seems that 99.9 percent cars, the ones that do well with 99.9 percent of actual driving conditions for most people, are dumped on because they don't do well in the .1 percent of conditions of the race track or obstacle course.

Bit of understeer? This is literally 99.99% of the fleet currently on the road.
115198   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 31, 8:34am  

rocketjoe79 says
How about EV? ICE cars are dead.

115199   WookieMan   2022 Mar 31, 8:45am  

RC2006 says
Ah, this was the first year CA didn't get one penny in taxes from me.

Good. Keep it up. I want to move from IL, but a transition would be a massive lifestyle change for 2-5 years. We'd make good money eventually, but with the age of our kids and situation it's just not worth it. We're locked in until they go off to college, trade school or start a business.

We will get out at some point, but it will probably be 10-15 years from now. We make a shit ton of money though where we live. Doesn't make life 100% happy, but it helps for sure. Not stressing about bills or finances is true freedom. So I can deal with the cold dark winters. We like travel so Chicago is centrally located to get to some cool places in 3-4 hours via plane or car in 6-8 hours (or closer). So it's not all bad.

Good news, and I haven't checked the polling, but there's a decent chance I might personally know the next governor of the state. It would be a huuuuuuuge boon to the wife's business. JB Prickzker is likely out. He's a black Republican. He's got the right message. First time I might donate to a campaign. Honestly, the guy has POTUS potential in my opinion. Not now but in the future. I avoid doxxing myself, so I won't say his name, but I have a feeling you'll all hear it at some point. I'm actually super excited for the state if he can pull it off for once. Rauner was GOPe. This guy is more populist and not that it should matter.... black.

Sorry for the rant. I'm actually positive for once on IL. We'll see. Inflation has covered up a lot of the wounds of the past.
115200   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 31, 10:07am  

Ceffer says
It seems that 99.9 percent cars, the ones that do well with 99.9 percent of actual driving conditions for most people, are dumped on because

... most people have no interest in driving at all and no desire to get better at it. They would rather play with their phones.
115201   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 31, 10:53am  

115202   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 31, 7:05pm  

This is the beginning of the beginning. And it probably won't be the End of the Dollar (dun dun dunnnn). There will be weaker dollar alternatives.

It all depends on how badly the Hapless Millie Meanies running the White House think they can reduce or eliminate Midterm losses by stimulating with the printing press.

After this $1.5T "stimulus", next on the agenda is a nearly $6T Budget.

Since we only have a fraction of that money in tax, the lion's share of that $6T, just like all of the $1.5 Stimulus, will be printed.

Remember, all inflation has a monetary policy origin. Always, everywhere, all the time, without exception.
115204   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Apr 1, 12:20am  

Bit of understeer? This is literally 99.99% of the fleet currently on the road.
I think he meant oversteer. He also forgot to mention mid-engined! You gotta have a mid-engine, if for no other reason than it looks cool when you open the trunk and frunk in the Costco parking lot. (In Great Britain, the front one is called the "froot"?)

Anyway, perfect description of my car. Thanks! (2x power would be good, though.)

I'm not washing my car, which is not allowed during the perpetual drought. I'm watering my grass (allowed) and the car just happened to get in the way!
115205   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Apr 1, 12:30am  

I'm a 100% manual transmission guy. But, having tried Porsche's Doppelkupplung (marketing: PDK) can tell you that, on the racetrack, that double-clutch setup is absolutely better than the manual. As for a fun, legal driving experience on public roads, the PDK is 2nd best behind the manual, but well ahead of any other systems.

Karl Benz was trying the dual-clutch concepts in their 1930s race cars, but with a human trying to manage the dual transmission and dual clutch situation by hand (and foot), the complexity never overcame the benefits.
115206   SunnyvaleCA   2022 Apr 1, 12:42am  

Porsche's PDK uses a "wet" clutch system and has been shown (as far as I know) to be quite reliable in the real world. It's completely different than the VW/Audi system. The very vocal 0.1% of Porsche owners who drive their cars very hard on racetracks sometimes report catastrophic failures, but those people are also reporting all sorts of problems with all sorts of other systems. And... they probably bought the Porsche because it is less problem-prone on the race track than other sports cars.

That said, the PDK is very expensive (just like any other part of the car), hard to work on (just like any other part of the car), and requires some regular maintenance from a skilled person (just like any other part of the car).
115207   richwicks   2022 Apr 1, 1:22am  

zzyzzx says
richwicks says
That will be the actual result.

That is the desired result, as per the ruling class.

It will lead to revolution at worst, or famine within the United States at best.

Our asshole leaders are trying to move too fast and too far in too little time. I fully expect as a soviet style collapse within this country within 10 years. I don't think the people in control are really in that much control. I think they overestimate their power.
115208   zzyzzx   2022 Apr 1, 7:25am  

SunnyvaleCA says
I'm not washing my car, which is not allowed during the perpetual drought. I'm watering my grass (allowed) and the car just happened to get in the way!

I approve of this grey water reuse. I would do the whole washing machine and shower discharge onto the lawn if I lived in an area where water was scarce.
115209   RWSGFY   2022 Apr 1, 7:28am  

Patrick says

Putin so smart! His foresight is amazing. He also failed to anticipate couple of minor things like freezing of his assets (mentioned in the article) and Ukie military capacity to resist his invasion (not mentioned in the article), but who's counting. It's like with globull worming: if some prediction by an "expert" fails to materialize - brush it off an move on to the next, which will come true FOR SURE THIS TIME!
115210   WookieMan   2022 Apr 1, 7:53am  

mell says
Still only driving MT today. I will buy used MT cars as long as I can find them. AT always had a gay feeling.. not that there's anything wrong with it ;)

It is gay feeling to be honest. I've always loved MT. It's muscle memory now, but with three pre-teen boys I have enough distractions in the car when they're fucking around in the back. Eating on the road, handing food or other stuff around as the driver. I've got a clean driving record, don't text and drive and I don't want to lose that. So any type of AT is fine by me. I might do the mid-life thing and buy a sports car at some point as a 3rd car.

I really can't stand driving anymore. I'm 38 and rough estimate I'm probably close to 1M miles. I've been in cars waaaaay too long. Got most of my permit hours driving to FL panhandle for Spring Break that year. I drove there and back non-stop. About 30 hours and 2k miles round trip. Done that trip as a driver almost another 15 times alone. I almost killed everyone the last time I tried to drive straight through without stopping. That was the last time. Planes work better. Although pre-kids the road head was nice ;)

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