An Open Letter To Open-Minded Progressives

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2021 Oct 16, 10:35am   230 views  5 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (56)   💰tip   ignore  


From 2008. I think this is the first post of Mencius Moldbug, who wrote blog posts for about 10 years.

There is one difference, though. To be a Catholic, you have to have faith, because no one has ever seen the Holy Ghost. To be a progressive, you have to have trust, because you believe that your worldview accurately reflects the real world—as experienced not just by your own small eyes, but by humanity as a whole.

But you have not shared humanity’s experience. You have only read, heard and seen a corpus of text, audio and video compiled from it. And compiled by whom? Which is where the trust comes in. More on this in a little bit.

I am not a progressive, but I was raised as one. I live in San Francisco, I grew up as a Foreign Service brat, I went to Brown, I’ve been brushing my teeth with Tom’s of Maine since the mid-80s. What happened to me is that I lost my trust. ...

But many people will think exactly this: if you stop being a progressive, you have to become a conservative. I suspect that the primary emotional motivation for most progressives is that they’re progressives because they think something needs to be done about conservatives. Game over. Gutterball. Right back to the insidious grip.

Where does this idea that, if NPR is wrong, Fox News must be right, come from? They can’t both be right, because they contradict each other. But couldn’t they both be wrong? I don’t mean slightly wrong, I don’t mean each is half right and each is half wrong, I don’t mean the truth is somewhere between them, I mean neither of them has any consistent relationship to reality.

Lots of interesting insights.

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1   Ceffer   2021 Oct 16, 10:45am  

I get scads of conservative click bait in my email. I don't know how the fuck I got on their lists. I think I filled out a survey from Hillsdale College, which may have sired them. Much of this conservative click bait is all emotionally geared to provoke a response or inspire false hopium against the destructors. I operate on the presumption that much of it is just surveillance and Mockingbird controlled opposition/disinformation, so I ignore most of it.

If you want some semblance or form of reasonable truth, you also need to avoid the conservative pitfalls. Like I said, the old fashioned liberal wasn't such a terrible thing in the day, no matter how absurd or idealistically misguided at times. However, as a conservative, I don't have to take responsibility for birthing and promoting the present monsters like they do.
2   🎂 MAGA   2021 Oct 16, 10:56am  

Open minded?
3   Patrick   2022 Apr 22, 12:43am  


Q: But imagine if you were an African or an African American intellectual. And it’s ten years from now. And you pick up The New York Times… (Hits Table) and some geneticist says, A, that intelligence is genetic, and B, the difference is measured on standardized tests. Between black people and white people, is traceable to a genetic basis. What would you, as a black intellectual, do, do you think?

Here is the problem: the message our beloved Cathedral has been implanting in all the young smart kids at Harvard and Yale and Stanford, the cream of the crop, the top 1%, not to mention the readers of the New York Times who are the top 10%, is not “we don’t know.”

Oh, no. The message is “we do know. And they are equal. In fact, we are so sure they’re equal that if you even start to hint that you might disagree, we will do everything we can to destroy your life, and we will feel good about it. Because your opinions are evil and you are, too.” ...

Thus what we call hate speech is merely a 20th-century name for the age-old crime of blasphemy. ...

So it is almost impossible for me to answer Professor Gates’s question. Asking what a “black intellectual” should do after A and B are demonstrated is like asking what a professor of Marxist–Leninist studies should do after the fall of the Soviet Union. I don’t know, dude. What else are you good at?
4   richwicks   2022 Apr 22, 2:04am  

Patrick says
Where does this idea that, if NPR is wrong, Fox News must be right, come from? They can’t both be right, because they contradict each other. But couldn’t they both be wrong? I don’t mean slightly wrong, I don’t mean each is half right and each is half wrong, I don’t mean the truth is somewhere between them, I mean neither of them has any consistent relationship to reality.

This is precisely correct and he figured it out before I did - he did way back in 2008. He's right, it's impossible to know what is actually going on by listening to NPR and Fox, they are both completely full of crap. It wasn't until 2012 I figured it out, when Obama proved to be just like Bush in any way that mattered.

To dispel the crap a little bit, I kind of like to promote the guy on the right in this interview:

original link

Because this guy, is pretty spot on in my opinion. SURE he'll say stuff like "yeah OBVIOUSLY Joe Biden assaulted Terra Reade" when he can't for certain know that, but his understanding and downright cynicism of history is correct.

For example: Some people might know that Liberia was made for freed slaves after the Civil War, what some people may not be aware of is that it really was a nation created to get rid of the blacks, period. They were offered $100 (that's about $10,000 today in gold), to leave. Some abolitionists weren't abolitionists because they thought slavery was a bad immoral thing, they were abolitionists because they didn't think the negro should be allowed to be in the United States at all. What sort of abolitionist was Lincoln? Who knows, he was a politician, he said whatever he had to say in order to gain support.

The Republicans of the time were just as cynical as the Democrats are today, they decided to use the newly created free slaves as a voting block, the same exact way the Democrats did. Blacks voted Republican pretty consistently - when they could vote - and that's why the South went from being the wealthiest part of our country before the Civil war to poorer and poorer. The turnaround started with Truman that desegregated the military and it was Johnson that changed voting laws nationwide and got rid of "literacy tests", which were IMPOSSIBLE to pass - seriously:


You only had to answer one question "incorrectly", and the answer changed by the tested on their discretion. I remember thinking "what was wrong with a literacy test?" when I was younger until I saw one - how do you draw a line around something? Well you can't, automatic failure!

People who think that the people in power have EVER been "good guys", are just wrong. I like Dawson's super cynical view, because the people in power, they sure are cynical. The reason people don't know this, is that we are kept intentionally ignorant. None of us know history and the left and the right, the people who CONTROL each, they may be enemies maybe, but if they are, it doesn't matter. They both promote false solutions.

Everything we are told as children is a complete lie, and I love Dawson for pointing that out. He was kicked off from YouTube in 2008 - he claims to be the most banned person on the Internet. He's on the no-fly list in the United States, and lives in Japan now.
5   Tenpoundbass   2022 Apr 22, 6:15am  

Patrick says
But many people will think exactly this: if you stop being a progressive, you have to become a conservative.

And to those idiots, yes and especially that one, I ask "What is a conservative in your view?"

I believe Conservative and Liberal are the two quintessential essences of the Left and Right political bases that keeps society level and government working. Even as an independent I valued the Yin and Yang of the two. Favoring one, when one has shifted too far to one extreme or the other. Realizing that the two prevent one party or the other from disastrous legislation. But of course over the last few decades they have both melted into a Uniparty where there is no difference and they are all working for the same end goal. But that's on the political office side, what about the base, the voters?

The problem is all of the other flavors of the Left and Right leaning politics. They keep punch through the extreme barriers, and it's not the voters they are only going for a ride.
But stories like this keeps division and team sport mentality going.

As I have said countless times Liberals need bad times and bad people that they can Liberate the people from. They have gone so far off the deep end, until America finally now needs Liberating from them. That makes Donald Trump the biggest Liberal in functionality on the planet! And would you lookey there? Turns out Biden is the biggest Conservative in centuries with his conserving America's fossil fuel and all. Too bad he doesn't have the prudence to go along with it.

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