Vaxx Failure Thread

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2021 Sep 28, 1:25pm   229,226 views  1,350 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

A thread for obvious failures of the jab.

First one:


A married Michigan couple who were fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 both died of the virus just one minute apart.

Cal Dunham, 59, and wife Linda, 66, ‘gained their angel wings’ Sunday despite taking precautions against the virus and being inoculated against it, relatives said.

The couple, who had undisclosed underlying health conditions, fell ill earlier this month during a family camping trip, the couple's grieving daughter Sarah Dunham said.

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607   Patrick   2022 May 7, 5:00pm  


Charlotte, The Baroness of Burnley 👠
This 23 year old powerhouse @DominiqueTaegon walks all over Jab Nazi @NinaMyskow on the horror shown known as The Jeremy Vile Show. Absolute icon Dominique 👊🏼💕

608   GNL   2022 May 7, 5:57pm  

The question NEVER should have been "Is the jab safe and effective". It should have been "Do I want to take it".
610   HeadSet   2022 May 8, 8:43am  

Scientists Attempting To Design ‘Self-Spreading’ Vaccines That Can Jump From Vaccinated To Unvaccinated Populations

Isn't that what the omicron variant turned out to be?
612   Patrick   2022 May 8, 8:12pm  


Randomized controlled trials show all-cause mortality reduction from the Covid adenovirus-vector vaccines (RR=0.37, 95%CI: 0.19-0.70) but not from the mRNA vaccines (RR=1.03, 95%CI 0.63-1.71).
614   Karloff   2022 May 9, 3:24pm  

The information coming out of these Pfizer dumps shows that the side effects in the trials were far worse than even what we're seeing in the official rollout.

Makes me think they really are mixing placebos in with the shots the general public is getting.
615   Karloff   2022 May 9, 3:28pm  

Regarding that divisive propaganda article spread throughout Canada a few weeks ago that was geared to get people hating on the un-jabbed because they were somehow a threat to the jabbed, here's a response from Dr. Byram Bridle demonstrating in multiple ways how criminally dishonest that article was:


I would be willing to stand in a court to justify my opinion. I honestly believe that the authors need to be investigated, as does the editor who allowed the paper to be published; and it would be great if the names of the reviewers who supported its publication could be made public. And the legacy media outlets that are promoting this ‘scientific’ garbage should be ashamed. They could use some immunology expertise and a return to investigative journalism to separate themselves from being labeled as propaganda artists.
616   stereotomy   2022 May 9, 4:02pm  

Karloff says

The information coming out of these Pfizer dumps shows that the side effects in the trials were far worse than even what we're seeing in the official rollout.

Makes me think they really are mixing placebos in with the shots the general public is getting.

Hoiw bad is my batch? See how many adverse reactions per batch number. The link below is for J&J, but they have the mRNA batches as well.

617   Hircus   2022 May 9, 4:40pm  

Karloff says
Makes me think they really are mixing placebos in with the shots the general public is getting.

Ya know...that would make a ton of sense actually.

They were supposed to compare the jab vs placebo group for 3+ years I think in the original trial right before they released it to the public, but they cut it short a few months or so into the study, and offered the placebo group the jab, effectively ending the study.

Reintroducing placebos via trickery & deception was probably a backdoor FDA approved idea to facilitate the continued study of its effects.

Also, it's just too odd that 5% of the batches cause 90% of the adverse reactions. Sounds like the public is an unknowing participant in experimentations.
618   Patrick   2022 May 9, 4:56pm  

Hircus says
it's just too odd that 5% of the batches cause 90% of the adverse reactions

If only 5% of the jabs have the real toxxine, then the real rate of adverse events is 20x higher than the currently reported rate, which is already horrendous.
619   GNL   2022 May 9, 5:12pm  

Karloff says
They could use some immunology expertise and a return to investigative journalism to separate themselves from being labeled as propaganda artists.

Why threaten to label them propagandists? That is exactly what they are and it will never go back. Trust once lost is lost. Period. Truth fights like a scared rabbit...it simply runs in circles.
620   GNL   2022 May 9, 5:14pm  

Patrick says

Hircus says
it's just too odd that 5% of the batches cause 90% of the adverse reactions

If only 5% of the jabs have the real toxxine, then the real rate of adverse events is 20x higher than the currently reported rate, which is already horrendous.

Which would also mean we are NOT going to see 100s of millions dying over the next few years.
621   Onvacation   2022 May 9, 5:35pm  

WineHorror1 says

Which would also mean we are NOT going to see 100s of millions dying over the next few years.

Covid-19 seems to have run its course.

Just wait for the sequel.
622   Patrick   2022 May 9, 9:15pm  


Following the release of the Pfizer documents, it’s now confirmed that 1,223 people died within the first 28 days after being inoculated with the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine during trials — and it was still approved for use.

Far from being ‘safe and effective,’ Pfizer’s documents prove otherwise: the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine is perhaps the most ineffectual, dangerous ‘vaccine’ ever brought to market.

Besides slaughtering over 1,000 people in under a month, trials also produced hundreds of potentially fatal side effects, created fertility issues, and were only 12-15 per cent effective at preventing infection overall and subsequently dropped to less than 1 per cent — despite health officials claiming it would be over 90 per cent effective. They were lying.
624   Patrick   2022 May 10, 9:10am  

Lol, pfraudulent Pfizer's CEO's wife.
626   HeadSet   2022 May 10, 9:30am  

Patrick says
Lol, pfraudulent Pfizer's CEO's wife.

Unlikely that wife actually took the jab. Funny how the wife gets "Covid Treatment Pills," which are likely a rebadged Ivermectin.
629   Patrick   2022 May 11, 11:44am  


CG enrichment in covid vaccine mRNA
why the vaccines may have VERY different systemic effects vs covid virus ...

are mRNA vaccines causing innate immune suppression?
cliff notes: mRNA vaccines appear to elicit profound, broad based immune suppression they are structured very differently than live virus and have the equivalent of a biological passkey allow them to p…
Read more
19 days ago · 554 likes · 276 comments · el gato malo

this piece also discussed the pseudo uridine passkey by which these drugs can permeate your whole body unmolested and the long period in which they generate synthetic spike proteins. these spike proteins are, themselves, a serious pathogen and they look to be produced for in excess of 60 days post injection.

this alone would be cause for concern, but such concerns may be significantly amplified by another issue: the elicited S proteins are NOT the same genetic sequences as live virus.

630   Patrick   2022 May 11, 9:12pm  


Logical deduction
Israel's MOH data has finally been un-masked and it is showing the true negative efficacy against transmission we saw everywhere else.

Dear Israeli Ministry of Health,

After it was out that you caused with your lies and coercion, among other things, myocarditis in at least hundreds of young healthy Israeli not at risk from Covid, you responded:

"Myocarditis is a mild disease".


Look at your own graph and follow your own logic...

Now that you finally admit that your mandated shots also increased Covid infections, I guess that it's about time that you admit that Covid amongst the young is truly (unlike myocarditis) a mild disease.

We all knew that anyway.

But oops…

Looks like the holy jabs increased Covid also amongst the old!

I guess that it means that you forcibly assisted the spreading of a severe illness among the at risk population....

Prepare your excuses. You will need them soon.

631   Patrick   2022 May 11, 9:18pm  


Cancer is taking off like wildfire and reemerging latent disease: Dr. Malone discusses vaccine-induced AIDS.
632   Booger   2022 May 13, 9:30am  


Study finds Triple Vaccinated are suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and/or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in Canada
635   Patrick   2022 May 15, 11:12pm  


A mysterious spike in "excess" deaths in New Brunswick that began last summer as the COVID-19 Delta variant began spreading in the province saw 636 more deaths than normal over a 20-week period, according to new estimates. ...

On Wednesday, Health Minister Dorothy Shephard told the legislature she does not know why deaths jumped so high, but said she doubts it was caused by undetected COVID cases. ...

"I cannot explain those numbers at this actual moment, but the department has been asked to look at it, and it will do so as we progress through our evaluations," she said.

In an ongoing study of what it calls "provisional death counts and excess mortality" related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Statistics Canada reported new figures this week.

The figures show that beginning the week of July 17, 2021, and extending through the week of Nov. 27, New Brunswick experienced 636 more deaths than would normally be expected to occur in that period.

Gosh, what could have caused all those extra deaths?
637   Patrick   2022 May 17, 6:56pm  


Health Canada has just updated their COVID dashboard. 99.96% of the COVID deaths in the last 1 week period were Vaccinated.


According to official health data, 222 fully vaccinated individuals died from COVID compared to only one unvaccinated person among the eligible population in Canada between April 10-17.
639   GNL   2022 May 18, 2:16pm  

Yes, it's Covid. No? Prove it. /sarc
640   stereotomy   2022 May 18, 2:51pm  

Who-fucking-doodly-who could have predicted this?
642   Patrick   2022 May 19, 10:03pm  


Majority of Vaccinated People May Have Myocarditis
Dr. Robert Malone warns that heart inflammation may be widespread among the vaxxed
643   Patrick   2022 May 23, 9:14am  


Emma Woodhouse 😁
May 22
None of ZeroCovid measures at 98% vaxed Cornell worked

In the study period

2,797 cases identified
82% mild
0% hospitalized
98.6% of cases were “breakthrough infections”

Omicron blamed; vax credited
644   Patrick   2022 May 23, 2:01pm  


A new study suggests recipients of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine may be more likely to suffer repeated infections, perhaps indefinitely.

The study, still in preprint, found participants in Moderna’s adult trial who received the vaccine, and later were exposed to the virus, did not generate antibodies to a key component of the virus as often as did those in the placebo group.

The authors’ findings, which are corroborated by U.K. data that demonstrate the rates of infection are significantly higher in the vaccinated, suggest Moderna knew of this safety signal in 2020 when the vaccine maker was conducting its trials.
645   Patrick   2022 May 24, 12:50pm  


Recall that Pfizer purported that the efficacy of their vaccine was 95%! Ben walks us through that veritable statistical lie and how they got away with it.

Read the entire thread here.

Finally we have evidence, how Pfizer came to calculate a 95% vaccine efficacy! Real efficacy is likely only 19%, with a very bad side effect profile of up to 0.8% severe side effects, as reported by German Hospital Study Charité!

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