Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,525 views  4,148 comments

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1061   richwicks   2022 May 27, 10:38am  

Bd6r says
According to my favorite Al Nusra channel who are bezt friends of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Russia contacted Taliban asking to buy former Russian/Soviet weapons that are still in Afghanistan. Taliban said they will not sell arms to terrorists...

Shows how well Russian army is doing in Ukraine-they are running out of weapons...

Haha - complete horse shit!

The Mujahideen has always had a pragmatic view of the United States and Russia. They've been in a 40 year proxy war between what was once the USSR then Russia and the United States. They feel equally about the United States and Russia.

Russia, in fact, the entire world, has already gone through every piece of equipment that's been left behind in Afghanistan. Whatever was left there, the design of the entire aircraft, vehicle, or weapon is basically public domain.
1062   Bd6r   2022 May 27, 11:09am  

richwicks says
Haha - complete horse shit!

The Mujahideen has always had a pragmatic view of the United States and Russia. They've been in a 40 year proxy war between what was once the USSR then Russia and the United States. They feel equally about the United States and Russia.

Argue with Al Nusra which posted the information that I reposted here. Or do you think you are more versed in Mujahideen matters than they are themselves? That does seem like a complete horsehit attitude combined with complete lack of knowledge about what you are talking about...
1063   richwicks   2022 May 27, 11:38am  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
Haha - complete horse shit!

The Mujahideen has always had a pragmatic view of the United States and Russia. They've been in a 40 year proxy war between what was once the USSR then Russia and the United States. They feel equally about the United States and Russia.

Argue with Al Nusra which posted the information that I reposted here.

I don't care about Al Nusra.

Understand how the world works well enough to know what goes on. Afghanistan hates the United States and the USSR. Fuck them both is their attitude. Stop living in the fantasy of false dichotomies.

The day that the US abandoned Afghanistan, every weapon, every vehicle of any sort became public domain to the world. The oligarchs in the United States aren't interested in winning wars, they are interested in causing them, so they don't care. The more money and effort wasted on war, the more power they gain. All wars are banker's wars:

original link

You've heard of the "Big Lie" - it's a lie so bold, that would be so damaging that if it wasn't true, would discredit entirely the person telling it - so people have a tendency to believe it, because the alternative is realizing it is a lie is that your entire world view is incorrect. Well, your entire world view is incorrect, most people's are. The biggest lie is that wars are fought for reasons other than for a fucking bank that wants to create debt and dependency.
1064   Bd6r   2022 May 27, 12:01pm  

richwicks says
don't care about Al Nusra.

What does Al Nusra reporting on Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has to do with what you posted above? I presented you with something which was reported by Islamists, and you respond with a claim that this is horseshit - it is not, it is a FACT - and then continue postig pages of irrelevant stuff.
You know what goes on in Afghanistan better than Al Nusra or Islamic Emirate? If yes, then what they said may be horseshit; if not, then what YOU said is likely horseshit. Pick one.
1065   richwicks   2022 May 27, 1:12pm  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
don't care about Al Nusra.

What does Al Nusra reporting on Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has to do with what you posted above?

Al Nusra is Syria. Not Afghanistan.

Ignore all you hear, and 1/2 of what you see.

Bd6r says
I presented you with something which was reported by Islamists

They aren't a monolithic group.

Bd6r says
and you respond with a claim that this is horseshit - it is not, it is a FACT - and then continue postig pages of irrelevant stuff.

Afghanistan doesn't care about the conflict between the United States and Russia. The Mujahideen, what we are now are told are "the Taliban" hate them both equally. They wouldn't refuse to sell (or even just give) US technology to Russia to fuck over the United States after the United States spent 20 years at war with them for no fucking reason.

You're able to think, do it. You REALLY believe that after 20 years of the US FUCKING over that nation that the survivors of 20 years of brutal, stupid, pointless wars, are going to protect the United States? Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that was left in Afghanistan, Russia FULLY understands. They have every goddamned weapon, vehicle of any sort, completely disassembled, and they understand it entirely. That happened over a year ago.

I went too far with you, I was explaining the actual purpose of our wars. That's a bridge too far for you at this point. It is quite a leap, I'll admit. Understanding the Big Lies, is, very difficult. It just means you're a human being, and can't think like a sociopath. Being able to think like a sociopath won't make you one, but it allows you to understand how they think. You have to disassociate yourself a bit from humanity to do it, and view people as things and have no empathy for them - then you can see motivations. You can't even view them like animals because I would bet you have some empathy and pity for any animal, you have to view them as like chess pieces or video game characters.
1066   Ceffer   2022 May 27, 6:50pm  

More Ukrainian WINNING! When shit hits the fan, their commanders flee and leave them on the field to die with no food and primitive weapons. Everybody crowed about how Russian generals died, because they stood with their men, while Ukrainian leaders shoot their own soldiers in the back and flee. Obviously, morale alone is going to give the Russians their goals. "Aid and Western Weapons" are mostly being shipped out to make money on the black market instead of being used in combat, or rapidly destroyed because the Russians mysteriously know exactly where they are.
"Ukraine Army COLLAPSING; Zelensky (Now) Saying "Must Face Reality . . .""
1067   Bd6r   2022 May 27, 7:00pm  

So what was hordeshit out of what I posted? I see three possibilities
1. Chechen Al Nusra did not post what I said it posted. You can go to link I sent and check yourself that they did.
2. Islamic Emirate did not say what Chechens reported. Highly unlikely - you will be surprised to know that Taliban were the only ones who recognized Chechen independence and had some pseudoembassy with them. I am sure contacts were not broken off.
3. Most likely is that you don't believe this because it goes against your world view.

BTW read kavkazcenter if you can. It is just as anti-American as it is anti-Russian. They do have a soft spot for Ukrainians (if you would understand Russian, you could find plenty videos of Chechen Islamists fighting for Ukrainians) and Poland/Baltic countries since they were the only ones who helped Chechens when Russia was killing hundreds of thousands of them. More specifically, there were Ukrainian volunteers fighting against Russians while Poles and Balts gave Chechens diplomatic help. So knowing a little bit of history goes a long way...explains also exactly 0 Islamic terror attacks in those countries.
1068   AmericanKulak   2022 May 27, 7:02pm  

Just FYI, Hal Turner took 6 figs from the Alphabets to spread bullshit in the 90s.

The government also sponsored his boutique publishing company, "MARTINET Press"
1069   Bd6r   2022 May 27, 7:05pm  

AmericanKulak says

Just FYI, Hal Turner took 6 figs from the Alphabets to spread bullshit in the 90s.

The government also sponsored his boutique publishing company, "MARTINET Press"

That is why we should not switch on TV...
1070   AmericanKulak   2022 May 27, 7:53pm  

I read somewhere that in a hearing, the alphabets revealed that 2/3 of all Stormfag leadership were informants or agents themselves. This was like 25 years ago, when the alphabets pivoted from their ineffectual and botched handling of radical Left Terror groups to Right Wing ones after the Cold War ended to keep budgets high.

Vietnam Vets with wires infiltrating these groups on their own account, some of them charmed their way into keys and bank accounts as trusted comrades AND STILL the FIB fucked up the prosecution by not getting warrants.
1072   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 27, 9:32pm  

Ceffer says

More Ukrainian WINNING! When shit hits the fan, their commanders flee and leave them on the field to die with no food and primitive weapons. Everybody crowed about how Russian generals died, because they stood with their men, while Ukrainian leaders shoot their own soldiers in the back and flee. Obviously, morale alone is going to give the Russians their goals. "Aid and Western Weapons" are mostly being shipped out to make money on the black market instead of being used in combat, or rapidly destroyed because the Russians mysteriously know exactly where they are.
"Ukraine Army COLLAPSING; Zelensky (Now) Saying "Must Face Reality . . .""
1073   Ceffer   2022 May 27, 10:11pm  

They have vids of Ukrainians using American weapons that fall short of their targets, blowing up nothing. Also a lot of plain duds that just don't function.
"Charles Smith
May 28, 2022
“really committed” is how Alexander kindly describes the 50 remaining azov fighters. “Are desperately trying to hide” ,as he says next, is probably what they are doing in the hope of avoiding trial and prison/execution for their crimes for as long as possible.

An important point that Scott Ritter makes is that much of the weaponry given to Ukraine is so old that it is non-functional. A reasonable assumption would be that the manufacturers of that equipment would know that. Is it possible that some people in the U.S. gov’t. knew this and sent antiquated junk to Ukraine as a way of getting functional replacements without having to explain why so much extremely expensive weaponry (eg. thousands of anti-tank javelin missiles at $176,000 each) was unnecessarily purchased in the first place?"
1074   Ceffer   2022 May 27, 10:58pm  

Ukrainian cannon fodder Globalist sacrifices to Satan are refusing
to cooperate with the coke snorting camp guard puppets of the WEF/Western powers shoveling them into the Russian meat grinders.

1075   richwicks   2022 May 27, 11:41pm  

Just embedding the video:

original link

Be cautious with Hal Turner, it's WELL KNOWN he's sold out to the intelligence agencies years ago.
1077   Ceffer   2022 May 28, 10:36am  

richwicks says
it's WELL KNOWN he's sold out to the intelligence agencies years ago.

Except the Mockingbird MSM fake news intel agency press would want us to believe that Ukraine is WINNING!

The Satanic opposite of reality, as usual.
1078   Patrick   2022 May 28, 11:09am  

Ultimately the money is funneled back to US arms makers, who then in turn reward the many corrupt Congressmen who voted for this.
1080   Patrick   2022 May 28, 7:34pm  


“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

Once upon a time, it seemed to be the Soviets, and they alone, who did the sort of thing that Winston Smith does for a living at the Ministry of Truth—change the historical record, to maintain the Inner Party’s absolute “control” not only of the present but, especially, the future, as noted in the quote above. The Soviets’ routine manipulation of the photographic record—so as retroactively to “disappear” (today we would say “cancel”) no-longer-tolerable members of the Politburo—was demonstrated vividly in The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs and Art in Stalin’s Russia, a book by David King, published in 1997.

Well, that was then. This is now:

From Chris Bergier:

The smoking gun evidence proving U.S. involvement in the 2014 coup in Kiev, Ukraine has been removed from YouTube after eight years. However you can still watch it here on rumble:

original link

It was one of the most watched versions of the intercepted and leaked conversation between then Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the then U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, in which the two discuss who will make up the new government weeks before democratically-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a violent coup on Feb. 21, 2014.

The two talk about “midwifing” the unconstitutional change of government and “gluing it together” and of the role the then Vice President should play and what meetings to set up with Ukrainian politicians.

How would you like it if the Russians did the same thing to the State of California and caused it to secede from our Union?

Well, California seceding from the US might be a good thing actually. But I'm opposed to Google/Soviet falsification of the historical record.
1081   Patrick   2022 May 31, 9:32am  


Before the invasion of Ukraine, it was by no means certain that there would be a united response from the West. The sanctions imposed on Russia after Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 were fairly limited, especially from the European Union. Germany pressed on with the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Russia. But now, America, Europe and much of Asia have been united in applying severe sanctions against Russian banks, companies and oligarchs. Three months on, it’s time to ask: are the sanctions working?

The answer from the Bank of Russia’s balance of payment data for January to April isn’t reassuring. It showed that the sanctions are emphatically not working, at least not in the way that they were intended. Russia’s current account surplus (roughly speaking: exports minus imports) jumped to an all-time high at $96 billion — almost four times the same period last year. The total balance of goods and services shows an even wider gap: $106 billion, treble that of last year.
1083   Patrick   2022 Jun 9, 10:17am  


The top Ukrainian official who was fired for spreading misinformation has admitted that she lied about Russians committing mass rape in order to convince western countries to send more weapons to Ukraine.

Lyudmila Denisova, the former Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, was removed from her position following a vote of no confidence in the Ukrainian parliament which passed by a margin of 234-to-9.

Parliament member Pavlo Frolov specifically accused Denisova of pushing misinformation that “only harmed Ukraine” in relation to “the numerous details of ‘unnatural sexual offenses’ and child sexual abuses in the occupied territories, which were unsupported by evidence.”

In an interview published by a Ukrainian news outlet, Denisova admitted that her falsehoods had achieved their intended goal.
1084   Bd6r   2022 Jun 9, 11:13am  

An official was fired for lying (or, if we want to split hairs, for lying in a way that can be easily caught). Concept which is unknown for politics in US. I suppose we have become more of a banana republic than Ukraine.
1085   Ceffer   2022 Jun 9, 11:22am  

Race to the bottom in USA and Europe for Satanic inversion, where everything is accomplished by deception. Russians are trying to re-establish credibility after generations of being the swines of propaganda, while the US and the West are vying for who can perpetrate the greatest official lies and make them fly.
1086   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Jun 9, 1:17pm  

Patrick says

I've seen enough documentaries and read enough history. I would summ it up as America's funded war by militarizing Ukraine against Russia because Russia is using alternative banking system, not under control of Rothchilds. All wars are banker wars.

Few years back if I heard this I would think someone listens to Alex Jones too much, yet today without even hearing once from AJ I strongly believe these things.
1087   Eric Holder   2022 Jun 9, 1:31pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says

America's funded war by militarizing Ukraine against Russia

How? By providing 160 Javelin tubes under Trump admin (and bunch of blankets under Obiden)? This is silly.
1088   richwicks   2022 Jun 9, 2:07pm  

Ceffer says

richwicks says
it's WELL KNOWN he's sold out to the intelligence agencies years ago.

Except the Mockingbird MSM fake news intel agency press would want us to believe that Ukraine is WINNING!

The Satanic opposite of reality, as usual.

Hal Turner is controlled opposition now. He may not always have been, but he is absolutely known to be an intelligence asset now.


He's like Ray Epps. They will burn people at times just to boost their credibility.
1089   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 Jun 9, 4:13pm  

Eric Holder says

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says

America's funded war by militarizing Ukraine against Russia

How? By providing 160 Javelin tubes under Trump admin (and bunch of blankets under Obiden)? This is silly.

A lot more than that. We funded the government overthrow in Ukraine, we made their puppet government think that we will always have their back, we have been giving them a ton of weapons. 40 billion worth of weapons recently in fact. The goal is simple, inflict as much damage onto Russia as possible. So that Russia has to borrow money from Rothchilds.
1090   richwicks   2022 Jun 9, 8:21pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says

The goal is simple, inflict as much damage onto Russia as possible. So that Russia has to borrow money from Rothchilds.

That's not going to happen. The increase in oil prices is a boon for Russia. They are a major oil exporter.


Russia only spends around 60 billion a year on its entire military.. Ukraine is being shoved under the bus. Supposedly Kissinger said "To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”

A few key people in Ukraine are making bank off this war as well.

Russia may be sending grain to Europe this time next year. People just don't understand STILL that Russia is NOT the USSR.
1091   tomtomtom   2022 Jun 9, 8:28pm  

Patrick says


Before the invasion of Ukraine, it was by no means certain that there would be a united response from the West. The sanctions imposed on Russia after Vladimir Putin’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 were fairly limited, especially from the European Union. Germany pressed on with the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Russia. But now, America, Europe and much of Asia have been united in applying severe sanctions against Russian banks, companies and oligarchs. Three months on, it’s time to ask: are the sanctions working?

The answer from the Bank of Russia’s balance of payment data for January to April isn’t reassuring. It showed that the sanctions are emphatically not working, at least not in the way that they were intended. Russia’s current account surplus (roughly speaking: ...

Is that a surprise?
1092   mostly reader   2022 Jun 9, 8:34pm  

richwicks says

Russia may be sending grain to Europe this time next year.

You mean, the grain that they STOLE and ARE STEALING from Ukraine, right? Is this the grain to which you refer?

When you say "sending" you actually mean "SELLING", right? Is this what you mean?

Just being clear for the benefit of those vulnerable to "word-thinking".

See, you should work harder on your definitions. As of now, they are very, VERY misleading.
1093   Patrick   2022 Jun 10, 12:42pm  


Information warfare has been thrust to the forefront of strategic analyses and conversation surrounding the war in Ukraine, with many experts hailing the efforts of the Ukrainian government’s use of propaganda to garner international support and boost Ukrainian nationalism.

Consider the Ghost of Kyiv, a supposed Ukrainian fighter pilot notorious for shooting down Russian planes. The Ghost quickly became an internet sensation, bolstered by official Ukrainian social media accounts, and a symbol of Ukrainian strength and resiliency when facing a much stronger Russian military foe. That’s all well and good, but it should be noted that the pilot wasn’t real.

Ukrainian Air Force officials admitted May 1, two months into the invasion, that the Ghost of Kyiv was just a myth. But that icon, similar to the story pushed and initially verified by the Ukrainian government about the defenders of Snake Island all dying in defiance of a Russian warship’s order to surrender, has arguably been one of the greatest boons to the Ukrainians’ fight against Russia.

Both “urban legends” were pushed as part of Ukraine’s information warfare campaign, a campaign so successful that researcher Sinan Aral wrote in an article for the Washington Post that, “Ukraine and its partisans are running circles around Putin and his propagandists in the battle for hearts and minds, both in Ukraine and abroad.”
1094   RWSGFY   2022 Jun 13, 11:51am  

All metal, no manpower - Russian infantry shortages and mobilisation in Ukraine:

1095   Patrick   2022 Jun 15, 8:15am  


Glenn Greenwald
Three months into this war, Ukraine is ravaged. Russia controls major parts of E. Ukraine. Russia's oil profits are higher than ever. Ruble is strong. Much of the world rejected US/NATO policy. Billions in US funds: gone, who knows where. Untraced weapons are flooding the region.

The problem from the start was the obligatory moralism narrative didn't help decipher what policies would and wouldn't work. And that was as intended: there was so much to debate and question about US policy, but it was barred. Anyone who tried was maligned as a Russian stooge.

Anyone who suggested the sanctions regime would cause this was immediately dismissed as a Kremlin apologist or asset -- true for any questioning of the instant US/NATO consensus on this war.

This is what always happens with sanctions. These tactics were designed to quash debate:

Saleha Mohsin
NEW: Some Biden officials privately express concern that rather than dissuade the Kremlin as intended, US sanctions have instead exacerbated inflation, worsened food insecurity and punished ordinary Russians more than Putin or his allies
1096   richwicks   2022 Jun 15, 8:35am  

mostly reader says

You mean, the grain that they STOLE and ARE STEALING from Ukraine, right? Is this the grain to which you refer?

Maybe. I'm just pointing out that Russia may be sending grain to Europe this year. If Europe just stated plainly "Ukraine will NOT join NATO" none of this stupid shit would be happening. Russia hasn't even taken their gloves off yet. They might let parts of Europe to literally freeze to death in about 4 months.

mostly reader says

When you say "sending" you actually mean "SELLING", right? Is this what you mean?

Just being clear for the benefit of those vulnerable to "word-thinking".

See, you should work harder on your definitions. As of now, they are very, VERY misleading.

I mean Europe may be even MORE dependent on Russia after this stupid fucking war that could have been trivially avoided. Russia has been trying to negotiate with Europe for fucking years, and I suspect they are finally fed up talking to a bunch of assholes that treat Russian diplomats like a baby treats a diaper.
1097   Ceffer   2022 Jun 15, 10:09am  

More Western aid arrives for Ukraine:
1098   Patrick   2022 Jun 16, 12:10pm  



Jun 14
Forwarded by a friend-

Did you notice no more stories lately of "Russian atrocities in Ukraine?" They all turned out to be fakes or lies. Even Bucha -- appears to have been masterminded by the Brits!

But you probably didn't notice that US and NATO supplied howitzers have been bombing civilian targets in Donestsk for the past week or so. Yesterday they hit a maternity hospital. Shocking! War Crime! No -- SILENCE. That's because the Western mass media is ignoring it.

This is how the maternity hospital in Donetsk, which was shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine yesterday, looks like now.
1100   Ceffer   2022 Jun 16, 12:59pm  

Patrick says

But you probably didn't notice that US and NATO supplied howitzers have been bombing civilian targets in Donestsk

Yeah, I guess that's the thing about our noble military. Russians are preserving infrastructure and providing humanitarian corridors, while we concentrate on bombing the innocent civilians for false flag optics.

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