Get ready for Censorship like Mad

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2022 Feb 23, 2:58pm   128,772 views  846 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Under the "Russian Operative" excuse.

It's coming, and it will encapsulate the Social Justice Revolution as part of American Canon, so to criticize it will be subject to censorship.

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75   Patrick   2022 May 5, 12:15pm  


May 5, 2022
Judge rules cops who arrested man over parody Facebook page have qualified immunity
Can't be sued for violating free speech.

Free speech and what’s known as “qualified immunity,” as well as “overcriminalization” – expansion of the criminal code in the US to address even minor problems in society – is at the heart of a case that started in 2016 with a short-lived parody page Anthony Novak had set up on Facebook.

Novak was subsequently arrested and spent several days in jail – much longer than the lifespan of his page critical of the police in Parma, Ohio – a page that was up only 12 hours.

In addition, the police confiscated his phone and computer. His “crime” was the humor he was using to express his opinions about the local law enforcement: posts like one “advertising” free abortions performed in a police van, and an “event” under the motto, “Pedophile Reform.”

Some Facebook users complained – about ten of them according to court records – but that was enough for the police to go to the trouble of getting three warrants: to arrest Novak, search his apartment, and deal with Facebook. The charge was “using a computer to hinder police duties,” an accusation based on little-known (and in this case, a court eventually found, invoked incorrectly) state law.

Novak eventually had a jury trial that resulted in his acquittal. But he then went on to sue the officers who arrested him for violating his constitutional rights. However, the US Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit did not support his claims.

Judge Amul Thapar found that while what Novak posted on Facebook was protected speech, the way he went about setting up his parody page did not qualify as that – because he used the same profile picture as the local police department and removed a comment saying this was not an official page. And “when the Department tried to clarify that Novak’s page was imitating its own, he copied the official page’s clarification post word for word,” said Thapar.

Nevertheless, the judge found that the officers did qualify for something called “qualified immunity” – a status stemming from lack of legal precedent that protects government officials who are accused of violating constitutional rights.

This last part of the ruling means that Novak was unable to have another jury trial and argue his case regarding the violation of free speech rights allegation.
77   Patrick   2022 May 7, 7:31pm  


April 29, 2022
This Scary Experiment Explains Two Years of COVID Hell
By Vic Hughes
In case you were wondering why all views contrary to the Official Narrative have been canceled, it's because of the Asch Conformity Experiment.

We have just gone through a nationwide, and actually a worldwide, Asch Conformity Experiment. As implied, the goal of the experiment was not to get to the truth. It was to get conformity. Only conformity is allowed.

Asch showed that people will actually believe things that they know to be false if they think everybody else believes those things. That is the point of the COVID nightmare experiment we just lived though. You must believe:

COVID is hugely riskier than it actually was, so any actions are justified.
Vaccines are your only hope, even though the technology has never worked.
Vaccines are safe and effective, although they were tested for only a few months.
The unvaxxed are subhuman murderers, to be shunned and even left to die.
Not wearing a known-to-be-useless mask is a sign of relentless selfishness.
Children, who are at almost no risk, must be vaxxed, or they will kill Granny.
None of these makes sense. However, no dissent can be allowed because the Asch Conformity Experiment showed that if one person stands up to the narrative, it is easier for the second one to dissent. Then another and another stand up, and then control is lost.

That is why every dissenting voice must be silenced. If one person cries, "The Emperor has no clothes," people will see the naked truth. And that can't be allowed.

What is the Asch Experiment? ...
78   Patrick   2022 May 7, 7:41pm  


May 5, 2022
UK train worker sues after being fired for Zoom hot mic where he disputed idea of “white privilege”
Another example of people being fired for their opinions.
By Cindy Harper
Posted 6:51 pm

The West Midlands Trains in the UK is getting sued by a former employee who was dismissed for questioning white privilege after a virtual diversity training session. 60-year-old Simon Isherwood, who worked as a rail conductor, was fired for gross misconduct.

After the diversity training held in March 2021, Isherwood forgot his microphone was still on and, speaking to his wife, some colleagues heard him questioning white privilege. He was then reported by colleagues who were “angered” by the comments.

“I couldn’t be arsed because I thought, ‘you know what, I’ll just get fucking angry,’” Isherwood said, as reported by The Telegraph.

“You know what I really wanted to ask?… and I wish I had, do they have black privilege in other countries? So, if you’re in Ghana?…” Isherwood was heard telling his wife.

He argued that the comments were private and he was not aware his microphone was still on when telling his wife he felt the diversity trainers were “indoctrinating their views” that “implied all white people are racist – but I’m not.”

Isherwood was suspended pending an internal probe. He was later dismissed after the internal probe found that he had “caused offense, brought the company into disrepute and breached our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Code of Conduct.”
82   Patrick   2022 May 13, 8:18pm  


The ones in orange are good ones to read for info that Pfizer and Pfauci don't want you to see.
83   AmericanKulak   2022 May 13, 9:29pm  

Booger says

"Son of Jan/Jon/Janek". IE Johnson. Several noble families of Poland and Lithuania, some descended from Crusade participants.
84   Patrick   2022 May 13, 9:40pm  

Right, should be "explained the liberal".
85   Patrick   2022 May 22, 7:55pm  


May 22, 2022
“Hate speech:” Facebook censors Senator Marsha Blackburn for saying biological males shouldn’t compete in women’s sports
The post was deleted.
86   Patrick   2022 May 28, 10:17am  

Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 retweeted

@RT_com's account has been withheld in Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, Croatia, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, Estonia, Malta, Luxembourg, Finland, France, Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, United Kingdom in response to a legal demand.
87   Patrick   2022 May 28, 10:19am  


Jennifer Sey
May 27
As we’ve been saying…

Are WE allowed to say it now that he is? I mean without getting fired? Or do we just continue to take our punishment and let the Davos crowd tell us when we can ask questions?

Syd Fizzard 🍁
May 26
Bill Gates on a panel at the annual Davos meeting: "The idea of checking if people are vaccinated, you know if you have breakthrough infections, what's the point?"

See all of our coverage at WEFreports.com
89   Patrick   2022 May 29, 3:20pm  

Speaking of censorship, this picture is forbidden in Thailand:


That is the king of Thailand and his mistress in a German shopping mall. Too undignified I guess.

93   Patrick   2022 Jun 15, 8:14am  


Man jailed in UK for posting memes of George Floyd in Whatsapp & Facebook group chats
Ex-police officer James Watt appeared in Birmingham's magistrate's court for sharing 10 memes about George Floyd in a WhatsApp group chat.

Apparently freedom of speech is not allowed in Britain anymore.
94   Patrick   2022 Jun 16, 11:07am  


Jenin Younes
Alex Gutentag, one of the most thoughtful, insightful team reality members, who wrote some absolutely stunning essays, was suspended for the tweet below. Mind you, it just states some facts. This is unreal

95   Patrick   2022 Jun 16, 12:00pm  


Under the Access to Information Act, I requested a copy of the document clarifying how the Vaccine Injury Support Program is managed by a private third-party.

Public Health or the third-party redacted a lot of it.

Even the section requiring an “open and transparent” process.

Jun 15, 2022

96   Onvacation   2022 Jun 16, 12:13pm  

Tyson and Jones smoke dope and then talk about drugs and the meaning of life.

original link

Boxing at 1:45 Mike arrives at 4:30
97   Patrick   2022 Jun 16, 12:20pm  

Is It Any Surprise? The Companies Censoring Speech Are Benefitting Each Step of the Way

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "Google is invested in the vaccines. Gates, of course, is invested in the vaccines. Zuckerberg, through his nonprofit, is invested in the vaccines, and they're invested in the vaccine passports. And they're invested in the testing, they harvest the data, and they also benefit. They're all up like 20 to 25% net revenue in the last two years."
98   Patrick   2022 Jun 29, 5:43pm  


Twitter has suspended a doctor for sharing the study that shows men who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine had lower levels of semen and a loss in motile sperm count.

Dr. Andrew Bostom, with the Brown University Center For Primary Care and Prevention, shared the peer-reviewed study on June 19.
99   Patrick   2022 Jun 30, 11:43am  


"Remember when pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician."

Everything in that tweet is objectively true.
100   Patrick   2022 Jul 6, 3:12pm  


Political commentator Dave Rubin was just banned from Twitter for explaining why Jordan Peterson was banned from Twitter
101   Patrick   2022 Jul 6, 8:41pm  


Dr. Patrick Provost, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Laval, Quebec, was suspended on June 14 because of remarks he made at a conference in December 2021.

After Provost shared his views publicly, a colleague complained to the university administration. This led to an internal investigation that concluded Provost’s data and presentation weren’t objective.

Provost said at the conference that he believes that the risks of jabbing kids with an experimental mRNA COVID shot outweigh the potential benefits. An expert in mRNA technology, Provost studies the subject as part of his role at the University of Laval. ...

“I had some concerns about something, I searched the literature, and I prepared a speech, delivered it to the public. Being censored for doing what I’ve been trained to do — and hired to do — well, it’s hard to believe.”
102   Patrick   2022 Jul 6, 8:43pm  


Alberta premier hopeful says Elon Musk’s StarLink could be used to bypass Trudeau’s internet censorship

It's almost funny that Canadian citizens have to worry about ways to get around government censorship. But then, we do too these days, because the government is telling tech companies like Facebook and Twitter what to censor.
103   Patrick   2022 Jul 7, 10:49am  


The Liberals are now looking at gaining regulatory control over “private communications.”

“Many experts supported the notion that private communications should be included under the scope of the legislative framework,” wrote staff, adding: “Some experts explained private messaging services should be regulated.”
Beyond parody, honestly. Just totally bonkers.
108   Patrick   2022 Jul 28, 9:48am  


Oh look here. Twitter and the CDC had a weekly standing meeting to discussion vaccine misinformation. Again - Twitter is a private company - but if it's taking orders from a govt agency (CDC) to censor Americans - watch out! ...

Nothing to see here... just the CDC asking Google to re-arrange the priority of pages which appear on the search results...

And Facebook gave the CDC $15 million in ad credit to do as they seem fit. Lots of back massaging going on here.

All big tech is just about spying and censorship now.
109   Patrick   2022 Jul 28, 1:11pm  


Smoking Gun: USG, Free Speech, Big Tech
The CDC colluded with Big Tech to prevent COVID "vaccine" informed consent

Doctors working on the front lines providing early COVID treatment and raising concerns regarding the safety and effectiveness of the COVID genetic vaccines have long suspected that the US Government Department of Health and Human Services was colluding with Big Tech to censor, defame, gaslight and deplatform anyone who veers from the government-approved narrative regarding these matters. But now we finally have hard evidence which documents this blatant infringement on the right to free speech by the US Government.

Why should you care? Because we now have definitive evidence that the COVID-19 genetic “vaccines” are neither fully safe, nor are they effective in preventing infection, replication, and spread of the virus. In fact, there is growing evidence that these EUA authorized products, which have been mandated by both governments and private industry, are associated with increased risk of disease and death from COVID-19.

Furthermore, the US Government colluded with Big Tech to prevent patients and general US Citizens from being able to obtain true informed consent about the risks of these experimental products which have been provided under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). These COVID genetic “vaccines” are associated with risks to the nervous system, risks of blood clotting, reproductive risks (reduced semen count, menometrorrhagia and other menstrual irregularities), cardiac risks, immune system damage, risks of latent DNA virus reactivation, and a wide range of other adverse events including death. These risks occur in both adults and children. If you or someone that you know has experienced these or other vaccine-associated adverse events within 60 days of receiving an injection of these products, you should know that the US Government acted in collusion with Big Tech to prevent informed consent about these risks prior to administering the products. 60 days being a clearly documented duration of synthetic pseudouridine-containing “mRNA” remaining in the body, as well duration of production of the toxic Spike protein encoded by these products.
110   HeadSet   2022 Jul 28, 5:53pm  

Patrick says

Twitter is a private company - but if it's taking orders from a govt agency (CDC) to censor Americans - watch out! ...

That is the textbook definition of Fascism, where the government controls industry but does not own it.
112   Patrick   2022 Jul 29, 1:19pm  


Twitter suspended a record 4,466 accounts for violating its “COVID-19 misinformation” rules in H1 2022, according to the latest stats in its COVID-19 Misinformation Transparency Report. This represents a more than 70% increase from its previous record of suspending 2,614 accounts for violating the COVID-19 misinformation rules in H2 2021.

The report also revealed that Twitter removed 13,803 pieces of content and challenged (forced the account owner to verify their account with an email or phone number) 7,025 accounts for violating its COVID-19 misinformation rules in H2 2021.

One of the most controversial aspects of Twitter’s far-reaching COVID-19 misinformation rules is that users who repeatedly claim that vaccinated people can spread COVID-19 can be banned from the platform.

When Twitter introduced this rule, even the CDC was admitting that vaccinated people can become infected and “have the potential to spread the virus to others.” More recently, former White House COVID response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx admitted during congressional testimony that the US government’s claim that the vaccinated can’t spread the virus was based on “hope” and acknowledged during a recent interview that she “knew” the vaccines do not protect against infection and that the US government “overplayed them.”

Despite these admissions and acknowledgments, this rule that bans users from saying vaccinated people can spread the virus is still in place.

Other claims that are banned under Twitter’s COVID-19 misinformation rules include “claims contrary to health authorities” that Twitter deems to “misrepresent research or statistical findings pertaining to the severity of the disease, prevalence of the virus, or effectiveness of widely accepted preventative measures, treatments, or vaccines” and claims that the vaccines are part of a “global surveillance” effort.

Twitter hasn’t published its censorship stats for July but several high-profile COVID commentators, including British consultant surgeon Tony Hinton and epidemiologist Andrew Bostom, have already been banned from the platform this month.

So provable truth is banned as "misinformation" if it interferes with government power or Pfizer profits.
113   richwicks   2022 Jul 29, 1:24pm  

Patrick says

"Remember when pride was a sin? And Ellen Page just had her breasts removed by a criminal physician."

Everything in that tweet is objectively true.

Physician did nothing wrong by providing a service for somebody that paid for it. Page is an adult, and nobody has a right to forcibly "protect" you anymore than they have a right to forcibly inject you with something. You may disagree with her decision, you might think she will late come to greatly regret it, you might think she's mentally ill, you might have genuine concern for her, but you have no right to interfere.

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