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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   252,205 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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117075   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 29, 8:26pm  

GNL says

My logic is diversity is not a strength. We are all racist to a degree. You have proven my point.

Speak for yourself. I have no racist bone in my body.
You made statement with zero proof and when I ask for proof you come up with wokish "You are racist" .
117076   richwicks   2022 Aug 29, 8:46pm  

FarmersWon says

Speak for yourself. I have no racist bone in my body.

All you do is complain about Hindoooooos. Constantly, unendingly. Maybe you're not a racist, but you're certainly an unabashed bigot.
117077   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 29, 9:39pm  

richwicks says

All you do is complain about Hindoooooos. Constantly, unendingly. Maybe you're not a racist, but you're certainly an unabashed bigot.

Every other day, You come back with same statement without any context and then run away.
It is responsibility of everyone to defeat Hindooo Nazis. You don't care about your responsibility or world peace it is not my problem.
I do it consistently to ensure Hindoo Nazis are defeated and banned worldwide.

Your question and my answer remains exactly same each time... What is the point?
Can you save it somewhere and look at it before asking same question again and again. I can also email you this answer if you want to keep it saved.


117078   richwicks   2022 Aug 29, 9:46pm  

FarmersWon says

richwicks says

All you do is complain about Hindoooooos. Constantly, unendingly. Maybe you're not a racist, but you're certainly an unabashed bigot.

Every other day, You come back with same statement without any context and then run away.
It is responsibility of everyone to defeat Hindooo Nazis.

Thanks for providing my context.

FarmersWon says

Your question and my answer remains exactly same each time... What is the point?
Can you save it somewhere and look at it before asking same question again and again. I can also email you this answer if you want to keep it saved.

I didn't pose a question. I made a statement. I consider you an irrational bigot.

FarmersWon says

Read that book, seriously. When you open it, make a pledge to get through the whole, boring, meandering thing. Hitler was a failed artist, and he was NEVER a writer.

I have seen that stupid book referenced a million times by hand wringers about how it SUPPOSEDLY is becoming a "best seller" here and there. Well, I got tired of this shit, and it was a "banned" book so I sat down and actually read the fucking thing, it's online, it's boring as shit, I don't believe for a second that it's ever been a best seller. Here:


What the fucking propagandists always depend on is you will never, EVER, check to see that they are full of shit. You see some bullshit in a newspaper, or some bullshit on a "news" site, they expect you to believe it, and NEVER call them on their bullshit, and even if you do call them on their bullshit, good luck having them admit they are full of shit.

No comments, emails to author goes to /dev/null. They are just liars.

Nobody has read it. They are afraid to, but read it. Read what SUPPOSEDLY is a famous book.
117079   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 29, 9:49pm  

I don't need to read this book of a criminal.
It is just a picture from article to imprint in your psyche that how I will answer it again and again, Because that is going to be my answer irrespective of when and how you ask.

I don't see any bigotry in defeating Hindoo Nazis and exposing their crimes.
117080   richwicks   2022 Aug 29, 9:51pm  

FarmersWon says

I don't need to read this book of a criminal.

No, you don't need to, but if you do read it, you'll realize that anybody that brings it up, about what it SUPPOSEDLY says, is lying to you, and they have either never read it, or they are lying to you about the content.

FarmersWon says

It is just a picture from article to imprint in your psyche that how I will answer it again and again, Because that is going to be my answer irrespective of when and how you ask.

I didn't ask you anything, anywhere in this thread.
117081   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 29, 9:52pm  

richwicks says

All you do is complain about Hindoooooos. Constantly, unendingly. Maybe you're not a racist, but you're certainly an unabashed bigot.

What is this? I have to tell you why you are wrong.
117082   GNL   2022 Aug 30, 5:45am  

FarmersWon says

It is responsibility of everyone to defeat Hindooo Nazis.

No it isn't. Defend yourself. You have no problem with being an invader, do you?
117083   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 7:03am  

GNL says

FarmersWon says

It is responsibility of everyone to defeat Hindooo Nazis.

No it isn't. Defend yourself. You have no problem with being an invader, do you?

117084   richwicks   2022 Aug 30, 8:40am  

@amzdealz - please no spam

117085   richwicks   2022 Aug 30, 9:06am  

FarmersWon says

Sikh Guy who insulted Bharti guy is charged with hate crime as he should in a civilized country.

For saying shit to him??

FarmersWon says

Man Who Berated Taco Bell Customer in Fremont Faces Hate Crime Charges

Jesus. 1st amendment asshole. They are just going to continue to extend the meaning of "hate crime" until it means not criticizing the government. We were warned about this 40 years ago.
117086   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 9:18am  

richwicks says

Jesus. 1st amendment asshole. They are just going to continue to extend the meaning of "hate crime" until it means not criticizing the government. We were warned about this 40 years ago.

You need to see the video , That Sikh guy went overboard and insulted the Indian(Private citizen) for no reason.
I have no way to defend that Sikh, The Hindooo he insulted is not responsible for 1984 Sikh Genocide.

Attack Hindooo cult and its Nazi system and not common Bhartis.
First amendment doesn't protect to invade somebody's space and threaten.
117087   Hircus   2022 Aug 30, 9:24am  

@patrick I dont see a flag link on the post, only on the comments.
117088   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 9:45am  

Flying the flag of Hindooo land should be criminalized.
Hindooo land's flag is like Nazi flag being flown to torment Jews.

Sikh have every right to slap a guy who fly the Flag of Hindoo Nazi land under which Sikhs were genocided.
Here is what Hindooo land flag was used for:
1) Inserted in vagina of Sikh women to tell them Hindooo rule over their body.
2) Flown over Sikh golden temple after killing millions of Sikhs to tell "you are slaves".

Anybody flying Hindoo land flag should be charged with hate crimes and immediately deported after cancelling his citizenship.
Hindooo land said they will take any Hindooo rejected by other country, so citizenship cancellation is possible.
117089   GNL   2022 Aug 30, 9:52am  

You've gone over to looney land. Why do you hate diversity unless it's the kind of diversity you approve of?
117090   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 10:00am  

GNL says

You've gone over to looney land. Why do you hate diversity unless it's the kind of diversity you approve of?

Nazi is anti-diversity.
Nazis were deported from everywhere and prosecuted.
117091   GNL   2022 Aug 30, 11:16am  

FarmersWon says

GNL says

You've gone over to looney land. Why do you hate diversity unless it's the kind of diversity you approve of?

Nazi is anti-diversity.
Nazis were deported from everywhere and prosecuted.

Sorry pal, I don't care about your problems. Want to know why? Because you don't care about what I see as a problem. We've all got problems. I simply don't care because it doesn't concern me. How do you like that?
117092   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 11:39am  

GNL says

Sorry pal, I don't care about your problems. Want to know why? Because you don't care about what I see as a problem. We've all got problems. I simply don't care because it doesn't concern me. How do you like that?

I like it as it is honest statement. Much better than "You are racist" wokish song you were singing without proof.
This is your sovereign right to not care... I do care about every issue based on severity and priority.
117093   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 1:33pm  

Hindooo world power.
👇This shitty country (India) where children have to cling to the side of moving buses genuinely thinks it's a match for China🙄 #india #china #modi #bjp
117094   GNL   2022 Aug 30, 3:57pm  

Now you want to ban Hindu? Are you sure you're not the Nazi we should exterminate?
117095   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 5:25pm  

GNL says

Now you want to ban Hindu? Are you sure you're not the Nazi we should exterminate?

Only if I arrange Nazi parades. Hindoo only for now.
1B Nazis are dangerous for world.
117096   GNL   2022 Aug 30, 6:17pm  

FarmersWon says

GNL says

Now you want to ban Hindu? Are you sure you're not the Nazi we should exterminate?

Only if I arrange Nazi parades. Hindoo only for now.
1B Nazis are dangerous for world.

What do these Hindu "Nazis" want?
117097   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 6:23pm  

GNL says

FarmersWon says

GNL says

Now you want to ban Hindu? Are you sure you're not the Nazi we should exterminate?

Only if I arrange Nazi parades. Hindoo only for now.
1B Nazis are dangerous for world.

What do these Hindu "Nazis" want?

Nazis always want superiority and extermination of minorities.
Either world finish them off or they will finish us off.. It is game of survival.

117098   GNL   2022 Aug 30, 6:26pm  

Why is everyone people don't like labeled Nazis?
117099   TechBrosWon   2022 Aug 30, 6:44pm  

GNL says

Why is everyone people don't like labeled Nazis?

I don’t know. I only call Nazis the Nazis.
I have strict criterion.
117100   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 1:35pm  

Previously west used to allow only educated Hindooo people who were more liberal and hate Hindooo nazi cult.
As soon as West allowed Hinooo Nazis, We start to see that Sikhs are starting to have problems.

The only solution is complete Hindooo Nazi ban.
Sikhs are living in west for centuries.
117101   Patrick   2022 Sep 1, 8:57pm  

Well, you are defaming Hindus constantly.
117102   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 8:59pm  

Patrick says

Well, you are defaming Hindus constantly.

yes Sikhs don't have $5B, so I will just do my part.
It is like many people including you feel powerless and best can do is expose deeds of globalists.
117103   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 9:03pm  

New movie exposing crimes of Hindooo cult.

Diljit Dosanjh's upcoming thriller 'Jogi' trailer out now

Read @ANI
Story | https://aninews.in/news/entertainment/bollywood/diljit-dosanjhs-upcoming-thriller-jogi-trailer-out-now20220830160140/

#JogiTrailer #DiljitDosanjh #Netflix #ZeeshanAyyub #KumudMishra
117104   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 9:18pm  

My answer to this clueless Hindooo cultist ..Victims don't like genociders dumbass.
Sikhs are only anti oppressors, they have nothing against common man.

Why Sikhs in US,Canada are so anti-Hindu?

Is it because majority of them are Khalistan dreamers?
117105   GNL   2022 Sep 1, 9:58pm  


How come you don't embrace diversity? It is the world's greatest strength...so I'm told. Maybe if you just try harder to accept and love Hindu people, they will accept and love you back.
117106   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 10:06pm  

GNL says


How come you don't embrace diversity? It is the world's greatest strength...so I'm told. Maybe if you just try harder to accept and love Hindu people, they will accept and love you back.

Hindooo Nazis are against diversity and I do embrace diversity.
117107   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 10:16pm  

GNL says


How come you don't embrace diversity? It is the world's greatest strength...so I'm told. Maybe if you just try harder to accept and love Hindu people, they will accept and love you back.

@patrick @GNL ... This author can clarify lot of your doubts.
117108   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 10:18pm  

Muslims are being erased from history books to portray them as “invaders,” “foreigners,” and “anti-national.”

Watch new #CJWS episode on @YouTube
117109   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 10:20pm  

These Hindu supremacist, genocidal bastards are now creating havoc and violence everywhere!
117110   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 1, 10:22pm  

Getting nerves of everyone.

“Hinduphobic propaganda”? Words have meaning, you dumb Sanghi shit!
117112   TechBrosWon   2022 Sep 2, 12:14am  

A Brief History Of Self-Proclaimed Indian Godmen Involved In Cases Of Sexual Assault
117113   Patrick   2022 Sep 2, 2:48am  

I looked at it, but disagree.

Islamophobia is essential for the survival of everyone who is not Muslim and does not want to be.

Islam requires the murder everyone who stands in the way of Islam dominating the world.
117114   GNL   2022 Sep 2, 5:36am  


Here, read this tripe. Our betters say you need to accept everyone. It is good for you.

"In North America, the word “diversity” is strongly associated with racial diversity. However, that is just one dimension of the human reality. We also differ in gender, language, manners and culture, social roles, sexual orientation, education, skills, income, and countless other domains. In recent years, some advocates have even argued for recognition of “neurodiversity,” which refers to the range of differences in brain function.

Research shows that differences do make it harder for people to connect and empathize with each other. Navigating differences can be tough, whether in the classroom, the workplace, or our personal relationships—and yet people all over the world do it every day. It’s a prosocial skill, like empathy or forgiveness, that can be developed over a lifetime with intentionality, knowledge, and practice. In diverse societies, cultivating our ability to forge relationships across differences can actually increase our well-being."

Sorry to tell you this but, you are not a better person if you accept everyone. At the very least, there is a difference, good and bad, between cultures and people. This "diversity" push is simply for enacting a One World Government and the elimination of God.

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