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The democrats are a 5th column.
All Democrats believe they are "kind" and "responsible" and "tolerant" because these beliefs comfort them and inflate their sense of pride and self-worth. That is why they affiliate with the Democratic Party.
Yet the reality of Democrat policies is horrifyingly different from what Democrats think it is in every case, creating massive profits for people who do evil.
"Tolerance" and "acceptance" of teen "transgenders" results in a multi-billion dollar industry of sexual mutilation which results in a suicide rate 19 times that of teens who were told the truth - they cannot change their sex.
"Tolerance" and "acceptance" of gays results in epidemics of sometimes fatal sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, which make billions of dollars for Big Pharma, not to mention the fact that gay men are never born that way. The majority were instead molested as boys by gay men. Just ask them. Gay men are molesting them more openly now with Democrat support. Gayness is an ...
This should be summarized in an image that could be shared on social media.
richwicks says
The democrats are a 5th column.
Many years back, there was a call by a Muslim mullah in the Green Mosque in UK. This may have been on video too, not sure though. He called on the attendees to live like nation within a nation and undermine UK. I didn't know that this concept is called fifth column. I am learning.
From a 1936 radio address by Spanish Nationalist general Emilio Mola, in which he spoke of four of his army columns moving on Madrid and a quinta columna consisting of his militant supporters within the capital, intent on undermining the Republican government from within.
i’ve musing of late about just how it came to pass that the entirety of western governance seems to have become bereft of reality and competence and generally run by people who appear to be about as smart as a soup sandwich and yet have managed to accrue not only such intense confidence in their own planning ability and vision but in addition gained access to the levers of power to impose their addled ideas upon the rest of us while aided and abetted by a cheer-leader class that eggs them ever onward. ...
it seems too endemic and inclusive to be a plot and calling it a result of cancel culture has never really satisfied me as that seems more like a mechanism than a root cause. i mean, how do such cultures rise in the first place?
what if this effect is something more fundamental and inherently emergent?
could the headwaters of this flood be something simple?
let’s explore:
i’ll start with a proposition with which many of you are familiar.
gato’s law:
“as soon as you allow politicians to determine that which is is bought or sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians.”
what can we derive from this?
proposition 1: if politicians are bought and sold, the sort of people attracted to politics will be grifters.
this seems a natural outcome. politics becomes a goody room and the kinds of people that excel at conning others and compromising morals will chase the gold rush.
proposition 2: grifters gonna grift
sure, this is basically tautological, but it contains a meaningful implication that ought be drawn out: grifters are con and confidence people. they need a song and dance, a schtick, a story, something to not only pack the rubes into the tent but to separate them from their wallets. they need a reason to take big actions, take your stuff, and to give it to someone else (or at least to make you do it for them). they need a malady for which to sell you their magical elixir.
proposition 3: grifting turns politics into “story time”
the story does not have to be true. in many ways it’s better if it’s not as you get a lot more optionality. but the story needs a villain and the story needs a plan. but most of all, the story needs a sucker and that sucker is the demos. confidence conclave needs to convince the audience to go along with the grift, and they either manage to do so or, if they cannot, are rapidly replaced by more compelling carnival barkers who can. those who buy politicians pay for performance.
proposition 4: story time makes the people into rubes.
as they fall for these stories, the people become rubes. they genuinely believe the grift and clamor to pay for the shiny products on display even and especially when this is just lining the pockets of con men that they have mistaken for leaders. they become true believers. and here is where it takes a bit of a turn:
proposition 5: true believers are more believable than grifters.
people are, at subconscious levels, good at spotting lies. this makes grifts hard to keep going for long periods. it’s also why the hegemonic huckster class is wont to surround itself with zealots and activists. these people add a patina of credibility to the whole affair because their sincerity shines through. and this is how it gets out of control.
proposition 6: the demos starts to prefer true believers to grifters and elect them to office
once the “story” is sufficiently set in the public consciousness, the public starts to seek out its most devout and vivid tellers. and these are nearly always of the “true believer” class. they simply have more energy, honesty, and intensity than the carnival barkers ever could. they are singing the gospel and meaning it and they come to power as a sort of trickle then a torrent that changes the crooked circus midway into something more like an old timey revival tent. and so the intensification cycle begins.
proposition 7: the more fervent new leaders tell more intense stories.
the true believer tells a more strident and demanding story. they are no longer grifting, they are evangelizing. this brings new levels of vehemence, less tolerance for any other ideas, and proselytizing zeal.
proposition 8: more intense stories make the public more committed to the story.
and this in turn further arouses the public to greater belief and commitment which in turn increases demand for stridency in leaders and round and round it goes until some sort of intensity maximization is reached, usually when the wheels start coming off. and this is a huge problem because, as we flash back to old axioms, one must realize:
proposition 9: the true believers do not know that the grift is a grift.
what began as crony corporatism and scam has become a secular religion/activism cult. its false and facile tenets designed to separate fools from their money and enrich special interests have become sincerely held ideological dogma and those who will preach it to you have been strained and selected until only the most gullible and zealous remain.
and so we arrive at gato’s postulate:
a democratic government powerful enough to dictate that which is bought and sold will inevitably devolve into rule by rube.
and this is how you wind up with government where the people running the scam not only have no conception that they are running a scam but have subsumed their entire identities into it.
and they have no idea how anything works.
they were flat out selected for not knowing how anything works. ...
... this is not to say that there are not still grifters or plotters or conspirators. i’m sure we have more than a few rattling around but they are never really sufficient to generate this kind of damage on their own. you need a much broader base and the true believers comprise this first as the useful idiots that grifters love but later growing into the zealots that wind up burning the whole place down because they had no idea it was flammable and thought they were helping.
they literally don’t know any better and are unlikely to ever learn. they’ll deflect, deny, and dissonance their way to flaming craterdom all the while blaming the world for failing to conform to the fairy stories on which they were weaned.
The highly educated middle class never had it so good. There are endless jobs, wages are rising, they feel smart, and they are rewarded economically and socially — so long as they hitch their wagon to the Eds & Meds Vaccine Machine. These days they can even work from home!
But the way it works is incredibly grim:
• Vaccine injury doubles the cost of education — so that creates more jobs and more money for teachers unions (and more donations to Democratic politicians).
• These dangerous shots — including Covid and high dose flu vaccines that are mandatory to live in nursing homes — cull the old people. No more pressure on the Social Security Trust Fund — cutting two years off of the average lifespan is bringing down the cost of the program. No need to raise taxes to pay for benefits that old people are not going to be able to use. (To be clear, I think that this is horrible.)
Most people have no idea of the extent that domestic violence benefits have mushroomed over the last few decades. The industry has set up an immense system of special services costing our community billions of dollars which no one dares question.
gabbar says
This should be summarized in an image that could be shared on social media.
@gabbar Please tell me more. What should be on the image? If there's too much text, people won't read it.
gato’s law:
“as soon as you allow politicians to determine that which is is bought or sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians.”
The democrats are a 5th column. Stop believing government is stupid, and realize they are simply evil.
They are selling out their children and grandchildren for temporary profits. They are the useful idiots of our nation.
They are short term planners. "Go along to get along", but ignore far reaching mistakes. Somehow, someway, somebody will pull a gold egg out of their ass. We've been doing this since the 1980s.
Major mistakes (for the nation, not them) are:
* Endless war
* Pissing off Russia for no discernible reason
* Trading with China - a (now nominally) communist dictatorship
* Restarting the cold war
* Offshoring manufacturing
* Outsourcing energy production
* Destroying our education system, now right up to the university level
* Outsourcing our technology
* Importing illegal immigrants that serve no purpose for this nation and are not needed
* Destabilizing foreign nations to create illegal immigrants
* ...
Glenn Greenwald
Sep 28
Democrats are driven at their core by an obsession with censoring and imprisoning their adversaries.
They have succeeded in uniting state and corporate power to censor their opponents from the internet, and crave their imprisonment -- all while claiming they fight fascism.
Yet the reality of Democrat policies is horrifyingly different from what Democrats think it is, creating massive profits for people who do evil.
"Tolerance" and "acceptance" of teen "transgenders" results in a multi-billion dollar industry of sexual mutilation which then results in a suicide rate 19 times that of teens who were told the truth - they cannot change their sex.
"Tolerance" and "acceptance" of gays results in epidemics of sometimes fatal sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, which make billions of dollars for Big Pharma, not to mention the fact that gay men are never born that way. The majority were instead molested as boys by gay men. Just ask them. Gay men are molesting boys more openly now with Democrat support. Gayness is an acquired disease which shortens life dramatically.
Open borders results in billions of dollars of profits for farming, construction, meat packing, and other industries as they can pay much lower wages to illegals than they would have to pay to US citizens. This causes suffering for poor US citizens who have to accept much lower wages than they would otherwise have to.
Feminism is similar to open borders in that it greatly expands the US workforce, driving down wages so that a husband can no longer support a wife and children on his own. And of course it also creates billions of dollars for the largest corporations in wage savings as women compete with men for jobs.
Getting "vaccinated" seemed like the kind and responsible thing to do - if you believe Pfizer. Guess what? It made $100 billion for Pfizer, does not prevent disease or hospitalization or death at all, but instead has killed or injured millions of people.
Lockdowns seemed like a "responsible" sacrifice to make, except that the small businesses being sacrificed are all dead now, resulting in billions of dollars in extra profits from Amazon and similar businesses that were never required to lock down.
Decriminalization of hard drugs seems like a "compassionate" thing to do, yet most addicts die from their Democrat-facilitated addiction, either overdoses or infections. But decriminalization creates billions of dollars in funding for completely ineffective money-absorbing "treatment" programs and "homeless" programs, such as those devouring the San Francisco city budget. The right answer to hard drugs is jail.
"Standing with Ukraine" seems like taking the side of the little guy - until you realize the extent of corruption in Ukraine. For example Biden got his son on the board of Burisma Energy there for a no-work job paying $50,000/month and demanded that the prosecutor investigating Burisma be fired or US aid would be halted. The war was started partly to obscure this corruption. But the bigger corruption is the mass death of Ukrainians in the US-planned and US-provoked war which generates billions in US arms sales and may get us all killed in a nuclear war.
Cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline "for the environment" just resulted in much higher gasoline costs for Americans, funnelling yet more billions of dollars to our "friends" the Saudis who murdered about 3,000 Americans on 9/11.
See the pattern here?
Democrat "kindness" inevitably results in mass suffering for "the little people" and billions of dollars in profits for top Democrat business donors.
Every Democrat should be ashamed of the highly profitable mass death and suffering they have inflicted to soothe their own egos.