Italian Judge Demands Elites Face New Round of Nuremberg Trials - Slams Experimental Vaxx

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2021 Oct 27, 10:22am   5,797 views  48 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


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“Today the sovereign people demand justice for all the deaths that they have caused, for deprivations, for our children and for our suffering.” – Angelo Giorgianni

Several days ago, at a freedom rally in Italy, a former magistrate in Rome, Angelo Giorgianni, took to the stage to condemn the government’s handling of the coronavirus. The judge slammed the country’s “Green Pass” and called for a new round of Nuremberg trials against the current ruling class. Furthermore, he called the government’s mRNA experimental injection mandates “crimes against humanity.”

Judge Giorgianni was the section president of the Messina Court of Appeal, co-author of the book “State massacre – The hidden truths of Covid-19”. The judge decided to leave the judiciary stating that he would rather resign from the judiciary than limit his ability to speak freely:

My freedom of expression has been limited…If the fact of wearing the toga must limit me to expressing my opinion on the legitimacy of acts or measures, or worse still to report criminally relevant facts, even if they concern representatives of institutions, so I prefer to leave the toga.

While speaking with reporters, the judge explained that he had previous vaccines but would not take this one. He continued,

There is an important battle at stake because there are those who want to limit our freedom of thought and impose their own vision. I could not remain a magistrate because I want to be able to speak freely against this part of the state that wants to impose its ideas on us. I am a person of my word, I said I would resign and I did.

Giorgianni demands that the Elites who have harmed the public in the name of protecting people from coroanvirus be tried in a “new Nuremberg,”

Today the sovereign people have given an eviction notice to those who illegally occupy the palaces of power. Today the sovereign people demand justice for all the deaths that they have caused, for deprivations, for our children and for our suffering. And we want them to be tried in a new Nuremberg!

Thousands of fraudulent "public health" officials are complicit in this crime against humanity.

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16   Patrick   2022 Jul 24, 8:45am  


Birx Admits She Knew COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never "Going To Protect Against Infection"
20   Patrick   2022 Jul 25, 7:38am  


Military Doctor Testifies Under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover Up’ Vaccine Injuries Through Biden Admin Directive

Dr. Theresa Long, a US military medical officer, stated in court that she was told by a superior to conceal Covid-19 vaccination injuries as part of the Biden administration’s directive.

The Department of Defense dismissed Dr. Long’s findings, claiming that the spike in vaccination injuries was due to a “database malfunction.”
21   Patrick   2022 Jul 27, 9:24am  


Both WHO and the US HHS suffer from a form of ethical blindness when it comes to vaccine research. Foregoing long-term vaccine safety studies in favor of retrospective analysis of real-world data, these agencies fail to recognize that post-marketing (and post-EUA) studies are de facto uncontrolled, non-randomized prospective clinical trials conducted without proper consenting procedures.

If you’ve read the Nuremberg Code, the Belmont Report, and the Declaration of Helsinki, you’d know that protections are supposed to be in place not for some people undergoing some clinical studies, but instead are considered to be required to be in place for all people undergoing any clinical studies.
22   Patrick   2022 Jul 27, 9:41am  


After two years of unprecedented government tyranny in the name of fighting a virus, the prime instigators of this infamy are walking free, writing books, and openly pretending they never said the things they clearly said over and over.

Take Trump’s White House Covid response coordinator Deborah Birx, for example. She was, as the Brownstone Institute’s Jeffrey Tucker points out in a recent article, the principal architect of the disastrous “lockdown” policy that destroyed more lives than Covid itself. Birx knew that locking a country down in response to a virus was a radical move that would never be endorsed. So, as she admits in her new book, she lied about it.
23   Patrick   2022 Aug 11, 9:39am  

🇺🇸✟Azrael Christos✟🇺🇸
Jan 4
I LITERALLY just posted the Nuremberg Code (1947) on Facebook and they fact checked it saying that it was misinformation.
24   Patrick   2022 Aug 21, 11:32am  


One of her favorite mantras is “libertà” (freedom), and her party was the only one to oppose Italy’s Covid vaccine passport regime, which was the most draconian in Europe, even banning the unvaccinated from work. “They did things that in a democratic state should never happen,” she tells me. “It is just surreal to think the state is telling you if you can or cannot work to earn a living to give food to your children. But they called us fascists because we contested the fact that people were no longer free.”
25   Patrick   2022 Aug 29, 8:19am  


You would be forgiven for not knowing that last Friday was the 75th anniversary of the Doctors’ Trial, one of 13 Nazi war crimes trials conducted at Nuremberg after World War II and the event that birthed the Nuremberg Codes, the most important medical ethics document of the modern era. The Codes set ground rules for requiring informed consent from experimental test subjects...

Sixteen doctors were found guilty at Nuremberg of murder and torture for carrying out a euthanasia program on mentally and physically disabled German citizens deemed “unworthy of life” and experimenting on concentration camp inmates; nine were jailed and seven were executed. Yet the expected flood of commemoratory articles and events marking the anniversary of the Allies’ crowning (if illusory) moment of moral superiority over those Evil Nazis™ has not materialized. It’s downright unnatural for the US and Europe to miss a chance to give the dead Nazi horse a good beating, but any attempts to even discuss the Nuremberg Codes in the last two years have been squelched by militant fact-checkers. Meanwhile, a coterie of corrupt “public health professionals” and the international financial cartels who control them have pulled off perhaps the most shocking and deadly crime against humanity ever committed. ...

If these fact-checkers could reinvent the most corrupt government in Europe, whose military was exposed by dozens of major western media outlets as a hive of neo-Nazi thugs, as a democratic paradise, surely they could spin the vaccine tycoon’s Final Solution as the solution to all humanity’s problems. The Covid-19 experiment saw the closest collaboration yet between the fact-checkers, Big Tech and governments around the world to construct an epistemological roach motel that users could enter easily but would face growing barriers - warning screens, computer failures, personal attacks, deplatforming, financial hardship and a lowered social credit score - if they tried to leave. ...

The complex choreography of the Covid-19 response could not have unfolded as it did without premeditation. The plot was lifted - not plagiarized, as the authors were the same - from Event 201, the tabletop coronavirus simulation sponsored by the Gates Foundation at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Public Health Security. ...

Video of Event 201 shows players uninterested in minimizing harm from the virus instead exploring how the “emergency” might be used to stifle undesirable narratives and ram through major changes in society. The “real” pandemic - simulation number two, by the GPMB’s counting - played out months later exactly along the exercise’s script. ...

The Great Reset has not only targeted the entire world with economic shock therapy, triggering a massive depression the current financial system is unlikely to ever shake off (spoiler alert: another experiment coming…) - it funneled unprecedented amounts of fear into populations already thrown off balance by the blinding speed of policy shifts. First scolded for “selfishly” wearing a mask, then attacked for “selfishly” not wearing one; informed their city would be “locking down” at 10pm, when a peek out the window yielded crowds of restive youths hanging out on the corner with nary a cop in sight; told vaccinations were mandatory for school, then told their child could have just “masked up” when little Polly drops dead of a heart attack not 24 hours after her first shot of Moderna; the average person soon lapsed into learned helplessness and became a shut-in, depatterning daily in the glow of the television as they degenerated into an obedient vegetable, capable of “masking up” and socially distancing but little else. Despite leaving a horrific trail of devastation in their wake, the experimental lockdowns were praised by the WEF for the slight dip in carbon emissions they caused, all but guaranteeing phase II of the nonconsensual clinical trials - climate lockdowns - will be rolled out within the year. ...

Pfizer knew before it sought emergency authorization that more vaccinated test subjects had died than unvaccinated subjects - it even fudged the numbers for the FDA. Some 1,200 trial participants died in the 90 days following their injection, and Pfizer made sure to vaccinate the placebo group at the end of the trial in order to make sure further comparisons didn’t spoil its story. Indeed, it was so sure its vaccines were going to leave a pile of bodies behind that it refused to even sell them to countries whose governments wouldn’t shield them from liability for the damage caused. One should have expected this from a company with the dubious distinction of paying the largest fine in Justice Department history in 2009 for healthcare fraud, off-label prescribing, misleading marketing and miscellaneous criminality. ...

But since “everybody knows” the Nazis were the pinnacle of Evil™, the realization that Pfizer and Moderna’s death toll might have their doctors beat must be prevented at all costs. Thus even bringing up Nuremberg in relation to Covid-19 is deemed to be “trivializing” the crimes of the Nazis, even when the intention is to draw attention to the seriousness of their modern descendants’ crimes, and efforts are made to further poison the dialogue by suggesting there’s something antisemitic about the whole business.
26   Patrick   2022 Aug 29, 9:47am  


And now, despite walking back their guideline Covid-19 policies this month, the CDC and its sister public health agencies are ready to push a new edition of Big Pharma’s Covid (so-called) “vaccines,” despite visibly rising all-causes death numbers across Western Civ that appear, more and more, attributable only to the “vaccines.” The vaxx-happy bureaucracy will not be stopped by the captive federal justice system but the attorneys general of fifty states could each act against the program, which has violated every module of the Nuremberg Code against human medical experimentation, as well as US law. It may be too late for the medical profession to redeem its lost sacred honor.
27   Patrick   2022 Sep 10, 4:29pm  


California AB 2098 Violates the Nuremberg Code and the Right to Informed Consent

Dr. Robert Malone: "This [AB 2098] codes into law, a fundamental violation of the Nuremberg Accord and the Helsinki Agreement, which is the right of individuals for informed consent. Because what happens with all of this censorship by tech ... we've had collusion, direct collusion by the federal government together with social media to prevent patients from discussing among themselves, their own adverse events, to obtaining information about adverse events from physicians. That is prohibited information."
29   Ceffer   2022 Oct 14, 12:09pm  

Nuremberg will only gain traction with military backup. You can natter on about provable injustice until the cows come home, but without enforcement, there is no justice.
30   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 4:46pm  

True. We need the military on the side of the Constitution and to be explicitly for the basic human right not to be injected with anything, let alone an experiment.

How can we reach most of the military?
31   richwicks   2022 Oct 15, 4:56pm  

Patrick says

How can we reach most of the military?

No, everybody in the military has sworn to protect the CONSTITUTION against all enemies foreign, AND domestic, and none of them do.
32   Patrick   2022 Oct 15, 4:59pm  

I know they have sworn that, just wondering how to convince them to actually do it.
33   Undoctored   2022 Oct 16, 10:01am  

The way certain agencies tried not to go too far, for example the CDC never actually recommending vaccination requirements for the workplace or the FDA never actually “approving” the use of COVID-19 vaccines as boosters, or the vaccines still being distributed in under “emergency-only” terms even after approval as Pfizer Comirnaty and Moderna Spikevax, makes me think that there are still laws that would be enforced that the perpetrators feared breaking.
35   Patrick   2022 Oct 20, 6:35pm  


Vaccine mandates are wrong not because they fail to generate a net benefit or because the risks to vaccinated persons outweigh public health benefits (though both are true).

They are wrong because they trample on the very thing the noblest version of a liberal democratic society should be trying to create. If our society is to be great, it must aspire to more than safety or, more accurately, the perception of safety. Its starting point must be an absolute commitment to creating the largest sphere possible for each person to live with bodily and mental integrity.

We don’t owe our lives to reduce others’ risks or perceived risks. Because the cost is always too great. The cost is our humanity.
36   Patrick   2022 Oct 21, 7:29am  


Oct 19
A staffer for @NYCMayor says the admin has no sympathy for employees who lost their jobs because they didn’t want to get vaccinated.

He then says the mayor agrees the city isn’t safe and hasn’t done anything about it as mayor.

38   HeadSet   2022 Oct 21, 6:56pm  

The only reason there were "Nuremberg Trials" is that Germany was conquered. Had the Nazis stayed in power, no one would be held accountable. No power is going to conquer the US and bring the vaxxers to justice.
39   Patrick   2022 Oct 23, 2:30am  

When enough people personally know someone who was killed by the vaxx, they vaxxers will be brought to justice.
40   WookieMan   2022 Oct 23, 6:16am  

Patrick says

When enough people personally know someone who was killed by the vaxx, they vaxxers will be brought to justice.

It's not even about killing either. The side effects are rough on certain people, they just don't kill them. I've mentioned my wife's issues with the vax. It was a rough 4 months. We're done with kids, but what she went through I'd be surprised if we could have anymore. It was abnormal as fuck.

She's back to normal now, but an injection shouldn't fuck up the reproductive system for 4 months. It was 100% the vaccine. It's why she hasn't and won't get "boosted" whatever the fuck that means. Boosted from a cold?
41   Patrick   2022 Oct 24, 11:43pm  

True. Mike Tyson also says he's vaxx-injured.
42   WookieMan   2022 Oct 25, 4:37am  

Patrick says

True. Mike Tyson also says he's vaxx-injured.

I think if people truly want to raise awareness it should be about the side effects. Covid is a cold/flu. No one should get as sick or worse side effects from the vaccine that is suppose to help and initially touted as preventing Covid and stopping the spread.

And yes, there have been deaths that could be linked to the vaccine which is a big deal. But if women are notified that they'll get their period every other week for months and be in pain, I'd think less people would get the vax to prevent a cold for the vast majority under 50 that won't die. And that's just ONE side effect I've personally witnessed.

I feel like it's a function of stupidity really. I'd venture to guess outside of online shopping, the average person has about 3-5 websites they visit for information. And most those sources are censored from saying anything about covid.

Even a good friend of mine, one of the guys I talk about in MT, he said he got vaccinated because he doesn't want to get sick for 2 weeks because he has to run a business. I'm like, "the fuck you talking about dude, where you hearing shit like that?" I told him it's just a cold and you have no idea what you just put into your body. His wife was a nurse, but is now a physical therapist. Why not a nurse anymore.... opioids. He gets his "trusted" advice from a woman already scammed by big pharma. We get in heated arguments about it when I'm out there. He's a smart guy, but scrolls through FB is about the most "news" he gets. Otherwise music (was in a band with him) and his company.

Hence why I think side effects that don't (or haven't) killed should be focused on if you want the leaders of these companies hanging on the end of a rope. If you focus too much on death it will get censored or people will call you a conspiracy theorist/nutjob.
43   Patrick   2022 Oct 25, 11:00am  


An International Tribunal on the Origins of COVID-19
Organizations and individuals must band together to call for an independent investigation.

It is time for some accountability. It is time for reparations for the millions of lives lost. It is time for our government to step up and accept responsibility. It is time for an international tribunal.

It is time to try and hang Fauci, Collins, Bourla, and everyone else involved in the creation of Wuhan Virus and the imposition of death jab mandates.
47   HeadSet   2022 Dec 13, 1:01pm  

I heard on the radio that DeSantis is using the Florida justice system to go after Pfizer for fraud. Let's see how successful he is.

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