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Ceffer says
You could call this idiocracy. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of public medical institutions to sort these things out for safety, not murder.https://t.me/darkuniverse09/5878
Anyone can make this shit up. How can I be sure this is real? We have to be sure we aren't looking like idiots.
Artist Mikaben was performing in France over the weekend when he walked across the stage, suddenly collapsed, and died. He was 41.
The Haitian singer, born Michael Benjamin, made an appearance at the Accor Arena in Paris Saturday as a guest of the Haitian group Carimi, Entertainment Tonight reported.
In a clip that surfaced on social media, Mikaben finished his set and was walking off the stage when he suddenly dropped in front of thousands of fans and died.
Looks like another screamingly obvious vaxx death.
How can I be sure this is real? We have to be sure we aren't looking like idiots.
Alberta's "health service" is now erasing ER records of the "vaccine"-injured
Haitian singer Mikaben drops down dead on stage in Paris last night aged 41.
I’m old enough to remember a time when singers didn’t randomly drop dead on stage.
Patrick says
Haitian singer Mikaben drops down dead on stage in Paris last night aged 41.
I’m old enough to remember a time when singers didn’t randomly drop dead on stage.
About 6 seconds into it.
I didn't want it on general principle.
One way to end the plague of "vaccine" injuries: delete the records—as they're doing in Alberta!
Who cares if people are dying from it or it's as harmless as saline water - I didn't want it on general principle.
More confirmation for @GNL :
Patrick says
More confirmation for @GNL :
Adamant denial? I think somebody could drop dead in front of after a vax and it wouldn't be enough.
New study shows that pretty much everyone is getting heart damage from the COVID vaccines
They just aren't letting you know that. In Canada, the medical community is very smart about this: they don't let doctors measure troponin levels before you are vaccinated so nobody is the wiser.
Never in my wildest dreams or more precisely my nightmares did I expect that I would find myself where I am today, instead of touring and being interviewed for my latest show, track or album, I am receiving daily media invitations to talk about my fight to regain my health after being injured and paralyzed by the Moderna vaccine.
It is important to know that I am pro-evidence-based science and thought the vaccine was safe for me. I believed whole heartedly that I was doing “the right thing” by getting vaccinated. I had complete faith and trust in my country’s (Australia) leadership and medical system – that is until I suffered a severe adverse reaction that left me helpless, paralyzed, and with no help from doctors or my government.
Before the pandemic hit, I lived in California for ten years, and like many others in 2021, I soon found my life came to a standstill and I had to move back to Australia. In October that same year I received my first vaccination. Within days I started to feel severe and unbearable shooting pain and paralysis in my hands and feet. I contacted a globally well-respected spinal surgeon for advice, and his reply scared me like nothing before: “This can only be evidence of a catastrophic Neurological failure”.
Shortly afterward, I was rushed to hospital where I stayed for 2 weeks. I was in disbelief and became depressed because I couldn’t believe the vaccine could do this to me, especially when we were all told it was safe and effective and if there was a reaction it would be minor. If this was not enough, whilst in hospital, I was under the care of a highly rude, and dismissive neurologist who repeatedly told me “There is no way this is the vaccine”. ...
Before I was released from hospital the neurologist strongly advised me to get a second vaccine and said, “if you don’t get the second one, the first will be redundant.” I acted on the neurologist’s advice and ended up taking the second vaccine only a month after my first one, in hindsight I cannot believe I listened to her as I have always thought of myself as a critical thinker...
Shortly after the second shot my injuries were further exacerbated and I was unable to move, my hands felt like they were on fire, and I struggled to get through the day. I was rushed to hospital once again...
Never in my wildest dreams or more precisely my nightmares did I expect that I would find myself where I am today, instead of touring and being interviewed for my latest show, track or album, I am receiving daily media invitations to talk about my fight to regain my health after being injured and paralyzed by the Moderna vaccine.
It is important to know that I am pro-evidence-based science and thought the vaccine was safe for me. I believed whole heartedly that I was doing “the right thing” by getting vaccinated. I had complete faith and trust in my country’s (Australia) leadership and medical system – that is until I suffered a severe adverse reaction that left me helpless, paralyzed, and with no help from doctors or my government.
Before the pandemic hit, I l...
Some of these stories are just too crazy to believe.
Choi et al.: "Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report on Histopathological Findings"; present autopsy findings of 22-year-old man who developed
chest pain 5 days after first dose of Pfizer mRNA vaccine & died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil & histiocyte predominance
We present autopsy findings of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain 5 days after the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil and histiocyte predominance. Immunohistochemical C4d staining revealed scattered single-cell necrosis of myocytes which was not accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates. Extensive contraction band necrosis was observed in the atria and ventricles. There was no evidence of microthrombosis or infection in the heart and other organs. The primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis, causally-associated with the BNT162b2 vaccine.
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