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The above establishes Christ as God, the Creator, the Word that was manifested in the 'flesh,' was rejected by the world even though He created the world and to those that 'believe on his name,' he gives them the 'power to become sons of God.'
What does atheism offer?
the Word was God.
How do you know what length of time a "day" represented? And again, if God can't create the world in six days, He's not God.
There are an awful lot of people running around at this very moment who take that to mean a day just like we know it right now. That is pretty scary in and of itself, but then again there are still people who believe the Earth is flat.
There are people who want fines and jail time for misgendering somebody, and to do so is "Hate Speech".
They also believe men give birth and can somehow menstruate despite not having a uterine wall to shed.
That's much more scary than somebody who believes in the Beginning of Time itself, a Divinity created a part of the universe in a literal day.
Let's try and leave current politics and the two party system out of this
Sorry this is not more coherent. I can't quite see it all clearly of course. Maybe if I have another cup of coffee.
They also believe men give birth and can somehow menstruate despite not having a uterine wall to shed.
It's important to point out that some of the most vociferous critics of Theism are also the biggest advocates that Men who believe they are Women can Menstruate or even give birth.
A deflection is a defection is a deflection and a meme is a meme is a meme but nice try,
AmericanKulak - Can you do something more than a cartoon meme ? Something with some substance
When all else fails - make it political
Question: which political party did "God" create first and why ?
Who is this "God" favoring in 2024 ? I might want to make a bet if I can get some inside scoop. Maybe I can beat the spread
This is coming from the top down, not from the bottom up. It's not like a bunch of lefties just all spontaneously decided that some guy with two onions and a sausage could be a "woman" just because they declared they were. This comes from our media and our "elected" politicians.
It doesn't come from the Media, it comes from PostModernity, from Marcuse to Foucault. In college, Radical Professors taught Marcuse and Foucault and Bell but not any counter-narratives to compare and contrast. That is why the Media changed radically when in did, around 2010-2014.
I succinctly remember in the 2000s there were MSM programs about Dr. Money and David Reimer and the "great mistakes" of the 60s-70s radicals. The reason it changed is because the first generation of brainwashed graduates went to work for the Media.
I saw the last dying gasps of the media, and it happened in early 2000, the early "naughts".
This is when our media moved from having any pretense of being informative, to being full on propaganda. I largely ignored it, because the Internet was replacing it anyhow, what I didn't realize though is that although I already had dumped television and newspapers as an information source, I was something like a decade ahead of most people.
It was bullshit back then too, you just don't realize it, yet.
Perhaps it's been bullshit all my life. Maybe it's even before the naughts. I became an adult in the 1990's and that's when I really started to pay attention. I can readily accept that all the "news" I got before then was bullshit, and not mistakes but I know, for certain, our "news" became pure bullshit by 2001.
According to the physicists etc. there was nothing so how did God come out of nothing ?
[ links to physicists grappling with the something-from-nothing question ]
So as of today I have yet to get anything but a variety of wonderful word salads for an answer from clergy of any church or denomination.
Anyone on here have something better than word salad for an answer ?
"Nothing was around before the Big, Big Bang," Hawking said.
He explained that Einstein's Theory of Relativity insists space and time form a continuum curved by the matter and energy in it.
For Hawking, therefore, the beginning of the universe is best described by a Euclidean approach.
"Ordinary real time is replaced by imaginary time," he said. Honestly, that happens to me all the time. I imagine time has gone by at a certain pace, only to discover I've been imagining things.
For Hawking, however, imaginary time "behaves like a fourth direction of space." He and Euclid believe imaginary time is a "four-dimensional curved surface like the surface of the Earth, but with two more dimensions."
Six-dimensional, then?
The universe, insisted Hawking, has no boundaries. Yes, it's like true love.
There's always been bullshit and big gov bias. But back in the 90s there were MSM hosted debates between JFK Assassination Researchers and "It was all Oswald" types. "JFK" was released in Movie Theatres, which definitely takes the Conspiracy viewpoint.
The absolute clampdown on anything threatening to PostModernism and Neoliberal Fascism began in the 2010s. The 80s and 90s were full of everything from MRA's to NeoNazis to UFOs Concealed By Government to Everything Else making arguments on Talk Shows, both TV and Radio.
Even in fiction: You'd NEVER get a show like the X-Files approved today
The only surprising thing about this Era is that Hollywood and the BBC haven't incinerated the original copies of "Blazing Saddles" and "Benny Hill"
The Culture War is real. And Politics is downstream from Culture.
A fictional one. Sure it opened up the can of worms, but it was fantasized and this was for "artistic reasons" - bullshit, it was just more disinformation.
This is a propaganda technique known widely as "kookification". What is done is to associate a real, serious, research movement with wacky crazy bullshit. That's what Judy Wood's job is with 9/11.
Culture is created by media. Just divorce yourself from it. I did, 30 years ago.
saw the last dying gasps of the media, and it happened in early 2000, the early "naughts".
Go watch The City of Lost Children for example, it's just a weird film. I can't see a political message,
Obviously movies are constrained by the media used. All movies, including the most historically accurate, have to take some liberties with dialogue and presentation.
We should expect to see MORE controversy today than around 1990, because networks are competing not just with each other and often cable
In modern society, Media is a, if not the, primary transmitter of culture.
Just because you ignore Culture, doesn't mean it will ignore you as it shifts Politics.
PeopleUnited says
The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.
First Question: For those who lived were before Christ what is their fate ?
Second Question: If "God" as you state existed before "time", than what are we to make of either ?
Third Question: The dead shall rise again - now if someone has been cremated, the ashes scattered - the Catholic Church talks in terms of the "Spiritual" Body.
Which are you talking about ? Physical or Spiritual and if the soul departs the body upon death, why is there a need to recreate it ?
Those who insist on Physical Proof for some claims, should not be able to dodge Physical Proof for their claims.
RayAmerica says
the Word was God.
This is the closest I come to believing.
There are an awful lot of people running around at this very moment who take that to mean a day just like we know it right now. That is pretty scary in and of itself, but then again there are still people who believe the Earth is flat.
To all concerned - I did not buy into the 7 days creation fantasy in Sunday School, didn't go for the Chariot of Fire either, asked too many questions and was deemed a troubled soul as well as a trouble maker.
FYI - It was an Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Left the "cult" as soon as I was able to make a clean break and never looked back.
I grew up Baptist, mostly in the Midwest. Maybe not as repressed as the south, but pretty freaking close. Although the last church I was a part of was started as an outreach to SE Asian's, and was comprised of mostly youth. Problem, it was headed my missionary's from the Midwest. They instilled a very works based belief system, that was quick to write you off if you didn't adhere to their unspoken rules. Little love, little grace.
Fortunately, I know God, and He's never shied from my doubts or questions. I have asked Him for specific signs at three points in my life, and He delivered every time. When I was on summer mission trips during college, and had some mighty prayer warriors supporting me, I saw things I have never seen since.
If you look to man, you will be forever disappointed, few of us measure up to the Christians we should be. The good at least have the sense to admit our failures. That helps us to stay humble, and extend the grace we so desperately need ourselves. I know ...
The evangelical Lutheran church (among many others) is Christian in name only.
By the way, it was you who started to tear down the evangelical Lutherans. I believe that you referred to them as a cult. I would not go that far, but they do have some serious doctrine issues. Jesus did not baptize babies for example.
Humans will always let you down, but look to Christ because he never will fail you.
PeopleUnited says
By the way, it was you who started to tear down the evangelical Lutherans. I believe that you referred to them as a cult. I would not go that far, but they do have some serious doctrine issues. Jesus did not baptize babies for example.
That is true since I was forced to attend and however your commentary is a Class 1A example of Moral Superiority which I have noted before. You may not go so far as labelling them a cult but you have no problem putting your beliefs at a higher and better level.
Case closed.
I find it hard to believe that the God that loves us and wants us to know Him can be so secretive and obtuse when it comes to doing what "they" claim we should do.
People who blame Christians for their unwillingness to follow Christ have missed the point.
PeopleUnited says
People who blame Christians for their unwillingness to follow Christ have missed the point.
I disagree. We have a duty to reflect God to the world, and our failure is something we are accountable for. Yes, it's unfair to God, but it's also unfair to ask a believer to "Do as I say, and not as I do".
I distinctly recall
the sense that I had reached a crossroad.
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The questions I have posed to numerous clergy of all denominations are as follows:
What was God doing before he started creating ?
Where was God, if there was nothing before he started creating ?
According to the physicists etc. there was nothing so how did God come out of nothing ?
So as of today I have yet to get anything but a variety of wonderful word salads for an answer from clergy of any church or denomination.
Anyone on here have something better than word salad for an answer ?