Doctors WILL kill you if it's profitable for them

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2022 Nov 2, 9:32am   13,710 views  151 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


I found this first hand account from BangkokTruthSeeker compelling. How are the hospitals now in Thailand or elsewhere? I’m curious about everyone’s experiences.



First a bit of background: I lived in Bangkok from 1995-2015. In 2015, I moved to Vietnam for a wonderful job opportunity – the best job of my life – by far. I was enjoying my life in Vietnam – until late in the second year of COVID. At one point in late 2021, the lockdowns there were so strict that we were not even allowed to go out to buy food. That was manageable for the Vietnamese, who were able to get food through their personal connections. But for me as a foreigner, it was a traumatic experience that I hope I never have to go through again.

One day during the total lockdown, in a conversation with my boss, he mentioned to me that he was not satisfied with the performance of one of my junior colleagues. I told my boss that I would go to the office when the lockdown ended and train this colleague myself. My boss replied that “Unless you have been vaccinated since we last spoke, you’re going to have to find another solution, as you won’t be allowed to enter the office building without being vaccinated.” (I realized very early in the “pandemic” that the people pushing these “vaccines” had ulterior motives – motives that had nothing to do with public health – so I refuse(d) to get “vaccinated” for COVID, and to this day I remain unvaccinated. Surprisingly though, I was the only person in my company of around 200 employees who refused to get “vaccinated”.)

When my boss told me that I could not go to the office again without being vaccinated, I realized that I had no choice but to leave Vietnam. The obvious destination for me was Thailand, which was not far away, and where I knew my way around based on having lived there for 20 years prior to relocating to Vietnam. But there were many obstacles to getting myself back to Thailand. For one, I am a citizen of a country that does not have visa-free entry to Thailand, so I needed a visa to enter the country. But the Thai consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, where I was living, was closed – for weeks – without any indication of when it would open again. So there was no way for me to get a visa. I was feeling really trapped.

Eventually I retained the services of an “agent” – who was able to get me a Thai tourist visa (and arrange my Thailand Pass), despite the consulate being closed. It was the best $200 I ever spent.

After essentially abandoning all my life’s possessions that I could not carry with me on the plane, I flew to Thailand on 1 December 2021. (My employer had paid to ship all my belongings to Vietnam when I moved there from Bangkok, but they would not pay to ship my things back to Thailand – since it was my decision to leave Vietnam.) And when somebody else is paying to ship your things, it makes sense to ship EVERYTHING – whether it makes economic sense or not. But when you have to pay for the shipping yourself, you have to ask yourself if it makes sense to pay $5,000 to ship $3,000 worth of stuff. Obviously, it doesn’t. So I made some of my dear Vietnamese friends and colleagues happy by leaving many of my things with them. I also lost the $1,600 deposit on my apartment due to breaking my 3-year lease after 2½ years.

Two days before flying, I did a PCR test, which was negative, and upon arrival in Bangkok I did another PCR test, which was also negative. I was looking forward to spending the next 10 nights in my lovely quarantine hotel. (At the time, as you might recall, unvaccinated people were required to quarantine for 10 nights, at an approved quarantine hotel, paid for in full in advance.) On the fifth night of my quarantine, I developed a fever right before going to bed. I was at first reluctant to think that I might have COVID because of all the testing I had already done, not to mention the wrench that it would throw into my plans. I also couldn’t imagine how I could have caught COVID in a place where everyone was supposed to be COVID-free. I sweated and froze all that night, but by morning I was feeling a little better. At first, I wasn’t going to say anything to the hotel about this, but then I realized that if I had COVID, it would be better to deal with it as soon as possible, so I took the self-test that I had brought with me from Ho Chi Minh City. It was VERY positive.

At this point I started my self-treatment regimen with the arsenal of medicines that I had brought with me from Vietnam, all of which are available over the counter for very cheap. (Ivermectin, fluvoxamine, vitamins D and C, zinc, colchicine, aspirin, etc.) I notified the hotel of my situation and the next day they arranged another PCR test for me. That test was also positive. Within two hours of getting that positive test result, I was whisked away in an ambulance to the hotel’s partner hospital. They threw me out of the hotel as if I were a leper, but not without keeping the remaining $300 of my payment for services not rendered. (There were no refunds from quarantine hotels if you test positive during your stay.) And as if that wasn’t bad enough, they even charged me $1.25 extra for some bread I had eaten one day beyond my normal daily allotment - and despite the fact that they kept $300 of my paid-for-but-not-used services. (I suggested to them that they could deduct that $1.25 from the $300 of my money they had kept, but they said that that was a different department. Ha.) I thought that was very small minded of them.

One very good thing about the quarantine hotel was that the other long-stayers there, like me, were all anti-vaxxers, by definition. And I met some very interesting people who are on the same page as I am on all of this, one in particular, a lovely, decent and brilliant 72-year-old American guy. People like that gave me the strength to stick to what I knew was the truth about the “vaccines”.

In the end I spent a total of 12 nights (and $14,000 – all covered by my wonderful company insurance, thankfully), in the hospital recovering. Strangely, I never had any actual symptoms: none of the usual coughing, difficulty breathing, etc. All of my issues were detectable only by (mostly expensive) testing: COVID pneumonia, blood clotting and low blood oxygen level.

During my first few days in the hospital, my condition was going downhill pretty fast (at least according to the tests – again, I never felt ANYTHING). I eventually realized what was going on when I asked the doctor what the solution to my deterioration was: “REMDESIVIR”, she said! I thought that everybody in the world knew by then that Remdesivir is a poison, and my greatest fear was being forced to take it. So you can imagine my shock when this was the FIRST AND ONLY “solution” that my doctor proposed!

Here is a good video describing the lethality of Remdesivir:

original link

I spent the next three days fending off their attempts to “save” me with Remdesivir – while they neglected all other treatments! It was really my low point, as I felt that they were quite willing to kill me – for the additional income Remdesivir would generate for the hospital. But I knew enough about it to refuse it. Every day the nurses would come into my room and tell me, “Just take the Remdesivir. It will help you. We give it to all the farangs.” And one of the only two times the doctor actually visited me in person in my hospital room was to try to convince me to take Remdesivir. I showed her an article by even the corrupt WHO, sent to me by a friend, which said that Remdesivir is NOT a helpful treatment for COVID:


The doctor replied, “The reason the WHO does not recommend Remdesivir is not because it doesn’t work. They don’t recommend it because it doesn’t reduce mortality.” Can you believe she said that? Actually, not only does Remdesivir not REDUCE mortality, it practically GUARANTEES it!

On her final attempt to convince me to accept this poison, I mentioned to the nurse that in addition to not working and being dangerous, it’s also expensive. She replied, “Don’t worry. Your insurance will cover the cost.” Aha, so the hospital had already checked! I knew that my insurance would cover it, but they had checked on it – because it’s so lucrative for hospitals to use it. (I have since learned that in the US, the government adds a 20% bonus to the TOTAL bill of COVID patients who are “treated” with Remdesivir instead of ivermectin, etc.) Now what could be the point of that – other than to steer “treatment” in a certain (fatal) direction – to make COVID appear to be more deadly than it really was?

Anyway, after three days of my steadfast refusal to take Remdesivir, they finally more or less gave up on trying to force it on me. But not before they made me sign a form saying that I refused the "proper" treatment and that they could therefore not take responsibility for the outcome of my stay in the hospital. Is that any way to treat a patient? To try to kill him with a known poison – and then to tell him that if he doesn’t take the poison, the hospital will not be responsible for his survival? What a scary thing for a patient to have to go through!

So, after all that, when they saw that I would not accept the Remdesivir, they FINALLY started treating me with an acceptable anti-viral – favipiravir – and steroids (dexamethasone). This seemed to stabilize my condition a bit, if not improve it. This continued for about three days – with constant monitoring of my blood clotting and blood oxygen level – with no discernible improvement.

Then a miracle happened: I got my daily health newsletter by email from Dr. Mercola, in which he conducted an interview with Dr. Robert Malone. In this interview, Dr. Malone had mentioned some trials using a cheap, over-the-counter heartburn medication that seemed to work very well in the treatment of COVID: Famotidine. By sheer coincidence, I had briefly read about this medicine while I was still in Vietnam, so I bought a box of it before coming to Thailand. (I am a bit of a prepper, and I would rather have ten medicines that I don’t need than not have the one that I do need. I also had a few other medicines that I never used, but I had them just in case - because they were so cheap - and readily available over the counter in Vietnam.)

Anyway, I tried to convince the doctor to let me at least try this medicine Famotidine, as I didn’t see much downside in it. Actually, the medicine is meant to be taken with another medicine, but the doctor talked me out of taking that other medicine with it because I was already on blood thinners for my blood clots. In the end I think that was the right call by the doctor, and I think it was the ONLY useful thing she did for me. During my discussions with the doctor, she told me that this study by Dr. Malone was just a small one and it was not peer reviewed. But actually, that was the point of the article by Dr. Mercola: Dr. Malone’s paper about his study had passed peer review THREE TIMES, but the medical journals STILL refused to publish it, as they didn’t want to spread any information about cheap treatments that might reduce the willingness of people to take the killer vaccines.

Perhaps you can guess what happened next: Just TWO HOURS after my very first dose of this Famotidine, my condition started improving. My blood oxygen level finally started rising a bit – for the first time. And within 48 hours, my blood clotting had largely resolved itself, as did my COVID pneumonia. (A CAT scan was done the next day, and there was already no longer any sign of blood clotting.) Of course, the doctors assumed that it was their “treatment” that helped/saved me, but I know what I experienced – and this Famotidone is what saved me. And fast! From that point my condition improved so rapidly that I was able to be released from the hospital just a couple of days after starting that medication. Make of that what you will.

I left that hospital shortly before Christmas of 2021. It took another month or so for my health to return to normal. I have no long-term effects from COVID. This I attribute to my vitamin D level having been very high (I tested it just before I caught COVID and it was 91ng/ml, a VERY healthy level), as well as all of the good medications that I treated myself with while in the hospital, as well as the fact that I managed to avoid the Remdesivir.

This experience has caused me to lose all trust in not only the Thai but the worldwide medical system. I would have never imagined that a hospital would be so willing to risk my life for a few thousand extra dollars. (At one point I thought of offering the doctor the $3,000 cash that I happened to have with me to start my new life in Thailand – if she would cure me without Remdesivir. But that would have made my knowledge of her plan too obvious to her.)

I don’t want to say that my quarantine hotel somehow deliberately infected me with COVID (although I don’t know how I was able to catch it while in quarantine), and I don’t want to say that the hospital that I was forced into just tried to extract as much money from me as possible while not caring about my health. But I will say that both the hotel and the hospital benefited greatly from my misfortune.

Anyway, I am happy to have this ordeal behind me – and I am happy to be living in Thailand, where I have at least some freedom – as much as exists anywhere in the world these days, I suppose. Meanwhile, sad to say, tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people have already died from these “vaccines” – and many more will die from them in the coming years. I just hope that the criminals who foisted these vaccines on the world will someday be held to account.

Finally, I would be very interested to know if anybody else managed to catch COVID during their stay in a quarantine hotel in Thailand. As I said, the quarantine hotels and the hospitals had every incentive to see to it that their guests/patients caught COVID during their forced quarantine.

Thanks for reading, and stay un”vaccinated”!”

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1   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 2, 9:55am  

Would be helpful to have info on this person's general health, age, comorbidities, etc.
3   Patrick   2022 Nov 16, 10:08pm  


Here is where the story turns very sinister.

According to local sources in California, hospitals that took on inpatient complex cases could charge up to 144x more than an outpatient case. As soon as they treated these patients within their facilities, they could apply for reimbursement from Medicare. In other words, there was a clear financial incentive for hospitals to “over-treat” patients to maximise profits.

With these reports now circulating, 14 Californian residents living in the Fresno area have filed lawsuits against various medical centres. These include Community Regional Medical Center, Clovis Community Medical Center, and St. Agnes Medical Center.

One plaintiff’s claim about a medical centre’s covid protocol is particularly reprehensible:

“A patient comes to the hospital often for problem unrelated to COVID-19. They are told they have COVID-19 or ‘COVID pneumonia’. They are immediately separated from their loved ones, and usually declared to be in ICU, even though they are often just placed in room. They are told that the deadly Remdesivir is the only available and safe treatment. They are usually told that if they leave the Hospital against ‘medical advice’ they will void their insurance. They are placed on BiPap machine at high rate, making it difficult for them to breathe. Their hands are often tied down so they can‘t take the BiPap machine off their face. After their hands are tied down, and sometimes before, [a] psychiatrist comes to the room and determines that they are ‘agitated.’ This results in the protocol patient being placed on morphine or something similar. Sedating the patient makes it more difficult for them to communicate and more difficult for them to fight the effects of Remdesivir especially as it relates to their ability to breathe….”
4   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 16, 11:02pm  

Patrick says

“A patient comes to the hospital often for problem unrelated to COVID-19. They are told they have COVID-19 or ‘COVID pneumonia’. They are immediately separated from their loved ones, and usually declared to be in ICU, even though they are often just placed in room. They are told that the deadly Remdesivir is the only available and safe treatment. They are usually told that if they leave the Hospital against ‘medical advice’ they will void their insurance. They are placed on BiPap machine at high rate, making it difficult for them to breathe. Their hands are often tied down so they can‘t take the BiPap machine off their face. After their hands are tied down, and sometimes before, [a] psychiatrist comes to the room and determines that they are ‘agitated.’ This results in the protocol patient being placed on morphine or something similar. Sedating the patient makes it more difficult for them to communicate and more difficult for them to fight the effects of Remdesivir especially as it rel...

holy shit.
5   GNL   2022 Nov 17, 5:07am  

Patrick says

“A patient comes to the hospital often for problem unrelated to COVID-19. They are told they have COVID-19 or ‘COVID pneumonia’. They are immediately separated from their loved ones, and usually declared to be in ICU, even though they are often just placed in room. They are told that the deadly Remdesivir is the only available and safe treatment. They are usually told that if they leave the Hospital against ‘medical advice’ they will void their insurance. They are placed on BiPap machine at high rate, making it difficult for them to breathe. Their hands are often tied down so they can‘t take the BiPap machine off their face. After their hands are tied down, and sometimes before, [a] psychiatrist comes to the room and determines that they are ‘agitated.’ This results in the protocol patient being placed on morphine or something similar. Sedating the patient makes it more difficult for them to communicate and more difficult for them to fight the effects of Remdesivir especially as it rel...

I will bet this is what happened to my father in law. He was sadated/knocked out/put under right before they put him on the vent. He died.
6   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 17, 6:24am  

And all this for a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate.
7   GNL   2022 Nov 17, 6:49am  

RayAmerica says

And all this for a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate.

Covid is only part of the totalitarian revolution that is taking place as we type.
9   Patrick   2022 Nov 21, 10:20pm  

GNL says

I will bet this is what happened to my father in law. He was sadated/knocked out/put under right before they put him on the vent. He died.

I'm sorry to say I think you're probably right. @GNL
10   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 5:29pm  


British Nursing Alliance cofounder Kate Shemirani reports that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced that he’ll be allowing social services and the government to seize a huge amount of money from the assets of an elderly person when they enter the hospital or a social care setting.

She explains that this is particularly significant in light of a new UK government medical protocol for elderly people in the hospital. It’s called Protocol NG191, and it’s an end-of-life pathway that they’re putting the elderly and disabled on. It replaces NG163.

While NG163 involved morphine and Medazolam, the new one, NG191, includes Remdesivir, benzodiazepines and opioids, including Lorazepam. Kate reports that the British government has just ordered huge amounts of Lorezepam. ...

Protocol NG191 will be used to knock people off in hospitals, the way that Medazolam did in 2020. They are currently putting more and more people on this end-of-life pathway.

Kate suggests looking up the Palliative Care Funding Review, which shows that palliative care is going to increase, and on page 64, shows how much the deaths of the elderly are going to rise, up to 2031, which is when their plan goes up to.

She ties the above in with the Planned Tariff Incentivized Euthanasia Point System, in which 1,642.5 people must be euthanized daily in England alone, in order for hospitals and care homes to get their money. This includes disabled children.

If hospitals go below the target, they lose money, and if they exceed their quota, they get extra money.

Of course, this is still officially illegal.

How do they euthanize? By causing death with Protocol NG191 for the elderly and disabled, of course. ...

Stay away from all those shots, and do your best to stay out of the hospital. This means knowing is advance a doctor with the proper mindset to turn to, if you don’t feel well, and having treatments like ivermectin on hand in case of need. ...

Of course, if someone does need to to go to the hospital, REFUSE remedesivir, and be sure an alert family member or friend is always with the patient.
11   mell   2022 Nov 27, 7:58pm  

Famotidine is a cheap now generic antihistamine taken for various stomach ailments. The s protein causes a highly inflammatory response so it makes sense to take antihistamines, and depending on where the majority of the inflammation is, the antihistamine which works best for that body part/organ.
12   WookieMan   2022 Nov 27, 8:27pm  

RayAmerica says

And all this for a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate.

Just don't go to a doc for it. Do an at home test. If positive do a Rin protocol or similar. I turned the corner just adding zinc in 12 hours and 4x my Vitamin D consumption. I took no pain relievers or fever reducers. Just vitamins and zinc. A week removed I feel totally normal. I've had worse head/sinus colds for a week or two. Covid was nothing in hindsight.
13   Patrick   2022 Nov 28, 7:35pm  


One year ago today, they tried to get me to agree to put my wife on a ventilator.
posted 15 hours ago by Old_Timer +1954 / -3

They didn’t know we were on FaceTime together, and weren’t talking to her despite her being fully capable of participating in decisions about her own care. They kept insisting that her oxygen saturation levels were low and I (not we) needed to make a decision NOW.

I asked if they had her change positions, and they said no. I told her to “turn over” and she went up to 98% within a minute.

They promptly hung up on me.

They didn’t try the “it’s an emergency - NOW, Now, NOW” nonsense again, but made sure to tell us everyday for a bit she was “probably” going to end up on a ventilator. They wouldn’t give her monoclonal antibodies, regeneron, or even a standard anti-viral because “she was too sick” and “standard antivirals aren’t effective against Covid”.

I was able to smuggle ivermectin in, and her “numbers” improved within 24 hours. They caught her and took it away before she completed the cycle (plus I gave her too little based on her weight - doh!)

She’s fine now. She works too much. I’m a lucky man.

It’s been a year since they tried to kill my beloved, and I’m not over it. I will never trust them again.
14   HeadSet   2022 Nov 29, 8:09am  

Patrick says

I asked if they had her change positions, and they said no. I told her to “turn over” and she went up to 98% within a minute.

I have seen that myself, where just changing positions caused the oxygen levels on the "Star Trek" monitor to rise from about 80 to the high 90s.
17   Patrick   2023 Jan 13, 9:01pm  


Feds Say E.R. Doctors Kill With Incompetence
The government's science is appallingly bad, but media embrace it. Sound familiar?

Ten days before Christmas, a federal government agency dropped a massive, 744-page report alleging that E.R. doctors are making errors due to “inadequate clinical knowledge, skills, or reasoning” — that we are getting the diagnosis wrong in every 18th patient — and that this leads to a quarter of a million avoidable deaths of American citizens every year.

I suspect that doctors kill many more people than they save.

Another point of evidence: people live longer in areas with fewer doctors.
18   Patrick   2023 Jan 23, 11:49am  


‘But she’s unconscious,’ pointed out the son. His mother, who was breathing normally, seemed to be quite peaceful.

‘We’ve decided to give her something to help her,’ said the nurse.

‘What is it?’ asked the husband.

`It’s two medicines,’ said the nurse. ‘It’s a mixture of midazolam and morphine. It’ll help her rest. We don’t want her suffering. She could be like this for months.’

After giving the injection the nurse suggested that the husband and the son went home. When they returned to the hospital the following morning their wife and mother was dead.

`We were just about to call you,’ said another nurse, who seemed very sympathetic. The doctor came. He too was sympathetic.

It was only afterwards, when they were at home, that the man and his son realised that their wife and mother had been killed – deliberately, cold-bloodedly killed. There had been absolutely no reason to give her the now infamous and widely used kill-shot of midazolam and morphine. ...

They created a fake pandemic out of the ordinary annual flu by claiming that everyone who tested positive for covid – and subsequently died was a covid victim. They used a test, the PCR test, which everyone knew didn’t work, and hospitals in many countries received a cash bonus for every covid diagnosis they made. They were bribed to lie. In America, hospitals were given $13,000 for every patient they diagnosed with covid-19. If a patient needed to be put on a ventilator the hospital received a bonus of $39.000. What a surprise that so many patients needed to be put on ventilators – which killed many. The bonus system was used all around the world – another coincidence – and in some countries the staff got part of the cash bonus – kickbacks I think they usually call them. ...

The medical establishment, collective victims of the world’s most egregious confidence trick, had decided that global warming was THE health care threat. And so they decided there should be less testing and treating of patients. I’ve dealt with this extraordinary nonsense many times.

What has been happening is all part of the killing. The genocide. The plan to reduce the global population and the plan to appease the few idiotic pseudoscientists and children who claim, quite wrongly, and without evidence, that man has made his planet unbearably hot. Or is it unbearably cold. They change their minds a lot. They’ve been wound up and misdirected by conspirators who have, since the 1940s, been concerned about the disappearing oil and convinced that the population needs culling.
19   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 23, 12:03pm  

Patrick says

I suspect that doctors kill many more people than they save.

Especially here.

Most Hospitals are heavily dependent on Residents and New Doctors. They put them on 50-60 hours.

The LEAST skilled, NEWEST professionals are put on the most vital, urgent cases while SLEEP DEPRIVED to boot. The MOST experienced, LONGEST professionals avoid the ER jobs.

Exactly the opposite of what you'd want in any other industry where speed and skill and experience are vital.
20   Patrick   2023 Jan 24, 1:48pm  


"COVID" turned hospitals all over into killing grounds—as Nurse Erin told us back in May of 2020, and as this Israeli doctor reconfirms

Just as universities now teach their students NOT to think, and "our free press" pumps out Big Lies (and nothing but), "healthcare" today is just a way to keep us sick, and kill us off

Hospitals all over Israel are killing grounds:

Hospitals all over the UK are killing grounds, as Dr. Vernon Coleman caustically observes:

Hospitals all over Canada are killing grounds:

The Truth Barrier
Daily Mail UK Reports: Two MDs In Canada Have Euthanized 700 People Between Them, And Raved About How Satisfying It Was...
23   Patrick   2023 Mar 12, 10:42pm  


Midazolam in Italy
Evidence supporting the iatrogenesis hypotheses for "epidemic" COVID of spring 2020

Joel Smalley
Mar 10

Doing little more than reproducing this here just in case this PR message from Braun, that unwittingly provides further evidence of the widespread use of unprecedented volumes of Midazolam, gets “archived” for any reason.
24   Patrick   2023 Jun 30, 7:23pm  


If Pharma and other poisonous industries had never entered the picture (if they had been properly regulated in the first place), there would be several trillion dollars less “economic activity” in the United States each year. But individuals, families, communities, and the nation would be vastly happier and healthier than they are now. We appear rich (in terms of dollars and cents) but, because we are pursuing such a catastrophic economic model, we are actually desperately poor (in terms of health and happiness) as a nation.

Pharma and other poisonous industries are mining our bodies for profits. It is the worst possible economy one can have and the greatest transfer of wealth to the ruling class in history. Right now the U.S. economy embodies the worst aspects of colonial conquest combined with a turbocharged fascism that is vastly more sophisticated than the Italian and German systems during World War II.

Because the primary industries in the United States produce poison and misery, the ruling class also requires a vast cultural system to produce ongoing amnesia about our situation. So countless streaming services and social media companies figure out how to capture our attention 24/7/365 so that we never actually stop and think about what is being done to us. Endless shows about doctors and pandemics and movies that dramatize the lives of CIA-type operatives glorify the very industries that are making us miserable. The mainstream news media is a vast propaganda system that assures us that we are living in the best of all possible worlds and it goes to great lengths to punish and ostracize any critical thinkers.
25   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 30, 9:29pm  

Almost all antibiotic resistant strains of bacterium are due to prophylatic doses of it given to animals in feed lots, otherwise they'd definitely get sick and die in such cramped conditions.

That's why whenever a new resistant strain breaks out, it's in western NC (pig farms) or small rural towns in the Midwest. If it was due to humans not taking the last 2 days of a 7 day vanomicin regimine, it would happen more often in big cities.

The only resistant bacterial diseases spreading not due to propylatic dosing of domesticated animals is STDs. That's because several STDs don't manifest strong symptoms in women than men, and Tinderellas are fucking the whole neighborhood with minimal to no symptoms, spreading "love".
26   Patrick   2023 Jul 11, 8:08pm  


Ethical Skeptic, the former US Naval Intelligence data analyst and covid commenter who I’ve quoted extensively in the past, published a new chart yesterday showing excess rates of Non-Alcoholic Liver Diseases. The chart, using CDC data, shows a giant bump in excess liver deaths during the pandemic, after which the excess rates have now, mercifully, returned to baseline:

Ethical pointed out, rightly, that the data provides yet more evidence for people who think Remdesivir was a killer. Thanks, CDC.
27   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 12, 12:17pm  

Patrick, quoting CoffeeAndCovid says

"Ethical Skeptic, the former US Naval Intelligence data analyst and covid commenter who I’ve quoted extensively in the past, published a new chart yesterday showing excess rates of Non-Alcoholic Liver Diseases. The chart, using CDC data, shows a giant bump in excess liver deaths during the pandemic, after which the excess rates have now, mercifully, returned to baseline:"

I went to the above coffeeandcovid.com website and found this chart but without a link to the Ethical Skeptic! This says the chart cannot be trusted.

The coffeeandcovid.com says - in reference to the chart - "Ethical Skeptic, the former US Naval Intelligence data analyst and covid commenter... published a new chart yesterday showing excess rates of Non-Alcoholic Liver Diseases."

So, what date was it "yesterday?" It does not say. So I went to the Ethical Skeptic to find this chart and searched for all the technical terms he mentions in the chart - including "Non-Alcoholic Liver Diseases" - and came up with nothing.

This says that the chart is fake data.
30   Patrick   2023 Aug 23, 10:17am  


Could it be any clearer?

At the top, we see the “death spike” from 2020 in the UK. At the bottom, we see the Midazolam prescription rate spike in the UK - Midazolam being one of the key drugs forced upon hospital patients as a preface to ventilating them, a process which was later shown to result in 90 percent of the patients dying.

Does that look like contagion to you? Or does it look like, perhaps, all those people were killed by the hospital system?

The graph is from the UK, but similar graphs exist in the US and other parts of the world.
31   richwicks   2023 Aug 24, 2:23am  

Patrick says


Could it be any clearer?

At the top, we see the “death spike” from 2020 in the UK. At the bottom, we see the Midazolam prescription rate spike in the UK - Midazolam being one of the key drugs forced upon hospital patients as a preface to ventilating them, a process which was later shown to result in 90 percent of the patients dying.

Does that look like contagion to you? Or does it look like, perhaps, all those people were killed by the hospital system?

The graph is from the UK, but similar graphs exist in the US and other parts of the world.

This actually doesn't mean anything if you think about it, not really.

IF there was a pandemic (a real one), and IF there was a treatment for it (a real one that actually worked) that was say 50% effective at saving lives, you'd expect that the death rate would correlate to the amount of the drug being used to treat it.

This is a classic example of correlation doesn't not necessarily mean causation.

* The disease itself could increase the amount of deaths.
* OR the drug itself could have increased the excess deaths.

This is why you need a control group. With a control group, you can see the difference. There's no control group.

* IF the drug was at fault, you'd see a higher excess death rate than in the control group
* IF the drugs was NOT at fault, and was therapeutic, you'd see a higher death rate in the control group than in the experimental group.

We can see neither because we lack a control group. So, we can't draw any conclusions, just speculate.
32   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 24, 7:02am  

Doctors WILL kill you if it's profitable for them

Which is what I would expect from members of (((the tribe))).
37   Patrick   2023 Sep 1, 9:16pm  


$11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Mothers About Safety of mRNA-Vaccines

Fetal-maternal medicine specialist Dr. James Thorp has raised the alarm concerning massive damage to women and babies via mRNA injection. Following an interview with Dr. Thorp, Dr. Naomi Wolf says that what she has learned in the last few weeks is “so very devastating, regarding the plans of the evildoers of our moment, to destroy, or restrict severely the powers of humanity, via destroying babies and human fertility.”

“This is one of the most important exchanges of our time” according to Dr. Wolf, who says “Doctors who treat the most vulnerable population in the world – pregnant women and their unborn babies, have been, and are coerced to lie by organisations that oversee these doctors, that were paid to lie.”

We learned in DailyClout’s Report 69 that Pfizer knew that they were killing babies in utero and that they knew they were making nursing newborns, born to vaccinated moms, severely ill,” says Dr Wolf, “yet they proceeded to urge this mRNA injection on pregnant women, as did The New York Times, as did Dr Rochelle Walensky” the former of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) “who told all the pregnant women in America to get an mRNA injection three days after Pfizer concluded that it was a factor in the aborting of two babies.” ...

Dr Thorp describes how he was “unceremoniously, if not injuriously,” fired by his health system employer – though he was among the most published of his colleagues, Dr Wolf explains, that “he described the results of a FOIA launched by his wife, attorney Maggie Thorp, and himself, that revealed $13 billion in funding to “influencers” to promote the mRNA injections, including surfacing a contract with a for-profit OB/GYN NGO that oversees tens of thousands of obstetricians and gynecologists on two continents.”
38   Patrick   2023 Sep 13, 11:57am  


Because of my long exposure to matters respiratory, I knew immediately they began panicking about needed 30,000 mechanical ventilators that something truly demonic was at hand. It’s never appropriate, in a patient with an unobstructed airway & an intact chest wall to sedate, intubate and ventilate them.

But it's profitable to get paid by the government to kill, therefore doctors will do it.
39   Patrick   2023 Sep 16, 9:16am  


•Many pharmaceuticals on the market are automatically given to large numbers of patients despite the harms of these medications often greatly outweighing their benefits.

•One of the worst offenders are the acid suppressing medications, and their overprescription goes hand in hand with a widespread medical blindness to the critical functions of hydrochloric acid throughout the body and the actual causes of acid reflux. ...

One of the more depressing parts of being an awake physician in the medical system is reading the drug lists of the patients you see and realizing how many prescriptions they are on that do not benefit them, and in many cases harm them. Presently, 66 percent of U.S. adults are estimated to have at least one prescription and on average, they have 9 prescriptions filled per year (which can include renewals of an existing one).

Since doctors are extremely reluctant to terminate existing prescriptions, this creates a scenario where people get placed on more and more drugs as they age (some of which are for treating the side effects of other drugs they are taking). ...

In short, doing nothing except terminating some of the most egregious prescriptions for our elders (who often lack the autonomy to refuse their prescriptions) resulted in a 23% reduction in their death rate. ...

For example, almost everyone is put on statins—especially as they get older, yet in trials evaluating statins, for instance to evaluate their effect on 50-75 year old patients’ risk of heart disease, statins caused a 0.4% reduction in the annual risk of a major cardiovascular event (most of which are not fatal) and no benefit in the overall death death rate. Likewise, according to the existing trials (which are almost certainly biased to favor the pharmaceutical companies funding them), it was found on average that taking a statin for five years would increase your expected lifespan by three days. In contrast, statins are notorious for causing adverse effects which affect at least 20% of recipients. These effects include cognitive impairment and dementia, personality changes, loss of sensation throughout the body and significant muscle weakness or muscle aches.

This seems absurd until you also consider that statins are also one of the most profitable drug markets in existence.
40   Patrick   2023 Sep 28, 1:18pm  


Another widow's testimony-- patient rights denied, Remdesivir, venting, neglect

Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,
October 13, 2022



SHARON SMITH: Hello everyone. My name is Sharon Smith. [Holds up photograph] This is my husband Jeff Smith.We were married 42 years. We have two sons, two daughter in-laws, and four grandchildren, one he didn't meet. She was born a week after he died.

Jeff was always the guy that walked into the room with a big smile on his face and he made everybody feel like they were important. He was just that guy. That guy. And he was very loved and respected.

I could never, ever have dreamed that I would be standing here today telling you that my husband was killed in the hospital. Never, never. But that's exactly what happened.

We both had covid for 10 days and we were coming out of it, and on July 4, 2021 I insisted, and trust me I regret that, I insisted that Jeff go to the hospital and get a chest x-ray. I was just concerned about his breathing. It wasn't bad. But I was concerned and that was just me, a worry wart.

So we went to ER, they took him back to do a simple chest X-ray. They told me come back in 2 hours. I said OK. Thirty minutes later he called me and said, They want to keep me over night and give me a little oxygen.

That turned into 5 1/2 weeks.

In the ER they started him on the deadly drug Remdesivir. Unknown to us. But that was the protocol. By midnight I got a call that they were moving him into the covid ICU just to be able to give him a little more individual attention and care.

How many of us have heard that story?

Now you have to understand that we both trusted the hospitals, the doctors, the nurses, that they were doing their very, very best to get him better and send him home to his family. Why would I think anything different?

They started talking about putting him on a vent in the first three days. Why? Why? He surely didn't need that. He was barely sick. Jeff was still taking care of business, calls in the hospital, talking to me and his family and friends, texting, doing FaceTime chats with our grandchildren, sending pictures back and forth, and telling us every day, he's OK, he's going to fight because he's got a reason to live. He's got grandchildren!

I could not see my husband. I was never asked for my consent to do anything, never consulted about his care, even though I requested to meet with the doctors to come up with a care plan.

His basic needs were not met. Food, water, bathing, shaving, bedding changed, changing his clothes, nothing.

I wanted to be with my husband to comfort him and help him. We were married 42 years. We always took care of each other. He needed me! And they wouldn't let that happen.

But again, I was still trusting them that they were helping him to get better and were going to send my husband back home to me.

Why would I stand here and share this with you today? Because I have to be my husband's voice because they took it away. Because I never want this to happen to any of you, to your families, and I don't want it ever to happen to my family again, or my grandchildren.

My husband is not a statistic. He was my best friend, he was my everything. I miss him and I love him every day of my life. So I stand here before you now and I vow that I will not stop fighting justice for my husband, Jeff Smith— or any of our loved ones.

God bless all of you, each and everyone of you. Thank you.

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