Its business to one and personal to other

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2023 Jan 27, 8:47am   3,893 views  36 comments

by gabbar   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I was laid off from Google last week. I found out on my fourth day back from bereavement leave for my Mom, who died from cancer in December.

In another world, I might've written something about the challenges of working with a parent dying of cancer, or the benefits of taking space when you need it. I probably would've written about how openly and honestly talking about mental health was a positive part of the culture at companies like Google, or how I'd used bereavement time to start to undo months of anxiety, stress, and grief. Instead, I'm tired and disappointed.

I've certainly heard worse stories, including layoffs of expecting parents and of Googlers on disability leave. But it still feels like a slap in the face, like being hit when you're down.

It's unclear how the lay-offs were determined, and perhaps the year I had may have nudged me more towards being laid off. I started at Google in December, 2021, and my Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer the following February, around when the formal orientation ended and I was put on projects. I will say this: onboarding at Google is challenging, there's a lot of "just figure it out." It was even more difficult when also dealing with my Mom's chemo appointments, moving her in with family, or the extremely challenging last few months of her life.

There will always be more opportunities to work at exciting companies, but a parent dies only once. I'm grateful that I spent the time and energy I did with my Mom, and not overworking for a company who might decide on one cold Friday morning that my badge doesn't work anymore.

Google's strongest assets are the software engineers who work there. They stay because it's an environment that allows them to grow and thrive. If you find talented people who love writing software, put enough of them together, and give them some time, and they'll start identifying and creating new solutions to problems you didn't know you had. But these kinds of people also value a sense of safety. Culture takes years to build, and can break quickly and easily.

The best antidote to woe is probably gratitude, and I have plenty to be grateful for, including a generous severance package, my move back to San Francisco, and more time to re-center. I felt like I was pushed into returning from bereavement earlier that I needed to, and could absolutely use the time off (as David Foster Wallace says in Infinite Jest, "sometimes human beings have to just sit in one place and, like, hurt.") Life goes on, and someday this will be a self-deprecating story told to amuse and entertain, another obstacle overcome.

I'll be taking February and March off, but am open to starting to search for new work around the end of March. If you hear of any opportunities you think might be particularly suited to me, get in touch.

- Tommy York, Software Engineer

Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/google-employee-fired-days-after-his-mother-died-of-cancer-describes-being-laid-off-as-a-slap-in-the-face/articleshow/97381021.cms?from=mdr

Comments 1 - 36 of 36        Search these comments

1   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 27, 9:39am  

Getting laid off always leaves you with a feeling of rejection, even if you were planning on leaving and thought the place was the worse place in the world.

You are doing the right thing to take time to decompress before you get back into the job market. So you don't interview jaded and angry about your past employer and management. It's easy to slip up and say Interview Wrong Speak, in those situations.

I decided to sit the whole Biden Administration out, or until something changes. There's just no way in hell, I would subject myself to a Commie Woke CRT HR departments in the Enterprise. As corporate policies always mirror the White House policies. During Obama the company I was working for was hiring every Turkish and Muslim Refugee sent their way. During Trump's time, all of the Muslims disappeared and were replaced with Vets. Then after the 2020 elections, the Blue hair people started showing up, about the time I was exiting for the door.

I recently bought a Ford E-350 Super Duty and am taking Electrician jobs, that my friends don't have time to do, or need the extra hand.
I'm enjoying the liberty and freedom of working in a Trade, I missed that for the 25 years I was a software developer.
2   gabbar   2023 Jan 27, 11:08am  

Tenpoundbass says

As corporate policies always mirror the White House policies.

This indicates that the country is run by corporations + white house (and the donors/sponsors of the white house officials)
3   clambo   2023 Jan 27, 1:35pm  

When I was laid off I got no "severance package".
Sounds to me like he's sitting pretty.
Unless of course he has a $1 million mortgage to pay off.
4   HeadSet   2023 Jan 27, 2:24pm  

gabbar says

Tenpoundbass says

As corporate policies always mirror the White House policies.

This indicates that the country is run by corporations + white house (and the donors/sponsors of the white house officials)

The corporation is so dependent on government as a regulator or customer that the corporation kisses the boot of whoever is currently in power.
5   richwicks   2023 Jan 27, 2:44pm  

HeadSet says

The corporation is so dependent on government as a regulator or customer that the corporation kisses the boot of whoever is currently in power.

^^^ This ^^^

Government contracts are used to capture corporations. Google, Facebook, and Twitter HEMORRHAGED users for years. That didn't matter, because they all just lied about the number of users they had and the government never prosecuted them for lying to their customers and users.

They are engaged in major fraud and so long as they are receiving government contracts and implementing the will of the government, it won't matter.

Elon Musk vastly overpaid for Twitter because Twitter commonly lied about the number of users and bots they had.

You guys just don't comprehend the problem. Why were so many FIB agents at Twitter? What was their job? You know what it was. If I'm in Twitter, I can freely call for the murder of Russians and anybody that doesn't support this stupid war. That's not good for our society, but it's good for this criminal government. You know why I can do this but I also know this would be deeply immoral for me to do, regardless of which side I would be on. I have to be neutral, I can only criticize MY government.
6   HeadSet   2023 Jan 27, 2:47pm  

richwicks says

Government contracts are used to capture corporations.

Government contracts are used to capture corporations for the deep state. Notice that Google, et al, were anti-Trump both before and after Trump was elected the first time.
7   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 27, 4:32pm  

HeadSet says

The corporation is so dependent on government as a regulator or customer that the corporation kisses the boot of whoever is currently in power.

Tax perks, grants, and programs. It really boils down to how much money can I get?

The regulators these days are just glorified bagmen and check writers. Then weeding the little guy and put the squeeze on small companies. They'll either write you a check for playing along or make you cover up your water pond on your horse ranch. .
8   Eric Holder   2023 Jan 27, 6:24pm  

gabbar says

It's unclear how the lay-offs were determined..... I started at Google in December, 2021

Pretty obvious, actually.
9   komputodo   2023 Jan 27, 7:32pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I recently bought a Ford E-350 Super Duty and am taking Electrician jobs,

I have an electrical problem in my mexican house...it has 220 ac service...when i put a load on 1 line, the voltage drops about 5 volts and the other line increases 5 volts. what causes that?
10   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jan 27, 10:45pm  

Sounds like an open neutral or bad connection where the wire terminates, not making a good contact. Either at the box or the disconnect, or breaker. Maybe even the unit itself, turn off the power then go check all of those connections. Crank them down real good with the Robertson square head screw driver for best torque.
11   komputodo   2023 Feb 24, 8:18pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Sounds like an open neutral or bad connection where the wire terminates, not making a good contact. Either at the box or the disconnect, or breaker. Maybe even the unit itself, turn off the power then go check all of those connections. Crank them down real good with the Robertson square head screw driver for best torque.

I found the bad neutral connection in the meter base.....it was all corroded and heat damaged...i cleaned it up nice and shiny....reclamped it down and now its all good, at least for a while...THANKS AGAIN

12   WookieMan   2023 Feb 24, 9:50pm  

Not laughing at Gabbars news, but a classic Patnet thread turns into an electrical tutorial. No where else.

I honestly don't know how some of you guys work for big corps. I couldn't do it. Your job is at the whim of someone, manager, that likely cannot even do what you do. Likely doesn't even know how to run a business. Ran one for 15 years and I just laugh at corporate manager types that know dick about anything. Half of business majors have no clue how to start an LLC or understand the difference between that and an S-Corp. Accounting. Marketing. Hiring. Managing.

Hope you land on your feet Gabbar and sorry for the loss even though this is a month later after your OP. My dad died of cancer in June of 2019. Decade long battle. Fortunately for me I disliked him, so it moved me, but not as much as other people losing a parent.

My FIL passing unexpectedly when my wife was out of town 8 years earlier moved me much more. I was balling in the corner like a baby. Lost a good friend. My wife lost her dad. It was rough. He hated me at first. Before the end we'd be up till 5am drinking and smoking in the garage shooting the shit. I never had that with my dad. Besides my wife birthing our kids, that was the hardest day of my life. In an ER with my 1 year old, first kid, the only grandkid he saw, and my wife is in Denver and her dad is dead. Imagine calling anyone, let alone your wife and letting them know their dad is dead. Fucks me up to this day.

What I've learned from death. You live life once. Live it your way. You are talented enough to work at google. You'll find work if you haven't already. You only get one last chance before death and you made the right choice. I was in AZ and missed this thread. Now I'm all emotional. Keep your head up. Stay strong. This thread brings up a lot of strong emotions for me. And fuck Google.
13   BayArea   2023 Feb 24, 9:58pm  

I’m sorry to hear the unfortunate news.

The Silicon Valley is going through an ugly job cutting phase right now. I’m also in big tech and my company is in the midst of layoffs too.

What an inflection point the 2nd half of 2022 was. Companies in the valley couldn’t hire fast enough for two full years and suddenly everyone is laying off / cost cutting. We overshot.

All the best to everyone in the industry.
14   Ceffer   2023 Feb 24, 10:20pm  

komputodo says

I found the bad neutral connection in the meter base.....it was all corroded and heat damaged...i cleaned it up nice and shiny....reclamped it down and now its all good, at least for a while...THANKS AGAIN

Just wait 'til you get his bill.
15   richwicks   2023 Feb 25, 1:25am  

BayArea says

I’m sorry to hear the unfortunate news.

The Silicon Valley is going through an ugly job cutting phase right now. I’m also in big tech and my company is in the midst of layoffs too.

What an inflection point the 2nd half of 2022 was. Companies in the valley couldn’t hire fast enough for two full years and suddenly everyone is laying off / cost cutting. We overshot.

All the best to everyone in the industry.

It's just a cleaning out of the chaff from the wheat. I think it's long over-due.

We have a lot of bullshit companies, and bullshit jobs here.
16   WookieMan   2023 Feb 25, 6:04am  

richwicks says

It's just a cleaning out of the chaff from the wheat. I think it's long over-due.

We have a lot of bullshit companies, and bullshit jobs here.

Maybe tap the brakes and stop commenting for a bit. You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break. You have ZERO clue if his job was bull shit or not. Your comments haven't been intelligent and are always angry lately. This really isn't the post for this comment.

Start a laid off or weeding out employee thread in SV on your own. You punched below the belt here for no fucking reason. I've not interacted with Gabbar much here, but this is a bull shit comment for the OP topic. Maybe take a break from the bottle...
17   komputodo   2023 Feb 25, 7:18am  

Ceffer says

komputodo says

I found the bad neutral connection in the meter base.....it was all corroded and heat damaged...i cleaned it up nice and shiny....reclamped it down and now its all good, at least for a while...THANKS AGAIN

Just wait 'til you get his bill.

the check is in the mail
18   komputodo   2023 Feb 25, 7:27am  

clambo says

When I was laid off I got no "severance package".

thats right...we went out and got another job to keep the bills paid..We didn't have the time to "re-center" or paid or even unpaid leave...the boss didn't give a shit about our feelings...there was no HR dept for our "grievances" or forums to post our sad stories...times have changed.
19   komputodo   2023 Feb 25, 7:41am  

WookieMan says

You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break.You have ZERO clue if his job was bull shit or not.

And neither do you...But that is beside the point. A wiseman once told me that the only security you have in this life is what you have between your ears..If you think a company owes you something and shouldn't fire your ass because you are going through a tough time in your life, then you are a dreamer. I'm surprised that he didn't say "it's not fair".
20   komputodo   2023 Feb 25, 7:54am  

WookieMan says

Not laughing at Gabbars news, but a classic Patnet thread turns into an electrical tutorial. No where else.

I think this transistion happened when PATNET turned into a forum where men talked about their "feelings".
21   WookieMan   2023 Feb 25, 8:06am  

komputodo says

WookieMan says

You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break.You have ZERO clue if his job was bull shit or not.

And neither do you...But that is beside the point. A wiseman once told me that the only security you have in this life is what you have between your ears..If you think a company owes you something and shouldn't fire your ass because you are going through a tough time in your life, then you are a dreamer. I'm surprised that he didn't say "it's not fair".

I assume you've run a business? Hired employees? Retained employees? If not use the thing between your ears and really think about what you typed...

I also assume you've lost a parent, spouse or kid too right? Maybe Gabbar was a shit employee. This is not the thread to shit on dead people and someone that lost their livelihood. Jesus. I can't believe what I'm hearing here. You guys are soulless ass holes. He said he felt slapped in the face by a company that HAD bereavement leave for fucks sake. A few of you just shit on him for literally no reason.

Life isn't fair, but when it gets messed up you don't fucking shit on people. Thought Patnet was better. Apparently a bunch of loser old men failed at life here outside of a few... I guess any kind of compassion has been flushed down the toilet.
22   WookieMan   2023 Feb 25, 8:09am  

komputodo says

WookieMan says

Not laughing at Gabbars news, but a classic Patnet thread turns into an electrical tutorial. No where else.

I think this transistion happened when PATNET turned into a forum where men talked about their "feelings".

Where have your feelings gotten you? I've read past comments. Not that great a life. You're poking the wrong bear. Enjoy Mexico. I hope basic electrical work wasn't too difficult for you....
23   Onvacation   2023 Feb 25, 8:37am  

WookieMan says

You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break.

WookieMan says

You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break.

WookieMan says

You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break.

WookieMan says

You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break.

I don't think Gabbar lost his job. He posted an article about some new hire (Dec 2021) who took a bunch of time off during his first year at work for the EVIL Google and SURPRISE! he got caught up in a round of lay offs.gabbar says

If you find talented people who love writing software, put enough of them together, and give them some time, and they'll start identifying and creating new solutions to problems you didn't know you had.

gabbar says

If you find talented people who love writing software, put enough of them together, and give them some time, and they'll start identifying and creating new solutions to problems you didn't know you had.

gabbar says

If you find talented people who love writing software, put enough of them together, and give them some time, and they'll start identifying and creating new solutions to problems you didn't know you had.

Tommy York, Software Engineer says

If you find talented people who love writing software, put enough of them together, and give them some time, and they'll start identifying and creating new solutions to problems you didn't know you had.

Sounds like communism's "create a problem, provide the solution."
24   Onvacation   2023 Feb 25, 8:40am  

WOW @Patrick something went really wrong with your quote feature ^
25   komputodo   2023 Feb 25, 9:09am  

WookieMan says

I assume you've run a business? Hired employees? Retained employees? If not use the thing between your ears and really think about what you typed...

I also assume you've lost a parent, spouse or kid too right? Maybe Gabbar was a shit employee. This is not the thread to shit on dead people and someone that lost their livelihood. Jesus. I can't believe what I'm hearing here. You guys are soulless ass holes. He said he felt slapped in the face by a company that HAD bereavement leave for fucks sake. A few of you just shit on him for literally no reason.

I read his story twice and the comments and I still don't see anyone shitting on dead people. You are just making up shit ...not unusual when your emotions get confused with facts. And as far as the OP goes, nobody shit on him either. The only person I see trying to insult posters is you. And yes I've lost parents and a sister but I never felt the need to go online and post my feelings about it.
26   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 9:58am  

I don't think @Gabbar is talking about himself, he's quoting a Google Tech named "York" from the article.
27   richwicks   2023 Feb 25, 9:58am  

WookieMan says

richwicks says

It's just a cleaning out of the chaff from the wheat. I think it's long over-due.

We have a lot of bullshit companies, and bullshit jobs here.

Maybe tap the brakes and stop commenting for a bit. You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break. You have ZERO clue if his job was bull shit or not.

First, I don't believe he worked at Google, I believe he was quoting somebody that did.

Second, Google has betrayed the Constitution. In 2005 or so there was rumors that the NSA with AT&T had setup eavesdropping equipment at Google in a secret room. With this, they were bypassing the digital certificates on websites that were being hosted by Google, meaning that all your encrypted traffic, was being captured, illegally, by the US government. It's a 4th amendment violation. Everything you sent and received from Google was being intercepted by the US government even though you had a certificate, it was just to give you a false sense of security.

Google was still useful back then, but it degraded.

I have seen EVERYBODY that I used to watch on Youtube deplatformed and for purely political reasons. Google is an arm of the MIC at this point. So they promote war, they promote propaganda, and the suppress actual information and protect mass murderers and criminals in our government. They have been doing this for about 12 years now?

Hardly anybody knows that the US's main interest in Syria is stealing oil, and the US has been arming ISIS directly. They would, if you could explain it on Youtube, but if you attempted it back in 2015, you'd first be demonetized, then you'd be flagged as "violating terms of services" in some vague way, and if you persisted, your channel was deleted and all your content removed. Of course, first they would make it impossible to find your videos, promote CNN first, etc, and lie about your metrics, unsubscribe users without telling them, all sorts of underhanded bullshit.

They did the same with Ukraine's CIA coup. You can't discuss that either. We overthrew Ukraine, that's just a fact and an indisputable fact. How many people would be supporting this war which is going to DECIMATE the young Ukrainian population if people only knew?

This company, is insidious. It's the "Don't be Evil Company" - but they are absolutely evil. Deception is FUNDAMENTAL to do evil, and Youtube and Google actively promote government deception.

How many people have died, or will die because nobody was able to discuss the safety of the vaccine or even question it? How many businesses have been destroyed because nobody was able to discuss whether it was justifiable to close down small stores for what turned out to be a bad flu? Google is a co-conspirator of evil now.

I won't apologize for recognizing that. Don't work for shitty, morally bankrupt, companies. The people that work for Google, they'd work for fucking Hitler without a second thought. Fuck them. They are betraying EVERYTHING that we set out to do when we started building these systems. We built these systems NOT to help the establishment criminals, but to get rid of them. These people are just traitors.

If this guy did work for Google, well, if his mom died from a vaccine complication, for example, guess whose fault that partially is? His. He helped make certain his mother was killed and if that's the case, and he didn't lose his job at Google, he'd be dutifully running interference for Fauci and Boorla and all the other criminal scum. I'm supposed to feel badly for this guy? I don't work for corporations in league with the fucking devil. He does. If he doesn't like the chickens coming home to roost, too bad, I tried to prevent it and I sure as hell wouldn't have helped it happen. This is a bed he helped make.
28   GNL   2023 Feb 25, 10:18am  

komputodo says

thats right...we went out and got another job to keep the bills paid..We didn't have the time to "re-center" or paid or even unpaid leave...the boss didn't give a shit about our feelings...there was no HR dept for our "grievances" or forums to post our sad stories...times have changed.

And I'd say, times have changed for the worse, at that.
29   GNL   2023 Feb 25, 10:27am  

richwicks says

WookieMan says

richwicks says

It's just a cleaning out of the chaff from the wheat. I think it's long over-due.

We have a lot of bullshit companies, and bullshit jobs here.

Maybe tap the brakes and stop commenting for a bit. You just made this comment for a dude who lost his mom and was likely laid off because google thought he was taking advantage of them over a bereavement break. You have ZERO clue if his job was bull shit or not.

First, I don't believe he worked at Google, I believe he was quoting somebody that did.

Second, Google has betrayed the Constitution. In 2005 or so there was rumors that the NSA with AT&T had setup eavesdropping equipment at Google in a secret room. With this, they were bypassing the digital certificates on websites that we...

30   Eman   2023 Feb 25, 10:37am  

Stop being so sensitive gentlemen. Let it go.

Based on what I’ve read on Patnet through the years, I’ve seen some people are idealist while others are practical. Some people go through life thinking they’re smarter than others and seem like they envy their coworkers’ life choices as those choices turned out to give better rewards. Everyone values life and things differently. Be happy with your choices. If not, make better/other choices. At the end of the day, most of us want financial freedom, and we get to spend our time however we like at the earliest age possible unless you’re on a mission like Elon.
31   Ceffer   2023 Feb 25, 11:13am  

My campaign to enslave everybody on Patnet is going well. I can retire soon and will be crowned with the Patnet Mitre. However, a few will have to be executed. Those who put me on ignore shall be cast into the flames. My Illuminati reference hornbooks have come in very handy. I'm pumped on the Hegelian Dialectic.

Who needs a stinkin' Google job?
32   WookieMan   2023 Feb 25, 12:29pm  

AmericanKulak says

I don't think Gabbar is talking about himself, he's quoting a Google Tech named "York" from the article.

Does it much matter? Evil people can't continually complain about evil people. Hypocrisy is a word. The narcissism is strong. The bitch fest by some users is staggering.

I'll hold back and not be negative mostly. One word. Insecure.

Also I'll say grow a pair and make change instead of talking shit daily. Until you do that you should shut the fuck up. It's like watching a toddler have a tantrum.
33   GNL   2023 Feb 25, 12:36pm  

@WookieMan - cast not stones. We have all read some demeaning things come from you. Just saying.
34   WookieMan   2023 Feb 25, 12:41pm  

GNL says

WookieMan - cast not stones. We have all read some demeaning things come from you.

Dude, every, and I mean every comment is the same. Iraq, WMD, government bad, etc. It's the same comment EVERY time. What is HE doing to fix it? NOTHING. He's doing absolutely nothing. I've bitched about Covid, rightly so. Every user has bitched about individual things. Fine. It's the topics I mention above and that he knows it all the last 30 years and did dick to try and fix it. Just bitch probably for 30 years.

On the other hand I ran for an elected position. I'm still doing that. I'm actually making change even though I sometimes bitch. Not sit on my ass. People need to put on their big boy pants or shut the flying fuck up. That's my point.
35   GNL   2023 Feb 25, 2:04pm  

WookieMan says

GNL says

WookieMan - cast not stones. We have all read some demeaning things come from you.

Dude, every, and I mean every comment is the same. Iraq, WMD, government bad, etc. It's the same comment EVERY time. What is HE doing to fix it? NOTHING. He's doing absolutely nothing. I've bitched about Covid, rightly so. Every user has bitched about individual things. Fine. It's the topics I mention above and that he knows it all the last 30 years and did dick to try and fix it. Just bitch probably for 30 years.

On the other hand I ran for an elected position. I'm still doing that. I'm actually making change even though I sometimes bitch. Not sit on my ass. People need to put on their big boy pants or shut the flying fuck up. That's my point.

Lots of good points get made on Pat.net. Just ignore the ones you find repetitive. As far as you running for office goes...good on you. I hope you succeed and can make a difference.
36   Patrick   2023 Feb 25, 3:56pm  

Onvacation says

WOW Patrick something went really wrong with your quote feature ^

Thanks, no idea how that happened.

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