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2   FarmersWon   2022 Aug 20, 1:15pm  

Whites themselves are responsible by underproducing, Blaming non-whites is stupid as best.
White men have become porn addicts, There is one guy on this site who is just too busy to promote breast porn... You can't expect him to start family.
White women think producing a baby is oppression.
Gay culture is also mostly white promoted and work against fertility... Some says it is natural to have gay population and I am sure there is value for it for nature to create such biological being... But I am assuming % should be low.
Germany has too much porn and sex shops to replace marriage.

The conservative whites are doing fine and having above replacement fertility and women are also more agreeable to nature's role given to women to reproduce and be proud as mother.
3   GNL   2022 Aug 20, 7:37pm  

@Farmerswon, I agree it is white people's fault. But only so much as it is them that have allowed unrelenting immigration of nonwhites and falling away from Christianity.
4   richwicks   2022 Aug 20, 7:43pm  

GNLused says

@Farmerswon, I agree it is white people's fault. But only so much as it is them that have allowed unrelenting immigration of nonwhites and falling away from Christianity.

What he misses is that people want to have less kids when society gets worse. It's a self correcting system.

Here's a question - if you were a slave, would YOU have kids if your kids would be slaves?

Here's another question - if the quality of life was getting worse would have a large family or a smaller one?

Let's abstract this a bit. In certain areas of the country wolves were literally hunted to extinction making a pretty good environment for deer. Deer would then overpopulate until you literally had to do cullings to control the population otherwise Bambi ends up starting and that's a pretty horrible death not that being taken down by a wolf is a lot of fun.

The REAL problem is people don't exercise control over their government. That's the ROOT problem.
5   Hircus   2022 Aug 20, 9:12pm  

FarmersWon says

Whites themselves are responsible by underproducing, Blaming non-whites is stupid as best.

I think you view the complaints wrong. I dont think many whites blame the immigrants themselves. Ive heard a few whites say more or less "I dont blame them for wanting to come to the us illegally, and I probably would do it too, but that doesnt meant they should be allowed". Rather, theyre complaining that a wave of immigrants are in their country and changing their way of life, culture, etc... and some may not understand the true source of the wave.

Sure, some people are dumb and don't think about it much and end up blaming the immigrants, but I think most people understand that it's their leaders who allow/encourage it.

It's true white birthrate is very low, and most of the gay/woke support comes from a faction of whites. But a low birthrate doesnt mean that foreigners suddenly gain some right to their country. If a country wants to have a low birthrate, so be it - its their country. But whites are very easily guilt tripped over false pretenses by their leaders, and this is used to make them submit to the will of the corporations and liberal world order.
6   RC2006   2022 Aug 20, 9:20pm  

This is from a day ago

7   FarmersWon   2022 Aug 21, 1:55pm  

Hircus says

It's true white birthrate is very low, and most of the gay/woke support comes from a faction of whites. But a low birthrate doesnt mean that foreigners suddenly gain some right to their country. If a country wants to have a low birthrate, so be it - its their country. But whites are very easily guilt tripped over false pretenses by their leaders, and this is used to make them submit to the will of the corporations and liberal world order.

It doesn't matter your feelings.
There is no world without people. If the West wants to reduce immigrants they need to become more conservative and start families.(I am not debating right/wrong here)
Watching porn whole day and running after prostitutes doesn't create population, It is hard fact. The Whites had great father/mother figures in 70s and now they don't.
If whites can't produce, somebody else will fill the space.
As a Sikh if I immigrate, I will keep my culture to great extent as long as it is not hurting anyone.. so will Italians or German whites.
If you want native culture then work hard to become parents and reduce your needs so that less labor is needed than you produce... Outsourcing hard parental job to others will have its negatives for trying to be nativist. Unnecessary hate for immigrants will just make Whites bitter.
8   GNL   2022 Aug 21, 4:29pm  

FarmersWon says

Hircus says

It's true white birthrate is very low, and most of the gay/woke support comes from a faction of whites. But a low birthrate doesnt mean that foreigners suddenly gain some right to their country. If a country wants to have a low birthrate, so be it - its their country. But whites are very easily guilt tripped over false pretenses by their leaders, and this is used to make them submit to the will of the corporations and liberal world order.

It doesn't matter your feelings.
There is no world without people. If the West wants to reduce immigrants they need to become more conservative and start families.(I am not debating right/wrong here)
Watching porn whole day and running after prostitutes doesn't create population, It is hard fact. The Whites had great father/mother figures in 70s and now they don't.
If whites can't produce, somebody else will fill th...

You're right and wrong. This has to do with our representatives. They do not represent us and are purposely changing America for their own purposes. Immigrants are tools of our politicians.
10   Hircus   2022 Aug 23, 11:51pm  

FarmersWon says

It doesn't matter your feelings.
There is no world without people. If the West wants to reduce immigrants they need to become more conservative and start families.

I'll say it again. Foreigners have zero right to other countries. If the current residents of a country don't want to reproduce, it does not give give foreigners some right to immigrate into the country. Foreigners can stay in their own country and reproduce all they want, or they can go through the legal immigration process to the us.

This is not a feeling, but a fact of liberty. You seem to be the one who "feels" that if a foreigner has a higher birthrate than some citizens of country XYZ that suddenly the foreigner has a right to immigrate to that country. This is ridiculous. The foreigner has a right to reproduce in their own country, and can only immigrate to another country if the citizens approve of it.
11   richwicks   2022 Aug 24, 12:01am  

Hircus says

I'll say it again. Foreigners have zero right to other countries. If the current residents of a country don't want to reproduce, it does not give give foreigners some right to immigrate into the country. They can stay in their own country and reproduce all they want.

This is not a feeling, but a fact of liberty. You seem to be the one who "feels" that if a foreigner has a higher birthrate than some citizens of country XYZ that suddenly the foreigner has a right to immigrate to that country. This is ridiculous.

Read the bold. You're completely right.

Do you think we control our "democratic governments"?

Who is doing this war against us?
12   GNL   2022 Aug 24, 6:44am  

richwicks says

Hircus says

I'll say it again. Foreigners have zero right to other countries. If the current residents of a country don't want to reproduce, it does not give give foreigners some right to immigrate into the country. They can stay in their own country and reproduce all they want.

This is not a feeling, but a fact of liberty. You seem to be the one who "feels" that if a foreigner has a higher birthrate than some citizens of country XYZ that suddenly the foreigner has a right to immigrate to that country. This is ridiculous.

Read the bold. You're completely right.

Do you think we control our "democratic governments"?

Who is doing this war against us?

I would say it's the Uber elite and the corporations they control.
13   Robert Sproul   2022 Aug 24, 7:02am  

I wonder what the domestic abortion rate of 10-30 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age has to do with our inability to reproduce ourselves?
14   Hircus   2022 Aug 28, 10:39am  

richwicks says

Do you think we control our "democratic governments"?

Who is doing this war against us?

I've noticed this since the early 2000s, although I didn't pay attention before then. Citizens complain about all the illegals, politicians use tough sounding words, but nothing of substance ever happens despite being a popular issue in all elections. They pretend to serve us, but in reality they just lie and then behind the scenes do what they think is good, or what's good for them.

One thought I have is they know the status quo american wont stand for one world govt crap, which is their goal. Too many sacrifices that would come with it. So they:
-propagandize whites w/ feminism and liberalism, destroying the white nuclear family and birthrate.
-emphasize identity politics, making damn sure to put whites into their own (negative) category.
-import massive foreigners, enticed with free shit, to address "the labor crises" and "low birth rate".
-endless deficit spending helps them justify importation of illegals to increase the population and tax base.
-by attacking and differentiating "whiteness", they hope to prevent the new residents from gravitating towards american patriotism and conservatism, which they seek to destroy.
-robbing wealth and redistributing it to others, ala marxism / spoon feeding the destitute, is the key to bringing poor countries under their new world govt.
-demoralize the populace via lgbtq, "irredemable racist system", and other tactics, discouraging patriots from feeling a fight is worth it to save their country/system. they may even want a structured/controlled collapse to usher in incredible changes in pursuit of their goals.
15   RC2006   2022 Aug 28, 11:22am  

Divide and conquer by utopian psychopaths. If whites are replaced by at least 50% by others they will never be able to govern properly because of tribalism. This will cause eternal wars and strife.
16   stereotomy   2022 Aug 28, 12:10pm  

THircus says

richwicks says

Do you think we control our "democratic governments"?

Who is doing this war against us?

I've noticed this since the early 2000s, although I didn't pay attention before then. Citizens complain about all the illegals, politicians use tough sounding words, but nothing of substance ever happens despite being a popular issue in all elections. They pretend to serve us, but in reality they just lie and then behind the scenes do what they think is good, or what's good for them.

One thought I have is they know the status quo american wont stand for one world govt crap, which is their goal. Too many sacrifices that would come with it. So they:
-propagandize whites w/ feminism and liberalism, destroying the white nuclear family and birthrate.
-emphasize identity politics, making damn sure to put whites into their own (negative) category.
-import m...

This is essentially the third-world takeover of the western world. The one spot in the entire world that spawned the concept of human rights, codified most eloquently in the Declaration of Independence and the preamble to the US Constitution. The vigor of the Enlightenment has dissipated, and the forces of nepotism and corruption are ascendant.
18   AmericanKulak   2022 Dec 7, 12:13am  

stereotomy says

This is essentially the third-world takeover of the western world. The one spot in the entire world that spawned the concept of human rights, codified most eloquently in the Declaration of Independence and the preamble to the US Constitution. The vigor of the Enlightenment has dissipated, and the forces of nepotism and corruption are ascendant.

No, it's the international bourgeois takeover of the world. They reached transnational class consciousness first.

A Swiss Banker and an Israeli Pharma CEO and a Chinese Manufacturing Mogul and an American Raw Material Processor (Koch Brothers, Tysson for example) all realize they have more in common than most of their countrymen/culture.
19   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 5, 12:29am  

"White Replacement is a Conspiracy Theory"

26   Bd6r   2023 Oct 29, 5:29pm  

Can’t be true for S TX and S AZ unless Mexicans are counted as white, which they probably were in 1940.
RGV was mostly Mexican since TX was Mexico
Patrick says

27   GNL   2023 Oct 29, 5:56pm  

Patrick says

The Jizza is real?
30   Patrick   2023 Dec 5, 8:25pm

German Cardinal Gerhard Müller warns that mass migration is being used to destroy national identities, not help people.

Cardinal Muller made the comments in an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews.

“Mass immigration is not about helping people but about destroying national identity,” Müller said. “They say that national identity is nationalism, which has caused all the wars, so they say they are against nationalism, but they are really against the nation.”

“If nationalism is the reason for wars, we must ask who is financing the wars and what interests are behind it,” he added.

“They want everyone to be completely isolated and not connected by language, culture, family ties, or a native land where you feel at home,” Müller continued.

“They want to destroy all that. They want everyone to be atomized, without cultural and religious roots and identity,” he concluded.

Müller is not the first Cardinal to warn about the real agenda behind mass migration.

In 2019, Cardinal Francis Arinze slammed left-wing religious leaders pushing mass migration, urging people in the west to encourage young Africans to stay in and improve their own countries.

Cardinal Sarah, who was later removed by the Pope, also previously warned that the “west will disappear” as a result of mass migration, adding that “Islam will invade the world” and “completely change culture, anthropology, and moral vision.”

Warning that western civilization is living in its “mortal hour,” Sarah said that just like during the collapse of the Roman Empire, “The elites care for nothing but increasing the luxury of their daily lives, and the people have been anaesthetized by ever more vulgar entertainments.”

31   gabbar   2023 Dec 7, 1:41am  

Patrick says

“If nationalism is the reason for wars, we must ask who is financing the wars and what interests are behind it,” he added.

Who is financing the wars then in your opinion?
36   gabbar   2024 Jun 16, 10:22am  

In these difficult times, where our national identity is under threat, we must stop feeling guilty about who we are. We are not “kafir,” we are not guilty. Like other peoples, Germans have the right to remain who they are. Germans must not become French, nor Dutch, nor Americans, nor Turks. They should remain Germans. When the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan visited your country in 2008, he told the Turks living here that they had to remain Turks. He literally said that “assimilation is a crime against humanity.” Erdogan would have been right if he had been addressing the Turks in Turkey. However, Germany is the land of the Germans. Hence, the Germans have a right to demand that those who come to live in Germany assimilate; they have the right – no they have a duty to their children – to demand that newcomers respect the German identity of the German nation and Germany’s right to preserve its identity. - Geert Wilders, Speech in Berlin on October 2, 2010
37   GreaterNYCDude   2024 Jun 16, 4:47pm  

gabbar says

I love my kids, but having kids is a non trivial investment in the future. From food to clothing to shelter to schooling, kids cost money. 50 years ago raising a large family was doable on one income. Dad would work, mom would stay home and look after the kids and/or the older would look after the younger. Now even with two parents working multiple jobs, raising more than two from birth to maturity, is daunting. Most of those in my social circle have two kids. A few have more, a few less, but two is the average.
38   gabbar   2024 Jun 19, 12:22pm  

GreaterNYCDude says

50 years ago raising a large family was doable on one income.

Its easy to control children of large or small families through schools, universities and media when its made necessary through inflation, imported labor, outsourcing, materialism, wokeism, planting divisiveness, corporate greed....etc. for both parents to work.

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