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Is he getting tired of winning or what?
Ben Norton
50,000 protesters came to the huge peace rally in Berlin, Germany today.
They are demanding an end to Europe's escalation of the NATO proxy war in Ukraine and immediate peace talks
If you think about it at all, can you come up with any good reasons why our country has involved itself in the Ukraine war? To defend democracy, many say? An emptier platitude does not exist in the vast slippery lexicon of spin. To thwart Russia’s imperial overreach? You apparently have no clue about Ukraine’s history, ancient or modern. To incite an overthrow of the wicked Putin by his own people? The Russian president is more popular there now than even John F. Kennedy was here in 1962.
There actually are no good reasons for what we are doing in Ukraine, only bad reasons. Mainly, stoking the war there diverts Americans’ attention from our own problems, which is to say the titanic failures of America’s political establishment. The USA is falling apart from a combination of mismanagement, malice, and negligence. Our economy is a tottering scaffold of Ponzi schemes. Our institutions are wrecked. The government lies about everything it does. The news industry ratifies all the lying. Our schoolchildren can’t read or add up a column of numbers. Our food is slow-acting poison. Our medical-pharma matrix has just completed the systematic murder and maiming of millions. Our culture has been reduced to a drag queen twerk-fest. Our once-beautiful New World landscape is a demolition derby. Name something that hasn’t been debauched, perverted, degenerated, or flat-out destroyed.
And so, the “Joe Biden” show is busy ginning up nuclear war hysteria because that’s all it has left for manipulating public emotion. The Covid-19 derangement lost its mojo in 2022 and the population has only just begun to grok the all-causes death disaster underway courtesy of Pfizer and Moderna (and the CDC with the FDA). Did you notice, by the way, that the CDC just added those unapproved, still-experimental shots to the childhood vaccine schedule, considered official “guidance” that is followed by virtually every school system in America. Rochelle Walensky did that despite massive evidence that the “vaccines” damage children’s hearts, nervous systems, reproductive systems, and immune systems?
Do you know why Ms. Walensky did that? Because adding the mRNA shots to the childhood schedule supposedly confers permanent immunity from legal liability for the drug companies, even after the current emergency use authorization (EUA) runs out. The catch to that cozy arrangement is if there was any fraud committed on the public in the release and administration of those products, the companies lose their immunity and can be sued until there is nothing left of them but the paperclips. Plus, the executives may be liable for criminal prosecution. Hard time.
One Brook Jackson, a technician involved in the sketchy Pfizer drug trials, and who directly witnessed the procedural violations as they occurred, is currently suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act (31 U.S. Code § 3729) saying that the company defrauded the government. Pfizer’s lawyers have asked the judge to dismiss the case on the grounds, they said in court, that, “We did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.” So now, millions of schoolchildren in this land will be subject to compulsory harmful mRNA shots in order to cover the Pharma companies’ multi-billion-dollar asses. Doesn’t that sum up our national predicament nicely? Way to go, Rochelle. Don’t think nobody noticed.
It’s also worth pondering whether we are neck-deep in the Ukraine morass because Volodymyr Zelensky is blackmailing “Joe Biden” over the mysterious Biden Family business operations that took place there directly following the US-orchestrated Maidan revolution that overthrew Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovich in 2014. Remember “The Big Guy’s” earnest efforts to get rid of the Ukrainian state prosecutor who was looking into the affairs of the Burisma gas company that invited Hunter Biden and his associate Devon Archer onto the board of directors. Of all people in Western Civ… these two Americans… with no knowledge of or experience in the natgas industry. Weird, a little bit. Do you suppose Mr. Zelensky still has the prosecutor’s files in his possession?
Then, of course, there is the bizarre matter of the Nord Stream pipelines caper, lately disclosed by the scrupulous reporter, Seymour Hersh, as a US naval operation. We blew them up. Four EU member Nations (also US NATO allies) held a combined half-ownership in the pipelines (the other half held by Russia). European industry and households depended on a steady supply of that reasonably-priced gas to continue modern life there. Both President “Joe Biden” and Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, promised the news media (and the American public) that the pipeline would “be no more” if a Russian military operation crossed into the Donbas. Well, sonofabitch, the pipelines were “no more” as of last September.
Was that an injury to Russia? Well, yes, though Russia has found work-arounds for selling its natgas elsewhere than northern Europe. Do you realize, though, that it was every bit as much an act-of-war against our supposed allies? None of the NATO countries with a stake in the North Streams have made a peep so far about the shocking disclosure. Which may lead a casual observer to ask whether Western Civ has gone plumb insane. Maybe so, in which, case perhaps, it deserves to suffer. After a while — not such a long while, either — modern life will be but a memory in northern Europe.
Somehow the specter of unintended consequences looms over all this mischief. My guess is we just haven’t seen them yet… and when we do, they will be ferocious. For starters, NATO will be another thing that is no more. And our country will have to go about our blustering war-hawkery without any back-up or convenient staging-areas for fomenting more shenanigans in a far-away region where we have no real national interest, just a certain zeal for creating unnecessary trouble and hardship in a world that already has more than it requires.
Remember what his old boss, Barack Obama, said about the former Veep: “You can never overstate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” What a prophet that man is! Under “Joe Biden,” the USA has been slip-sliding sideways and backwards into a realm of darkness unimaginable a few years ago. But now, something is heaving through the public sensibility, as spring marches north in America. It feels like a sharp change in attitude, a refusal to continue acting like a reality-optional society. It’s crackling through the air like a rumor of liberation in a hostage crisis. Can you hear it?
Secret Agent Man “Joe Biden” turned up in Kiev Monday morning after landing in Poland and riding an overnight choo-choo train across the Ukraine frontier to avoid the hazardous pomp of landing Air Force One in a war zone. One might try to guess the message Victoria Nuland sent her errand boy to deliver. My guess is that “JB” was there to tell Wolodymyr Zelensky the USA stands behind him one hundred percent — an obvious whopper — being exactly the opposite of the developing reality that, short of setting off nuclear Armageddon, there is really nothing the USA can do to prevent Russia from concluding our ill-conceived project on its own terms. Who better to deliver an arrant falsehood than the master, “Scranton Joe,” he who once battled and vanquished the tyrant Corn-Pop!
Remember, last week Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley, speaking out of the aperture between his butt cheeks, announced that Russia had lost “strategically, operationally and tactically” in Ukraine. This was after NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg announced rather clumsily that Ukraine’s army was out of ammo, especially artillery shells, and the only remedy for that was for Europe to rebuild an armaments industry — which was a sideways-and-backwards way of saying… fuggeddabowdit.
One might also suppose that, behind all this cognitive dissonance, the US would be engaged in secret talks with Russia to arrive at some face-saving device for getting out of this mess. But really, what is our leverage for that? Can we threaten to put US boots-on-the-Ground in Ukraine? That would be a little like channeling Gen. George Armstrong Custer, don’t you think? Apparently, all we’re left with is a game of pretend, using the Pretender-in-Chief as the front.
I’d also venture to say that American voters are not so enthused about this Ukraine pageant as they seemed to be last summer when the yellow and blue flags popped up on front porches at every Woked-up clam-bake from Edgartown to Bar Harbor. Our Ukrainian proxies sure seemed to be giving those Ruskies what-for along the front lines in Donbas, payback, you understand, for helping Donald Trump steal the 2016 election from She Whose Turn It Was Supposed to Be… America’s Amazonian Caesar-in-a-pants-suit, HRC.
The fall offensive by Ukraine was an illusion, alas, setting up its army for methodical decimation, now nearly complete. So, too, is all the talk of sending tanks in to save the day. And so, too, is the very existence of NATO as anything other than window-dressing on an empty storefront. If blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, as recently alleged by independent reporter Seymour Hersh, smells like an attack on our supposed ally, Germany, then how was it not an attack on NATO, in which Germany is the centerpiece? And, finally, why would Germany not be engaging in secret talks of its own with Russia, behind America’s back?
Intrigue must be rife now throughout Europe, and Americans will not hear anything about it from its Deep State-owned news media. Is there any reason why Europe could not live with a neutralized Ukraine? Of course not. Ukraine is in uproar now simply because geniuses in the US State Department thought it would be a good way to annoy and antagonize Russia. The project was insane from inception. The main result is that Europe will no longer have the natural gas it needs at a rational price to continue being an industrial society.
One must conclude that NATO is looking for a way out of this. But there is no way out except to declare by word or deed, directly or otherwise, that NATO has outlived the reason for its existence. Any sane analysis by Europeans would arrive at the unnerving realization that the USA has become the enemy of NATO, not Russia. If all that is so, then a seismic shift is underway that will leave America hung out to dry on the Ukraine project. Germany will have to make a deal with Russia to rebuild the Nord Streams. What could the US do about that? Impose sanctions on Germany, France, the Netherlands, and the rest of the bunch? Where does that leave Western Civ?
I’ll tell you: it leaves Western Civ diminished. It leaves our country to stew in its own rancid economic and financial juices in abject isolation from, basically, the rest of the world. (Fare-thee-well hegemonic dream; hello multi-polarity!) It leaves Ukraine neutralized and no longer a problem… It leaves Russia able to feel secure in its borders and free to get on with being a normal nation… and it leaves Europe the hope that it can resume modern life a while longer with the familiar comforts and conveniences.
The end of the Ukraine conflict also exposes the rotten web of Globalist schemers who planted their operators in every niche of American life and all around Western Civ — George Soros’s empire of meddling NGOs, Bill Gates’s World Health Org puppet show, the ridiculous World Economic Forum’s network of stooges in high places from Justin Trudeau to BlackRock’s Larry Fink.
The end of the Ukraine conflict reveals the submission of the Democratic Party to nefarious interests intent on wrecking this country. Even the most benign end to the Ukraine conflict — such as, by default, Europe and Russia settling-up on their own to stop the fighting — will be another humiliation for “Joe Biden” and the crew behind him, as bad as the last days in Kabul. Their other crimes await full disclosure, everything from treasonous bribery to the fraud and genocide around Covid-19. There will have to be a severe political realignment in America. But before that can happen, expect many seasons of terrible disorder.
Life sure has sucked under Pax Americana!
We need a multi-polar world and get back to the killing fields!
Also - as if the USSR/Russia is not responsible for Marxist insurgencies all over Africa, South America and Asia?
Also - as if the USSR/Russia is not responsible for Marxist insurgencies all over Africa, South America and Asia?
socal2 says
Also - as if the USSR/Russia is not responsible for Marxist insurgencies all over Africa, South America and Asia?
Right, those were the CIA, with the exception of SE Asia.
Right, those were the CIA, with the exception of SE Asia
Everyone screaming and crying about NATO's "threat" to Russia, seem to have no problem with the USSR and later Russia creating massive instability in our own hemisphere resulting in the border and refugee crisis we are dealing with today.
Our government doesn't even bother to claim that Russia is in South America at this point, this out of YOUR asshole.
I am claiming that the USSR helped create the shit-hole conditions in South/Central America
Huh? The CIA was spreading Marxism in South/Central America and around the globe?
socal2 says
I am claiming that the USSR helped create the shit-hole conditions in South/Central America
The USSR has been GONE since December 26, 1991. You are a 1/3rd of a century out of date.
People who claim that Russia is the same thing as the USSR are disgustingly ignorant. They are not the same. Even China bears LITTLE resemblance to what they once were 30 years ago. 40 years ago, 90% of the population was riding bicycles to and from work.
I'm not putting Russia up as some utopia, no one on here is.
Yes - but the damage they left behind is still being felt today. Back in the mid 1990's after the fall of the USSR, I was stopped by the Shining Path Maoist insurgency group at a roadblock in Peru during a mountain biking trip. We had to bribe them with 2 cases of beer to let us pass. Look at Peru today - still a shithole with political instability.
Oh please - there are threads on this forum with absolute glee about how much Ukrainian land Russia is going to keep at the end of the war and how much Europe will freeze to death.
WTH? Janet Yellen Makes ‘Surprise’ Visit to Kiev to Announce Another $1.25 Billion in Aid to Ukraine
Noam Chomsky explains how US involvement in Ukraine and the expansion of NATO to Russia's border created the War in Ukraine:
"The idea that Ukraine would join a western military alliance would be quite unacceptable to any Russian leader. Gorbachev agreed to allow Germany to join NATO with a quid pro quo that NATO would not expand one inch to the east. NATO instantly moved to east Germany. Then Clinton came along and expanded NATO right to the borders of Russia."
REPORTER: You can understand why Ukraine's president would see joining NATO as protecting his country?
"No, it's not. Crimea was taken away after the overthrow of the government, right? He's not protecting Ukraine; he's threatening Ukraine with a major war. This is a strategic threat to Russia which any Russian leader would have to react to."
Noam Chomsky explains how US involvement in Ukraine and the expansion of NATO to Russia's border created the War in Ukraine:
"The idea that Ukraine would join a western military alliance would be quite unacceptable to any Russian leader. Gorbachev agreed to allow Germany to join NATO with a quid pro quo that NATO would not expand one inch to the east. NATO instantly moved to east Germany. Then Clinton came along and expanded NATO right to the borders of Russia."
REPORTER: You can understand why Ukraine's president would see joining NATO as protecting his country?
"No, it's not. Crimea was taken away after the overthrow of the government, right? He's not protecting Ukraine; he's threatening Ukraine with a major war. This is a strategic threat to Russia which any Russian leader would have to react to."
Wow, the "left" lost even Noam Chomsky.
Oh please - there are threads on this forum with absolute glee about how much Ukrainian land Russia is going to keep at the end of the war and how much Europe will freeze to death.
There is nary a word negative about Putin, but this site is filled with vitriol against Zelensky for trying to lead his nation against Russia's illegal invasion and mass murder.
Don't tell me there aren't Putin defenders here.
Your one sided take is typical for a warhawk who doesn't live there, and won't server there.
James Phillips
Ukraine needs fresh young Americans to help fight on the ground war.
"The US will have to send their Son's & Daughter's... to WAR..."
"....and they will be DYING."
WTH? Janet Yellen Makes ‘Surprise’ Visit to Kiev to Announce Another $1.25 Billion in Aid to Ukraine
I am starting to think that Ihor Kolomoisky really is in control of the whole US government. Maybe he has all the dirt Epstein collected.
Patrick says
WTH? Janet Yellen Makes ‘Surprise’ Visit to Kiev to Announce Another $1.25 Billion in Aid to Ukraine
I am starting to think that Ihor Kolomoisky really is in control of the whole US government. Maybe he has all the dirt Epstein collected.
joke on him, its empty!!!
Putin is a KGB dictator, but I've said that before, many, many times. IF ANYONE DISAGREES, PLEASE COMMENT!
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