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Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.
I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills. Very few people go to a teller or inside. They use the ATM. Which again scans your cash.
You're already in a cashless society. Cash will always be there but you’re not untracked like you think you are.
Grocery stores don't scan the serial numbers, so that correlation is completely false.
I’ll say it again. Cash is traceable. They will get rid of cash registers at some point. They’ll scan the cash and change comes out. Grocery stores already do this. There’s a unique number on all bills.
We need to start patrick.net-stan!
I might dedicate .22 acres towards patrick.net-stan in Texas near I-35 :).
We need to start patrick.net-stan!
Dennis: What I object to is you automatically treatin' me like an inferior.
Arthur: Well, I am king.
Dennis: Oh, king, eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, then? By exploiting the workers! By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society! If there's ever going to be any progress--
Dennis: We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week--
Arthur: Yes.
Dennis: But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting--
Arthur: Yes, I see.
Dennis: By a simple majority, in the case of purely internal affairs--
Arthur: [getting bored] Be quiet.
Dennis: But by a two thirds majority, in the case of more major--
Arthur: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!
Dennis' Mother: Order, eh? Who does he think he is?
Arthur: I am your king!
Dennis' Mother: Well I didn't vote for you.
Arthur: You don't vote for kings!
Dennis' Mother: How'd you become king, then?
Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, [Angel chorus begins singing in background] her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. [Angel chorus ends] That is why I am your king!
Dennis: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.
Arthur: Be quiet!
Dennis: You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!
Arthur: Shut up!
Dennis: I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
Arthur: Shut up! Will you shut up?! [Grabs Dennis and shakes him]
Dennis: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system!
Arthur: Shut up!
Dennis: Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
1337irr says
We need to start patrick.net-stan!
Dennis: What I object to is you automatically treatin' me like an inferior.
Arthur: Well, I am king.
Dennis: Oh, king, eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, then? By exploiting the workers! By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society! If there's ever going to be any progress--
Dennis: We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as sort-of-executive officer for the week--
Arthur: Yes.
Dennis: But all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting--
Arthur: Yes, I see...
So King Patrick of patric.net-stan? Got a nice ring to it!
1337irr says
We need to start patrick.net-stan!
I might dedicate .22 acres towards patrick.net-stan in Texas near I-35 :).
Does it have to be contiguous, or we are open to the idea of anclaves? If we are, I can chip in with some land in Scotland (it came with a bottle of scotch I've got for Xmas). It's not much, but then Kenigsberg is even more tiny compared to the rest of the CCCP.
What I object to is you automatically treatin' me like an inferior.
I live this stuff in real life, I don't just philosophize about it from behind a screen. And I read books about it, I don't just make shit up in my head.
Another is a former high school classmate that got busted slowly stealing $150k cash from the bank she worked at. That was in 2005. It wasn't cameras. They tracked the cash.
Now I just need some moist bint to hand me a sword to legitimate my rule.
I have no intention of doxing myself. One of my sources died last year that was a long time family friend. $600M market cap bank he bought half the shares plus during the housing bust. He was the majority share holder in a decent sized bank. Another is a former high school classmate that got busted slowly stealing $150k cash from the bank she worked at. That was in 2005. It wasn't cameras. They tracked the cash. I'm also not searching about tracking/hiding cash to prove a point on the internet for Christ sake.
I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?
I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?
I have no idea what the correlation is with the first person. Last time I checked, shareholders aren't clocking in at the business they own shares in every day, rolling their sleeves and learning a trade. They're just investors.
On the other example, I already said they track bank thieves, so that's neither new, nor relevant. The other example, drug cartels. Now, not letting you weasle out of your exaggeration. Prove dollars I put into a self-checkout are tracked, or get the fuck off the pot.
1337irr says
I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?
The biggest criminal is the government.
When people sent money to the Canadian "freedom convoy" with gofundme, gofundme just kept the money. They didn't return the money and they didn't send it to the convoy and this was done with government approval.
I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?
This was 2005: https://www.forbes.com/2005/10/18/money-counterfeit-digital-cx_dl_1018money.html?sh=71e89f757478
This comment might be personal, but it's apparent at this point that you're involved in illegal stuff.
1337irr says
I would say one good benefit of a cashless society is a decrease in robbery, at least one could hope. Thoughts?
What about when they chop of your hand to get the chip to make online purchases? Robbery of paper decrease in exchange for robbery of limbs increase...
Maybe a bit facetious, but there's no perfect system, and the largest banks heists have all been online.
You subscribe to the dictum "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide." Despite the fact this saying was popularized under fascist regimes that routinely prosecuted regular people who had done nothing immoral.
Fair point, I think it's wise to consider leaving the country when that happens. I hope the US doesn't get there.
ut I'm making anywhere from 4-6% interest on things I already need and pay it off monthly.
But I'm not going to pretend hiding behind cash that they don't know what I'm doing. They do. So I'll make money off it.
Cash or credit are the least of your worries as I've said before.
but at least I'm not painting a target on my back from the git-go.
I think the important distinction here is passive versus active. Thanks to Snowden we know they are spying on us. But is anyone actively spying on you or me? Fuck no
Cash is a liability on so many levels
New York City to Track Personal Food Choices Using Credit Card Data
This is needed to fight climate change, NYC mayor says
Remember the crazy right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that our food purchases will be tracked to reduce our CO2 consumption?
That one is turning out to be true!
Yesterday, New York City announced its plan to track the “food choices” of New Yorkers using credit card data from individual store purchases. According to the mayor, tracking individual food choices is a step towards “reducing the CO2 output” of New Yorkers. ...
You would think such a plan would only be made after a conversation with New Yorkers, right? After all, the mayor of New York is supposed to serve New Yorkers, not the other way around.
However, the reality is that there was no consultation and no “conversation” because New York’s mayor Eric Adams is sure that people do not even want to have a “conversation” about interrogating their food choices. ...
Rather than framing this issue as a health matter, I urge you to consider it a question of basic fairness: the unelected, supranational, self-appointed masters of the world are trying to track and influence our behavior without even asking for permission or inquiring about our opinion.
We are being assured that this is done for our good. However, these same people benefit financially from well-placed investments in companies growing fake meat comprised of cancer tumor cells.
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They have a window where you can order a beer while you are waiting. So I ordered a beer and they refused to take cash.
OK, I wanted the beer, so I paid with a credit card. Then the total had an extra $1.50 on it. I asked about that and was told that I added a tip. I specifically did not add a tip because I was pissed that they don't take cash.
I got the manager and made him remove the tip.
We are rapidly approaching the CCP utopia of complete tracking of all citizens at all times.
Lesson: call ahead and make sure a restaurant will take cash. If they will not, don't go there.