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Excess deaths in Alberta surge past 10,000 ...
Alberta government censored & hid all data about COVID-19 vaccine injuries to the immune systems of the double vaccinated (Part 1), the failure of the first COVID-19 booster (Part 2), and more immune system damage to the triple vaccinated (Part 3).
For what will ultimately be the deadliest cover-up in Alberta’s history, it has been a rather sloppy one. Alberta’s Public Health Chief Dr.Deena Hinshaw was likely relieved to be fired, she’s not really cut out for this level of criminal activity. She seeks asylum in British Columbia, with a pharma left BC NDP govt which will protect her.
Her deputy Chief Medical Officers of Health Dr.Jing Hu (a respirologist from Wuhan, China) and Dr.Rosana Salvaterra resigned (click here) and no one knows where they are now. At least their “cash benefits” for their hard work and long nights of deleting COVID-19 vaccine injury data from government websites, kept up with inflation.
The COVID-19 vaccines have failed to stop the infection, do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among fully vaccinated individuals, and have not been shown to reduce hospitalization or death in prospective, randomized, double blind placebo-controlled trials. The consent form for COVID-19 vaccines indicates the only benefit occurred in the past with previous strains. As an epidemiologist, I was shocked when Watson et al, made the claim that vaccination helped prevent 14-21 million deaths in 2021. How can reviewers and editors allow an author group to make such a claim when no mortality benefit is granted by the US FDA who regulates the language of the consent form?
Watson relied on a the Epidemiological SEIR (Susceptible → Exposed → Infectious → Recovered) model previously referred to as “the science”, by many government leaders, such as the former German chancellor Angela Merkel. In a analysis by Klement and Walach, the SEIR model was found to be invalid because Watson assumed the vaccine would prevent infection and therefore in some individuals, COVID-19 would not occur and thus the progression to death would be avoided. This is not realistic. ...
Randomized trials by Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca, Novavax, and the killed virus vaccines all failed to show that vaccination prevents infection and thus reduces death during the trial observation period. ...
The preponderance of evidence is that the effect is in the opposite direction with more infections, COVID-19 deaths, vaccine injuries, disabilities, and fatal syndromes with the vaccination campaign.
In the Omicron period, compared to pre-Omicron periods, unvaccinated SARS-CoV-2 positive adults <65 years old without comorbidity had reduced proportions of hospitalization and death overall.
As universities in the United States continue to mandate liability-free injections (COVID vaccines) for students at limited risk of contracting COVID, it becomes imperative that more public information be made available for the ingredients of these experimental vaccines. ...
Informed consent cannot be obtained with poorly characterized therapeutics. ...
The “Thailand study” (Mansanguan et al) implies even higher rates of cardiac risk for students, where 29.24% of students (n=301) experienced cardiovascular manifestations. Studies including 23 Million Nordic patients observed a significant rate of myocarditis in this age group as well. This study, while larger, was not as controlled as the Thailand study in that Mansanguan et al. took baseline measurements of the patients and explored more than just myo/pericarditis.
These risks are not seen with C19 itself. ...
On the flip side of this risk equation we find infection from C19 has been shown to provide more durable immunity than the narrow spike protein focused vaccines. Natural immunity provides mucosal antibodies and T-Cell recognition of the proteome derived from the entire 30kb viral genome where the vaccines are focused on a small ~4kb (1273 amino acids) region of the virus. ...
It is is well established that these vaccines do not stop transmission and recent studies from the Cleveland clinic (preprint) even demonstrate negative vaccine efficacy with each additional vaccine. ...
They also demonstrate a dose dependent effect or a ‘Biological gradient’ which is one of the tenets of the Bradford Hill conditions for causality. This implies the vaccines are weakening patients immune systems and making them more susceptible to C19 and other infections.
Thus the vaccination policies at universities appear to violate fundamental medical ethics as they are asking students to absorb a negative risk/benefit medical intervention to shield older faculty. This is using their student body as human shields while failing to inform that the shield has a ‘Russian Roulette’ price for its user. This is mis-informed coercion not informed consent.
This is particularly true for vaccines that do not stop transmission and in several studies show signs of negative vaccine efficacy (Barnstable Mass). The Barnstable Mass study run by the CDC showed higher infection rates amongst the vaccinated. Australia is now 96% vaccinated (16+ 2 Doses) and the hospitals are enriched above 96% for vaccinated patients. Excess mortality in Australia is higher post vaccination than during the pre-vaccination pandemic.
Moderna’s leading mRNA influenza jab has failed, the company said yesterday.
In a large clinical trial, the vaccine appeared LESS able to stimulate the immune system than older flu jabs for two of four flu strains, the company said. It also had far higher rates of side effects than the older shots.
The lack of efficacy was notable because flu vaccines have almost no real-world efficacy, as Dr. Anthony Fauci himself conceded in a paper last month.
A bombshell new report has just been quietly published by the United Kindom government, revealing that “fully vaccinated” people accounted for a staggering 92 percent of Covid deaths last year.
The official figures show that those classed as “fully,” “triple,” or “quadruple” vaccinated accounted for nine in ten of all COVID-19 deaths in England over the past two years.
For the entirety of 2022, the fully vaccinated accounted for 92% of Covid deaths.
Primary Series and Boosters--No Impact on Maternal COVID-19 Test Positivity
Large Study Published in BMJ Ignored Safety, Found No Benefit with Dangerous Injections
Obligatory reminder: at the county level, all apparent (mild) vaccine effectiveness is entirely explained by the Healthy User Bias (HUB).
How Does the HUB Get Missed?
Let us understand first that the HUB is not even a concept on the tips of the tongues or minds of many of us who have been employed in Statistics work outside of the medical field. It may also be the case that those who are familiar with the concept have not explored it well enough to have intuition about its presence. Add to that the conflict of interests associated with the biomedical field, and you have the makings of a memory hole.
Recall Ho Chi Minh city Vietnam study (Chau et al.) looking at vaccinated healthcare personnel during Delta variant; viral loads via PCR cycle threshold in vaxxed nurses were 251 times higher than in infected cases with the original strain in March/April 2020...
These are critical early studies that showed us clearly that the vaccine was failing and even was facilitating/enhancing infection and re-infection in the vaccinee.
Despite all the hopes and aspirations for those pushing vaccine ideology, prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo controlled trials in 2020 never demonstrated reductions in hospitalization and death. As a result, no therapeutic claim of survival can be made by anyone. Reduction in the risk of death is listed in the “benefit” section of vaccine consent form. COVID-19 vaccines have never saved lives. ...
The real tragedy in Texas and all over the world was the absolute or relative lack of early combination therapeutics at home in high risk COVID-19. Gkioulekas et al concluded that by December of 2020, we had clear and convincing evidence (P<0.01) that early treatment was effective in reducing hospitalization death, a claim that could never be made for COVID-19 vaccines. Verkerk et al demonstrated the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths occurred as a result of little or no access to early combination therapy. Failure to treat resulting in avoidable death is always a tragedy.
Booster mandates in young adults are expected to cause a net harm: per COVID-19 hospitalisation prevented, we anticipate at least 18.5 serious adverse events from mRNA vaccines, including 1.5–4.6 booster-associated myopericarditis cases in males (typically requiring hospitalisation). We also anticipate 1430–4626 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity interfering with daily activities (although typically not requiring hospitalisation). University booster mandates are unethical because they:
(1) are not based on an updated (Omicron era) stratified risk-benefit assessment for this age group;
(2) may result in a net harm to healthy young adults;
(3) are not proportionate: expected harms are not outweighed by public health benefits given modest and transient effectiveness of vaccines against transmission;
(4) violate the reciprocity principle because serious vaccine-related harms are not reliably compensated due to gaps in vaccine injury schemes; and
(5) may result in wider social harms.
COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Grossly Overestimated from Non-Randomized Studies
Multiple Sources of Bias Created Illusion that Vaccines Worked as they Failed in the Real World
Proponents of COVID-19 mass vaccination will admit the products are not perfect yet claim they saved “millions of lives.” Major therapeutic claims such as mortality reduction with a single novel product can only be made on the basis of large, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trials with proper primary endpoints. Non-randomized studies have threats to validity that cannot be overcome.
Fung et al in a recent paper just scratch the surface in addressing this complex issue. They point out that background infection rates and cross-overs from unvaccinated to vaccinated early in the campaign were sources of bias that led to inflated vaccine efficacy. ...
For all of the above reasons, claims that the COVID-19 vaccines worked to reduce spread of infection, hospitalization, and death must be rejected. The burden of proof has not been met and threats to validity have not been overcome. All of the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market and we should begin the investigative phase into how this massive program failed to stop COVID-19.
Thomas Lewis
Writes Told You So
Since The Vaccines Do Not Work ...
Technically ...
Everyone Is Unvaccinated.
Except Those Whose Bodies
- Developed Natural Immunity.
The Rest Are Just
Vaccine Victims.
Another day, another loss for the mRNA jabs, as old-fashioned live attenuated virus vaccines are shown to provide superior immunity in hamsters
The bright and shiny new technology is not always the way. Fuck everybody who said otherwise.
Thomas Lewis
Writes Told You So
Since The Vaccines Do Not Work ...
Technically ...
Everyone Is Unvaccinated.
Except Those Whose Bodies
- Developed Natural Immunity.
The Rest Are Just
Vaccine Victims.
COVID-19 deaths in 2022 were 39% higher than 2021
Media is silent
Patrick says
Could it be because the jabbed, on average, are older than the unjabbed?
Gazit et alshowed that “SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13-fold (95% CI, 8-21) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected.” When adjusting for the time of disease/vaccine, there was a 27-fold increased risk (95% CI, 13-57).
Exploding the myth that Covid jabs protect against death in two charts
The public health industry (yes, it's an industry) relies on bad math and worse data collection to argue the Covid shots work. But the truth is out there.
Brilliant professor Norman Fenton published a simple spreadsheet analysis on YouTube explaining the reason the CDC didn’t count people as vaccinated until 2 weeks after their second jab.
It’s a statistical shell game.
I’ll give you the gist so you don’t need to watch the whole explainer video, but if you want to see the details, it’s all there, linked below. The basic idea is, if you shift forward the window of vaccinated infections (or hospitalizations) by calling jabbed people “unvaccinated,” you increase the unvaxxed numbers and reduce the number of vaxxed showing infected/hospitalized.
So far, we already knew all that. It was a way to make the unvaxxed look bad. But the statistical effect ripples forward for several months before the two groups catch up, so the numerical efficacy calculations falsely show a “scientific” benefit for the jabs. The jabs could just as well have been a placebo, and you’d see the exact same apparent benefit. By calculating efficacy this way, by time-shifting the vaxxed cohort, it created fake, artificially-high efficacy numbers.
No better than saline.
But eventually you get to a point where the time-shift doesn’t provide much statistical benefit, the numbers catch up with each other, but by that point, they just call it “waning efficacy,” and roll out the boosters, creating another 2-week time shift where — think about this — even people who’d already had two original shots suddenly became “unvaccinated” again for another two weeks, creating another time-shift and more fake inflated efficacy results.
Because of the time-shifting, it is entirely possible that the jabs had no efficacy at all, they were placebos with a bonus Russian-roulette feature. To figure it out, the efficacy calculations must be re-done, accounting for the time-shift. And while they’re at it, they could use absolute risk reduction instead of relative risk reduction.
But that would spoil all the fun, wouldn’t it?
MedRxIV published a Cleveland Clinic study pre-print titled “Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine.”
It should have been titled, the “NON-Effectiveness of the Covid Vaccine,” or “Risks of the Covid Vaccine.”
The short version is the prestigious researchers found that the more jabs a person took, the more likely it was they’d catch symptomatic covid.
Why in Australia do we have excess deaths at an 80 year high and why in New Zealand are excess deaths at a 100 year high?? Just curious. It isn't COVID since they are all vaccinated and the vaccines keep you from dying from COVID, right? So what is causing this?
The COVID-19 vaccines are so ineffective against COVID-19 that they have negative efficacy. This means that you have a greater likelihood of infection and/or hospitalization from COVID-19 after having received the vaccine than not receiving it. The COVID-19 vaccines have not only failed to reduce cases and hospitalizations from Omicron and COVID-19 generally, but they have actually increased the incidence of both. Results of negative efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines are seen all over the world.
Neither the Pfizer nor Moderna clinical trials addressed preventing transmission.
Public Health Scotland's report in January and February 2022 showed us back then (with UK data) that the VACCINATED (1 or 2 or 3 doses with dose response) compared to UNVACCINATED were at elevated risk of becoming infected and being a case (see Table 14 and Figure 13); this Scottish report was stopped soon after this report (as well as UK's) given the troubling vaccinated data
So the question on the table is: if the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines raised antibodies against the ancestral wild type Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, would they cover the Delta variant? The only real way to know is to find a case who is fully vaccinated with “protective” antibodies in the bloodstream who contracts COVID-19. Recently such a patient has been reported from Catania, Italy.
Esposito, et al, published an autopsy of an 83 year old man who was admitted to the hospital with heart failure and was later diagnosed with acute COVID-19 and succumbed 18 days later. There is no mention of treatment with lifesaving medications in the McCullough protocol such as ivermectin, corticosteroids, or anticoagulants. Sadly his lungs were ravaged with SARS-CoV-2 despite having adequate antibody titers for the Spike protein generated from the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
Esposito, M.; Cocimano, G.; Vanaria, F.; Sessa, F.; Salerno, M. Death from COVID-19 in a Fully Vaccinated Subject: A Complete Autopsy Report. Vaccines 2023, 11, 142. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11010142
The important points of this paper are: 1) the original Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine failed to stop the Delta variant, 2) antibodies are an invalid surrogate of protection and should have never been used 8 times by the US FDA in EUA approvals for extended use of COVID-19 vaccines.
A COVID-19 outbreak unfolded at a conference held by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) despite most attendees being vaccinated.
About 1,800 CDC staffers and others gathered in April in a hotel in Atlanta, where the CDC is headquartered, for a conference focused on epidemiological investigations and strategies.
Last year we saw the first study, not peer-reviewed, claiming a class shift in antibody types in folks taking booster shots. Even covidians were distressed, commenting that, if it were true, it would be a disaster.
Now we have a peer-reviewed study confirming the IgG4 class shift.
The study was remarkable for more than just confirming the class shifting mechanism. I can’t say I’ve ever seen this kind of blunt criticism about the jabs in a study from a major journal before. Normally these studies always carefully parrot the magic words about the jabs’ safety and efficacy, and the ultra-rareness of any side effects.
But right out of the gate, this peer-reviewed study’s abstract stabbed the jabs right in their little myocardic hearts:
As the immunity provided by these vaccines rapidly wanes, their ability to prevent hospitalization and severe disease in individuals with comorbidities has recently been questioned, and increasing evidence has shown that, as with many other vaccines, they do not produce sterilizing immunity, allowing people to suffer frequent re-infections.
Oh boy! The study’s authors knowingly placed themselves squarely sideways with the world’s largest, best-funded, and most vindictive government health bureaucracy, the dystopian Centers for Disease Control, which continues to insist in spite of all evidence to the contrary that covid vaccination magically prevent death or even hospitalization for covid infections.
But it got even better. Next, the authors got to the point: the vaccine-induced IgG4 antibody class shift, which we’ve discussed on C&C before, is a problem, not a feature, a potentially deadly problem:
[R]ecent investigations have found abnormally high levels of IgG4 in people who were administered two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines… [E]merging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.
My goodness. What they’re saying is, the safe and effective jabs could make people’s immune systems respond with “tolerance” — ignoring the spike protein altogether, since the body can’t get rid of it, its own cells keep making the damned things — and tolerance of spike could lead to:
1) Autoimmune diseases,
2) Cancer growth, and
3) Autoimmune myocarditis.
By “autoimmune myocarditis” they mean that the body is attacking its own heart. That can’t be good. And it definitely wasn’t good news for people who have dormant cancers.
I wonder if all the people who took the safest vaccines ever created would have wanted to know about this potential teeny-tiny problem before making their decisions?
It’s a terrific study with massive implications, and I just don’t have time to do it justice. But here’s one of my favorite sections:
It is worth noting that there are conflicting pieces of information about the level of protection offered by these vaccines. Although the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States has stated that throughout the pandemic, mortality rates have been higher in the unvaccinated than in the vaccinated, the data in the United Kingdom contradict the CDC’s findings. Specifically, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the United Kingdom has reported that from April to mid-November 2021, deaths in unvaccinated people were higher in comparison with vaccinated people who had received a second vaccine dose. However, from the end of November 2021 to December 2022, this situation reverted: deaths were higher in vaccinated people who received a third vaccine dose compared with the unvaccinated.
Haha, the CDC’s statements were “contradicted” by UK data. Good one. They were really saying the CDC is useless. The researchers also suggested the IgG4 class shift as a potential explanation for the sky-high Western excess mortality rates — which is the first time I’ve seen any mainstream source suggest there might be a link between the jabs and the deaths.
In other words, some scientists ARE starting to grapple with the excess mortality problem and they ARE looking at the right potential cause.
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