Democrats Float Bill To Allow LGBTQ Migrants To Walk Into U.S. Unrestricted
Just say you’re gay and you’re in
Democrats in the House and the Senate have floated legislation that would allow undocumented migrants to effectively walk into the U.S. unrestricted if they declare they are LGBTQ+, prompting border officials to warn that suddenly “everyone is going to be LGBTQ.”
The legislation, introduced last week, would make it more difficult to detain illegal immigrants if they are catagorised as “vulnerable persons.”
The wording of the legislation, titled The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, makes it clear that anyone who is “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex” is thereby subject to a greater risk of persecution and discrimination in their home countries, and so should not be detained or removed from the U.S. by authorities.
Democrats today are anti-American, anti-American taxpayer, Anti-American worker.
I'm old enough to remember when they weren't in favor of illegal alien invading the USA and stealing benefits you pay for, having anchor babies, getting free medical treatment, depressing American worker wages and displacing American workers in many cases.
Growing up I had contact with some foreigners from time to time and found them interesting.
After living in Mexico for a couple of years and then moving up to California, I was shocked to see the invasion.
I told my friends "You haven't lived in Mexico, I have; you don't want California to become Mexico, believe me." I'm a bit of a hypocrite since I spend significant time in Baja California Sur, Mexico. However, I am able to compensate for the problems and they are mostly outweighed by the positives which I won't list here.
Democrats are now crazy like AOC and that raghead what's her name; they really hate the USA and particularly white Americans.
Obama of course was guilty of the same thing; he is like many mixed race mulattos and resents whites because he's doesn't look like one.
It seems that supporting such a bill would be political poison.
Unfortunately, I fear you are completely wrong.
The most crazy of the virtue signaling progressives will frame opposition of the bill as LGBTQXYZ+ phobic. The same crazies will also claim that the LGBTQXYZ+ people are outcast in their own countries, so they are a kind of refugee and should be given asylum. A bunch of somewhat normal people will be pressured into going along.
Why 2% lgbt is so important that dems are going overboard? Ruining normal shit.
So they don't have to talk about relevant shit, like over taxation, blatant obvious corruption in our government, our military fuckups, the national debt, our collapsing infrastructure, etc.
It's just a distraction. They pick "contentious issues" to promote in order to distract the public. They tell the idiots that it's "moral to support X", 1/2 the country disagrees 1/2 the country thinks "progressively". Hilarity ensues.
Remember 25 years ago there was endless talk about banning the right to burn the American flag? Same thing but that came from the Republicans.
Democrats Float Bill To Allow LGBTQ Migrants To Walk Into U.S. Unrestricted
Just say you’re gay and you’re in
Democrats in the House and the Senate have floated legislation that would allow undocumented migrants to effectively walk into the U.S. unrestricted if they declare they are LGBTQ+, prompting border officials to warn that suddenly “everyone is going to be LGBTQ.”
The legislation, introduced last week, would make it more difficult to detain illegal immigrants if they are catagorised as “vulnerable persons.”
The wording of the legislation, titled The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act, makes it clear that anyone who is “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex” is thereby subject to a greater risk of persecution and discrimination in their home countries, and so should not be detained or removed from the U.S. by authorities.