Our friend Nina re-emerges

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2023 May 5, 1:16am   821 views  25 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Remember our Singing Nina, the Mistress of Biden's Censorship Office, the Disinformation Governance Board?

Her pushing of the Hunter Laptop is a Russian Hoax myth and her earlier praise of the now utterly discredited Steele Dossier?

She's now writing for Foreign Policy, to rah-rah the war.


She's back where she started, working on leveraging Ukraine away from Russia.

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1   richwicks   2023 May 5, 1:23am  

AmericanKulak says

Remember our Singing Nina, the Mistress of Biden's Censorship Office, the Disinformation Governance Board?

Her pushing of the Hunter Laptop is a Russian Hoax myth and her earlier praise of the now utterly discredited Steele Dossier?

She's now writing for Foreign Policy, to rah-rah the war.


She's back where she started, working on leveraging Ukraine away from Russia.

Her job is propagandist after all. Bet you didn't suspect such people could have a complete lack of ethics like this. It's easy to spot sociopaths now.
2   apex   2023 May 5, 1:33am  

> writing for Foreign Policy

Not surprising at all. "Foreign Policy" magazine is an arm of The Economist, which is directly controlled by the Rothschilds.

The Deep State makes sure its agents are looked after.
3   clambo   2023 May 5, 7:05am  

I hate Biden, Democrats, liberals, and their ilk, but I want Ukraine to kick Putin's ass. Fuck Russia.
4   PeopleUnited   2023 May 5, 7:12am  

apex says

The Deep State

Nina is a true believer though. She actually believes she is doing good work. That is the real tragedy. There are so many useful idiots out there that they will never run out of people to use. A true believer is the most dangerous because they sound sincere, getting past the innate BS filter most people have for recognition of “truth.” A true believer in the corporate/state sponsored woke religion is a powerful tool. She will have work as long as the corporation has money to pay her.
5   RayAmerica   2023 May 5, 7:44am  


Do you have any problem with the fact that we started this entire mess when we overthrew the Russian friendly government of Ukraine back in 2014?
6   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 5, 9:15am  

clambo says

I hate Biden, Democrats, liberals, and their ilk, but I want Ukraine to kick Putin's ass. Fuck Russia.

To the best of my recollection not one single pro Ukraine supporter has disavowed Ukraine being the Commiecrat's lying stooge, used to try to discredit the best President of the United States since George Washington.

I don't give a fuck about Ukraine or anyone else that doesn't give a fuck about Zelenski's Nazi fags bombing out the ethnic Russians on the Russian border. While they blame Putin and Russia. It is my best hope that Putin takes Zelinski out, and totally destroys the Nazi Ukraine army, exposes the CIA's clandestine bullshit to the point that most every crooked Washington Democrat ends up in an International tribunal fighting a hanging offense. Only then when the embarrassment is insurmountable, that we would then realize we got to kick the Fags out of the Army and clean up Miley and Biden's gay ass mess. Then when all of that is done. Let's kick Putin's ass!

From where I sit, Putin is the most innocent politician out of all of the Western governments as a whole.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but Putin probably stands a better chance of bringing down our lawless criminal thugs in our deep state than Donald Trump does. An Obama Judge can't do fuck to stop Putin from doing what's right in Ukraine. And expose their crimes against humanity to the world.
7   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 5, 9:18am  

clambo says

I hate Biden, Democrats, liberals, and their ilk, but I want Ukraine to kick Putin's ass. Fuck Russia.

queue Gerbil from Usual Suspects.
"How do you shoot Kyser Scorcse in the back with this(shows a gimp hand) what if I miss?"

Would anyone really champion going to war with this Army and what they have done to our military?
8   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 5, 9:24am  

Also as long as we're involved in Ukraine's border skirmish, and aiding them cover up the Genocide of ethnic Russians over the last 9 years. .
Then we or nobody will ever look into Joe Biden's "My plane leaves in ten minutes, you don't get the billion dollars!" treason.
9   Patrick   2023 May 9, 11:38pm  


New Federal Disinformation Offices Created

Big Brother adds "Influence and Perception Management Office" & "Foreign Malign Influence Center" to his arsenal.

The Intercept recently reported the creation of two new federal offices to combat disinformation. The Pentagon will oversee the “Influence and Perception Management Office,” which is consistent with the fact that “Perception Management” is an old DoD euphemism for psychological warfare and deception. According to the investigative journalist Robert Parry, who covered the Iran-Contra Affair, the Reagan and first Bush Administrations adopted the techniques of “Perception Management” for the objective of overcoming the American public’s “Vietnam Syndrome”—that is, its reluctance to get involved in foreign military adventures that were widely perceived as fruitless and likely to end badly.

Given that the federal government is already a Leviathan of agencies for conducting propaganda, influence, and surveillance operations, one wonders why it is necessary to create new offices for these activities. The new Biden Administration offices are purportedly to keep the homeland and its people safe from dangerous foreign adversaries. More likely they will work round the clock to keep our people insulated from outside sources of information that would serve to counterbalance U.S. government and MSM propaganda.
10   HeadSet   2023 May 10, 9:10am  

Patrick says

Given that the federal government is already a Leviathan of agencies for conducting propaganda, influence, and surveillance operations, one wonders why it is necessary to create new offices for these activities.

These legacy agencies are for deep state propaganda. The new offices are for Dem Party propaganda.
12   AmericanKulak   2024 Mar 19, 2:58pm  

LOL, added that to my files. The lady with the secret birth year.
13   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Mar 19, 4:05pm  

clambo says

I hate Biden, Democrats, liberals, and their ilk, but I want Ukraine to kick Putin's ass. Fuck Russia.

14   richwicks   2024 Mar 19, 4:36pm  

clambo says

I hate Biden, Democrats, liberals, and their ilk, but I want Ukraine to kick Putin's ass. Fuck Russia.

Will you settle for several 100 thousand Ukrainians dead, Ukraine shattered because about 10 million emigrated likely permanently, which will be wholly owned by foreign actors because whatever is left of Ukraine is deeply in debt for a war that they could never win?

Because that's what you're going to get, after all wishes aren't fishes.

If you want to "kick Putin's ass", why don't you advocate war with Russia? Sure, it might lead to a nuclear holocaust and the end of our civilization, but what does that matter, as long as Putin's ass is kicked?

All you're doing is supporting a money laundering operation where money is being stolen, AGAIN, from taxpayers and being put into the pockets of a bunch of sociopaths. They knew there was no chance of Ukraine winning. Remember that bullshit about how Russia was about to "break up"?

Putin just won re-election, he got about 85% of the vote. You know who the #2 place was reserved to? Nikolay Kharitonov - from the communist party. They are less communist than we are at this point.
15   clambo   2024 Mar 19, 5:20pm  

The West has been preparing for this war since NATO was organized; Putin finally started it.

Ukraine has corruption, how shocking.

The Pentagon budget is gigantic so let the Department of Defense pay for some equipment to waste more sorry Russians.

Putin fucked up; his excuse for the invasion was NATO expansion. He convinced a couple more countries to join NATO. Good job, Vlad.
16   RWSGFY   2024 Mar 19, 6:21pm  

clambo says

The West has been preparing for this war since NATO was organized; Putin finally started it.

Ukraine has corruption, how shocking.

The Pentagon budget is gigantic so let the Department of Defense pay for some equipment to waste more sorry Russians.

Putin fucked up; his excuse for the invasion was NATO expansion. He convinced a couple more countries to join NATO. Good job, Vlad.

Except NATO was caught completely and utterly unprepared for any war, much less the biggest one since WW2. Pukin knew it and expected everybody to fold and Bidet&Co were ready to deliver, but Ukies flat-out refused just like their SOF refused to leave their citizens in Afghanistan like the rest of coalition did). Now the low-IQ ruler of the FAS sufferers is bogged down in a textbook definition of quagmire while Europe is slooooooooowly waking up....
17   Onvacation   2024 Mar 19, 7:47pm  

clambo says

Putin fucked up; his excuse for the invasion was NATO expansion. He convinced a couple more countries to join NATO. Good job, Vlad.

His stated purpose was national survival (stop neocon NWO encroachment) and kill Nazis.
18   HeadSet   2024 Mar 20, 6:50am  


Putin fucked up; his excuse for the invasion was NATO expansion. He convinced a couple more countries to join NATO. Good job, Vlad.

Sweden joining NATO is a nuisance for Russia while Ukraine joining NATO is a national threat.
19   richwicks   2024 Mar 20, 9:03am  


Bidet&Co were ready to deliver, but Ukies flat-out refused

You are wrong about this.

Zelenskyy was elected PRECISELY because he promised to implement the Minsk Accords and end the civil war between the East and West, which is what got him elected.

But in true Neocon fashion, because he's just a cutout for them, he did the exact opposite.

The US and the British have PREVENT resolution to this stupid war before it began and does so now. So, Russia is going to wipe out Ukraine. Ukraine has no future. All their young people, are gone.

Oh, and here's a fun fact, Zelenskyy didn't even speak Ukrainian when he was elected by the way, only Russian.
20   rocketjoe79   2024 Mar 20, 10:36am  

Clearly, the Middle Eastern countries weren't using enough MIC Guns 'n Butter. Time to Pivot to a Eurasian Land War!! Biden and Congress were ordered to give the Ukies money to spend on War Goods. It's all just a circle of cash to big corps, with plenty of extra money for laundering and bribes to the second most corrupt Eurasian country after Russia. Most money goes right back to USA-based MIC companies, with spillover spending for Euro MIC corps, and useful idiots. We begin running outta Ammo, so Congress has to print mo monay to replace stockpiles (remember the news articles a few months ago?) Missiles and Ammo were getting near end-of-life anyway, right? Gotta use that ordnance on the battlefield!! Russia and Ukraine can conscript Ethnics and other "undesirables" for the front lines as bullet soakers. Everyone wins! Oh, except American taxpayers, of course.
21   Patrick   2024 Mar 20, 10:52am  


Nevermind the Ides, whatever they are, Beware the Bad Ideas of March. NBC-4 Washington ran a gloomy story yesterday headlined, “Can the government work with social media companies to combat disinformation? Supreme Court to decide.” On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the most important civil rights case in our lifetimes, Missouri v. Biden, and the judges' questions telegraphed bad news for free speech.

It used to be conventional wisdom that Justices’ questions in oral argument do not predict how they will rule. But in the post-pandemic era, nobody seems to think that anymore, and maybe for good reasons. While I remain stubbornly optimistic, Monday’s hearing was about as encouraging as a freezing-cold fried-cheese appetizer. Gnawing dejectedly on a chilly cheese stick, you realize you probably should have listened to those bad Yelp reviews.

Anyway, the Justices’ questions to the lawyers — especially the squishy center-right justices’ questions — stank of elite superiority and arrogant paternalism. Being themselves a part of government, the Justices seem to think that “government knows best,” especially in emergencies.

In spite of all the manifest evidence to the contrary.

In other words, all but the three reliably conservative Justices asked questions suggesting they would rather trust the Nation’s future to CISA’s 32-year-old “Disinformation Expert” — with zero medical training — over accomplished, recognized medical professionals who made epidemiology their lives’ work, like Martin Kulldorf (at the time, Harvard), Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford), and Sunetra Gupta (Oxford).

What I’m wondering is, even if Kulldorf, Bhattacharya, and Gupta did represent a minority view among scientists, who is Nina Jankowicz to decide which scientists are “spreading misinformation” and should be suppressed?

That’s not even how science works.

Specifically, several Justices pressed the States’ lawyers to explain: why is it so bad for government officials to just pick up the phone and call a social media company to discuss a potentially problematic post? Three of the Justices even referred to such calls as “common interactions.” The liberal Justices were even worse, signaling they expect the government to paternalistically protect citizens from encountering misinformation.

I wonder where the liberal Justices think all these unelected but wise government bureaucrats come from? Eggs maybe? Outer space? They don’t seem to understand we are all citizens. Even bureaucrats. Bureaucrats are just citizens who applied for a job with the federal government. Being a federal bureaucrat does not imply having any better knowledge or wisdom than any other citizen does.

Elected officials are even worse. As Exhibit A, watch smug Congressman Ted Lieu (D-Ca.), explain recently that the best way to combat disinformation is for people to watch MSNBC. I did not make that up:

It’s too early to panic over the questions. The Justice’s questions might not represent where the final decision is headed. And at this point the Justices are only deciding the preliminary injunction issue; the case itself will proceed to trial either way. Things might look a lot different after the evidence is presented. And, if the Court finds no Constitutional problem for government to lay its grotesque, oversized thumb on social media’s scales, then Congress will just have to outlaw that practice.

Ted can watch MSNBC all he wants. I hope he marries it and they live happily ever after. And good luck to them both. Just don’t make me watch that fake news, misinformation super-spreading nonsense.
22   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 25, 11:32am  

Singing Censor Nina's new American Sunshine Project conceals it's donation sources.

23   clambo   2024 Apr 25, 11:47am  

Neither NATO nor "nazis" in Ukraine were ever a threat to Russia; that's a pretext but some people evidently fall for it anyway.

NATO was perfectly content to buy energy from Russia, not invade it.
24   HeadSet   2024 Apr 25, 12:10pm  

clambo says

NATO was perfectly content to buy energy from Russia, not invade it.

NATO should not even exist, as it should have been disbanded when the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact collapsed. Instead, NATO steadily pushed east absorbing former Warsaw Pact counties and even former Soviet republics. When that was not enough prodding, the US fostered a regime change in Ukraine and then Ukraine changed its constitution to allow it to join NATO. That was seem by Russia as an existential threat as both France and Germany have invaded Russia through Ukraine and Russia did not want the Black Sea to be a NATO lake. If that had not been enough to goad Russia, I am sure the Biden et al would have antagonized further, like have Japan take back Sakhalin or get Georgia to allow a NATO naval base at Batumi. The goal was to destroy Russia by provoking them into a fight. Why did the US blow up the Nordstream pipeline?
25   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 25, 12:33pm  

HeadSet says

NATO should not even exist, as it should have been disbanded when the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact collapsed.

^^^ This

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