Durham seeing the tenacity of Gaetz, Greene, and Jordan, tries to exonerate himself from his 4 long years of protecting the coup against Donald Trump, and his own Treason

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2023 May 15, 2:56pm   4,663 views  61 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

So this Cock Sucker now is piping up after Greene announced today that the Whistle Blower are not missing. Comer announced yesterday that the whistle blowers have all disappeared. But Greene made it known that they are being protected by her under 24/7 armed security detail. Just as also last night more revelations would be exposed this week, that makes everything up to now seem like misdemeanors.
What does that slimy cock sucker Durham do today. Oh he pipes up and releases the report that should have been released months before the 2020 elections. If everyone recalls his report was final but that Fuck Face Lard Ass William Barr said it wouldn't be released and perhaps it never will be.

But now with the walls closing in them all, it seems John Durham is thinking more about his pension he will lose and the possibility of him being fitted with a neck extension, which they all deserve.

Now we have got to be careful that he didn't release this report so that Merick and Wray can't stonewall everything now calling it an ongoing investigation.

This is proof that every leader in our DOJ needs to be impeached, and folks outside of DC investigate and the grand juries will need to also preside outside of Washington DC.

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28   PeopleUnited   2023 May 17, 1:35am  

richwicks says

What's the panic? We've not had any rights in 20 years. Are you upset it's been proven to you?

This is why you come off as a condescending prick. My point is simply that when Trump says that “they are not coming after me, they are coming after you, and I’m just standing in their way” this is proof of it. The actions of your and my neighbors who fail to execute justice and fail to offer equal protection under the law have proven Trumps campaign slogan to be correct.

There is no panic, but the hour is late. ’m just trying to help people realize that we are basically Germany in the 1930’s and democrat and Rino globalists are akin to Nazis. Get ready for the 4th Reich Great Reset globalist Satanic new world order.richwicks says

The hardest problem is getting people to realize what our government is. They're just fucking criminals, and if people understood "these are fucking criminals", they'd be gone. If they just understood.

The government is your neighbors. There is also a shadow government that is full of criminals. Some of your neighbors are criminals. All of the shadow government collaborators are criminals, but they are extra governmental international banksters and their goons. To restore the republic the bankster goons need to be expelled from all places of influence. And the globalists hold on financial matters needs to be removed.

Let’s pretend America did that. We abolished the FED, the spooks, and prosecuted ever collaborator. We told all foreign interests that our debt to them is cancelled. What do you think the globalists Nazis who run the corporations and the major military powers around the world would do next? Let us live in freedom and peace?
29   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 May 17, 6:10am  

richwicks says

People may not understand just how important this event is.

It’s more than that. The people running this country decide who is an allowable president and who is not. They have acted to overturn the will of the people. It is sedition.
30   richwicks   2023 May 17, 7:12am  

PeopleUnited says

This is why you come off as a condescending prick. My point is simply that when Trump says that “they are not coming after me, they are coming after you, and I’m just standing in their way” this is proof of it

Is Trump standing in the way? What's he said about the 800 political prisoners that the FIB entrapped?

PeopleUnited says

There is no panic, but the hour is late. ’m just trying to help people realize that we are basically Germany in the 1930’s and democrat and Rino globalists are akin to Nazis. Get ready for the 4th Reich Great Reset globalist Satanic new world order.

We've been in it since George W. Bush lied us into war, and the US had their Reichstag fire in the form of 9/11. I'm pointing out that what you fear is about to happen, happened already. I'm trying to get people to realize that.

PeopleUnited says

The government is your neighbors. There is also a shadow government that is full of criminals.

Well, if my neighbors are mafia.

PeopleUnited says

Let’s pretend America did that. We abolished the FED, the spooks, and prosecuted ever collaborator. We told all foreign interests that our debt to them is cancelled. What do you think the globalists Nazis who run the corporations and the major military powers around the world would do next

They'd go to war with us. That's what happened to NAZI Germany. Germany basically said fuck paying back the debt of WWI, we're not going to have interest bearing money, we're not going to have inflation, we're going to amass tons of gold so we don't have any dependence on foreign banks.

That's what got them into trouble, not their invasion of Poland.

Still, we have to do this.
31   Robert Sproul   2023 May 17, 7:14am  

AmericanKulak says

At the very least, some FIBs need to get disciplined and or jail time.

Yeah! Work him over like they did the traitor Strzok!
32   Robert Sproul   2023 May 17, 7:27am  

richwicks says

Americans simply won't do anything. This is the land of the slaves, and cowards.

Some of my friend group, that I used to disagree on these subjects with, have recently 'checked out of politics' when the narrative shifts a la Covid.
They avoid inconvenient new facts by becoming disinterested and literally not looking at them.
33   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 17, 7:39am  

A Jamaican coworker that I worked with during all of the Democrat congressional hearing Trump went through, and he was one desk from me as I pulled up all of the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation, all of the Mueller hearings. He was sure that CNN had it right, and I was reading fake news.
He likes to call me from time to time when news from that time turns out to prove me and my sources right. He gave me a call yesterday. I said "I have been expecting your call.."

He asked me, "Man can you believe after all them hearings, and investigations, turns out nothing even came from it?"

I said "Nothing even came from it?!? You've got that Wrong as wrong can be, this report is an indictment on all of those that ever tried to frame up Trump, or reported disinformation and fake news about him." It's very smug of you to say, that nothing has come out of it. You should be livid, this is how despots become dictators. All of the crap your guys blamed Trump for are guilty of exactly that, all of it, every last bit of it. Now that it is coming back the other way .Durham is releasing this report to shield everyone, they will plead the fifth because of an ongoing investigation. It's going to take more people like yourself to stand up and say enough is enough stop it.

He was worried about any upheaval the truth prevailing may cause. The damn fool really thinks Republicans shouldn't rock the boat, because the crazy Libs might get mad. They have the safe spaces and genders to protect them, while we have managed to hang on to our 1 and 2 A. There will either be a reckoning or their will be a reckoning. You should be championing hearings, prison and reforming of government agencies and depoliticization of them.
That will be a lot less messy.
34   richwicks   2023 May 17, 7:40am  

Robert Sproul says

Some of my friend group, that I used to disagree on these subjects with, have recently 'checked out of politics' when the narrative shifts a la Covid.
They avoid inconvenient new facts by becoming disinterested and literally not looking at them.

I simply don't understand this mindset. How do people not feel angry when they realize the government has duped them?

I'm been duped before, and more than once. Why do you think I hate the government so much? I used to argue with people in the 1990's defending the US going into Iraq in Desert Storm. Then I found out about April Glaspie, then I found out about Kuwait stealing oil from Iraq, then I found out that Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ was lying and she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador, then I realized our intelligence agencies HAD to know who she was...

I was so pissed off to realize how used I was, and that our news media omitted information so I could be used. I used to believe that our media just didn't know, they know. If it wasn't for our news media, our government couldn't pull all this shit. If we really had a true news media system, all this bullshit would end.
36   HeadSet   2023 May 17, 9:04am  

richwicks says

I simply don't understand this mindset. How do people not feel angry when they realize the government has duped them?

Because they would have to admit they were easily duped fools. Plus, they would have to admit that the "conspiracy theorists" are their intellectual superior.
41   Ceffer   2023 May 17, 11:33am  

Kind of hard to absorb. Durham has officially and publicly classified the DNC, IHLlary, Obama, the FBI and the CIA as traitors and treasonistas and cancers on our nation. It's what we knew for years, but had no official acknowledgement of.

Of course, the slow walk to nowhere is still in place. It is increasingly looking again like only the military can solve this problem. I still am in awe of Grassley's subtle stalking of Garland on the national security topic.
42   Robert Sproul   2023 May 17, 11:44am  

What I am hoping is that these revelations help ease off on the Putin is Lit-churally Hitler hysteria and kind of tip-toe back from the idiotic flirting with WWlll.
43   richwicks   2023 May 17, 11:46am  

HeadSet says

Because they would have to admit they were easily duped fools. Plus, they would have to admit that the "conspiracy theorists" are their intellectual superior.

First, everybody can be duped, and those that don't recognize this are always duped.

Second, it's not about intellectual superiority, it's about the capacity to learn. 90% of what I know, or consider valuable to know, I learned by being wrong first.

I'd hate to be the same dumb idiot I was when I was 23. Wouldn't everybody?
44   HeadSet   2023 May 17, 4:58pm  

richwicks says

First, everybody can be duped,

Yes, but not EASILY duped.

richwicks says

Second, it's not about intellectual superiority, it's about the capacity to learn.

But first they have to admit they were wrong and antjabbers were right. That is the step they won't take.
45   PeopleUnited   2023 May 17, 5:43pm  

richwicks says

4th Reich Great Reset globalist Satanic new world order.

We've been in it since George W. Bush lied us into war, and the US had their Reichstag fire in the form of 9/11. I'm pointing out that what you fear is about to happen, happened already. I'm trying to get people to realize that.

So it didn’t start when the League of Nations was formed, or when Roosevelt back doored us into world war 2 by blockading the Japanese, and deliberately ignoring fore knowledge of the planned attack of Pearl Harbor, or when they killed Kennedy and escalated war in Vietnam? The corruption runs for over 100 years and almost every war, every “crisis”has been manufactured by the 4th Reich globalists to bring us to the day when central bankers and their digital currencies can control everyone by dictatorship of what they can buy and sell.

We are less than a decade away from this, and then you will see what happens when the republic ceases to exist.
51   richwicks   2023 May 19, 11:52am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

First, everybody can be duped,

Yes, but not EASILY duped.

I disagree. How easy is it to recognize there is a scam going on, when you are told the unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated? That's not like figuring out that the US overthrew Ukraine, "the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated" defies basic logic. We all took biology, the purpose of a vaccine is to grant immunity. The unvaccinated only pose a threat to the unvaccinated, if the vaccine works.

HeadSet says

richwicks says

Second, it's not about intellectual superiority, it's about the capacity to learn.

But first they have to admit they were wrong and antjabbers were right. That is the step they won't take.

Once I realize I'm wrong, I feel embarrassed and even ashamed - many times I have promoted incorrect ideas. I try to be very careful not to do that, but I still do it. It's better to be embarrassed for a bit than to be wrong for a lifetime, peddling bullshit for your entire lifetime.

I think the key to fixing this is removing the shame of being wrong. There should be no shame in that. Everybody makes errors, EVERYBODY is victim of propaganda at one point or another. We're all fooled but we are taught in our society to be embarrassed and ashamed when we are proven wrong - that it's some sort of weakness to admit error. It's a strength to admit error.

Look at our fucking government, they are wrong time and time and time again. They are so wrong, I no longer have any support for them, and I guarantee I'm not the only one. It was lack of confidence in the incompetent USSR that led to its downfall. I mean, what kind of confidence can we have, when this is the son of our "president"?

original link

This REALLY IS clown world. There are plenty of people who think "well, there's nothing wrong with that, really".... REALLY?
53   Patrick   2023 May 19, 8:56pm  


According to the bombshell findings in Durham’s report, the FBI’s leaders blocked and shut down four criminal investigations into the Clintons.
54   Ceffer   2023 May 19, 10:23pm  

You need an explosion for a bomb shell. These are stage lights for gloating for these loathsomes getting away with every depraved treason and subversion in the books.
56   Ceffer   2023 May 22, 10:21am  

Polls are propaganda chaff to confuse and steer your information radar. Fabricating charts and assertion stats is easy. Gathering real information is tortuous, labor intensive, slow and tedious
58   richwicks   2023 May 22, 2:57pm  

Ceffer says

Polls are propaganda chaff to confuse and steer your information radar. Fabricating charts and assertion stats is easy. Gathering real information is tortuous, labor intensive, slow and tedious

Yes, it's especially difficult when people don't check sources, don't provide sources, and pass it on anyway without review to make EVERYBODY ELSE do these things.

And then you're battling everybody else that doesn't bother to verify or check, and they pass it on, and then other people pass it on, all the while when 1% are actually doing the work, and by the time that 1% proves it's bullshit, then it's weeks, months, years, even decades to disprove it.

For example, this:


There's no evidence Raskin said this, although Carlson reported it. I can't find it anywhere. No video of it, no transcript of it. No date, it's 99.9% likely to be false.

And our "news" does this all the fucking time. I'm used to that, what vexes me, is that people do this as well.

I caught it, because it sounded unbelievable to me, and it was. This is probably REAL Russian propaganda, and our "news" just passed it off as fact.
61   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 9:06pm  


After releasing his blockbuster report widely condemning the weaponized agencies, Durham is scheduled to testify in Congress this week. Specifically, his report delicately concluded that the Justice Department and the FBI had “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” by launching the ‘Russia-Gate’ probe against then President Trump.

Durham’s damning report explained there was “significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded (directly or indirectly) by Trump’s political opponents,” particularly Hillary Clinton. Even worse, “The Department did not adequately examine or question these materials and the motivations of those providing them, even when at about the same time the Director of the FBI and others learned of significant and potentially contrary intelligence.”

Most observers concluded the Durham report, as carefully worded as it was, exposed political weaponization within the federal law enforcement agencies.

Oh really?

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