Lincoln Owned Slaves

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2023 May 24, 4:58pm   818 views  7 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

But I think this statement is far worse:

"At the Hampton Roads Conference late in the war Confederate Vice-President Alexander Stephens, who cared about the African American people in Southern society, asked Lincoln what was to become of them when freed without property or education? Lincoln dismissed his concerns slightingly with a phrase from a minstrel show song: “Root, hog, or die.”"


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1   HeadSet   2023 May 24, 5:39pm  

NuttBoxer says

Lincoln dismissed his concerns slightingly with a phrase from a minstrel show song: “Root, hog, or die.”"

Yes, just like all the whites that did not have property or education.
2   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 24, 5:47pm  

Share-cropping was definitely common in the South, and plenty of whites lost their land and livelihoods thanks to the war. The statement is callous not because of race, but because of indifference to the long-term affects the war had on the South, that people as high up as Lincoln had to know where coming. It's a dick statement, that shows his true colors.
3   richwicks   2023 May 24, 6:12pm  

HeadSet says

NuttBoxer says

Lincoln dismissed his concerns slightingly with a phrase from a minstrel show song: “Root, hog, or die.”"

Yes, just like all the whites that did not have property or education.

People don't know what Lincoln actually was.

He was an abolitionist, not because he cared for the negros, he didn't think negros should exist among whites. He hated black people, he didn't see them as equals, he saw them as dangerous inferiors.

Lincoln was a total asshole, not just about race either. He was our first fucking asshole dictator. He ignored the constitution, he started a civil war that didn't need to happen (most of the north in the war were imports, mercenaries), the war was not over slavery, but taxation. He was a total dick, and when John Wilkes Booth shot him, and said "death to tyrants", and Lincoln was a fucking tyrant.

The war was not about slavery, it was about economic control. The only reason slavery was ended was an attempt to create revolt in the south. 5 states that fought for the North were slave states, these are called the border states. Slavery was abolished in the south, BEFORE it was abolished in the north by dictatorial decree from Lincoln.

We're entirely misinformed about this awful war.

Lincoln may have been our worst president ever. It's hard to judge, because Woodrow Wilson installed the Federal Reserve and created the national income tax. I don't know if he was just a shithead, or a fucking traitor. I like to believe he was just fucking stupid, but I intellectually believe he was the greatest traitor this nation ever had as president. I think he knew what he was doing, and if he did, he is the worst traitor ever to this nation. Lincoln, he's #2.
4   PeopleUnited   2023 May 24, 7:04pm  

Wilson absolutely knew what he was doing. He created the League of Nations. The precursor to the UN, and effectively the instigator of WOrld War 2.

Lincoln was absolutely a dictator. I’m not sure if the Civil War was a victory for freedom as it was billed to be, because either way the globalists would have won. They love death, they love debt, the civil war was ultimately started by the globalists for their twin purposes of making more money and gaining more control.
5   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 25, 9:06am  

richwicks says

The only reason slavery was ended was an attempt to create revolt in the south.

If you read the linked article, Lincoln would have kept slavery if the South had stopped fighting. The reason slavery ended, and was already dead in Europe, was it's an unprofitable model. Recovering cost when a slave ran away was very difficult, the tracking didn't exist to make the model sustainable. It does now...

richwicks says

Lincoln, he's #2.

#1, all the way. Without the centralization created under Lincoln, the Federal Reserve likely would never have been created. Along with every three letter agency. We are just now starting to unwind that centralization more than a hundred and fifty years later.
6   richwicks   2023 May 26, 11:20pm  

NuttBoxer says

If you read the linked article, Lincoln would have kept slavery if the South had stopped fighting.

I know about the Crittenden Compromise.


Isn't it weird what we're not told, and have to find out ourselves by winding up in an discussion with somebody that knows more than you do? It's happened to me a lot.

NuttBoxer says

#1, all the way. Without the centralization created under Lincoln, the Federal Reserve likely would never have been created. Along with every three letter agency. We are just now starting to unwind that centralization more than a hundred and fifty years later.

Engh. It's a matter of opinion and I'm frankly too ignorant about Lincoln to really be able to talk on it much.

Woodrow Wilson caused the bankruptcy of the United States in 1929, or was it 33? Maybe 33 was the cleanup.
7   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 27, 7:08pm  

Wilson was important, as the rigging of the election by Roosevelt shows, but the foundation matters more than the capstone.

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