Rob DeSanctimonious

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2023 May 25, 12:34pm   1,940 views  34 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I trust him less than I trust Trump.

All we ever get to do is choose the lesser evil.

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1   richwicks   2023 May 25, 12:44pm  

Onvacation says

All we ever get to do is choose the lesser evil.

Oh no, that's not true, it's rarely true.

Most of the time we get to choose from two fuckers are are exactly as evil as one another.

Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush, John Kerry, Al Gore all the fucking same. They are all interchangeable monsters. It wouldn't have made any difference at all which one of these subhuman garbage assholes we elected.

Trump was the lesser evil, finally we got one. Finally.
2   PeopleUnited   2023 May 25, 1:47pm  

Ron can’t beat Donald head to head, so either the fix is in and Trump is gonna be sidelined somehow, or Ron is running for some other reason than winning the nomination.
3   Onvacation   2023 May 25, 1:49pm  

PeopleUnited says

Ron is running for some other reason than winning the nomination.

And he does not seem too enthusiastic.
4   PeopleUnited   2023 May 25, 1:50pm  

Good point, low energy for sure.
5   RC2006   2023 May 25, 1:59pm  

Trump need to start calling him "Ron Text To Speach DeSantis". He sounds like a robot.
6   Ceffer   2023 May 25, 2:03pm  

If Trump makes DeSantis VP and wins, the Globalist Bounty of a billion Iraqui Gold Dinars with another billion in BitCoin for Trump's assassination will quadruple. Globalists will get their political thong up the ass crack of America yet.
7   mell   2023 May 25, 3:07pm  

As long as he backs Trump once he has to retreat it should be fine - doubt they will be running as a combo but it would be epic. Have no problems with him, but the establishment will def try driving a wedge between the supporters and fanning the "fire".
8   clambo   2023 May 25, 5:36pm  

According to a talk radio guy in S. Florida, De Santis doesn't own a house nor a car.

I don't have a link or anything about it.

I always liked De Santis but Trump is the real deal in my opinion.
9   Eric Holder   2023 May 25, 5:50pm  

clambo says

De Santis doesn't own a house nor a car.

This is weird.
10   Onvacation   2023 May 25, 6:03pm  

It's like the whole edifice is held together with duck-tape that's been in the sun too long.

But the political theatre is entertaining.
11   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 25, 7:00pm  

Onvacation says

All we ever get to do is choose the lesser evil.

So stop doing it..
12   Onvacation   2023 May 25, 8:44pm  

Big difference between Trump and the establishment is war. They want to RULE, not govern, the world. To them war is just politics, casualties just statistics. Zero sum.

Trump wants to stop wasteful wars and have peaceful trading partners. He wants to make the world a place where everyone can make the best deal they can get while not letting the little guy fall behind. Win win.

Trump didn't start the war with Russia, and given the facts, I think most Americans would be against it.

There is enough world for everyone and it shouldn't look like fascist China.
13   WookieMan   2023 May 26, 3:31am  

PeopleUnited says

Ron can’t beat Donald head to head, so either the fix is in and Trump is gonna be sidelined somehow, or Ron is running for some other reason than winning the nomination.

I think he's trying to get his feet wet in national politics for 2028. Trump is almost 80 and has to sell, sell, sell his entire life in much more intense situations. Was already POTUS. No one really has a chance for the Republican nomination. Desantis literally would be the only one and he's polling way behind.

He lives and governs Florida. He likely knows little of parts of Ohio or Wisconsin where he'd have to court voters to win a Presidential election. He still gets paid by FL and do his job, fly around on paid for private jets and get to know what he needs to do in '28. Go against one of the harshest politicians (he is now) in Trump and get tested. This will be his college so to speak on how to run for POTUS.

This is probably one of the dumbest reasons to not like like him, but his voice is whiney as can be. That would be hard for 4-8 year. All nasally. Touch of Kermit the Frog mixed in there. Height is a factor to for women voters whether they admit it or not. Publicly listed heights are BS. Trump will tower over him on a debate stage. He's at least 4-5" taller. Those optics of being taller and manlier even at 80 matter to women and some men.

I think DS needs to hone his skills basically. I'm sure he's done other things, but nationally his popularity is from not closing his state due a bull shit virus and vaccine. He's military though. I fear he'd start another war besides his damn voice being a issue for me... lol.
14   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 26, 5:32am  

Ron DeSantis came in just by the graces of Matt Gaetz putting the kybosh on Dona Brazile's vote manufacturing operation in Broward.
He shut it down in the middle of the night, while the news was reporting Gillium was gaining on him.
After DeSantis got in office, he had the power to really investigate and get to the bottom of what Dona Brazile had been doing for decades since the 2000 hanging chad election. He had a chance to really investigate it, and stop it from happening ever again. But he did not, he just let it go. Then since then people that has won fair and square elections Ron DeSantis has tried to throw them out of office, even though they were the people's favorite by a landslide.
First he went after Tony. An old school Democrat that beat out Sheriff Psyop Israel. DeSantis tried to block his win, by saying he was unqualified because when he was younger he shot a thug in self defense. Thankfully Sheriff Tony won his court case. So then Ron had legislation passed saying if you had any infraction at all ever in your life, you are ineligible for office.
So fast forward to this last election. My District had a guy run for the School Commissioner that was going to reject Woke, and Gay shit flat out.
The day after the election that he won by a landslide. Ron DeSantis office went to work to deny him the post before he was seated. His infraction?
When he was in his 20's he got in a scuffle with another person. A police report was filed, eventually the case was dropped and dismissed. But the record shows the guy was arrested for assault over 25 years ago. The guy hasn't had as much as a speeding ticket since.

Now I wonder how many Dems and Establishment people that Ron will overlook, and just how much digging his office had to do, to go after Rod like he did?
15   HeadSet   2023 May 26, 7:00am  

WookieMan says

He's military though. I fear he'd start another war

Military are not the people who want war. That would be politicians and MIC corporations. If DeSantis decides on war, it will be for politics and not a relic of military experience.
16   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 26, 8:40am  

Onvacation says

Big difference between Trump and the establishment is war.

Did Trump end the War on Us? What about the scamdemic war on small business? Did he remove the troops in the Middle East and North Africa? What about the economic war the central have been waging, how many central bankers were in his cabinet?

Trump is the establishment.
17   goofus   2023 May 26, 9:22am  

I like DeSantis. He did the right things with COVID, ending CRT in schools, and restricting gender transitions in minors. He also ended mail-in balloting in Florida, apart from verified absentee ballots. Look at the 2022 election results where, alone among swing states, Florida returned results quickly with overwhelming leads for Republican candidates (20 point differences), as like exit polling predicted. All other states kept their mail-in fraud enticements in place, and eked out victories for Dems, sometimes a week after Election Day.

I think DeSantis is smart and sincere. I’ve seen him compared with Romney on this site. Romney however governed Massachusetts as a moderate Democrat would, complete with ‘Romneycare.’ Anyone who cared to look could see how he’d behave as senator (like a John McCain). DeSantis has none of that Dem-lite baggage in his past.
18   goofus   2023 May 26, 9:29am  

It’s always Opposite Day with this mendacious admin and our media. If the media supports Trump now, gives him interview time, and encourages him to attack DeSantis, they clearly view Trump as an easier candidate to beat.

DeSantis talks like Trump without the built-in antipathy many Americans feel toward Trump (largely media-created, sure, but there nonetheless). Saying this as someone who campaigned for Trump and voted for him twice.
19   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 26, 10:14am  

goofus says

I like DeSantis. He did the right things with COVID, ending CRT in schools, and restricting gender transitions in minors.

He did that after almost two years allowing one of the most oppressive burtal lockdowns in the US.

Florida brought you several videos of zealot cops in central Florida tackling senior citizens for not wearing masks. Miami and Broward had several entrepreneurs that had to take the City to Court to allow them to be open.. Only after they won their case, and the writing was on the wall. And since the rest of the country was taking up the ass by the CDC and WHO. It was easy cheap low hanging fruit to rule by decree on Covid.

Which everything he has done has been by decree. He hasn't done a damn think not fuck all to build a coalition of DeSantis disciples to carry on his legacy. Because as we will find out when he leaves office. He never made a legacy, he built a façade, to use to run for President and unseat Trump.

The ultimate race will be between Trump and RFK Jr. To tell ya the truth I may vote for RFK if it does come down to that. Trump had a shot and tried harder to kiss all of his hater's asses, than he did living up to his promises. He wouldn't do anything if he thought it was going to make CNN say mean stuff about him.. And he would backpedal on anything if MSNBC said enough mean shit about him.

RFK has a vendetta and an old family score to settle. Once you realize that all modern politics post Ronald Reagan are the brain child of Bush Sr and the Rothchild's. And you understand that RFK believes the CIA killed his family. And you understand that Bush Sr would have most likely been part of that detail. Then you realize that RFK is the only candidate most likely to give us strung up shit asses for their high crimes and treason.
20   mell   2023 May 26, 10:16am  

Tenpoundbass says

He did that after almost two years allowing one of the most oppressive burtal lockdowns in the US.

Florida brought you several videos of zealot cops in central Florida tackling senior citizens for not wearing masks. Miami and Broward had several entrepreneurs that had to take the City to Court to allow them to be open.. Only after they won their case, and the writing was on the wall. And since the rest of the country was taking up the ass by the CDC and WHO. It w (some text omitted to shorten quote...) f MSNBC said enough mean shit about him.

RFK has a vendetta and an old family score to settle. Once you realize that all modern politics post Ronald Reagan are the brain child of Bush Sr and the Rothchild's. And you understand that RFK believes the CIA killed his family. And you understand that Bush Sr would have most likely been part of that detail. Then you realize that RFK is the only candidate most likely to give us strung up shit asses for their high crimes and treason.

How do you expect RFK to win the demonrat primary? They will never let him, no? If xiden drop out, he has a chance, but demonrats will try and float newscum to the top of the turds
21   rocketjoe79   2023 May 26, 10:22am  

Media loves a close battle. They will play these two off each other for the next 18 months. More ad revenue.
22   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 26, 10:45am  

mell says

How do you expect RFK to win the demonrat primary?

A strong Plurality of Democrats reject the Biden administration. If that equates to them just sitting the next election out, or switching to the Maga side, or voting for RFK, that remains to be seen. We could still end up with Biden coming out of the Primary, if those fed up Democrats sit the election out, or switches party.
I don't think any other Democrat stands a chance against beating RFK in a primary against Biden. That's if their base doesn't bail on the party.

I'm saying for sure, if Biden ends up the Democrat nominee, the Establishment will be in deep shit. I don't think they can manufacture enough ballots to make up for the short fall of Democrat voters that wont show up.
23   Tenpoundbass   2023 May 26, 10:52am  

mell says

demonrats will try and float newscum to the top of the turds

That's where we will finally see if RFK is the Kennedy that can outshine a Liberal turd or not.
His biggest obstacle is going to be the petty shallow nature of your average Democrat voter. He talks funny, so the only think they will know about what RFK thinks or says, will be what the Media said he did. We will have to wait and see how RFK combats that. Eventually he's going to have to get saucy and snippy like Trump did get 2016 election coverage. It will be interesting to see if RFK will just take being cock slapped to the bottom of the shit heap, or if he will take his place in the Armor Suit of Kennedy Sainthood, and out class them, or deal with them like Trump does, and be labeled a meanie.
24   Ceffer   2023 May 26, 11:00am  

Guess we need to milk DeSantis for every conservative trojan horse gift package before he reverts to Globalist Statism for his owners and starts fucking the Republic and the Constitution. In like Bush.

25   HeadSet   2023 May 26, 11:11am  

Tenpoundbass says

I don't think they can manufacture enough ballots to make up for the short fall of Democrat voters that wont show up.

If they still allow mail-out voting, oh yeah they will manufacture enough. Will just have more districts that take 2 weeks to count the votes.
26   Onvacation   2023 May 26, 2:05pm  

NuttBoxer says

Trump is the establishment.

Trump is part of the establishment. Most Billionaires are. But he was not an insider. He was a pompous playboy reality show actor that was hired to lose to Hillary after the previous attempt to run her against a racist black man failed. Trump is not real deep as far as awareness of the evilness of the system. Or he is willfully ignorant. Or he really is simply an actor on the political theatre stage.

In spite of my doubts, Trump is still my candidate if for nothing else to poke the insiders. DeSantis seems to be as deep as an insider can get.
27   Onvacation   2023 May 26, 2:10pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Trump and RFK Jr.

RFK may be the one that really can burn the system down. I doubt if it will go peacefully.
28   AmericanKulak   2023 May 26, 4:11pm  

Would love to see a Trump-RFK ticket. Or a debate - either way the establishment gets a President they hate.
29   Ceffer   2023 May 26, 5:04pm  

I agree that I would vote for RFK before DeSantis. RFK's deep dynastic grudge against the Deep State and the Intels would come in handy.

I wish CisTits would make some guest appearances to comment on the current affairs.
30   AmericanKulak   2023 May 26, 5:07pm  

@CisTits come back, you can blame it all on meeeeee

We need your commentary
And some your collection of pics of tities...
31   Onvacation   2023 May 26, 8:53pm  

Vax the Vets!
32   HeadSet   2023 May 26, 9:21pm  

At least DeSantis is talking about the aged who were actually thought to be at the greatest risk.
33   PeopleUnited   2023 May 27, 5:26am  

Ceffer says

Guess we need to milk DeSantis for every conservative trojan horse gift package before he reverts to Globalist Statism for his owners and starts fucking the Republic and the Constitution. In like Bush.


Faux still has 3k viewers?
34   PeopleUnited   2023 May 27, 5:48am  

Tenpoundbass says

The ultimate race will be between Trump and RFK Jr. To tell ya the truth I may vote for RFK if it does come down to that.

Odds of DJT vs RFK? = now I know you are kidding, they will never allow a meaningful debate. And actually other than the fact that Trump appointed conservative justices, and RFK undoubtably would appoint flaming liberals to the courts, they are basically the same on most issues. How is RFK going to stop big pharma without being RFK’d? RFK is the only person with clout to oppose big pharma vax pushers, but that is why they will never allow him to become the nominee.

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