I'm not endorsing DeSantis 2024

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2023 May 26, 7:45pm   6,214 views  71 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Here's the Bushite Advisors explaining to the Donors.

Leaked DeSantis Camp Audio: Move to ‘the Middle’ After Primary, Clinton’s Approach to Abortion.

Leaked audio has emerged from the DeSantis donor strategy meeting in Miami on Thursday. In the clip you can hear below, DeSantis strategists tell high dollar donors making calls for the campaign that:

DeSantis’s position is keeping abortion decisions at a state level (following Trump’s position);

That the Governor will shift to the middle during a general election;

The campaign’s position on abortion can be described as “safe, legal, and rare in Florida” – a stunning deployment of President Bill Clinton’s infamous pro-abortion catchphrase.

During the session, the hosts – including DeSantis pollster Ryan Tyson amongst others – can be heard lauding this a “major step forward for the Republican Party in moving to the middle [on abortion].”

There are a number of times throughout the leaked audio that DeSantis’s strategist can be heard telling wealthy donors: “You have to win a primary before you win a general,” – which is political campaign speak for “we’ll move to the middle after we win the nomination.”

UPDATE: John Cardillo, a Ron DeSantis supporter who was in the room, contacted The National Pulse with the following perspective on the conversation: “I was sitting maybe two seats to the left of, and one row in front of the person who asked the question. He’s not someone I know, but I can tell you that Ryan Tyson absolutely did not make those comments. It was a donor simply giving their opinion and suggestions on talking points.”

“There were staffers in the crowd, handing microphones to those who wanted to ask questions, which is why the audio is so clear.”

The full audio can be heard below. The parts on abortion begin at 27 minutes in, and run until 39 minutes in.


Donor talk leak

Sadly, DeSantis is being used by the Bushite GOP Establishment to reduce MAGA and restore the ineffective Hastert-Bonehead-Ryan GOP Era.

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25   Ceffer   2023 May 27, 12:48pm  

If we can't hang the Bush Nazi criminals, deport them back to Switzerland and Hitler's South American compound. They are not Americans, they are infiltrators.
26   AmericanKulak   2023 May 27, 1:00pm  

Interesting to watch all the fake MAGA on Twitter.

Those least supportive of Trump to begin with, the ones most whinging about "Tone and Temperment", are slinging absolute insults at Trump and his Supporters.

Huge population of low-level Grifters hoping to get those $100k campaign jobs and maybe get $100-200k off consulting, articles, Faux News/AM Radio appearances, etc. for the next couple of years.

It's so retarded now that Christine Pushaw is defending Butt egg egg's time as a JAG or whatever Clerk sheepdipping shit he did to advance a future political career (EDIT: Rear Echelon Intelligence Analyst in the Navy Reserves, his entire Active time was 9 months in total and only 6 months overseas, which he spent in a "Finance Tracking Office" in Kabul. To his credit, he admits he spent his time behind a computer.)
27   Ceffer   2023 May 27, 1:40pm  

Bush INC. et alia and Clinton Foundation are doing everything in their power and graft bucks to continue to accelerate the invasions at the southern border.
28   Ceffer   2023 May 27, 5:22pm  

Another 9/11! Because one 9/11 wasn't enough to do the job!

29   Ceffer   2023 May 27, 6:29pm  

Three stars with a star each for the foreign occupied, foreign city state of Washington DC, the City of London, and the Vatican (yeah, the official flag of the District of Columbia has the three stars, also has its own constitution), with Chinese dressing? He had the EU stars on the side of one of his campaign buses. They love their symbolism. It shows he is giving SatanicMasonic notice that he is NOT running for the Republic or the USA.

30   AmericanKulak   2023 May 27, 8:37pm  

Christina Pushaw, long term Ron DeSantis Press Secretary until recently and now a bigshot on his Pres Campaign, was allowed to register as a foreign agent AFTER she was busted acting for one.

Whose Foreign Agent? Paging @Richwicks, it was Sharkassvilli


Also, she was involved with McCain's campaigns - the Maverick PAC:

Koch Brothers
Pushaw formerly worked for Stand Together, a group supported by the Koch brothers, from 2017 to 2019 before becoming one of the most prominent figures in Republican politics.
31   AmericanKulak   2023 May 27, 8:46pm  

DeSantis gets backhanded compliment from George Soros
WASHINGTON DC – In a wide-ranging speech, Soros ripped Trump’s presidency and complemented elements of DeSantis’s style. “DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious,” said Soros, adding, “He is likely to be the Republican candidate.”
Trump, on the other hand, “has turned into a pitiful figure continually bemoaning his loss in 2020. Big Republican donors are abandoning him in droves,” he said.
Soros, an international financier and philanthropist, typically dumps millions of dollars into political races and committees. He heads a global liberal network of groups pushing climate change, financial reform, and changes to the criminal system. He recently teamed with Charles Koch and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to revive the Iran nuclear deal, according to reports.

Interesting! So the Rockefellers and big Resource Owners (probably inc. Uranium or other Strategic Metals) Koch Brothers wanted the Iran Deal Renegotiated.
33   Ceffer   2023 May 28, 12:52am  

Trump must read Patnet.

34   socal2   2023 May 28, 7:03am  

Gawd - this thread.

I knew the conspiracy crazy would get dialed up a bit after DeSantis announcement, but it is still a sight to behold!

We now have Trump boosters siding with certified nutbag and felon Rebekah Jones….


Won’t be long before Trump is siding with the BLM Marxists when DeSantis rightfully criticizes him for going soft on crime and emptying our prisons with the First Step Act because Trump wanted to be cool with the Kardashians and Kanye.

Trump gave us the clot shot, lockdowns and empty prisons - while boosting transgenderism on society by embracing Bruce Jenner!

But DeSantis is the sEcReT gLObaLiST Homo……
35   mell   2023 May 28, 9:39am  

Most people looking to advance their careers by most means necessary when they're young, such as working for whomever is influential. Judging people by where they worked before would disqualify almost everyone. If either one of Trump, De Santis or RFK wins I'd be thrilled.
36   HeadSet   2023 May 28, 11:15am  

mell says

If either one of Trump, De Santis or RFK wins I'd be thrilled.

Imagine a Trump/DeSantis ticket winning, and RFK is appointed DOJ.
37   Ceffer   2023 May 28, 11:18am  

I am getting political contribution solicitations from DeSantis. I guess I have had my head kicked upstairs a bit. Seven years ago, I would have been clueless. Education is painful when tinged with terrorized survival instincts.
38   AmericanKulak   2023 May 28, 4:52pm  

socal2 says

I knew the conspiracy crazy would get dialed up a bit after DeSantis announcement, but it is still a sight to behold!

ANY involvement by the Bush family behind a candidate is a no-go.

The Bush family is for Globohomo. So are the Koch Brothers.

DeSantis will owe the Bushites and Koch Brothers the Presidency if he wins, so kiss MAGA: Tariffs, Effective Border Control, H1B reduction, etc. goodbye

It's not accident the RINOs in The TX House impeached Paxton in 48 hours of lightening Court of Star Chamber proceedings on a Major Holiday Weekend, 19 of the 20 charges being moot under TX Laws anyway

DeSantis' record on Lockdowns isn't blemishless either.

Also Desantis won't bring any Democrats on board; they hate him as much or more than Trump because of CRT and Disney . I doubt DeSantis will bring much in the way of Independents, either.

The Big Money behind DeSantis scares the shit out of me. He's brought off tons of influences from the Loesches to Jenna Ellis to Babylon Bee.
39   mell   2023 May 29, 4:12pm  

AmericanKulak says

ANY involvement by the Bush family behind a candidate is a no-go.

The Bush family is for Globohomo. So are the Koch Brothers.

DeSantis will owe the Bushites and Koch Brothers the Presidency if he wins, so kiss MAGA: Tariffs, Effective Border Control, H1B reduction, etc. goodbye

It's not accident the RINOs in The TX House impeached Paxton in 48 hours of lightening Court of Star Chamber proceedings on a Major Holiday Weekend, 19 of the 20 charges being moot under TX Laws anyway

DeSantis' record on Lockdowns isn't blemishless either.

Also Desantis won't bring any Democrats on board; they hate him as much or more than Trump because of CRT and Disney . I doubt DeSantis will bring much in the way of Independents, either.

The Big Money behind DeSantis scares the shit out of me. He's brought off tons of influences from the Loesches to Jenna Ellis to Babylon Bee.

You can get to your preferred government through others first, this is the biggest weakness of the right imo, nobody is pure enough. Leftoids don't give a fuck they nominate whomever has the best chances no matter how corrupt or unfit they think they might be, and then put pressure on them once in office. Xiden was thought to be a moderate by many but they simply started tightening the screws on Joe and let him blurt out and sign all the current nonsense. Bring me RFK, DS or Trump, anything we can work with but 4 more years of this shit.
40   PeopleUnited   2023 May 29, 8:31pm  

HeadSet says

mell says

If either one of Trump, De Santis or RFK wins I'd be thrilled.

Imagine a Trump/DeSantis ticket winning, and RFK is appointed DOJ.

This is the good Hopium!
41   AmericanKulak   2023 May 29, 9:17pm  

mell says

Bring me RFK, DS or Trump, anything we can work with but 4 more years of this shit.

The only thing - and it's a big thing - DS would do is go after Woke.

The RINOs really didn't want to, because it makes them uncomfortable at their Cocktail Parties and they hate being ribbed as having any Principles, but they just say "Well, we had to kick out the Graphic Comics of Anal Sex from K-5 Public School Libraries to please the Rubes"

But I think the Bushites/Koch Brothers have accepted the fact they'll have to cave on Trannies to have a shot in hell having their RINOs survive.
42   AmericanKulak   2023 May 29, 9:29pm  

Almost every person that has switched/backed DeSantis... was part of the Ted Cruz Crew in 2016.

(Via Sundance/LastRefuge/ConservativeTreehouse)
43   socal2   2023 May 30, 12:09pm  

AmericanKulak says

Almost every person that has switched/backed DeSantis... was part of the Ted Cruz Crew in 2016.

Is that surprising? Alot of us want a strong Conservative that has the policy chops and experience to take on the Democrats, Media and most importantly our government bureaucracy.

Whereas Trump has to pander to alot of bullshit causes (like emptying our prisons) and trying to scare old people about entitlement cuts because Trump lost so many Conservatives and wine-moms who will never vote for him due to his personality. I don't want the black vote if that means we have to support BLM bullshit!

Trump smacking down Rosie ODonnell is great and all, but Trump still has no experienced loyalists that can take on the bureaucracy and get things done like DeSantis has proven he can do in spades.

I will happily vote Trump over any Democrat, but am sick and tired of the drama and retardation where Trump is swinging widely criticizing DeSantis over cultural issues, let alone Trump making the Democrat argument against DeSantis on government spending and claiming that DeSantis somehow botched his COVID response.

The most retarded Trump attack is that DeSantis is a sECret GloBAlisT hOmO - all the while Trump is backing trannies like Bruce Jenner, Bud Light, Disney, Faucis and cutting entitlement spending!

More than anything. I want to fucking win in 2024 and I am afraid Trump is simply too damaged and would get little done in 4 years.
44   Ceffer   2023 May 30, 12:55pm  

DeSantis IS a not-so-secret Globalist Homo. Learn nothing from 9/11 and the Patriot Act with DHS/FEMA dressing, get more of the same and wonder why your old USA is in ashes around you and your Constitution is gone.
45   Ceffer   2023 May 30, 2:00pm  

Predators have mapped out the knee jerk reflexes of the prey to use against them.

47   Ceffer   2023 May 30, 2:06pm  

You'll never find DeSantis telling the country what really happened on 9/11. Globalist Bush affiliate.

48   Ceffer   2023 May 30, 4:09pm  

Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida
And why is DeSantis abolishing free speech? And why exactly is DeSantis abolishing free speech from Israel? The Romulan Cloaking Shield of antisemitism has been invoked. Too much virtue signaling and not enough respect for the Constitution? Opening the door for ADL type lawfare abuse?

49   socal2   2023 May 30, 4:42pm  

Ceffer says

DeSatnis IS a not-so-secret Globalist Homo.

This is why we can't have nice things like small government and the reasons why Liberals have so much power and are tearing through our institutions. The political Right is filled with RINOs, grifters like Laura Loomer and weak-ass Commie/Jihadi 9/11 Troofer propagandists tearing down good candidates accusing everyone being a Globalist unless they are hating on Israel and sucking Putin's cock because.........reasons....

So we end up with weak RINO's or unelectable folks who are branded extremists.

Speaking of weak-ass globalists.

- Does DeSantis embrace the LGBTQ crap like Trump did and continues to do by defending Disney and Anheuser Busch?
- Does DeSantis want to go soft on crime and empty our prisons like Trump already did?
- Does DeSantis want to open our borders?
- Does DeSantis accept big Pfizer influence and money like Trump did and criticize other Governors for not locking down hard enough?
- Does DeSantis support unlimited support to Ukraine?

Unlike Trump who is doubling down on retardation, DeSantis has publicly apologized and taken actions for some of his past positions on COVID, foreign policy and cultural issues - explaining how his views have matured over time.

Can you imagine Trump apologizing for going soft on crime with his stupid and murderous "First Step Act"? Let alone apologize for his COVID policies and inflicting Fauci and Birx on us? It is simply not in Trump's DNA to admit a mistake - and we are all going to pay a heavy price of 4 more years of Donkey control if we are foolish enough to make him our nominee.
50   Ceffer   2023 May 31, 1:19pm  

And here we have DeSantis pretending to be a patriotic nationalist. The Bush family, Kochs and his supporters are all facilitating the open invasion of our country at the Southern border as much as they can. He is going to be the great sock puppet pretender, but doesn't yet hold a candle to Obama's lies and fake promises.

51   socal2   2023 May 31, 2:36pm  

Meanwhile - DeSantis signed a law requiring the use of E Verify in Florida essentially shutting down illegal labor in his state.

That law will have a more profound and lasting effect then anything Trump did since all of Trump's reforms were overturned on day one with Biden.

But but but..........DeSantis is a sEcRet illegal alien lover!
52   socal2   2023 May 31, 2:47pm  

How about a Trump and Andrew Cuomo ticket?


How long before Trump is accepting compliments from AOC in his bid to the presidency? Do any of the Trump backers here at Patnet agree with Trump that DeSantis should have locked down MOAR during COVID and that New York did it better?

Trump's claim is beyond retarded and provably wrong.

All the fears I had of Trump before 2016 of being nothing but a New York City liberal weathervane telling the Conservative base what it wanted to hear is all coming true now. Trump has absolutely no moorings and will sell out anyone or anything that gets in his way. Dude was attacking Kayleigh McEnany this week for showing insufficient fealty.
53   DhammaStep   2023 May 31, 2:56pm  

socal2 says

DeSantis signed a law requiring the use of E Verify in Florida essentially shutting down illegal labor in his state

Oh yes, those people using illegal labor will certainly follow the laws now...
54   socal2   2023 May 31, 4:29pm  

DhammaStep says

Oh yes, those people using illegal labor will certainly follow the laws now...

Based on the harpy liberal news reports, it is pretty clear that some businesses have stopped using illegal aliens for labor since the new law went into effect.

How long before Trump world is criticizing DeSantis for this? They will either gaslight us telling us that DeSantis didn't do anything to curb illegal employment, or Trump will do ANOTHER 180 on a major political issue he once held and say that DeSantis is too mean to local businesses?

Local businesses losing workers due to new Florida immigration law
Florida’s new sweeping immigration law is already affecting local businesses in our area.

Some business owners reporting that longtime employees are quitting and even leaving the state after Gov. Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1718 last week.

An employee at East Wok Chinese restaurant said that not only did they lose a loyal, hardworking employee due to the law, but they’re also losing customers because many in their community are afraid to even come in for food.
55   RedStar   2023 May 31, 4:48pm  

I consider myself a realist. Donald Trump is not electable for the Presidency. For the love of God why can't you people understand that.
56   DhammaStep   2023 May 31, 4:56pm  

socal2 says

Based on the harpy liberal news reports, it is pretty clear that some businesses have stopped using illegal aliens for labor since the new law went into effect

The clever ones will figure out a way around the law, and others will follow. Assuming they haven't already. Guarantee it.
57   Ceffer   2023 May 31, 4:58pm  

DhammaStep says

Oh yes, those people using illegal labor will certainly follow the laws now...

Small feints for optics. Illegal labor has always been illegal. Make it illegal again and claim a great stride forward? DeSantis bosses are pouring them in over the border with the cartels, gangs, and Chinese combatants while DeSantis plays the Great Conservative Hope, just like Shrubbie, his demonic Daddy, and Cheney all did.RedStar says

Donald Trump is not electable for the Presidency.

Is this an agitprop echo chamber? Like, from 2016?
58   socal2   2023 May 31, 5:06pm  

DhammaStep says

The clever ones will figure out a way around the law, and others will follow. Assuming they haven't already. Guarantee it.

Geesh! Should Republicans not even bother passing tougher regulations to enforce immigration laws? Should we not bother building more border walls because some illegals and cartels will figure a way around, under or over it?
59   Ceffer   2023 May 31, 5:16pm  

It's ALREADY illegal. All you need to do is enforce existing laws, not make fake optics new laws as if the existing laws don't exist and a 'new law' is some kind of achievement. Enforcement is the problem, not toothless redundant laws. Where is the enforcement?
60   mell   2023 May 31, 5:21pm  

Ceffer says

It's ALREADY illegal. All you need to do is enforce existing laws, not make fake optics new laws as if the existing laws don't exist and a 'new law' is some kind of achievement. Enforcement is the problem, not toothless redundant laws. Where is the enforcement?

E-verify makes enforcement for employers so much easier, they can't use the subcontractor of a subcontractor excuse anymore. It is a very important step and should be used federally.
61   Ceffer   2023 May 31, 5:28pm  

Dominion endorses Ron DeSantis? That would probably be the most important endorsement next to the Soros endorsement he already got.

62   socal2   2023 May 31, 5:31pm  

Ceffer says

Donald Trump is not electable for the Presidency.

Is this an agitprop echo chamber? Like, from 2016?

I think we are dreaming to think 2024 will be like 2016 where Trump squeaked by a terribly weak and hated Hillary. No way will Biden be the nominee.

After the last 6+ years, there are too many Americans who will never change their mind on Trump and will proudly vote for a vegetable like Biden or that caveman in PA as opposed to Orange Man Bad. Republicans haven't won a major election cycle since 2016. How many more beatings do we need? Where are Trump's coattails? Can't blame it all on election fraud.

On top of that, Trump is losing droves of Conservatives like me with all his retarded Leftist attacks on DeSantis. Who is Trump trying to convince by defending trannies, Fauci and emptying our prisons? The nauseating gLObaLIst accusations by Trump grifters is retarded too.
63   socal2   2023 May 31, 5:38pm  

mell says

Ceffer says

It's ALREADY illegal. All you need to do is enforce existing laws, not make fake optics new laws as if the existing laws don't exist and a 'new law' is some kind of achievement. Enforcement is the problem, not toothless redundant laws. Where is the enforcement?

E-verify makes enforcement for employers so much easier, they can't use the subcontractor of a subcontractor excuse anymore. It is a very important step and should be used federally.

That is the problem with Trumpers, all optics and hot air - they don't know anything, and certainly don't know anything about actually running a government.

Democrat positions aren't popular, but they run circles around us by subverting our laws using the government bureaucracies against us.

DeSantis has more than shown he knows how to navigate our laws and bureaucracy to eliminate the liberal rot and actually get shit done. And for that, Trumpers are calling DeSantis a gLoBalist!
64   mell   2023 May 31, 5:45pm  

socal2 says

I think we are dreaming to think 2024 will be like 2016 where Trump squeaked by a terribly weak and hated Hillary. No way will Biden be the nominee.

After the last 6+ years, there are too many Americans who will never change their mind on Trump and will proudly vote for a vegetable like Biden or that caveman in PA as opposed to Orange Man Bad. Republicans haven't won a major election cycle since 2016. How many more beatings do we need? Where are Trump's coattails? Can't blame it all on election fraud.

On top of that, Trump is losing droves of Conservatives like me with all his retarded Leftist attacks on DeSantis. Who is Trump trying to convince by defending trannies, Fauci and emptying our prisons? The nauseating gLObaLIst accusations by Trump grifters is retarded too.

Unfortunately that is exactly what the ptb and the leftoids want, a brutal turf war on the Republican side, while letting their already picked weal nominee sail through after the conservatives massacred each other. I'm all for healthy debate, but this is already spiraling. Just argue your program/policies, go through the primary and then support each other. This is where the right is weak as shit, individually they are usually stronger than most leftoids, but they have no concept of banding together for the greater good. That's why most if not all most brutal dictatorships/genocides have been carried out by leftists, they are the better herd animals. Anyone, DS, Trump and even RFK is better than the current bullshit and will help bring this country back onto the right track.

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