Desantis is using the propaganda director that helped Obama run a coup on Ukraine that installed that worthless fuck Zelenski.

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2023 Jun 5, 7:00am   1,466 views  29 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

More foreign agents meddling in our affairs. and DeScumbag is bringing that filth right in our HOME!

If you have DeSantis up on your score card, you take is up the ass with a rainbow ball gag in your mouth, and you are secretly hoping the Commie Fags win and pounds you in the Asshole.


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1   Ceffer   2023 Jun 5, 9:22am  

RFK Jr. is also cucking for Ukraine big time. No commentary at all about the crimes, money laundering, trafficking, payoffs to politicians' children, bioweapons labs etc. etc. It's disgusting.
2   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 5, 9:33am  

His base has been conditioned to consider any talk against "The Thing" to be a Racist Dog Whistle.
If he talks against Ukraine he'll be labeled a Nazi, and White Supremacist and called a Republican trying to run as a Democrat.
He's able to go on about Vaccines now, because people are starting to wake up to the fact they were lied to during the lockdowns. If this were a year ago.
He would be besieged 24 hours a day by Brownshirt activists calling him anti Science for talking shit about the Covid sham.
The Ukraine thing will be finished before the 2024 election. Russia will occupy all of Ukraine and Zelenski will be either a Siberian prisoner or dead.

And shitting on Russia is the cheapest pollical pop shot since forever. If you have nothing to say on policy, shitting on Russia will always get you accolades in a pollical speech. Trump did it to China all the time. But in the end Trump let China dismantle America with the Covid Sham that he knew damn well was full of shit and came from WuHan.
4   Ceffer   2023 Jun 5, 9:52am  

Thanks. I'm glad to see that about RFK Jr. because he appears to have reversed a previous statement that was floridly kissing Ukraine's ass as a justified, holy war against Russian aggression. Hard to tell what's fake any more, too much mix and match of disinfo and archival stuff. I am rather surprised he wasn't more educated on Ukraine early on.

5   socal2   2023 Jun 5, 12:46pm  

JFC - quoting Tass now?
6   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 5, 3:59pm  

Tenpoundbass says

If he talks against Ukraine he'll be labeled a Nazi

... and if he talks for Ukraine he'll be labeled a Nazi. Joo Globohomo Nazi.

Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi,Nazi, Nazi!
7   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 5, 4:00pm  

"Installed Zelensky in a coup"? When exactly did this happen? An approxymate date would do.
8   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 5, 4:44pm  

Ceffer says

Must be a secret law...

9   socal2   2023 Jun 5, 4:46pm  

Eric Holder says

... and if he talks for Ukraine he'll be labeled a Nazi. Joo Globohomo Nazi.

Not a whole lot of consistency in these conspiracies.

They just keep throwing shit against the wall.
10   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 5:27pm  

Eric Holder says

"Installed Zelensky in a coup"? When exactly did this happen? An approxymate date would do.

You're not asking a serious question.

Geoffrey Pyatt and Victoria Nuland had a voice conversation recorded between them (probably by the FSB) released on Feb 4, 2014 in which they decided that Arseniy Yatseniuk would be the next leader of Ukraine which he DID become. This was 2 weeks and 4 days before Viktor Yanukovych fled office on Feb 22, 2014. We know this because of this transcript which also has a link to the intercepted phone call:


Arseniy Yatseniuk assumed power on Feb 27, 2014, and kept it until April 14.

Petro Poroshenko took over from Yatseniuk on June 7, 2014 - May 20, 2019 followed by Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

When the US installs a puppet government, after all that trouble, they don't give it autonomy. That will only happen if there is a revolution in Ukraine, and even then it might not be a real revolution. It might be a US coup, maybe a Russian coup - who knows?

This has been explained to you MULTIPLE TIMES, and I'm not explaining this to you, because you already know, and are being intentionally dishonest, as usual, I'm explaining it to other people who might not know.

A few weeks later, you will again ask some question along the lines "what makes you think there was a coup in Ukraine? How silly!" You pretend to sleep.
11   goofus   2023 Jun 5, 5:35pm  

Tenpoundbass says

If you have DeSantis up on your score card, you take is up the ass with a rainbow ball gag in your mouth, and you are secretly hoping the Commie Fags win and pounds you in the Asshole.

Ok, serious question. I’ve been reading this site far too long, mainly to procrastinate, and I recall Florida posters liking DeSantis until recently. In fact, some wished he’d not run for president because (paraphrased) “we need him here in FL.” So what changed?
12   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 5, 6:07pm  

richwicks says

You're not asking a serious question.

Geoffrey Pyatt and Victoria Nuland had a voice conversation recorded between them (probably by the FSB) released on Feb 4, 2014 in which they decided that Arseniy Yatseniuk would be the next leader of Ukraine which he DID become.

Bzzzzt! Wrong. Arseniy Yatsenyuk has never been a President of Ukraine and not even Acting President of Ukraine. All he was a Prime Minister for some time. The guy who serverd as Acting President of Ukraine might be accused of being "installed" by a "coup" in the mcgregorite vernacular (even though he was voted in by the Parliament in accordance with the Constitution procedure), but his name was not Yatsenyuk. Let his name be the home work assignment.

But I digress: when was Zelenskuy "installed in a coup"? Because all I have is 2019 election which was observed and accepted as fair by all UN member countries, including the CCCP. And he ran in a field of 10+ candidates against a very strong incumbent and he ran on a platform of "stopping the shooting war, achieving a peace treaty with the CCCP and meeting Pukin in the middle". His speaches are all there - look them up, it shouldn't be hard. Are you saying that 2019 election was a "coup"? Against whom exactly? Was it rigged by the challenger? Care to provide some proof?
13   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 5, 6:17pm  

Blast from the past (2019):

KIEV, Ukraine -- Russian leaders on Monday welcomed the election of Volodymyr Zelensky, the comedian who swept to victory in Ukraine’s presidential elections on Sunday, as thoughts turned to what the new president will mean for the region’s five-year conflict that remains a major flashpoint between Moscow and Western countries.

In Sunday’s vote, Zelensky handily beat Ukraine’s incumbent president, Petro Poroshenko, taking 73 percent of the vote with the count almost complete on Monday evening.

Zelensky, who has no political experience and plays a man who accidentally becomes president in a television show, tapped a huge reservoir of dissatisfaction among Ukrainians with their political establishment, promising to root out corruption and overhaul the country’s politics.

On Monday, Russian officials expressed satisfaction at Poroshenko’s defeat and some optimism about Zelensky. In a sign that Moscow hopes he will be easier to handle than Poroshenko, Russia’s prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, congratulated Zelensky on his victory and said he believed his election offered a chance for Ukraine and Russia to improve relations.

"Ukraine has voted, and the election results clearly show that voters are eager for new approaches to resolving Ukraine’s problems,” Medvedev wrote on his Facebook page. "I have no doubt that Ukraine’s new leader will stick to the rhetoric toward Russia he used during the campaign. At the same time, there is still a chance for Ukraine to improve its relations with Russia.”

Soooo, did CIA "installed"
Zelensky on behest of Soviet PM? Was the election a "coup"? Does it mean it was a pro-Soviet coup?
14   richwicks   2023 Jun 5, 6:19pm  

Eric Holder says

Bzzzzt! Wrong. Arseniy Yatsenyuk has never been a President of Ukraine and not even Acting President of Ukraine.


Hmm, installed 5 days before Viktor Yanukovych fled office. Go correct the article. He was prime minister. That's not a waterboy.

Especially when the presidency was vacated from Feb 22, 2014 to June 7, 2014. Then Poroshenko was installed. What is the US doing picking prime ministers for Ukraine? Wouldn't that be the job of their legislature?

How does the US control the Ukrainian legislature?
15   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 6, 6:54am  

goofus says

I recall Florida posters liking DeSantis until recently. In fact, some wished he’d not run for president because (paraphrased) “we need him here in FL.” So what changed?

Politics is just as much about what someone didn't do as much as it is what they did do.

Here's my list of why DeSantis is a Bush empire Mole sent in to reclaim the GOP from the Magatites

1)He was backed and produced by the Karl Rove, Bush Evil Globalist Production studio (But we had to take him as Andrew Gillum was an even scarier alternative)
2)Matt Gaetz handed him the crime of the century and Ron personally could have saw to the Vote manipulation we saw in 2020 never took place. In 2018 Ron DeSantis just came in as governor. But just barely as Dona Brazile was in a trailer minting fresh votes while sending legitimate votes to the dump in a rented Penske truck.. Matt Gaetz went out there and shut her down. It had to be taken to court for a Judge to rule that what Donna was doing was illegal she was trying to count votes that could not be verified, they were cast on election day. Ron could have investigated the whole operation and sent a lot of the DNC members and even Debbie Wasserman Shultz to prison. But he just let it go and we saw what happened in 2020..
3)What better way to build a MAGA alternative name for yourself than to be the guy the establishment "ALLOWED" to wind down the unconstitutional lockdowns and wrap up the Covid madness. The election was over and Biden won, that's all they wanted. DeSantis allowed Floridians to be raked over the coals Australian style for almost two years. Florida has more videos of old ladies being tackled in the parking lots, and thrust on hard floors over not wearing a mask, than any state. Ron finally did away with the masks, after that Gym operator in Miami won his case and a Florida supreme court judge called the lockdowns unconstitutional, that Mayors did not have the authority to impose them. .
4)Tony was appointed sheriff in 2019 by Ron DeSantis, to fill in after disgraced Sheriff Scott Israel was fired. He then went on to win the seat in the special election. Sheriff Tony was not that much into enforcing the Covid nonsense, and the Union tried to have him removed before the 2020 election, they wrote DeSantis and asked for his help and Ron obliged and tried to remove Sheriff Tony. . Sheriff Tony ended up winning in a landslide. Ron DeSantis then tried to have Tony removed by saying he wasn't qualified to serve, because when he was 14, he had to shoot and kill a violent neighbor in self defense. Ron DeSantis knew this before he appointed him. Ron was doing the Establishment's work.
5)in my very own district, we just elected Rod Velez to the School board. He was not into lockdowns, vaccines or none of that stuff, he was going to reject woke culture in the class and the gay mafia. He ran and won handsomely. Once again Ron DeSantis went to work to prevent Rod from assuming office. It was discovered he had an assault charge in his early 20's a case that was dropped and he was not convicted for.
6)He only decided to run to shit on Trump, he thought all of his low hanging fruit clout would trump Trump. He was elected our Governor and was doing fine(Optically) as Governor. But to abandon Florida only a few months into his second term to be the Establishment's Do Boy, was so painfully Obvious, we didn't need Donald Trump giving him a nick name.

Ron Desantis is as Cheap and phony as his ill-fitting suits
16   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 6, 6:59am  

richwicks says

How does the US control the Ukrainian legislature?

If you don't fire the prosecutor you're not getting the Billion Dollars! Well Call George Soros I'll wait!
17   socal2   2023 Jun 6, 8:41am  

Tenpoundbass says

Ron Desantis is as Cheap and phony as his ill-fitting suits


Meanwhile Trump isn't phony at all by running all the way to the extreme Left to lamely criticize Desantis over COVID, Disney, Bud Light, Entitlement spending and criminal justice.

Trump of 2023 has become way more soft and left wing than JEB! on several key issues important to me.

If Desantis can even get 1/3 done for the nation of what he has accomplished in Florida - he will be one of the most effective presidents in my lifetime.
18   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 6, 8:59am  

Trump's failure is bringing in the wrong people that he then allows to wield more power than he posses.
He's also a quintillion lumens lantern shining light on all that ails Washington. Even if he isn't worth a fuck at bringing them to heel. We know what our biggest problems are. And it isn't the lies that Lindsey Graham and Kevin McCarthy tells us. It's the people in Washington making them tell those lies.

Ron DeSantis will get in there and try to roll everything back to 2015, where Obama was fucking America over, and we thought it was just the will of America and Democracy was working just fine. While we all join in for a round of reciting the new National Anthem "All COPS are Bastards! "
19   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 6, 9:05am  

socal2 says

If Desantis can even get 1/3 done for the nation of what he has accomplished in Florida

Just what do you think Ron DeSantis has done, that the next guaranteed Marxist Democrat Governor of Florida wont undo?

I'll tell you what Ron hasn't done! He has not built a solid coalition of strong minded GOP candidates to fill in more political seats in Florida, he has not produced, nor has the GOP produced one single Republican name on the tip of Republican voter's tongue, that will be the next GOP Gov candidate. That's very telling. At this Point Ron should have a right hand man/woman that is every bit of a Champion that we assume Ron is. Floridians should be torn between that person being the next Governor of Florida or being Ron's running mate. The worse outcome will be a Florida representative or Senator from Washington DC will have to step down to run for it and lose to the Democrats. Effectively causing Florida to lose not one but Two needed GOP lawmakers.
That would suck even worse for Florida because as Ron has showed the world. Strong State leadership is the only way to stave off the Communists in Washington..
20   socal2   2023 Jun 6, 9:20am  

Tenpoundbass says

Trump's failure is bringing in the wrong people that he then allows to wield more power than he posses.

Trump has also turned into a Liberal squish - so there is that......

Besides, one of Trump's biggest selling points in 2016 is that he is an expert manager and will FIRE all the bad people. Yet, Trump had some of the worst staff imaginable, many who ended up double crossing him and were never that conservative to begin with. They were a bunch of leaking grifters. Remember fucking Amarosa? Cohen? Scaramucci and the rest of the Trump retards? The remaining good staff, Trump was more than happy to throw under the bus.

Face it, Trump is even more toxic in 2023 than 2016 and rightfully or wrongfully will face several legal battles that is going to hamstring his campaign or administration if he can win by some miracle. Which people with talent and knowing how to navigate and dismember the bureaucracy is going to work for a guy like Trump with all the baggage AND knowing that he is already a 4 year lame duck?

We have to be sober and deal with what's possible. We are never going to get our perfect candidate. All this SecReT dEEP sTaTE gLOBaLIst shit thrown at DeSantis and his team is laughable.
21   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 6, 9:23am  

socal2 says

Trump has also turned into a Liberal squish - so there is that......

Yes he's more worried that Liberals will call him a big fat meanie, than he is about being the hero to the base that elected him.
He takes his base for granted..
22   socal2   2023 Jun 6, 9:23am  

Tenpoundbass says

Just what do you think Ron DeSantis has done, that the next guaranteed Marxist Democrat Governor of Florida wont undo?

Isn't DeSantis getting most of his reforms done in Florida through the legislature where we have a Republican majority? How does a future Florida governor undo enacted laws without a majority in the legislature supporting it? DeSantis and his allies are doing the heavy lifting of getting in the weeds and doing battle at the state and local levels reforming School Boards and ensuring rogue local judges are enforcing the law.

It was Trump that ruled largely through Executive Action that was mostly overturned the first week Biden took office.
23   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 6, 9:24am  

socal2 says

Face it, Trump is even more toxic in 2023 than 2016 and rightfully or wrongfully will face several legal battles that is going to hamstring his campaign or administration if he can win by some miracle. Which people with talent and knowing how to navigate and dismember the bureaucracy is going to work for a guy like Trump with all the baggage AND knowing that he is already a 4 year lame duck?

Trump is a Cancer that causes the whole Establishment to implode on itself. He doesn't have to do fuck all but be there.
"So what can this vat of Acid do" (explains what Acid is good for)
"Yeah what else can it do?"
24   socal2   2023 Jun 6, 9:41am  

Tenpoundbass says

Yes he's more worried that Liberals will call him a big fat meanie, than he is about being the hero to the base that elected him.
He takes his base for granted..

And isn't that a major problem? Trump wanted to be liked by the Kardashians and Kanye so he went along with their decriminalization program that has helped ruin our cities with crime. Same deal with Trump letting Fauci and Birx run rampant because Trump didn't want to take the heat.

Just yesterday, a bunch of Trump boosters were criticizing DeSantis because he accepted some campaign money from Disney back in the day. I guess Trump and his team assume that if you get money from big donors, you need to do their bidding? That is why Trump Jr. was trying to tell people to lay off Anheuser Busch because they donated to Trump and Republicans in the past?
25   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 6, 10:03am  

You understand the folks that brought us the Homeland security our diminishing rights, and started replacing Americans with African and middle eastern refugees, are the same evil scum backing DeSantis? They want to put the band back together.

Trump was gaining the upper hand on the Establishment before the Slow the spread. The difference in 2016 and 2023, is Trump is not just campaigning as the sole lone person that is going to go to Washington and clean it up. He is backing solid people who will have his back and the American People.
Quit putting so much focus in the Presidential race, we have all learned that in 2023, the President is just a figure head, while the Deep State and unelected NGO's rule the day. We need to focus on other offices on Federal, State and City levels to clean up the damage that has been done. Trump will only be as strong as the leaders in other offices that he has to work with. If we send him a bunch of back stabbers, then it will be business as usual. Focus more on those other races. Let Trump be Trump and let MAGA be MAGA.
That is why I also say in the Primary season, focus more on stumping for RFK Jr. at least to your Liberal friends. Don't try to convert them to the Right. Don't defend Conservative policies, don't conflated conservative policies while stumping for RFK Jr. Don't say anything more than RFK says on the subject.
People thinks he backpedals because he chooses his words wisely when talking about those other issues. RFK understands that the Democrat voters are conditioned to resonate at a frequency and implode on cue to certain buzz words and phrases.

I going to leave the GOP primary up to Trump and DeSantis, though I tell ya, if DeSantis wins, and RFK is the Democrat winner. The election will be rigged to put DeSantis over. And don't you forget that. Just look at the discord and contempt at Bush when he was in office. But how the Left wrapped themselves around him and gushed and invited him to all of the Democrat pageants, when Trump was in office. DeSantis is part of that unauthentic crowd.
They will rig the election to make DeSantis win over RFK, using the Voting Stealing ring that DeSantis preserved when it was prevalent in Florida. Rather than prosecuting it, he sent to the rest of the US to take over elections.

If DeSantis is installed we could do worse. That is why is should be in all of our best interest to stump for RFK, so that the slimiest commie of them all don't become the Winner. Rumor now is Obama will step in as Vice President. Though that could be challenged because if Biden croaked, Obama would be illlegitimate already serving two terms. But it wont stop them from trying. The rules are always different for them.
26   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 6, 10:09am  

goofus says

Ok, serious question. I’ve been reading this site far too long, mainly to procrastinate, and I recall Florida posters liking DeSantis until recently. In fact, some wished he’d not run for president because (paraphrased) “we need him here in FL.” So what changed?

That was before he started to run for President and it became clear he's the Bush-Koch pick.

Since all politicians have egos, and must reward their backers, I would not like to see DeSantis at this time.

It's been my longstanding wish that Trump serves his two terms, breaks the Deep State, and then maybe DeSantis can be a caretaker President to 'lock it in' after Trump leaves.

Looks to me like Bush-Koch is going to give up on Trannies, in order to get the interventions and borrow-and-spend they want to develop or continue.
27   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 6, 11:38am  

Saw something about DeSantis serving at Guantanamo?
28   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 6, 11:40am  

Ceffer says

RFK Jr. is also cucking for Ukraine big time. No commentary at all about the crimes, money laundering, trafficking, payoffs to politicians' children, bioweapons labs etc. etc. It's disgusting.

Warhawks gotta war..
29   socal2   2023 Jun 6, 1:16pm  

AmericanKulak says

That was before he started to run for President and it became clear he's the Bush-Koch pick.

Looking at DeSantis' considerable accomplishments in Florida (which has also given other Conservative governors courage to follow suit), can you name 1 or 2 items that would indicate DeSantis is some globalist cipher and going to turn into a stupid liberal squish like Trump has already done in the primaries? Are we to believe that all the cultural battles DeSantis has waged and won is all fake?

AmericanKulak says

It's been my longstanding wish that Trump serves his two terms, breaks the Deep State, and then maybe DeSantis can be a caretaker President to 'lock it in' after Trump leaves.

It has been my wish that Trump and his team were capable enough to not allow the deep state to run circles around him and make him a toxic term-limited candidate.

We can all dream on what could have been, but Trump caught magic in the bottle once in 2016 against an immensely unpopular Hillary winning a few states by a few thousand votes and has been losing ever since. I personally know several Trump fans who are sick of him. Who has Trump won to replace the former Trump voters? Is he going to pander more to African Americans with reparations now!??

DeSantis has more than shown he knows how to play the game and has enough competent allies in his administration and other States to tighten up voting rules......or at least play by the same rules as Democrats in terms of ballot harvesting where it is legal. If it is not close, it is much harder to cheat.

Trump has shown zero evidence that he has learned anything from his time in government, has no credible team that knows fuck-all about anything in fighting back against the bonkers donkeys in our government institutions.........and worse........has been co-opting Left-wing arguments to attack DeSantis.

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