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richwicks says
Ulgy transgender male to female wins Miss San Francisco taking home the pity prize.
Here's a chance for you Bay Area residents to date a beauty pageant winner.
Yesterday, Libs of TikTok brought us another tragicomic trans video. Without taking away from the very real suffering this person is obviously feeling over their poor life choices, the clip illustrates that we’ve finally achieved one of mankind’s oldest and most longed-for dreams: to walk in each other’s shoes for a while and see what it feels like!
This woman, surgically and hormonally altered into a passable facsimile of a man, is now learning the hard way something nobody ever warned her about and apparently she never suspected: that men don’t trust and bond with each other as quickly and easily as women do.
And so she’s LONELY. She explained that living as a man:
“Friendships are so much harder to build, and people are colder … Instead of wanting to talk to you and hug you, people cross the street so they don’t have to be near you… I now understand why the suicide rate is so much higher for men.”
That’s all true, Sally. Welcome to the club. On the plus side, once established, male friendships are extremely sturdy, and usually last a lifetime without any maintenance at all.
This video clip is profound on so many levels. On the surface, it is the predictable expression of creeping regret over a single impulsive, foolish, life-altering choice. Below that we find more evidence that gender is not, in fact, malleable; a female brain muses and a woman’s heart beats inside that superficially boyish body. Under that, we find the grand experiment: brave feminists, who for so long having been convinced to envy men, can now try it out for themselves and report back to the rest of us.
Another unfortunate discovery is that, for some reason, trans men don’t seem to be having the success in men’s sports that trans women are having in women’s sports. It probably has something to do with why girls have softball and boys have baseball, but we’re not allowed to talk about that.
PS — and Sally, men don’t talk that way. No crying.
That’s all true, Sally. Welcome to the club. On the plus side, once established, male friendships are extremely sturdy, and usually last a lifetime without any maintenance at all.
That's kind of the last time I'm going to offer help.
Ulgy transgender male to female wins Miss San Francisco
Don't let that one troubled person change your attitude. The majority of women appreciate help with high items and heavy objects. And many feel shy about asking.
That's kind of the last time I'm going to offer help.
Trans Man Blasts Trans Inc: Says It Was Declared A "Criminal Enterprise" in 2001 After Lawsuits, Lupron Fined $874 Million For False Advertising And Bribery
Reveals 30 Year Swedish Study That Found Girls Spines Don't Fuse When They Take Puberty Blockers. "They Won't Live Past 30."
Reveals 30 Year Swedish Study That Found Girls Spines Don't Fuse When They Take Puberty Blockers. "They Won't Live Past 30."
Oh god, I hope this isn't true.
If they were given PB at age 12-13, they are already victims of medical malpractice
richwicks says
Oh god, I hope this isn't true.
Why? If they were given PB at age 12-13, they are already victims of medical malpractice, and by age 30, they have wasted more than half their lives suffering from the consequences. What, really, would such a pitiful soul have to live for, at that point?
Failed Surgical Creation of Phalli in Women
Transgender Misadventure Leads to Frequent, Serious Complications ...
Robinson et al, reported on 129 women who underwent attempted surgery to either create a penis or make a sensitive phallus structure for sexual pleasure. ... Patients reported 281 complications requiring 142 revisions. The most common complications were urethrocutaneous fistula (n = 51, 40 percent), urethral stricture (n = 41, 32 percent), and worsened mental health (n = 25, 19 percent). The average erect neophallus after phalloplasty was 14.1 cm long vs 5.5 cm after metoidioplasty (P < .00001). Metoidioplasty patients report 4.8 out of 5 erogenous sensation, compared to 3.4 out of 5 for phalloplasty patients (P < .00001).
In summary these surgical complications are far to frequent and very serious. Genital reconstruction surgery in women attempting to create phalli and take on the appearance of a man should be abandoned.
70% of people who identified as trans or Q+Whatever in the first wave of the study STOPPED identifying as such and began identifying as heterosexual by the second wave of the study just 6 years later!
This study was done on people of all different ages, income levels, and socio-economic backgrounds. And in the follow-ups, a trans person was more likely to have dropped the rainbow identity and returned to straight than to not have done so.
Good thing we aren't letting little kids pick their gender and get life-changing surgeries and hormone treatments, right? Right?
I don't have ill will toward them.
My comment wasn't motivated by ill-will either -- I was just wondering whether suicide was really a bad option for someone who had irreversibly ruined his/her life in such a fundamental way. Imagine going on puberty blockers at age 12, and then realizing at age 30 the horror of what you had done to yourself.
Too many transgender activists are sadistic bullies
By Debra Soh
June 15, 2023
If you’ve ever wondered why so many scientists have remained silent as gender ideology overtakes the universe, here's another example to contemplate.
A new study was recently released on the subject of rapid-onset gender dysphoria , or ROGD. ROGD refers to the epidemic of predominantly young women and teenage girls who transition to male or a so-called "third" gender, often suddenly and without any previous history of gender problems. Twenty-six states have banned therapeutic approaches that are not gender affirmation, and an increasing number, including California and Minnesota, have become sanctuary states for minors seeking transition services. Unsatisfied at stopping there, transgender activists have taken to warping research findings to promote their agenda, censoring all others, and embarking on witch hunts, harassing dissenting scientists for decades of their careers.
As reported by the College Fix, activists are now demanding that the aforementioned ROGD study be retracted and that the editor responsible for publishing it be removed from the academic journal. Over 100 clinicians and academics have signed an open letter denouncing the paper’s publication.
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So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.