Eh. This was known. People don't listen or observe. I don't care about links or news. I still don't know a person that has died with or from covid personally. That's what I go by. Sample size is large if I go 2 degrees out of my network. 3-4k people?
I respect people trying to get info, but I wasn't there. So who the hell knows what is true? I know what I see and covid is a nothing burger. Have gotten it. It was nothing. Everyone I know said it was nothing. We'll all get it again and again and again. And they knew this.
I'm now jaded and will believe nothing about pandemic shit in the future. I'll risk it. Whoever "they" is found a way to piss off most of the population and have them lose total trust in the medical field. If anything they lost control of a lot of us. I think it backfired.
And for anyone interested in watching Planet Lockdown(highly recommend):