Deliberate distractions need to be countered with attention on what they are trying to get you to ignore

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2023 Jun 6, 12:46pm   1,598 views  35 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The House Oversight Committee revealed Wednesday that more than $1 million flowed from a corrupt Romanian businessman to the Biden family while then-Vice President Joe Biden paid lip service to cleaning up corruption in the Eastern European nation.

“While Vice President Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policy, in reality he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money,” committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said at a morning press conference.

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4   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 9, 11:02am  

Eh, when one says "from Ukraine" one implies "from the government of Ukraine". Which is not the case, because the bribe was from a private company lead by pro-Soviet former minister in the ousted pro-Soviet Yanukovich's cabinet - Zlochevsky. Zlochevsky hired Hunter in 2014 as a "poison pill" to prevent the next president of Ukraine - Poroshenko - from going after him. This was in defense of Soviet influence in Ukraine. Poroshenko's AG still tried to prosecute him but Sleepy Joe interfered and even openly bragged about it as everybody knows. While doing that he was basically acting in Moscow's interest. Hunter departed in 2019 when Poroshenko lost the election and the threat of prosecution was no more, because Zelensky was perceived a "compromise with Pukin" candidate and was openly celebrated by then Soviet PM Medvedev and that clown show in Moscow they call Duma.

Words have meanings and should be used precisely.
6   AD   2023 Jun 9, 11:42pm  

Yeah, Viktor Shokin was going after corruption and especially involving Kremlin affiliated businesses like Burisma.

If Shokin would have just focused on corruption excluding Burisma than Vice President Birdbrain Biden would have never demanded he get fired.

I wonder if the "confidential information (CI) or source" to Congressman Comer and Senator Grassley is Viktor Shokin.

Remember, Shokin said he had physical evidence to show bribes to Birdbrain Biden and son.

Shokin said he was not going to be silent and said that he lived through the Soviet era, so he's familiar with what may come his way.

That is why I won't be surprised if the CI is Shokin or someone who worked directly for Shokin.

So the FBI think Shokin will be killed in Ukraine ?

By who ? Zelensky said during his campaigning some favorable comments about Shokin.

Birdbrain Biden going to withhold military aid from Zelensky if he does not cause Shokin's death such as in jail due to treason ?

7   richwicks   2023 Jun 10, 2:31am  

ad says

So the FBI think Shokin will be killed in Ukraine ?

IF Shokin has evidence, he should know by now, you blow the whistle loud and clear. They kill you for the secrets you keep, not the secrets you don't. They might torture you as a result, to get revenge to intimidate others that would follow in your footsteps - that's what they are doing to Assange. That's why all of our media is just a bunch of pathetic propagandist pussies now.

You realize if Seth Rich came out as the leaker, he'd be alive. That was the secret he kept. He should have setup a dead man's switch such that if he died, Assange was authorized to identify him as the leaker.

People need to realize that there's no risk in a government murdering you. They can be as fucking obvious as they want about it, coroner will rule suicide. Mark Middleton ring a bell? SUPPOSEDLY he was found hanging from a tree, with a shotgun wound to the chest, and the weapon wasn't found. Now if this is true, obviously not suicide.

If you're going to be serious whistleblower, you might be killed, but make certain if that happens, everybody knows why you were.
8   clambo   2023 Jun 10, 7:24am  

I'm not religious, but if there is a god, I'm praying that Biden gets his just desserts someday and Trump crushes his enemies into the dirt.

I'm convinced that every liberal I have ever known has a behavior or mental defect or is just living off the rest of us who actually pay taxes, or the spawn of foreigners who have resentment towards white Americans.

Unfortunately, a lot of professionals are nutty liberals and we have to deal with them from time to time.

1. Talking on the phone yesterday to a retired economics professor at UCSC (Santa Cruz) was interesting. He's a few years older than I am. During conversation I said "You're retired of course." He didn't like that, he said he's very busy, at what I don't know. He later said he was happy because Trump was indicted yesterday. I said they're trying to get Trump with a "death of 1000 cuts".
2. Another guy is an MD in San Diego and he was bragging about his income ($75,000 last week) then complaining about taxes. I told him that I was pretty happy because my income is from qualified dividends, and I calculated my tax rate was about 10% .
He said he was glad to pay taxes which maintain roads, firemen, emergency, police, etc. I said other taxes pay for that, not his income taxes.

Both of these guys know in their logical mind that they're full of shit, but they still like to say the "talking points" to me as if I were a dummy.
The economics guy is a nut and so is the MD, but you have to talk to them for a few hours to see it.
9   BigSky   2023 Jun 10, 8:05am  

clambo says

I'm convinced that every liberal I have ever known has a behavior or mental defect or is just living off the rest of us who actually pay taxes

Socialism/Communism and related left ideologies are not really economic thought, they are religion. Like Christianity or Islam, they have a sacred creed that one is not allowed to question and has a duty to believe. And like religion they have their devils, in this case guys like Trump who oppose their thoughtless polices. And since Trump is a devil, your retired econ prof buddy sees no problem with weaponizing the DOJ to railroad the man. I once knew a very well-to-do man (dead now) who lived like a sultan but was an avoid socialist. Hypocritically, he gave nothing to charity and his kids took sailing lessons, went to exclusive schools, and even bought up expensive land around his home to create a large privacy buffer.
10   Patrick   2023 Jun 17, 3:51pm  


Finally, in highly-coincidental and helpful timing for the Biden Administration, this remarkable, developing UFO story is another huge distraction from the Biden Bribery case.
11   Patrick   2023 Jun 17, 3:52pm  


Furthermore, the Sunday Times’ big expose story last week paved the way for it to be a Chinese lab leak incident. As I reported, the Sunday Times received a bunch of sketchy new documents, and said anonymously-sourced U.S. intelligence officials believed the lab engaged in “secret projects … on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.”

So who knows. It’s one day; I’m not even going to guess.

Either way, this story will be yet another huge distraction from the Biden Bribery case.
12   Ceffer   2023 Jun 17, 4:47pm  

clambo says

Both of these guys know in their logical mind that they're full of shit, but they still like to say the "talking points" to me as if I were a dummy.

Well, I unloaded again on my older liberal friend. He seems to like it, but thinks I am overwrought and I should just blue pill, relax with the soothing flow of demonic propaganda and go surf more. However, his very successful executive son in law in Germany was vaxicided at the age of 59, and that certainly caught his attention, because I have been telling him about Covid fraud from the get go. He got vaxxed anyway, but is so far resilient enough to survive it, though he seems to have had negative effects from it that he ascribes to other things. My wife saw him yesterday, and says (like me) he looks like he has physically shrunk, both in height and weight, apparently a not uncommon effect in the vaxxed.

He seems to enjoy my raves, though, and was really happy with me when I left. He has a friend and neighbor who married a Ukrainian woman who more or less kicked him to the curb when she got over here and got what she wanted out of him, but he still dumb stick pines for her.
13   richwicks   2023 Jun 17, 5:11pm  

Patrick says


Furthermore, the Sunday Times’ big expose story last week paved the way for it to be a Chinese lab leak incident. As I reported, the Sunday Times received a bunch of sketchy new documents, and said anonymously-sourced U.S. intelligence officials believed the lab engaged in “secret projects … on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017.”

So who knows. It’s one day; I’m not even going to guess.

Either way, this story will be yet another huge distraction from the Biden Bribery case.



Page 2. Included is the image from page #2:

The gist is that sars-cov2-19 was developed by our own government with cooperation of EcoHealth Alliance.

The document could be a forgery. I cannot find it on a *.gov website.
15   AD   2023 Jun 22, 11:53pm  

richwicks says

If you're going to be serious whistleblower, you might be killed, but make certain if that happens, everybody knows why you were.

That's true as going public is an insurance policy to ensure the announcement of your "death" to a large public audience.

No innuendo or subtle "whistleblowing" messages also just like Vince Foster's cryptic speech to a college within a few weeks of his murder being whitewashed as a suicide.

16   AD   2023 Jun 22, 11:56pm  

richwicks says

People need to realize that there's no risk in a government murdering you.

Well yeah, who is the police over the FBI or CIA, for example ? Just like who "watches the watchers" ?

Like what happened to POGO several years ago with a Watergate-style "break in" ; the likely culprit was Dept of Justice trying to find out about a whistleblower.

So you think POGO going to call Washington DC metro police on the DOJ ?

Fuck their qualified or sovereign immunity to protect the "needs of the agency or service".

17   richwicks   2023 Jun 23, 12:27am  

ad says

Well yeah, who is the police over the FBI or CIA, for example ? Just like who "watches the watchers" ?

WE do, and if we don't, we deserve what is coming to us.

The abandonment of Julian Assange, doesn't condemn the government, it condemns the public. If the public can be turned into cattle, fuck the public. How many people even MENTION Assange now? He took one for the team - team humanity.

ad says

So you think POGO going to call Washington DC metro police on the DOJ ?

I don't know what POGO is. I'm saying if you're going to blow the whistle, don't ANNOUNCE you're going to blow the whistle - just fucking do it. Don't be sly, just fucking do it. Don't announce you're about to announce - just fucking do it.

Don't say "I have evidence that would put Hillary Clinton in jail" - post the evidence that puts Hillary Clinton in jail. Don't try to negotiate. The only reason to THREATEN to announce is because you're trying to extort them, and if it's cheaper (or safer) just to kill you, they will.

Wikipedia offered "establishment" news to print synopses of what they found, but they ALWAYS published all the source material, to the entire public. In this way, the MSM couldn't easily lie about what was exposed.

ad says

Fuck their qualified or sovereign immunity to protect the "needs of the agency or service".

I'd agree.

If you have pertinent information that is of national import to expose, just expose it. It's not just YOUR life, it's the life of your kids, grand kids, everybody. You got to take one for the team sometimes even if that means getting a bullet in your brain. You're going to die anyhow and you're going to be dead for a trillion years and once you're dead, you're not going to really remember life if you exist at all. If you have any sort of existence, your current existence would be like as you were from 5-6, you remember being that age?

People need to have some balls. You afraid of death? That's a reasonable evolutionary advantage to keep you alive but you're dead one way or another in less than 100 years and I don't care what your age is. It's not that long.

You want the world to be run by a bunch of sociopaths and psychopaths in 1000 years? Would you die to prevent that? What if it ALREADY is run by sociopaths and psychopaths? Would you die to end it? I would. I'd die for the chance to end it, and many people would.

I have seen stuff I've exposed over a decade ago, become accepted by society. I was NOT the original source, I was just one of the many sources. What I can see happening is stuff "only a few people know" everybody comes to accept in a much shorter time. In 2014, nobody believed that Ukraine was a victim of a CIA coup, nearly anybody that has any interest in that war knows now, although there are plenty of people that don't. It's getting faster.

If this was 1990, only conspiracy nuts would think Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, and didn't commit suicide. I used to take years to debunk obvious lies, now, sometimes, it just takes days - depends on the lie. Can you think of any lie like Jeffrey Epstein 20 years ago that wasn't accepted by the public for years? Epstein's death was debunked in the same day. It's the people that think he DID commit suicide that are the weirdos and crazy people now.
18   Patrick   2023 Jun 24, 11:26am  

It's all to distract from the obvious BIDEN CORRUPTION.
21   goofus   2023 Jun 24, 1:13pm  

I think it’s much bigger than just distracting from Biden. Biden ultimately is a nobody, replaceable by Newsome or whatever puppet serves the needs of “our” oligarchy. No, I think the state department is intent on running a coup against Putin, as Russia is the last bulwark against globalist plans for digital currency, digital ID, social credit controls, etc. We know Xi Jinping is not opposed — he uses those means of control against his population already.

The Wagner supposed-rebellion looks to me like the leader, Prizokin, was bought off by our state dept / CIA to overthrow Putin. Maybe with the mysterious 6 billion just found through an accounting error. The Ukrainian spring offensive hasn’t been going well, and our leadership determined this was a good time to attempt a coup against Putin. Remember the sightings of US tanks and so on in unusual places a week ago? Perhaps our military thought Putin might retaliate with nuclear weapons or full scale invasion.

With nuclear brinksmanship in the foreground, social controls have been pushed with little knowledge or resistance:

22   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 24, 1:36pm  

Wut? The country where face recognition is everywhere and even used to pay for fucking subway rides, where traffic tickets are doled out automatically based on traffic cameras and money are automatically withdrawn from the accounts prior to any appeal, where Covid lockdiwn QR codes for were introduced simultaneously with Chyna to be used at checkpoints both on the roads and public transit, where mobilisation summons are assumed legally served the moment they sent via e-mail or an SMS no matter whether read or not is a "bullwark against digital ID, social credit" and all that jazz"? Is McGregor your ultimate source of unfiltered truth by any chance? 🤡
23   goofus   2023 Jun 24, 1:49pm  


Wut? The country where face recognition is everywhere and even used to pay for fucking subway rides, where traffic tickets are doled out automatically based on traffic cameras and money are automatically withdrawn from the accounts prior to any appeal, where Covid lockdiwn QR codes for were introduced simultaneously with Chyna to be used at checkpoints both on the roads and public transit, where mobilisation summons are assumed legally served the moment they sent via e-mail or an SMS no matter whether read or not is a "bullwark against digital ID, social credit" and all that jazz"? Is McGregor your ultimate source of unfiltered truth by any chance? 🤡

Right, Russia has automated license plate readers and COVID QR (as did we). The zerohedge article however talks about tying banking, communication, and livelihood to compliance with a centralized narrative, to counter “misinformation.” Orders of magnitude more totalitarian than automated subway readers.

Do you really think Russia, while command-control in its own way, wants to be told how to operate by WEF / Davos types? Of course they’re a bulwark, and culturally as well. They promote conservative religion, oppose gay activism, speak about global child trafficking (and implicate our elites in it).
27   Patrick   2023 Jun 26, 9:38am  

Patrick says


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Members of the media were left confused today after White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre deployed a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared in a cloud when questioned about Hunter Biden's incriminating text messages with a Chinese Communist operative.

"She completely vanished!" said Peter Doocy of Fox News. "I was right in the middle of asking her a question about Hunter trying to strong-arm a member of the Chinese Communist Party on a deal involving Joe Biden. She threw something on the ground, the room filled with smoke, and swooshed her sport coat across her face like a cape as she disappeared. Once the smoke finally cleared, she wasn't anywhere to be found. It's her most creative escape yet, to be honest."

Jean-Pierre, who is a historic figure and a woman and black and gay, has struggled in recent days to make it through heavy questioning about Hunter Biden's backroom business dealings. "She's running out of ideas for ducking questions," said a source within the White House. "She already ignored questions to give a sales presentation for essential oils. The next day, she brought a cute little puppy out from behind the podium as soon as a question was asked about Hunter. Now, it's the Batman smoke bomb thing. We're wondering what she'll come up with next."

At publishing time, Jean-Pierre had reportedly met with President Biden and his handlers to ask how difficult it would be to find another missing submersible they could implode.
34   Eric Holder   2024 Dec 10, 2:31pm  

Patrick says

If bro is paying more taxes than billionaires, bro must be a trillionaire. 🤡
35   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 2:35pm  

He means percentage. I should fix that meme. OK, done:

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