Jim Caviezel Film About Child Trafficking Comes out This Weekend

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2023 Jun 28, 1:07pm   3,715 views  43 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Not the type of film my wife usually goes for, and not appropriate for our kids, but may buy a ticket and not attend just to support the film.


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17   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 10, 8:47am  

Obviously this movie has touched a nerve..

18   richwicks   2023 Jul 10, 11:43am  

NuttBoxer says

You mean like Oscar Schindler?

Schindler's list was ridiculous. Schindler was producing armaments for the war effort at the time. Why would Nazi's want to ship Jews off to slave labor camps to do the same thing?

Most of what we are taught about WWII is exaggerated.
19   richwicks   2023 Jul 10, 12:01pm  

pudil says

I don’t understand why you think this movie makes federal agencies look good.

I've not seen the film. Unless blame is put SQUARELY on intelligence agencies for their COMPLETE lack of action on the matter, it's not enough. These intelligence agencies protected Jeffrey Epstein. They were part of the Franklin Coverup Scandal.


pudil says

but to not be able to say that a true story about a government agent who quits his job to save kids from sex trafficking is a good thing is going to far.

Is it a true story?

Remember the war on drugs? That was actually a war on competition to sell and control the illicit drug trade. Government runs it now, almost entirely. Remember Operation Fast and Furious? That was picking out the cartel by arming them on who would run the drug trade.

pudil says

The only way this country is going to get saved is if government agents stop following orders and start following their conscience. We should support them when they do.

I'm just saying be cautious about a "savior". I can have a little hope, but I'm cynical as you can be.

Joining the CIA is like joining MS13 - you never leave.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 10, 12:07pm  

You're missing the point. Regular people make up all these institutions. Yes, certain ones attract sociopaths more than others, but only a small percentage of the population fall into this category. So even in concentrated numbers, they would still make up a minority of the agency. Most people who work at these places have no fucking idea what's really going on. When they find out, like Snowden, BRADLEY Manning, Seth Rich, they usually quit, or turn whistleblower.

Your indiscriminate hatred is what they want. Division by any means necessary.
21   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 10, 12:26pm  

richwicks says

Joining the CIA is like joining MS13 - you never leave.

How do you know he worked for the CIA? At the time he quit, he was working for DHS, and the reason he quit, they don't do operations in foreign countries. Obviously if it was the CIA, this would not have been the case.

You've spouted a lot of opinion, but you admittedly know little in the way of facts. Dude who this is based on specifically requested Caviezel, because he wanted a real Christian to play the role.

This site needs research, and informed discussion, not opinion and indiscriminate hatred. And right now, only people siding with you are WaPost and Rolling Stone, not the kind of allies you want to be associated with.
22   richwicks   2023 Jul 10, 12:29pm  

NuttBoxer says

You're missing the point. Regular people make up all these institutions.

No, I don't think they do. There's a filtration process before they even recruit. First they have to be confident you won't blab if you come across something really horrific and shocking, second they are looking for people that will actively break the law and basic moral codes. I don't even trust Bill Binney.

NuttBoxer says

When they find out, like Snowden, BRADLEY Manning, Seth Rich, they usually quit, or turn whistleblower.

If they quit, what do you think is left? Ignorant people, and morally bankrupt people.

NuttBoxer says

Your indiscriminate hatred is what they want. Division by any means necessary.

It's not indiscriminate. Our intelligence agencies just overthrew our republic on 2020, and then put 800 innocent people in prison to cement the deal by framing them. They have lied us into every conflict we've been in since Afghanistan. 9/11 was done, in part, by our intelligence agencies - as well as Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I'm just some jerkoff engineer, I know this, I'll blab. Who in intelligence will? Even the "whistleblowers" don't blab about this. There's plenty of evidence, particularly for the wars. If I know, how can they NOT know?

The revelation of Project MKUltra, Operating Mockingbird, Project SHAMROCK, and others didn't come from whistleblowers - I think it was the Committee to Investigate the FBI that got it, by breaking into FBI offices. The Church Committee was just to contain the damage of the revelations, it didn't stop any of them.

You ever marvel at how inaccurate our "news" is? Well, it's because the US taxpayer paid to take over our then news networks, and to control the outflow of information, which is now just propaganda. Operation Mockingbird is complete, at least there. It's involved with Facebook, Google, and Twitter as well. The constant cries that we need our INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES able to suppress information in Twitter, etc, are coming from the intelligence agencies withing our "news" organizations, who run Twitter and Google, and Facebook anyhow. Don't forget Elon Musk is basically a "defence" contractor with a carefully managed image as being a "non partisan good guy". There's no good guys - at least not in power.

Yoel Roth was running the Trust and Safety Commission of Twitter, who got his "PhD" writing a paper arguing that children should be able to access Grindr. He got his PhD writing that. He's intelligence. You know how you USED to get a PhD? You advanced your field of science by a little bit. You had to come up with something NEW in SCIENCE.

If you could prove stream ciphers are NEVER secure, you would deserve a PhD. BTW - I don't think any stream cipher is secure unless it's one time pad, meaning, that you have entirely random data, and XOR that with the message. A pseudo random number generator doesn't work, and you'd be surprised how easy those are to break, and I am not even certain a cryptographically PRNG is secure. I've been studying security!
23   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 10, 2:23pm  

I once met a lady who worked for the IRS, friend of my parents. A devout Christian. Obviously her station conflicted greatly with Christ's teachings, yet there she was. She may have been a bit serious, but she was not a sociopath, or an ignorant person. She didn't know what we do. Those people will readily turn alley once they understand. But if you waste all your energy hating them, they will likely resist the change they know is right after running across someone like you.

In this case you are your own worst enemy, and mine. Someone too bitter to help our cause. Annnddd, you're still siding with Rolling Stone on this one, a magazine that's a vapid pedo-apologist piece of trash.
24   Ceffer   2023 Jul 10, 3:55pm  

You can watch and even download this movie for free from Telegram:

25   richwicks   2023 Jul 10, 4:03pm  

Ceffer says

You can watch and even download this movie for free from Telegram:


"This chat does not exist"
26   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 11, 9:24am  

Ceffer says

You can watch and even download this movie for free from Telegram:

You can watch it for free in the theater. The link I posted about pay it forward is for buying tickets for someone to be able to watch it for free. Just have to go to the site and claim your tickets.
27   Ceffer   2023 Jul 11, 9:30am  

Shows you where the so-called fake election 'elites' stand.

28   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 11, 9:32am  

Not a Trump fan, but he has done some good stuff. This might be some of his best.
29   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 11, 9:35am  

Definitely hit a nerve. From /r/conspiracy new again today. If you scroll, the next two pictures are the Rolling Stones and WaPost articles:

32   stereotomy   2023 Jul 11, 10:15am  

Another anti-pedo film is "Rewind." A man who was molested by his uncle, a cantor in one of the most prominent NYC synagogues, tells his story through his father's videotapes of him as a young child (when the abuse occurred). It turned out that the uncle had also molested his father. The synagogue fully backed the pedo, and the case dragged on for almost a decade, using every trick in the book to try and get the perv off.



It's out on BluRay - I saw it. It's devastating. This is only small scale (one family), but sometimes this is more relatable than globohomo and hundreds of thousands of child sex slaves.
33   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 11, 12:32pm  

stereotomy says

This is only small scale (one family), but sometimes this is more relatable than globohomo and hundreds of thousands of child sex slaves.

I think this is why Sound of Freedom is a great movie for the general population. It sticks to a very specific story. Many of us know there's so much more out there, but those who don't need a relatable introduction that doesn't stray too far into the darker corners of this conspiracy. Epstein was a wake up call for so many, let's not lose that momentum.

The coordinated attack shows deep state does not like this subject. It is the one thing that once people realize how insidious and widespread it is, it WILL take them down.

And fuck, it's just nice to see anyone in mainstream taking the side of kids for once. And regardless of the studio, everyone will see this as something from Hollywood, something mainstream.
34   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 11, 1:15pm  

It's beautiful that a movie with a small budget pretty much cleaned a Disney Blockbuster's clock.

The subject matter is more important, too.

And don't let Media Disinfo bullshit you about tickets. Yeah, there were group buys at a discount when a Church brought scores of them to give to members. But Indy 5 had discounted tickets via Applebee's and other giveaways.
35   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 11, 1:23pm  

NuttBoxer says

I think this is why Sound of Freedom is a great movie for the general population. It sticks to a very specific story. Many of us know there's so much more out there, but those who don't need a relatable introduction that doesn't stray too far into the darker corners of this conspiracy. Epstein was a wake up call for so many, let's not lose that momentum.

The coordinated attack shows deep state does not like this subject. It is the one thing that once people realize how insidious and widespread it is, it WILL take them down.

And fuck, it's just nice to see anyone in mainstream taking the side of kids for once. And regardless of the studio, everyone will see this as something from Hollywood, something mainstream.

Yep. It's the wave of the future, too. Smaller studios are going to take over eventually, the only surprise is that it hasn't happened yet.

Now that the supiehero fad is petering out, and Kennedy destroyed several major franchises single handedly, it's only a matter of time.

Already I'd rather watch Warroom, Poso, Styx, Greenwald, Overlord, Nerdrotic, Some guys raising ducks, Rob Bob and his homebrew Tilapia Aquaculture Farm, etc. that just about anything on Cable TV. My kids watch nothing but how to make Video Games in Unity or Dang Matt Smith, Mr. Beast, and other homebrew video guys.

We're going to win. It'll take a big depression though to shake out the Cnuts for a while.

Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty - we had it pretty damn good for generations, a slow encroachment of Liberty and Vice, we forget. The PTB like Gates, Soros, Schwab, etc. are accelerating out of ego and fear, but asshole attempts to control humanity and excuse their perversions will never, ever end.
36   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 12, 9:09am  

AmericanKulak says

Disney Blockbuster's clock.

I think blockbuster is a huge exaggeration. Everyone hated the last Indiana Jones, this one was going nowhere from day one. I was surprised when we looked into movies over the 4th weekend that not much came out. For a family with small children, the new animated Spiderman movie was the only good choice.

Sound of Freedom was simply the best thing that came out that weekend, by any measure.
37   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 12, 9:11am  

AmericanKulak says

and Kennedy destroyed several major franchises single handedly

I've noticed Kennedy has been producing for a long while. The films I keep in my collection are ones I consider to be pretty decent, and I've noticed she comes up in quite a few of them, as far back as the 80's. I think she's gotten a bad rap.
38   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 12, 9:42am  

NuttBoxer says

I've noticed Kennedy has been producing for a long while. The films I keep in my collection are ones I consider to be pretty decent, and I've noticed she comes up in quite a few of them, as far back as the 80's. I think she's gotten a bad rap.

Her producing is limited. She makes the schedules and does admin oversight. The only movie she was the Executive Producer (final say) on prior to leading Disney-Lucasfilm, was that last Jurassic Park in the 90s that bombed.
39   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 17, 8:12am  

Apparently pedos work in theaters too(probably AMC owners):

" Sound of Freedom is a well made movie about a real agent who took extraordinary measures to do more than just lock up some pedophiles and human traffickers, which enabled him to also save dozens of the children themselves; whereas, saving the children was always beyond the job of any agents.

It was never gratuitous or over-the-top.

I recommend everyone see it at the theater.

I had heard stories from the media which were confirmed by my wife's co-workers who had seen it. One had to sit in seats that had intentionally not been cleaned. One had to sit in an unairconditioned theater after having had their tickets cancelled. One had to leave for 20 minutes because the fire alarm went off. One had trouble finding the theater because all signage had been removed for just that one movie, so they had to use a process of elimination to find out which door it was. A friend's brother went to see Sound of Freedom, and when the movie started, it was a different movie!

When I arrived, I was told that the air conditioner was out in my own theater, and only in that theater, but they had set up another theater in which I could watch it.

The media have heaped nothing but dishonest ridicule and scorn on those who go to see it, but it was a nice normal crowd of people.

The movie itself was blocked from coming to theaters for 5 years.

Some powerful interests really don't want us seeing this movie, which is inexplicable because it did not implicate any mainstream individuals or organizations. It just explained that the industry was huge and involved a lot of rich people, and all of the story was about a handful of ops led by one agent and centered around one pair of children.

Maybe the reason this movie is being blackwashed and suppressed is because, as I have explained for years, this trafficking is a necessary mechanism by which the Apex Players keep millions of front men both satisfied and blackmailable.

41   RC2006   2023 Jul 17, 9:24am  

Do you guys look at the people working in most the theatres? 80% are teens or early 20s and look like alphabet people. No surprise if brainwashed people working there are doing things.
42   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 17, 10:21am  

The kids at the theater we go to look pretty normal. I'm sure it's corporate orders, because nobody supports pedophilia except for pedophiles.
43   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 3, 9:12am  

Seems the pedos aren't done trying to smear this film:


No links, just a bunch of screenshots, and references to pedo outlets like Rolling Stone.

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