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From the censored and shadow-banned April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.
Published April 28, 2022
PATTI CARROLL: Our next speaker is Wayne Rohde. Wayne's adult son, like mine, suffered permanent brain damage from vaccines. Wayne is the author of The Vaccine Court and the latest version, 2.0, which delves into the dark history of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. He is one of the top experts in the country on the NCVIA, the PREP Act and CICP and the VAERS data base.*
Welcome, Wayne.
WAYNE ROHDE: Good morning everyone. Thank you to the representatives that are here with us. And thank you to the vaccine injured.
My son, now 24, was vaccine injured at the age of 13 months. I've been dealing with vaccine injury for over 20 years. He is my two-and-a-half year-old stuck in a 24 year-old man's body. But we love him, he loves us. And I've been fighting for vaccine injury rights and acknowledgment ever since.
It's been a difficult battle mainly because, one, the medical community refuses to accept or acknowledge vaccine injury. It is real. It is not rare.
Our media generally will focus on those who are injured who have died because of a disease, but yet refuse to acknowledge the many thousands now here in the covid era who have been injured or who have died.
Today you're going to hear from several of them. And they're very heartfelt stories, they need to be understood, they need to be listened to. They're in pain. They're hurting. And they're being— our government, our state government, and our local government backs, they're turning their backs on them. The medical community refuses to help them. It's quite ironic that last night on a couple of the major news sites here in Minnesota there was the story again of Dr. Gregory Poland [Director of Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group]** who was vaccine injured, the covid vaccine injured, yet it is Mayo Clinic that it is turning its backs on many of these injured people. They're refusing to help them.
So we call on our state government, our governor, our legislature, to address the issues and stop this medical discrimination against these victims.
We also ask, and this is where this, we'll get lost, is we need to start looking at why did these triathlon athletes, why did these kids, Milo* and Suzanna**, our athletes, and teachers and lawyers, and other professions, why did they get injured when others don't? That is never, will never be researched until at least another 10 to 15 years, maybe, at best.
We need to know what the mechanism is that's triggering these injuries. We can talk about the VAERS** system and the numbers, and the number of people who have died in Minnesota, and yet on the other side, the flip side, the media says, oh, that's just a a a fallible program, that anyone can enter in an injury report. Well, that was true pre-covid. But since covid, if anybody really wants to look at that, if anybody wants to really be a journalist, they can go in there and download the data set and find out that that anywhere from 75% - 85% of of all the covid vaccine injury reports in [inaudible] are entered by clinicians. So it is a very serious reporting system now. Yet, one of the big problems with it is the under-reporting. We still don't know how many are actually been injured or have died. So we need to address this and take it seriously.
So I thank the media for being here, I thank the audience, and most especially I thank, you're going to hear a lot, the people who have been injured from the covid vaccines. Thank you.
And Gates! That rat bastard is not a vaccine expert. He never even graduated from college.
'Bereft' mother, 32, went into cardiac arrest and died just 14 hours after her five-month-old baby suddenly passed away co-sleeping, inquest hears
'Bereft' mother, 32, went into cardiac arrest and died just 14 hours after her five-month-old baby suddenly passed away co-sleeping, inquest hears
I am beginning to think that graduating from college is a mark of stupidity, not of intelligence
"I am beginning to think that graduating from college is a mark of stupidity, not of intelligence... I do understand Euler's formula now, but when I was in university, I had to just accept it - it was never fully explained to me:
I don't need to know this... How is any of this shit applicable to a job?... Most of what I learned was "interesting", and useless..."
Graduating from college shows that you have the discipline to jump through hoops, the skill to pass tests, and the ability to make it to the end.
Rick, You must be a Physics major! Are you?
EASILY understandable to even a high school student that knows basic calculus
How many people do you know that learned to code on their own and then went on to do well without a degree?
Most of what I learned was "interesting", and useless. Almost none of it was applicable. Instead of teaching rules of nature, THEN explaining the math, they should show math and then explain why it's important to know the math to explain nature. Drove me crazy, because I learned physics before I learned calculus, and calculus is heavily used in physics, basically knowledge of calculus makes physics trivial. It's all backwards. Physics is a snap if you understand the math behind it, at least up to Relativity. Math is what was discovered first, THEN the physics. You can see the progression.
If they really wanted to teach, they would teach calculus and show how that LED to physics. Instead I was forced to memorize a shitload of equations only to realize all the equations were easy to derive, if you knew calculus.
I have also worked with self taught DB admins who didn't understand the concept of normalization.
richwicks says
But what do you learn?
Was your EE degree easy?
💉 MMA feathweight star Cris Lencioni, 28, suffered a sudden and unexpected cardiac arrest while training at a new gym on June 8th. The other athletes immediately called 911 and did their best to administer heart-attack care until paramedics arrived. Cris then spent several weeks in intensive care.
On July 4th, he took his first tentative post-accident steps. The fighter suffered profound brain damage after his heart suddenly stopped. In other words, it wasn’t just a random heart attack.
A 28 year-old-athlete who suddenly needs a defibrillator. Happens all the time, right?
And … wait for it … his doctors are baffled! They confidently knew everything there was to know about the new virus and the experimental shots, but now… One article said Cris’s physicians think he might have something called Long QT Syndrome, a potentially deadly heart rhythm disorder, that “allegedly wasn’t flagged until his health scare.”
That word “allegedly” appeared in the original MMA Fighting article on Cris’s recovery. Was the reporter expressing doubt? I am.
💉 Even though Israel is a pretty small country, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla previously dubbed it “the world’s laboratory” for mRNA covid jabs. That’s because Israel rashly volunteered to be Pfizer’s test country, which let it get the jabs before anyone else, but required its unfortunate citizens to join in the world’s only country-wide “herd immunity” trial. As a result, Israel imposed strict mandates with few exceptions including a vaccine passport.
Israel and Pfizer signed “The Real World Epidemiological Evidence Collaboration Agreement” on January 6th, 2021. Its declared purpose was to collect and analyze epidemiological data from vaccination of Israel’s entire population, and to determine whether herd immunity could be achieved from the vaccine. Safety was not a data point, and only a rapid “catastrophic” event justified terminating the contract.
It’s not working out too well. It was a total failure. The shots do NOT create herd immunity.
Ironically, the prophet Isaiah, whose writings are a key part of Jewish (and Christian) canon, predicted thousands of years ago that Israel would make a “covenant with death” based on “lies and falsehoods” to escape “an overwhelming flood” ...
This week, Israel’s largest healthcare organization, representing over half of the country’s population, Clalit Health Services, reported alarming new diagnosis data. ‘Cardiac arrest’ diagnoses per million more than doubled, increasing an unbelievable +225% in one year from 2021 to 2022. Even more astounding, the use of the diagnosis code in Israel is up a chart-bursting +431% from 2020:
... And finally, from yesterday’s Jerusalem Post:
The JPost stressed over and over that the Prime Minister only suffered from a little dehydration, caused by climate change, after a day of frolicking on the Sea of Galilee beach. But they gave him “extensive” heart tests anyway, and now, although Netanyahu’s heart was reported in “excellent condition,” they “implanted” a heart-tracking device for “the sake of routine monitoring.”
It’s probably just to track his proper hydration. But I noted they didn’t give the Prime Minister an implanted kidney monitor. Weird.
... The low-cost handheld device, combined with an AI-fueled tablet, is designed to help non-doctors quickly diagnose cardiac problems. The story was keen to point out that it isn’t intended to REPLACE doctors, just to help out overwhelmed cardiologists. Why the Israeli cardiologists are so overwhelmed is anyone’s guess, because the article didn’t say.
Go ahead and guess.
💉 Good news! Good news for Pharma, that is:
Incredible growth! Incredible growth in the cancer-drug market necessarily requires incredible growth in something else. Speaking of guessing, can you guess what?
CBS New York Meteorologist, 51, Dies Suddenly after Appearing on Air
By: Jason Walsh
July 17, 2023
Finch’s final weather forecast was last Friday, two days before WCBS announced her death.
Announcing her unexpected death, the station said:
“It is with profound sadness that we share news of the passing of our beloved Elise Dione Finch Henriques.”
💉 World-famous championship bodybuilder “The Freakin Rican,” Gustavo Badell, 50, died suddenly and mysteriously on Thursday.
The celebrated bodybuilder retired in 2012, but is said to have kept up a demanding workout schedule and has stayed in great shape. According to the Daily Mail, “The cause of Gustavo Badell’s death has not yet been revealed publicly.”
Nor will it.
💉 Legendary former Brazilian player and soccer coach Daniel Frasson, 56, died suddenly and mysteriously on Saturday. No cause of death or any details whatsoever have yet been released.
💉 New Mexico State soccer player Thalia Chaverria, 20, died suddenly, mysteriously, and unexpectedly right after her 20th birthday early Monday morning. In bed. At home. Never even made it to the hospital.
Twenty years old.
Las Cruces police responded around 7am Monday morning to a report of an “unresponsive woman.” Once they got to the scene, they found Thalia dead as a doornail. The official cause of death was “unknown.” They’re baffled. Police said there were no signs of foul play or criminal activity.
Aggies soccer coach Rob Baarts said in a statement released by the school on Tuesday, “The sudden loss of Thalia has completely rocked our Aggie soccer families’ world. T was an inspiration and rock to this team. She will be missed but not forgotten. Her spirit will be with us every day, on and off the pitch.”
The college just ended its vaccine mandate a few months ago in March: “New Mexico State University will no longer require staff and students to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination as of March 1, 2023.”
💉 Romanian bodybuilding champion Catalin Stefanescu, 30, died mysteriously, unexpectedly, and suddenly on Sunday after drowning in a shallow lake. By “shallow,” I mean the lake was reported to be three feet deep.
Catalin’s lifeless body was discovered submerged in three feet of water in a lake in Lazuri, Romania, where he had gone fishing with a friend. Emergency services were promptly called to the scene, but despite their rapid response, the bodybuilder was pronounced dead on the scene.
No cause of death has been released, but Romanian police say they are on the case, so don’t worry.
💉 ‘Star Trek: Enterprise’ Executive Producer Manny Coto, 62, died Sunday at his home in Pasadena after what was called a 13-month battle with pancreatic cancer.
💉 Brazilian singer, songwriter, and television personality Joelma Mendes, 49, is having a bad year.
Joelma made news recently during a show in Palmas, Tocantins, when her face suddenly and unexpectedly swelled up, terrifying fans.
Yikes. Later, the band’s spokesman said Joelma is suffering from Long Covid symptoms. She’s had covid FIVE TIMES in the last year. According to one Brazilian news report, Joelma said it’s not just her face, either.
“It’s not just the face, the whole body that swells. This sequel is when I ride a plane, I think because of the pressure, and when I start dancing and the blood starts to heat up. I found out that it was my blood that was clotting,” lamented Joelma.
Blood clots. You’d think they might have mentioned that in the headline.
Anyway, the good news is Joelma’s had her shots...
Prayers for Joelma’s quick recovery from her Long Vaxx, I mean Long Covid.
💉 This SADS story is a little different. Florida oncologist and marathon runner Dr. Cynthia Boyer, 59, died suddenly and mysteriously in Louisiana on May 19th. No cause of death was released.
Oddly, Cynthia’s husband, Louisiana radiologist and marathon runner Dr. Dwayne Anderson, 64, also died suddenly and mysteriously two months earlier on February 17th “after a brief illness.”
As with his wife’s untimely passing, no other cause of death was released for Dwayne. For no particular reason, one wonders whether the two married healthcare workers got their jabs at the same time. As always, prayers for their family.
💉 Another young athlete died suddenly. Fox Sports ran an article Tuesday headlined, “Former Iowa Hawkeyes offensive lineman Cody Ince dead at 23.”
Former Iowa offensive lineman Cody Ince, 23, mysteriously, suddenly, and "unexpectedly" died over the weekend at home in Wisconsin. Never even made it to the hospital.
Cody is survived by his fiancée, Olivia Tucker.
No further details about the sudden and unexpected death of a young athlete were released, because what difference does that make? Why would anyone be interested in the reason a healthy young person suddenly drops dead?
💉 Atlanta YouTube star Annabelle Ham, 22, died last week after a sudden, unexpected, and mysterious ‘epileptic event' after attending a bachelorette party in Fairhope, Alabama.
No official cause of death has been released. Initially, following speculation about Annabelle's death, her family asked for privacy. "Please don’t post or spread speculation or details that are unfounded. There will be a time to share more details and to go deeper into her life," they wrote on Instagram.
Shortly afterwards, for some unexplained reason, they changed their mind and posted a followup stating that Annabelle died from an “epileptic event.”
An “epileptic event” could also be described as a seizure.
If you dig a little more, you find earlier reports that Anabelle’s body was recovered by local law enforcement — from the water. The Baldwin County coroner’s report stated the YouTube sensation was reported missing by her sister just hours before her body was discovered in the waters of Mobile Bay - a few miles from the pier where she was last seen.
While the coroner did not identify an official cause of death, the report said there was no evidence of foul play. According to the family’s wishes, I will not spread speculation or any unfounded details.
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