Seize all assets from Gates, Soros, Schwab

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2022 Jul 3, 9:49am   11,295 views  105 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

The only way we will be safe from the murderous machinations of Gates, Soros, Schwab and similar billionaires is to seize all their assets. And this is also what they fear most.

They all conspired to commit crimes against humanity, and then did commit crimes against humanity, in particular the mass toxxination mandates, resulting in vast death and no benefit whatsoever except for Pfizer, Moderna, and those who seek to enslave humanity via "vaccine passports", censorship, disarming of the American public, and other repressive tactics.

To be clear, the confiscation of assets from Gates, Soros, Schwab will be punishment and not a tax. The government should not get their money. Open to suggestions on who should get it.

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6   Patrick   2022 Jul 4, 12:00pm  

It did occur to me that maybe the people who are spreading the vaxx expect there to be an eventual revolt because of the mass infertility and death that the vaxx clearly causes, and that they are setting up people like Schwab to get whacked for it, while they themselves remain in the shadows.
7   clambo   2022 Jul 4, 12:40pm  

I don’t think there are people directing Soros, Gates, and Klaus; I think they’re tyrants and control freaks.
I don’t think their personalities are the type to be ordered around by someone “in the shadows.”
A typical trait of the megalomaniac is he thinks he knows what’s good for people, and knows more than they do.
I might I know what’s good for people, but I am aware that I can’t get people to cooperate so I’m not going to try; it’s like trying to organize cats.
Collectively I think we know what is good, but guys like Gates and their ilk think we’re all stupid and lazy and don’t.
I am lazy however.
8   Patrick   2023 May 18, 10:10am  


Since George Soros is in the news again...

Here's a deleted 60 Minutes interview of him where he admits to assisting in rounding up of Jews and confiscation of Jewish property. Then referring to it as a "happy-making experience".

One of the most EVIL men alive today.

9   richwicks   2023 May 18, 11:15am  

clambo says

I don’t think there are people directing Soros, Gates, and Klaus; I think they’re tyrants and control freaks.
I don’t think their personalities are the type to be ordered around by someone “in the shadows.”
A typical trait of the megalomaniac is he thinks he knows what’s good for people, and knows more than they do.
I might I know what’s good for people, but I am aware that I can’t get people to cooperate so I’m not going to try; it’s like trying to organize cats.
Collectively I think we know what is good, but guys like Gates and their ilk think we’re all stupid and lazy and don’t.
I am lazy however.

I disagree. They are cutouts for people whose names we don't even know. Soros supposedly made his fortune in currency trading, well, the banking system can arrange that to happen. Gates, despite making the ABSOLUTE worst operating system imaginable, still made a fortunate - and it really was by far the worst computer operating system - Unix, Amiga, Atari TOS, MacOS, Acorn OS, were all far superior. Who the fuck is Klaus Schwab anyhow? What's his industry?

These people were made rich, they didn't earn their way to wealth. They are merely faces to their masters, and maybe they don't even know who their masters are.
10   mell   2023 May 18, 11:26am  

richwicks says

I disagree. They are cutouts for people whose names we don't even know. Soros supposedly made his fortune in currency trading, well, the banking system can arrange that to happen. Gates, despite making the ABSOLUTE worst operating system imaginable, still made a fortunate - and it really was by far the worst computer operating system - Unix, Amiga, Atari TOS, MacOS, Acorn OS, were all far superior. Who the fuck is Klaus Schwab anyhow? What's his industry?

These people were made rich, they didn't earn their way to wealth. They are merely faces to their masters, and maybe they don't even know who their masters are.

I think you may have seen a few too many conspiracy movies. Why not aliens? Come on, Gates wealth is easy to explain. He bought/stole DOS (and immediately licensed it to IBM), and the concept of windows, and was first to market with a clever/ruthless patenting scheme. People didn't give a fuck about whether Windows was buggy, didn't have true multi tasking etc. etc., they aren't that sophisticated, it looked "cute" and was relatively easy to use. People keep buying iphones although they are in no way superior to phones priced 50% less. There may be plenty of people in the shadows, some pulling strings, but those billionaires are not fronts, they use their money to make more and shape the world as they want to see it, it's called a God complex and unfortunately very human. The best product doesn't always win.
11   richwicks   2023 May 18, 1:14pm  

mell says

I think you may have seen a few too many conspiracy movies. Why not aliens? Come on, Gates wealth is easy to explain. He bought/stole DOS (and immediately licensed it to IBM), and the concept of windows, and was first to market with a clever/ruthless patenting scheme.

No, Windows was the LAST to the market to have a windowing scheme. The first usable version of Windows was Windows 3.11 released on April 6, 1992. But let's go through all of them:

Windows 1.0: November 20, 1985 - this system was unusable until 3.11 though - do you know even 1 person that used Windows 2.0?
Macintosh: January 24, 1984
Amiga: July 23, 1985
Acorn Archimedes: June 1987
Atari ST: June 1985
Unix X11: June 1984

So, the Acorn, which was British, you could conceivably say that was the last and of course, all of them were copies of the Xerox Alto, released in 1973 - nobody could afford it but it was REMARKABLY ahead of it's time. In many ways, computers with the same capabilities really didn't start showing up until the 1980s. It had email in 1973.

The reason the WORST OS won, is because, for SOME reason, Microsoft got a lot of government support. IBM was the standard for government in the 1980's. I never saw anything else in a government office. I did see Unix in engineering offices in the 1980's, because the machines had to actually do work.

mell says

People didn't give a fuck about whether Windows was buggy, didn't have true multi tasking etc. etc.,

I've seen Windows 2.0 - it doesn't work, Even 3.0 crashed on the regular, 2.0 was unusable because it crashed so often. One flaw of 3.11 was that when you allocated memory in the segmented memory system, it wasn't guaranteed to be actually free. Borland fixed this problem.

Great. I'm having flash backs being forced to work under 3.11...

mell says

People keep buying iphones although they are in no way superior to phones priced 50% less.

That's marketing and perceived brand superiority. It's the same reason that people will buy Nike shoes instead of, say, New Balance, even if they are made by the same manufacturer and are actually the same exact shoe or why people will buy Coke instead of Safeway Cola or Budweiser over Red & White brand beer (and that actually existed! at one point).

mell says

There may be plenty of people in the shadows, some pulling strings, but those billionaires are not fronts, they use their money to make more and shape the world as they want to see it, it's called a God complex and unfortunately very human. The best product doesn't always win.

The best products NEVER win. Name one time.

Everybody that wins has very lucrative contracts with the government. Government has been picking the winners in technology for a very long time.

Today it really doesn't matter. Linux, Windows, Apple - they are all about the same, and the rest, they're dead. They are all close to being as stable as one another. Linux will inevitably win, simply because it's cheaper. It's everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Everybody uses it, whether they realize it or not. This site runs on Linux, not because "it's the best", but it's cheap and more than good enough.

You know - GEOS was even out pretty damned early, sometime in 1986. GEOS was ported to the IBM PC, but never went anywhere, and MacOS was also ported to the PC, but never released. Here's GEOS 4.1.2 from 1990:



Gee whiz, what does THAT look like.... Hunh, strange that the least innovative company "won".. I never realized that Windows 95 was based off from GEOS so much.
12   HeadSet   2023 May 18, 7:37pm  

richwicks says

GEOS was ported to the IBM PC

And also to the Commadore 64
13   Onvacation   2023 May 19, 5:51am  

richwicks says

do you know even 1 person that used Windows 2.0?

Way back last century I found a stack of unopened Windows 2.0 still in the box at work. They were heading for the trash. I grabbed 2. I installed one on an old PC clone. It would crash after a couple minutes if you did nothing. It would crash instantly if you tried to move the mouse.

I still have the other copy in a shrink wrapped box.
14   Onvacation   2023 May 19, 2:54pm  


15   richwicks   2023 May 19, 3:03pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

GEOS was ported to the IBM PC

And also to the Commadore 64

I think it basically started out on the C=64, but I'm not positive, and I'm not going to look it up to check.
16   richwicks   2023 May 19, 3:03pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

do you know even 1 person that used Windows 2.0?

Way back last century I found a stack of unopened Windows 2.0 still in the box at work. They were heading for the trash. I grabbed 2. I installed one on an old PC clone. It would crash after a couple minutes if you did nothing. It would crash instantly if you tried to move the mouse.

I still have the other copy in a shrink wrapped box.

Get a digital copy of it, that disk will go bad soon.

Maybe the box is worth something as well? If so, sell it. Digital copies of Windows 2.0 are probably easily available though bit-torrent.
17   Onvacation   2023 May 19, 3:55pm  

richwicks says

Maybe the box is worth something as well?

I dug it out. It's actually Win 2.1 from 1988.

19   Onvacation   2023 May 19, 3:57pm  

Gates definitely owes us a refund.
20   richwicks   2023 May 19, 4:35pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

Maybe the box is worth something as well?

I dug it out. It's actually Win 2.1 from 1988.

I'll give you $0.00 for it.

But you might want to try eBay. Start the bidding at $200.

I have a 1933 Ingersoll Mickey Mouse watch that still works. I'll sell it for $5,000 which is WAY over market price. I wear it at formal occasions to mock them. You can buy the same off from eBay for like $300. I did have to switch out the wristband, but I still have that, it's leather.
21   HeadSet   2023 May 19, 6:28pm  

richwicks says

I think it basically started out on the C=64, but I'm not positive, and I'm not going to look it up to check.

My dad had a C-64 with GEOS. He actually tried his hand at programming in the C64 Basic. His idea of error handling was when a user made a bad input, the program stopped and displayed "OOPS!"
22   Ceffer   2023 May 19, 6:43pm  

All of their store front wealth, except a small commission, that they can leave as inheritence to children, will be reunited with the Swiss Bankster mother ship after the executives are done either through death by natural causes or execution (of course, the name stealers keep them alive like Gates with body doubles). Why do you think characters like Dianne Feinstein and Soros hang on so long (although there are rumors Soros died a few ago and is an avatar, since Alexander seems to be the real inheritor of the subversive dynasty for MI6).

There was a youtube video where a banker on the run from them laid out the whole contract signed in blood, Satan's bargain, where the wealth he was given was ziplined right back to them when he no longer followed orders or complied with their wishes. Billionaire status for this public face executive class of the Globalists is a publicity stunt to impress the gullible.

You really think Jeffrey Epstein's family inherited some billions of dollars? They probably got a few pickings from the company store, just to keep the fraud of the suicide alive.
28   Patrick   2023 Aug 7, 2:29pm  


George Soros Thinks He is "Some Kind of God" and That Made Him Uncomfortable Until He "Started Living It Out." No Really, He Said This.

"It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out."

Those are the words of George Soros from a 2004 L.A. Times interview that has just resurfaced. The title of the interview? "George Soros: The ‘God' Who Carries Around Some Dangerous Demons." This was in the L.A. Times, y'all.

As Zero Hedge notes, Joe Rogan spoke with former CIA officer Mike Baker a few months ago, and the topic of discussion was George Soros:

"I had a conversation with the governor of Texas about him, with Greg Abbott, where he was explaining to me what George Soros does," Rogan said.

"And it's fucking terrifying that he donates money to a very progressive, very leftist — whether it's a DA or whatever, politician, and then funds someone who's even further left than them to go against them," Rogan added.

"And just keeps moving it along. So he's playing like a global game. And that he enjoys doing it."
30   GNL   2023 Aug 7, 2:50pm  

At what point is money evil? Or maybe a better question is, at what point can we determine that a person is using money as a tool to do evil? Is that evil measurable? Can we actually see the evil being done? Who determines what is evil created using money? If we can take money from Soros and Gates, who else can we take money from?

I believe that G.R.E.E.D is the most destructive human trait. Can you make a convincing argument that G.R.E.E.D is harmless?
31   Patrick   2023 Aug 7, 8:53pm  

I'm just suggesting that those exceptionally evil guys could no longer do evil if they were appropriately punished with poverty.
33   GNL   2023 Aug 8, 6:04am  

Patrick says

I'm just suggesting that those exceptionally evil guys could no longer do evil if they were appropriately punished with poverty.

And I agree. There's also a ton of other evil, imo, being done with money also but is no where near as apparent. A ton.
34   Patrick   2023 Aug 16, 10:13am  

Gates should be tried for participating in mass murder, but I understand the sentiment.
37   Ceffer   2023 Aug 28, 11:02pm  

The Great Globalist Autist does bear a family resemblance to Goebbels. "Anybody who knows the truth and spreads the truth must be eliminated." Strange posture for a nominal academic historian. I wonder if Klaus sodomized him with his Satan strap on in their homosexual sessions.


38   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 29, 8:10am  

Patrick says

George Soros Thinks He is "Some Kind of God" and That Made Him Uncomfortable Until He "Started Living It Out." No Really, He Said This.

Hopefully Alexander is less competent, or not as big a megalomaniac nutjob, or less motivated.
39   Ceffer   2023 Aug 29, 8:37am  

AmericanKulak says

Hopefully Alexander is less competent, or not as big a megalomaniac nutjob, or less motivated.

MI6 and RIIA will just get some other flim flam store front to execute the plans and take the flak.
40   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 29, 8:40am  

Patrick says

The only way we will be safe from the murderous machinations of Gates, Soros, Schwab and similar billionaires is to seize all their assets. And this is also what they fear most.

They all conspired to commit crimes against humanity, and then did commit crimes against humanity, in particular the mass toxxination mandates, resulting in vast death and no benefit whatsoever except for Pfizer, Moderna, and those who seek to enslave humanity via "vaccine passports", censorship, disarming of the American public, and other repressive tactics.

If the criteria for asset confiscation is participation in enabling vaxx mandates, does that mean that Trumps assets should be confiscated too? The guy has definitely had a hand in rushing vaxxines to the market (and bragged about it, so there is no ambiguity here).
41   Ceffer   2023 Aug 29, 8:45am  

Assets mean nothing when they are static, except as a kind of collateral or backing. Shutting down the cash flow for unlimited operations and laundering aka printing press fiat money and criminal enterprises is more important. The fascination with the 'billionaire' tag is a fool's talisman that the Globalists dangle around the necks of their disposable executive class.
42   HeadSet   2023 Aug 29, 2:44pm  


If the criteria for asset confiscation is participation in enabling vaxx mandates, does that mean that Trumps assets should be confiscated too? The guy has definitely had a hand in rushing vaxxines to the market (and bragged about it, so there is no ambiguity here).

Trump did not profit from the vax, nor did he mandate. He foolishly trusted and believed Fauci.
43   richwicks   2023 Aug 29, 11:02pm  

HeadSet says

Trump did not profit from the vax, nor did he mandate. He foolishly trusted and believed Fauci.

Big Pharma donated the most to Biden, Trump wasn't far behind.

You have to stop looking up.

I know you have hope with Trump, so do I. I just want them to leave me the fuck alone. I don't mind that Trump did Operation Warp Speed, what I mind, is there were fucking mandates. People can be test subjects if they want, being forced to be one - I only object to that.

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