Hunter Biden's lawyer, the prosecutor and the Judge just scuttled Hunter's plea deal, when they realized by taking it. McCabe couldn't plead the 5th in congress because of an ongoing investigation

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2023 Jul 26, 9:21am   2,247 views  42 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Juist to be clear we all know there's not a Judge in the land that gives a crooked fuck, if Hunter Biden walks or not. But by taking this plea deal, it exposes the DOJ, FBI and the Judiciary as a whole encompassing body to very tough questions, that they would be compelled to answer in committee. .By taking the deal off the table, everyone can continue to feign ignorance and "Not Speak to That" because it's an ongoing investigation. What crooked bastards, Congress needs to make legislation that makes them the supreme boss of every gate keeper in the DOJ..


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14   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 28, 7:40am  

Trollhole says

Good write up on what went down:


Tweet of the same posted here:

If you read through this it's completely different than what the OP is saying. I don't even see justification for the OP assessment in the original linked news article. Seems you guys are going off 100% opinion backed by zero facts. In an age when lies are so rampant, I would think people seeking the truth would steer clear of wild speculation.
16   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 28, 8:54am  

Trollhole says

Good write up on what went down:


I don't buy that the judge just stumbled upon the flakey details of the deal, by reading it in court just now.
The case was scuttled, it was easier to do it this way. Rather than Hunter's team being told to rescind the deal, or have the prosecutors call it off without having to explain in better terms. That if the judge signed off on the deal, then DOJ officials can't stonewall Congress or counter investigations. The DOJ and their SOP is nothing more than a giant shield to protect the Corruption in DC. Persecution cases are fast tracked faster than you can say "What the fuck?", while real corruption cases that the majority in plurality would want to see Justice. Are stonewalled, slow walked, and when all else fails, investigated purely to keep details and discovery top secret.

I don't believe that the Judge didn't pick that up when the case was fist filed.
17   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 28, 8:59am  

It was no accident that Wray and the DOJ were brought before Committee prior to the sentencing of Hunter's deal. Based on how the oversight hearing went, was how they were going to adjudicate the plea deal. It was obvious that an investigative obstruction was still going to be necessary.
The Judge had a job to do.
18   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 28, 9:07am  

Of course Hunter was flustered and agitated in court while the deal was "crumbling". I bet he voted against Plan B, in the AHOD, Oh Fuck what do we do now? meeting. .
19   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 28, 9:19am  

You're entire premise has no basis in any factual evidence related to the trial whatsoever. But we should believe that you somehow posses some special insight that eludes a former federal prosecutor, seriously!?

I'll say this again, you will be right when you say federal judges are corrupt most of the time, but not all of the time. In this case you're wrong. Every institution is compromised of people, some good, some bad. But never all good or all bad. Your extreme outlook has caused you to concoct conspiracy theories rather than taking the rather simple explanation put forth by someone with knowledge of the system.
20   Patrick   2023 Jul 28, 11:36am  


Typically, if the Government is offering to a defendant that it will either drop charges or decline to bring new charges in return for the defendant's guilty plea, the plea is structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(A). An agreement not to prosecute Hunter for FARA violations or other crimes in return for his pleading guilty to the tax misdemeanors, for example, would usually be a (c)(1)(A) plea. This is open, transparent, subject to judicial approval, etc.

In Hunter's case, according to what folks in the courtroom have told me, Hunter's plea was structured under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(c)(1)(B), which is usually just a plea in return for a joint sentencing recommendation only, and contained no information on its face about other potential charges, and contained no clear agreement by DOJ to forego prosecution of other charges.

Instead, DOJ and Hunter's lawyers effectively hid that part of the agreement in what was publicly described as a pretrial diversion agreement relating to a § 922(g)(3) gun charge against Hunter for being a drug user in possession of a firearm.

That pretrial diversion agreement as written was actually MUCH broader than just the gun charge. If Hunter were to complete probation, the pretrial diversion agreement prevented DOJ from ever bringing charges against Hunter for any crimes relating to the offense conduct discussed in the plea agreement, which was purposely written to include his foreign influence peddling operations in China and elsewhere.

So they put the facts in the plea agreement, but put their non-prosecution agreement in the pretrial diversion agreement, effectively hiding the full scope of what DOJ was offering and Hunter was obtaining through these proceedings. Hunter's upside from this deal was vast immunity from further prosecution if he finished a couple years of probation, and the public wouldn't be any the wiser because none of this was clearly stated on the face of the plea agreement, as would normally be the case.

Judge Noreika smelled a rat. She understood that the lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball. Instead, she backed DOJ and Hunter's lawyers into a corner by pulling all the details out into the open and then indicating that she wasn't going to approve a deal as broad as what she had discovered.

DOJ, attempting to save face and save its case, then stated on the record that the investigation into Hunter was ongoing and that Hunter remained susceptible to prosecution under FARA. Hunter's lawyers exploded. They clearly believed that FARA was covered under the deal, because as written, the pretrial diversion agreement language was broad enough to cover it. They blew up the deal, Hunter pled not guilty, and that's the current state of play.

And so here we are. Hunter's lawyers and DOJ are going to go off and try to pull together a new set of agreements, likely narrower, to satisfy Judge Noreika. Fortunately, I doubt if FARA or any charges related to Hunter's foreign influence peddling will be included, which leaves open the possibility of further investigations leading to further prosecutions.

The TL;DR version is that Judge Noreika...

...was concerned about the DOJ colluding to shield the son of the current president from future prosecution and called them out on it.

The DOJ, trying to pretend that it is as pure as the driven snow, threw Hunter under the bus at the last moment to keep the scent of scandal off them.

This angered Hunter and his team, so they decided to say "skip it" and go to court.
21   Patrick   2023 Jul 28, 11:39am  

Had to ask ChatGPT what the difference is.

What is the difference beteween a pretrial diversion agreement and a plea bargain?

A pretrial diversion agreement and a plea bargain are both legal arrangements used in criminal cases, but they serve different purposes and have distinct outcomes for the defendant. Here are the main differences between the two:

Pretrial Diversion Agreement:

Purpose: The primary purpose of a pretrial diversion agreement is to provide an alternative to traditional criminal prosecution for eligible defendants, particularly first-time or non-violent offenders. It aims to address the underlying issues that may have led to the criminal behavior and offer rehabilitation and support rather than punishment.

Eligibility: Pretrial diversion programs are typically available for individuals with minimal or no prior criminal history who are charged with relatively low-level offenses. Eligibility may vary based on the jurisdiction and the specific program's criteria.

Admission of Guilt: In a pretrial diversion agreement, the defendant may not be required to admit guilt or enter a plea. Instead, they agree to participate in the program voluntarily, and successful completion of the program can lead to the charges being dropped or never formally filed.

Conditions: The defendant must fulfill specific conditions outlined in the pretrial diversion agreement. These conditions often include participation in counseling, community service, regular check-ins with a probation officer, or other requirements tailored to the individual's case.

Outcome: If the defendant successfully completes the pretrial diversion program, the charges against them may be dismissed, and they may avoid having a criminal conviction on their record.

Plea Bargain:

Purpose: A plea bargain is a negotiation between the defendant and the prosecution to resolve a criminal case without going to trial. It aims to reach an agreement that is mutually acceptable and saves time and resources for both parties.

Eligibility: Plea bargains can be considered for a broader range of criminal cases, including more serious offenses and for defendants with different criminal histories.

Admission of Guilt: In a plea bargain, the defendant must enter a plea, which can be either a guilty plea (admitting guilt) or a no contest plea (not admitting guilt but accepting the charges). By doing so, the defendant gives up their right to a trial.

Sentence Agreement: The negotiation in a plea bargain often centers on the charges to be filed or dropped and the agreed-upon sentence or punishment. This may result in reduced charges or a recommended sentence to the court.

Outcome: If the defendant accepts the plea bargain and the court approves it, they will be sentenced according to the terms of the agreement. This typically results in a conviction and the criminal record of the defendant.

In summary, a pretrial diversion agreement offers rehabilitation and an opportunity to avoid criminal conviction for eligible first-time or non-violent offenders, while a plea bargain is a negotiation to resolve a criminal case through a guilty or no contest plea with an agreed-upon sentence or charge resolution.
22   Patrick   2023 Jul 28, 8:03pm  

Patrick says

Tenpoundbass says

Hunter is going to sink the whole damn ship of fools.

I suspect that Hunter is trying his hardest to sink that whole damn ship as revenge for Joe sexually abusing him as a boy.


Hunter didn’t just engage in high risk behavior with cocaine and hookers, he did it on camera, uploaded it to porn sites, and left it all on his laptops, which he then abandon at a computer repair shop.

He wasn’t exactly hiding it - if anything, he seemed like he was begging to get caught, to finally experience some of the much-needed consequences that might have changed his life. But they never came then and they won’t be coming now.
23   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Jul 28, 8:23pm  

@Patrick that is the same article both @Nuttboxer and I referenced earlier.
24   PeopleUnited   2023 Jul 28, 8:44pm  

NuttBoxer says

wild speculation.

Like claiming a living mother and nurse is a corpse?
25   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 28, 9:14pm  

NuttBoxer says

You're entire premise has no basis in any factual evidence related to the trial whatsoever.

My satisfaction is a long-term investment. You probably wont come back and say... "Son of a Bitch! you nailed it in every detail!" no one ever does.
I get my satisfaction gloating on full blast at those cowering in the corner, with their ears plugged, after I'm proven right.
Even then they never tell me I was right .
26   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 28, 9:42pm  

You get to give me shit when Christopher Wary and Merick Garland are actually compelled to answer any questions surrounding the Biden case without invoking "Ongoing investigation".. If that happens by all means come back and tell me I suck The Judge knows the MO for her to cut them lose without any limitations on them or calling for an investigation or special council into their dealings.. She's in on it! I cant be the smartest mother fucker in the world that sees shit nobody else does .She Knows!
27   Ceffer   2023 Jul 28, 10:42pm  

Well, it could be the usual and customary 'slow walk to nowhere until everybody forgets about it'. Just keep the lawfare ball in the air forever.
29   HeadSet   2023 Jul 30, 6:01am  

Patrick says

And that is what will happen.
30   Onvacation   2023 Jul 30, 9:03am  

If all else fails, daddy can pardon him.
31   HeadSet   2023 Jul 30, 1:39pm  

Onvacation says

If all else fails, daddy can pardon him.

Exactly. If daddy does pardon Hunter, he likely will dilute the optics by pardoning Trump at the same time "to get past this bickering and get back to work for the American people."
32   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 30, 9:07pm  

Tenpoundbass says

You get to give me shit when

The reason you get shit now, and deserve it, is because you choose to overlook a very logical explanation for a theory not even supported by your own link. Your continued participation in the false dichotomy of the Left/Right has blinded you to the facts, causing you to manifest half-assed theories. When mainstream propaganda networks try to discredit legit conspiracies, they use fuckery like this.

But you are not alone in this. I see a lot of regulars on here who flee from facts like they're being chased by mace wielding, antifa shemales. In the age of lies built on lies, shitting out more lies, you people will drown in your mindless opinions. Please read an entire article. Do some real internet searches. Even read a book. Maybe start by reading someone's entire reply/OP/link before you start clacking away.
33   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 31, 8:16am  

Surely you agree that Hunter is/was not under any investigation, and had the Judge rubber stamped the plea deal, then all uncharged crimes would have been conflated with the plea deal. That was the original intent, how ever they realized they would be exposed to answer questions, the very questions, the DOJ tried to stop Devin Archer from answering today. I find it laughable that what I am describing has been their playbook for every crooked Deep State slimy cocksucker going all the way back to the Ollie North. .Now here you are feigning ignorance.

34   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 31, 8:18am  

NuttBoxer says

But you are not alone in this. I see a lot of regulars on here who flee from facts like they're being chased by mace wielding, antifa shemales. In the age of lies built on lies, shitting out more lies, you people will drown in your mindless opinions. Please read an entire article. Do some real internet searches. Even read a book. Maybe start by reading someone's entire reply/OP/link before you start clacking away.

Wait! What's my action item? What is your position on this? I'm not clear on where you stand with your predictions on what you think is happening. Other than you think I suck.
35   clambo   2023 Jul 31, 8:26am  

The DOJ and Hunter's sleazy shysters thought the fix was in; they forgot about the judge not going along with their scheme.

I'm not religous but if I were I would pray that they all get their just deserts.

Joe Biden needs to be drooling in a chair in a nursing home somewhere; maybe he can play checkers with Mitch McConnel and Diane Feinstein, with Fetterman refilling their glasses of Geritol.

Hunter needs to be busting rocks in the hot sun in the joint.
36   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 31, 9:07am  

Tenpoundbass says

Wait! What's my action item? What is your position on this?

You have a fake presidents son walking on multiple felony charges, but you want more conspiracy than that? The simple reason this was held up, according to the former fed prosecutor, is the deal was so blatant, even a federal judge couldn't stomach it. That's what we can clearly determine, anything beyond that is speculation, barring some new evidence that no one has linked to here.
Yes, I am assuming he'll walk, but that's a pretty safe assumption given how things are going. I just don't see the need to invent more corruption when we've got mountains of it, so brazenly staring us right in the face...
37   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 31, 9:49am  

Why are we arguing over the taste of shit? None of it is good for you or taste good.

I'm only saying if this was taking place when Trump was president. The deal would have been made, they would have been hauled into Congress before a committee. The DOJ would have stonewalled and talked about on going investigations and all that. Then that would have been the end of it.
Senator Grassley is mad as hell and has a bone to pick with them. And the Whistle blowers has really thrown a wrench into things. They can't just boldly do what they have been getting away with. We've got persistent Senators, Tenacious Congressional oversight, and pissed off Whistleblowers from multiple agencies, that Democrat Congressional members has tried time and time again, to criminalize, dox, and expose, to intimidate and prevent them from testimonial.

I'm not making any conspiracy shit up, the shit is just writing itself into the story, just nobody is bothering to read it.

The Whistleblowers has Hunter and his sweetheart deal by the Balls. The Judge wasn't going down with the ship.

At least for now they still have the fifth wall. .

"I can't answer to that, it's still under investigation!"

While Liberal Congress creeps, hoot "You tell 'em!"
38   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 31, 1:59pm  

Because adding speculation actually detracts from the story. It's like saying Epstein was raping kids right on the house floor. He raped kids, no need to embellish.

Hunter Biden committed multiple felonies, and his deal was for no jail time. Do we really give a fuck about anything more than that? What's the need to embellish or speculate? What's known for a fact is already bad enough. But if you really want to go deeper, the pedo angle is the one to play up and research. I don't think he's facing a single charge on that. And that matters because it's kids, and the acts are so revolting everyone will turn on you if it comes to light.
39   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 31, 3:06pm  

well I think if judgie wedgie was legit in her lone pursuit of justice. An Obama judge like Sulivan would have filed a mandamus by now forcing the court to hold the agreement. I'm not speculating I'm going on precedence of the deep state MO.
40   stereotomy   2023 Jul 31, 3:31pm  

The absolute criminality of the executive branch (mostly via executive agency rules) and legislative rules has finally raised such a putrid and acrid evil stink that judges are in effect saying "I want no part of this."

I think the protests outside the SCOTUS homes drilled some much needed reality into their pussified heads; namely, we need to be a nation of laws, otherwise we just have anarchy.
41   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jul 31, 4:41pm  

If the pattern is to be trusted Trump is going to be SWAT raided in the AM tonight.
42   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 1, 8:41am  

If the judge honors the agreement, Biden cannot be prosecuted for any of his treason. It's a free pass not just on everything he did, but everything he might do in the future.

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