Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,648 views  4,152 comments

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2718   Ceffer   2023 Jul 26, 7:55pm  

New York Times fantasy propaganda for idiotic brainwashed hawks. I hope the military eventually hangs those wretches putting this stuff out.
2720   Ceffer   2023 Jul 27, 7:08pm  

Our crime port! Our beautiful crime port! Melting, melting! Russia finally decides leaving Odessa on the table doesn't matter any more and is beginning to encroach in earnestness.


2722   Ceffer   2023 Jul 28, 10:46pm  

The deadpan way Russians describe things on Rybar:
"In the Orikhiv sector, the AFU managed to occupy a small area of forest plantations northeast of Robotyne.
The dubious success cost the enemy dozens of dead soldiers and a large amount of burned Western equipment."
2723   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jul 29, 9:47am  

Patrick says

“life comes at you fast”
2724   Patrick   2023 Jul 29, 3:04pm  


The article begins by recycling the new narrative, which is that the much-hyped Glorious Spring CounterOffensive™ never really had a chance anyway. But Newsweek added a new twist — it’s not Ukraine’s fault, it was NATO:

While there are numerous reasons for this relative lack of success, including the strength of Russian defenses, some experts are pointing towards a less obvious influence: NATO. The alliance pushed an arbitrary deadline for the counterattack, they say, and then failed to fully prepare Ukrainian forces to carry it out.

Reading that paragraph, you could be forgiving for thinking it was NATO’s war, and Ukraine is just providing a few troops to help out. After all, why would NATO set war deadlines instead of Ukrainian generals? And why should NATO prepare Ukrainian forces to “carry out” the Ukrainian counterattack? I mean, if it’s Ukraine’s battle plan, shouldn’t Ukraine prepare its own troops?
2726   Patrick   2023 Jul 29, 4:11pm  

Trump has a point there. War for the profit of US defense contractors was inevitable as soon as the election fraud installed Bidet.
2727   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 1, 1:32pm  

They have obfuscated as much as possible though. The focus is all on aid, not American's in Ukraine. But even that isn't selling...
2728   Patrick   2023 Aug 2, 12:44am  


The joke is this: My zoomer kid was talking about Russia stomping the shit out of Ukraine and he was like - Damn Putin got Rizz. What is he Adolf Rizz-Ler?

Of course I know what it means so it’s fucking hilarious. Look it up, catch yourself up to the zoomer generation. Mostly inane humor and super subtle but every once in a while I laugh my ass off.

Back to Ukraine for a second.

It is plain to see that the entire Anglo European NATO and Western Establishment don’t give a fuck about Ukraine either. Especially the people. They really hate them. Me, I just don’t give two shits about Ukraine. And I don’t expect them to give a shit about me. They are losing like 6 fighters for every one of Russia’s fighters. So to me, The western establishment is fine with letting Russia mass murder Ukraine teenagers by the hundreds of thousands. And vice versa.

It is plain to see to me that if you look at what has happened as a result of the Ukraine War and ignore what they say they are doing you come to this conclusion:

The sanctions helped Russia so in a way Russia is getting paid to fuck Ukraine up.

No one else is invading Ukraine to fight Russia despite all the rhetoric and postering about Nuclear War. Show me one country with troops and military poised to attack Russia. I’ll wait.

Russia along with China and other nations exited the Swift system which allowed Western intelligence agencies to track global financial transactions so they could get “The Bad Guys” the second they bought the wrong thing, laundered money, and on and on. Now that is gone as the BRICS nations supposedly rise up to challenge western hegemony.
2732   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 2, 5:32am  

How's that alleged 100,000 Russian troops and 900 tanks headed toward Kharkov working out? It's probably more like 10,000 unmotivated and barely trained draftees and 90 T-55's. For comparison purposes, during WW2, the Germans managed to take Kharkov twice.
2733   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Aug 2, 6:44pm  

zzyzzx says

How's that alleged 100,000 Russian troops and 900 tanks headed toward Kharkov working out? It's probably more like 10,000 unmotivated and barely trained draftees and 90 T-55's. For comparison purposes, during WW2, the Germans managed to take Kharkov twice.

Pretty good since all they are doing is sitting tight in fortified positions while Ukeys pour in to be slaughtered. It's called 'war of attrition'.
2734   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Aug 2, 6:47pm  

is this war still on? been quiet on the news lately
2735   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Aug 2, 6:59pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

is this war still on? been quiet on the news lately

That's just a sign that the Ukeys are not winning.

Russia just has to sit tight. The Ukes need to win.

Time is not on the Ukeys side but is for the Russians.
2736   Ceffer   2023 Aug 2, 7:16pm  

Gossip says an informal agreement reached behind the scenes that Russia will occupy the entire Black Sea extent of Ukraine, but will leave Odessa demilitarized of use to Ukraine, or what's left of it, as an open port. Poland will occupy parts of Western Ukraine under agreement. So, Russia secures the Black Sea, and Poland gets some annexation.

Whether this exists or not is anybody's guess, but skirmishes continue.
2738   Patrick   2023 Aug 4, 9:00am  


Money trouble tends to blot out whatever else is happening to you, so the nation may not even notice that the Ukraine war is a lost cause. Not that we actually lost it, the Ukrainians did, poor buggers. What role did it play in American life besides money laundromat for the Biden family and a convenient stash for any number of bio-weapons labs? Are you still pretending that the war we provoked there was a heroic stand for “democracy?” Will the place matter to us when Russia has to take it on as a charity? The only thing a lot of newly-broke Americans will notice is the more than $100-billion we pounded down that rat-hole, and the thought will not make them feel warm and fuzzy.
2739   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 4, 9:03am  

Celebrations of liberation continue, now in Novorossiysk:

Interestingly, no warships were attacked in Novorossiysk prior to 02/24/2022.... Hmmm, I wonder what happened...
2740   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 4, 12:31pm  

This is the perfect shit storm, and not by design. Russia thought Ukraine would roll and they could just walk in with their puppet nomination, but Ukraine surprised them by actually being prepared for war. And since Russia refuses to engage their full army, and being that's it Russia, and they're corrupt as fuck(bribes required for ammunition, etc), this just keeps dragging out. Winners are obviously the Biden's, MIC in the US and Europe, US gas after we knocked out Russia's pipeline and raised the prices on Europe, and Russia's corrupt oligarchy. Losers are the Ukrainian and Russian people, and everyone dumb enough to fall for the Ukraine propaganda, or maybe more accurately the anti-Russian people propaganda. And of course European citizens being reamed on their gas bills.
2741   richwicks   2023 Aug 4, 9:53pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

is this war still on? been quiet on the news lately

This is what our media does when a war they promoted, is not going the way they wanted.

I try to stay informed about what was going on, but in 2013, I remember asking people "Are we still at war in Afghanistan" and NOBODY knew. It was hard for ME to find out. I had to find out from Al Jazeera. I seriously couldn't get ANY information in the last year about that war, from US "news" sites. There was nothing.

They'll do the same with Ukraine. Ukraine is losing, the US media will stop reporting on it, the next time we hear anything about it, is when Russia wins. They won't report on the number of deaths. or the settlement, or the peace agreement.
2742   richwicks   2023 Aug 4, 9:54pm  

Ceffer says

Gossip says an informal agreement reached behind the scenes that Russia will occupy the entire Black Sea extent of Ukraine, but will leave Odessa demilitarized of use to Ukraine, or what's left of it, as an open port. Poland will occupy parts of Western Ukraine under agreement. So, Russia secures the Black Sea, and Poland gets some annexation.

Whether this exists or not is anybody's guess, but skirmishes continue.

No. This war will go on for many years. This shit that it will "end soon" is bullshit.

Russia will win, but this is a proxy war. The poor Ukrainians are going to have their entire male population wiped out.
2743   richwicks   2023 Aug 4, 9:57pm  

NuttBoxer says

Winners are obviously the Biden's, MIC in the US and Europe,

No. They're making bank of course, but Europe is fucked. They just allowed the United States to cut off a major energy supplier.

The US is not at war with Russia as much as they are at war with Europe. Europe is now dependent on US energy. Europe is controlled by traitors, that are loyal to the United States, not their people. Europe would do well by treating Russia the way the US treats China. This would be in Europe's interest, but traitors run Europe. They are being over-run by immigrants. Europeans cannot believe this is happening although it is OBVIOUSLY happening.
2744   HeadSet   2023 Aug 5, 11:16am  

richwicks says

Europe would do well by treating Russia the way the US treats China.

By having Russia bribe all their leaders?
2745   Ceffer   2023 Aug 5, 11:28am  

All of our sports fans demand one hour results and itch for the temporary satisfaction of a team 'win'. I guess the trivialization of long range planning in the American mind is complete. They don't even recognize a war of attrition any more.
2746   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Aug 5, 7:03pm  

richwicks says

NuttBoxer says

Winners are obviously the Biden's, MIC in the US and Europe,

No. They're making bank of course, but Europe is fucked.

Let's just say the MIC then. As regardless of where the companies are located, I've never known war profiteers to give a shit about nationalism.
2748   tomtomtom   2023 Aug 6, 2:19pm  

This is clearly fake. Russian orcs can not build ships or buildings. They fight with shovels alone.


Celebrations of liberation continue, now in Novorossiysk:

Interestingly, no warships were attacked in Novorossiysk prior to 02/24/2022.... Hmmm, I wonder what happened...
2750   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 6, 4:06pm  

tomtomtom says

Russian orcs can not build ships or buildings.

The ship in question wasn't made in Russia.
2751   richwicks   2023 Aug 6, 4:35pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

Europe would do well by treating Russia the way the US treats China.

By having Russia bribe all their leaders?

Oh, our leaders aren't bribed. They are engaging in open corruption with the approval and knowledge of the intelligence agencies and the military.

Europe should use Russia for manufacturing and energy. This would benefit both Europe and Russia.

The problem is the European leaders are controlled by our intelligence agencies. The US occupies Europe still from WWII.

The US is the opposite of everything it claims to be. It's anti-democratic, it's anti-Republic, it's against sovereignty, it's against everything.
2752   Ceffer   2023 Aug 6, 6:45pm  

That's gotta be worth another couple of billion from the Biden administration. What pluck.

2753   Patrick   2023 Aug 9, 2:51pm  


RFK Jr. Reveals What The Media Will Never Tell You About Ukraine: “The US Wanted This War”

• According to Kennedy, President Zelensky had intentions of signing the Minsk Accords, a peace agreement with Russia over a year ago.

• The agreement left Ukraine intact but provided protections for ethnic Russians in Ukraine.

• Putin started withdrawing his troops. However, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was sent to Ukraine to “kill the agreement.”

• The US marketed Ukraine as a humanitarian crisis. Yet, when pressed, US leaders said the objectives were regime change in Russia and the exhaustion of the Russian army.

“The story that we’re told that there was an unprovoked invasion by Putin is not the accurate story,” declared Kennedy. “There’s another story, and that is that the US wanted this war.”
2754   Patrick   2023 Aug 10, 8:04am  


WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a bold statement of strength and resolve, President Joe Biden vowed to keep up the war effort against Russia as long as any Ukrainian man, woman, or child was left drawing breath to fight.

"As President of America, I am willing to sacrifice as many Ukrainian lives as it takes," said Biden. "We will keep using Ukraine to fight a proxy war until an entire generation is dead and all of my money is laundered. You have my word!"

As the war rages on, Biden reiterated his support for Ukrainians fighting hard while he sits back and watches. "The United States is proud to hide behind the Ukrainian people as a nation full of human shields," he said. "Even if it leads to Putin using nuclear weapons on the people of Ukraine, we are willing to take that risk. End of speech. Walk away from podium."
2755   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 10, 11:10am  

The imbecility and stupidity here are breathtaking.

Patrick says

"In a bold statement of strength and resolve, President Joe Biden vowed to keep up the war effort against Russia as long as any Ukrainian man, woman, or child was left drawing breath to fight."

[Emphasis mine]
Biden is following the same "strategery" followed by Winston Churchill at Gallipoli where he kept fighting the Turks until he run out of English, Australian and New Zealand troops. These idiots are still fighting the same war and the same tactics in the Ukraine.

And in Ukraine, the lives of the Ukranian people don't matter because as Alfred, Lord Tennyson‘ put it - in The Charge of the Light Brigade...

...'though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

And to make matters worse, they are fighting the Russians who are very much aware of the fact!
2756   richwicks   2023 Aug 11, 10:15pm  

The_Deplorable says

Biden is following the same "strategery" followed by Winston Churchill at Gallipoli where he kept fighting the Turks until he run out of English, Australian and New Zealand troops. These idiots are still fighting the same war and the same tactics in the Ukraine.

Not to embarrass you, but Patrick's quote is from the Babylon Bee which is a satire site.

But it is what the west is doing. I don't think there is ANY hope of Ukraine winning this war, and when it's over, it will be East and West Ukraine, and West Ukraine will need to be rebuilt, and there will be a bunch of vulture corporations to swing in to do it, at the expense of taking over all their natural resources of course.

The longer this war goes on, the worse it will be for the survivors. Ukrainians are basically fighting at this point to make their country weaker and more vulnerable to foreign vultures.

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