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A few reasons to be suspicious of Ramaswamy:
Patrick says
A few reasons to be suspicious of Ramaswamy:
Amazes me how so many so-called Conservatives or Libertarians are glomming onto this charlatan. This dude is such a phony. We are not talking ancient history with all of his terrible Leftist and Authoritarian positions.
It's all style over substance with some people on the Right.
Kind of like the unthinking Liberal Wine Moms or Affluent White Female Liberals (AWFL's) who complain about crime, COVID lockdowns and dysfunctional schools but keep voting straight ticket for Democrats.
A few reasons to be suspicious of Ramaswamy:
richwicks says
Federal Reserve IS the government.
Federal Reserve is the government of the us and the world in a financial sense.
If that prick Soros offered me money I would take it too.
I may hate the guy, but I'm not crazy.
A guy dies on the sidewalk carrying a suitcase of cash; you guys aren't picking it up as you roll the guy into the gutter?
Edit: Take out the cash, and dunk it in a plastic bucket. Then microwave it on low to disable any hidden microchip.
God is real.
There are two genders.
Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
Reverse racism is racism.
An open border is no border.
Parents determine the education of their children.
The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.
richwicks says
Federal Reserve IS the government.
Federal Reserve is the government of the us and the world in a financial sense.
gabbar says
richwicks says
Federal Reserve IS the government.
Federal Reserve is the government of the us and the world in a financial sense.
It's literally the US government.
The determine if a war will be funded or not. They determine ultimately if a business is funded or not. They can create unlimited money, grant a loan at 0% interest, and give it to anybody to do anything.
If you could borrow unlimited money at 0% interest, which corporations can get, what do you think you couldn't control? What could you buy?
This is exactly where evil comes from. It's a godlike power. Intoxicating and makes these people believe they are "doing God's work". -- Loyd Blankfein
asa hutchinson, confused transgender activist who thinks he’s republican.
The pandering, ghost written books, the 'billionaire' tag, etc.
Presidents are not dictators
RayAmerica says
Presidents are not dictators
That ship has already sailed. A President can send troops to war without a Declaration of War by Congress. Biden has thrown all immigration law out the windows and encourages illegal immigration with monetary incentives and free transportation. Biden has his justice department attacking his political opposition.
RayAmerica says
Presidents are not dictators
That ship has already sailed. A President can send troops to war without a Declaration of War by Congress. Biden has thrown all immigration law out the windows and encourages illegal immigration with monetary incentives and free transportation. Biden has his justice department attacking his political opposition.
HeadSet says
RayAmerica says
Presidents are not dictators
That ship has already sailed. A President can send troops to war without a Declaration of War by Congress. Biden has thrown all immigration law out the windows and encourages illegal immigration with monetary incentives and free transportation. Biden has his justice department attacking his political opposition.
All it take is a Supreme Court with cajones.to reverse course. Roberts disappointed unfortunately from the get go
HeadSet says
RayAmerica says
Presidents are not dictators
That ship has already sailed. A President can send troops to war without a Declaration of War by Congress. Biden has thrown all immigration law out the windows and encourages illegal immigration with monetary incentives and free transportation. Biden has his justice department attacking his political opposition.
People don't realize how close we are to becoming a 3rd world shithole. Or a country controlled by an openly visible Tyranny.
Presidents are not dictators
That ship has already sailed. A President can send troops to war without a Declaration of War by Congress.
HeadSet says
Presidents are not dictators
That ship has already sailed. A President can send troops to war without a Declaration of War by Congress.
But it is Congress that has control over the funding of these military endeavors, not the President.
Should Vivek Ramaswamy Be Trusted? (video)
Very plainly, there are questions raised by this video that Vivek must answer. No, I didn't say "chuck Vivek out immediately," I said there are questions he needs to answer. If that angers you, then I suggest you go find the answers yourself, to cure your cognitive dissonance.
When a politician comes out of absolutely nowhere and rockets in the polls (cof-cof-OBAMA-cof) EVERYBODY should be asking questions about his life, and who or what is backing and guiding him. It's not usually what it appears on your phone screen, I can tell you that.
Let's all do our due diligence as American voters. If we don't, we're stupid, and the ruling class will continue to brow-beat us like they enjoy doing so much.
P.S. I AM NOT SAYING THIS IS VIVEK -- but I will say that the ruling elite is so Machiavellian and obsessed with power, that if they sensed a large-scale revolt against the American political establishment, they absolutely would put forth an "anti-establishment" puppet to get elected, so they could still rule through him or her. Again, I am not saying this is what's happening with Vivek. I AM saying keep your eyes open.
The ruling establishment is familiar with neither rules nor morals.
Jesus Christ, another Manchurian candidate.
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If he's all in on harsh prosecutions for everyone involved in creating the virus and mandating the toxxine, then I'd be all in on him.