Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,758 views  4,152 comments

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2787   Eric Holder   2023 Aug 29, 8:36pm  

The main Red Army Airborne (VDV) base in Pskov has just been de-nazified and de-militarized to the tune of several Il-76 cargo jets burned to the ground by drones. The Reds even admitted the loss of two, which means it's bad. This is roughly 400 miles from the border.

"What air defense doing?"

2791   Patrick   2023 Aug 31, 9:45am  


The UK Telegraph ran another contrary Proxy War op-ed last week headlined, “Ukraine’s army is running out of men to recruit, and time to win.” The sub-headline even more controversially suggested, “Victory may be in sight for Vladimir Putin.”

A win for Vampire Putin! Say it isn’t so. How did that get past the censors?

After acknowledging some minor wins for Ukraine in last week’s fighting, the author described the vast difference between the dwindling number of potential soldiers available to Ukraine versus the relatively huge, steadily-increasing numbers available to Russia:

It’s a brutal but simple calculation: Kyiv is running out of men. US sources have calculated that armed forces have lost as many as 70,000 killed in action, with another 100,000 injured. While Russian casualties are higher still, the ratio nevertheless favours Moscow, as Ukraine struggles to replace soldiers in the face of a seemingly endless supply of conscripts.

Volunteers are no longer coming forward in numbers sufficient to keep the army at fighting strength: those most willing to fight signed up years ago. The latest recruitment slogan is “it’s OK to be afraid,” but there are still many attempting to dodge being drafted to fight on the front lines.

Not too good. But the vast mismatch between Ukraine’s available armed forces and what Russia can muster has been easily known from the very beginning of the conflict. So, why are op-eds appearing now citing how badly Ukraine is outnumbered? This tardy analysis mostly resembles a typical media narrative shift, where op-editors are recruited in the first wave to soften the blow and to provide some stuffing for a developing replacement narrative.

Here’s the Proxy War’s narrative timeline:

Stage 1: Russian victory is impossible.

Stage 2: Russian victory is unlikely.

Stage 3: Russia cannot be allowed to win.

Stage 4: Russia is winning, but at what cost?

Stage 5: Russian victory was inevitable.

Currently, we seem to have departed Narrative Stage 4 en route to Stage 5.

I'm starting to think that the primary US goal of provoking Russia to attack Ukraine was simply to kill as many young Ukrainian men as possible.
2792   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Aug 31, 10:28am  

Ok, I caved to social media pressure!

I am now including Ukey colors in some of my posts.

Here they are:

2793   Patrick   2023 Sep 1, 10:15am  


Speaking of happenings this autumn, expect the war in Ukraine to come to an end. The news media might omit to inform you about this, but it awaits. Russia will not trumpet its victory, so as to avoid inflaming America’s crazed neo-cons. Rather it will just quietly take charge of its successfully neutralized neighbor, make provision for some sort of administration over what remains of the rump state — in a way that affords Russia a sense of permanent security — at the same time that Russia commences new negotiations separately with several European nations to reestablish realistic relations.

The US will be delicately hung out to dry on this. Short of resorting to nuclear World War Three, there is nothing the US can do about it — except for the Democratic Party to blame the whole sorry thing on “Joe Biden” as he is forced to resign from office pending that aforesaid impeachment threat. No other explanation for the end of our Ukraine project will be required. The party of chaos will flounder a while in the very chaos that it induced, trying laughably to switch out Kamala Harris for Gavin Newsom — or some other ploy to stay in business. But the party will be so badly damaged by then that it will have no other option except to let Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., in to drive out the remaining demons and save the venerable old org from suicide.

If you think that these various momentous happenings won’t affect the financial markets and the banking system in the coming season, prepare to be amazed. This is how America truly gets to feel the pain, and this might be how the pitchforks finally come out for the people who wrecked our country.
2794   socal2   2023 Sep 1, 10:56am  

In the past week:

- Ukrainians broke through the first (and strongest?) defense line past Robotyne which will soon put Ukraine's very accurate artillery close enough to cut off the major roads and railroads that Russia is using to supply Crimea and occupied areas south of Kherson.

- Putin had Prigozhin killed and basically disbanded Russia's major fighting force (Wagner)

- Ukraine conducted major drone attacks deep inside Russian territory eliminating many expensive jets and transport planes as well as weekly attacks on Moscow.

But yeah - Russia is somehow at the cusp of "victory" or something. At best, Russia is going to be bleeding people and material well into next year as they try to hang onto what's left of the land they stole and occupied last year.
2795   richwicks   2023 Sep 1, 4:27pm  

socal2 says

But yeah - Russia is somehow at the cusp of "victory" or something. At best, Russia is going to be bleeding people and material well into next year as they try to hang onto what's left of the land they stole and occupied last year.

No. This is a proxy war between the United States and Russia. It will go on for YEARS. The US will fund this war forever, Russia will just kill all the men in the Ukrainian military over time.

Whatever US media is saying, whatever it is, it's a lie.

People treat this war like it's a football game. It's annoying. It doesn't matter ONE BIT who you support, and you are foolish to support either side. We are lied into EVERY FUCKING WAR, and our media intentionally misinforms people, but they still root and cheer. People have discovered they have supported MANY atrocities by doing this, and they still keep doing it.

Remember when the US attacked Libya "to prevent a humanitarian crisis" and people screamed at you what a bad person you were not to support that war, and they it was left in civil war with slavery markets? At the end of this current war, you're going to find you did the same fucking thing AGAIN because apparently people can't learn from the past, they just keep making the same stupid mistakes, over and over and over again.

Ukraine, EVEN IF IT COULD WIN THE WAR, is fucked.
2796   stereotomy   2023 Sep 1, 5:24pm  

Patrick says


Lol, this guy is good. "Instead of consent of the governed, we have contempt for the governed." and "If the donor class were cannibals, the government would feed Americans to them."

He also makes the valid point that a lot of this war seems driven by the hatred of people like Nuland and Blinken and the entire donor class for Russia because their Jewish ancestors were oppressed by Russia. Sure, their ancestors (and some of my own) were oppressed by tsarist Russia, but it's wrong to make their ethnic hatred for Russians and Ukrainians into US policy.

I'm trying to find smokeless powder for shotgun reloading, but everyone is out. It's all being bought up by the gubment to be shipped to the Ukraine.
2797   Ceffer   2023 Sep 1, 6:04pm  

This thread is interesting because it reflects propaganda about the Ukraine war that is crazy but accepted and promulgated as truth, and an opposite but truthful narrative with perspective. Pick which is which at your own hazard.

If you want to gauge the penetration power of propaganda and its wishful thinkers, this thread is a good study.
2799   Onvacation   2023 Sep 2, 8:39am  

socal2 says

Russia is going to be bleeding people and material well into next year

Do you think the Ukrainian army and NATO munitions will last until next year?
2800   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 2, 11:42am  

Another neoCon disaster... "This is going to end terribly for the US. It has nothing to do with democracy. It doesn't matter which party is in. Victoria nuland is always there." - Jeffrey Sachs

More from https://twitter.com/apocalypseos/status/1697822863548612813 Watch at least the first 4 minutes.
2803   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Sep 2, 3:11pm  

The_Deplorable says

sacrificed ukrainians lives for war a
gainer russia is not a benefit to ukraine. they got used.
2804   richwicks   2023 Sep 2, 4:34pm  

Ceffer says

Russia I think will just hold position until there are no more Ukrainians alive to fight.

NATO might get involved, and they will do the same thing, unless NATO starts attacking Russia directly. It's madness.

Europe, if it was controlled by people that cared about Europe, should drop their dependence on the United States, and normalize relations with Russia. Europe will get cheap reliable energy, Russia will get technical know how and perhaps even an importation of some people that can reduce corruption within Russia.

Russia's main problem is criminal activity in my opinion, organized crime.
2805   richwicks   2023 Sep 2, 4:35pm  

Onvacation says

socal2 says

Russia is going to be bleeding people and material well into next year

Do you think the Ukrainian army and NATO munitions will last until next year?

I think they easily will. It's the logistics of getting the munitions there that is the trick.
2807   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 3, 3:04pm  

The_Deplorable says

See https://twitter.com/DougAMacgregor/status/1698170679571480912

Ah, another prediction by that stupid cunt. Amazingly being constantly wrong for 18 months doesn't deter him from continuing to make a fool out of himself. Must be a lucrative gig though.

The question is: why the people who are NOT paid to make fools of themselves keep regurgitating that moron's idiotic ramblings.
2808   richwicks   2023 Sep 3, 3:20pm  


The question is: why the people who are NOT paid to make fools of themselves keep regurgitating that moron's idiotic ramblings.

The government doesn't care what you believe, as long as it's not the truth.

It's only when you're telling the truth, you're not punished.

It's my opinion the Offense Industry just wants morons to pick sides in this stupid war, in that way, when it's just a football game, and not 1/2 trillion dollars of wasted money and 100's of thousands of dead people over nothing, it's just a dumb fucking game that doesn't matter.

That Offense Industry makes lots of money on murdering people for nothing. THEY don't care what the outcome of this war is, they only care about how much money they make.
2810   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 3, 3:47pm  

"Ah, another prediction by that stupid cunt. Amazingly being constantly wrong for 18 months doesn't deter him from continuing to make a fool out of himself. Must be a lucrative gig though."

Using foul language is not an argument. It simply shows ignorance, arroogance and frustration from your part in the face of a truth you cannot handle - namely that Russia is defeating the USA and NATO in Ukraine.

The fact remains that Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea are now part of Russia, the sanctions are not affecting Russia - but they are destroying the USA and the West and the world learned that this is now a multipolar world. Foul language will not change these facts.
2811   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 3, 4:53pm  

Trollhole says

Eventually, even the most perfumed bullshit starts to stink:



Mearsheimer one is an excellent article on blitzkrieg warfare and how it pertains to Bidens/Ukies total fuckup in that regard right now.
2813   richwicks   2023 Sep 3, 10:30pm  

Patrick says

The current ESTIMATE (? why the fuck is there an estimate at this point?) that 12,000 people have been displaced by the Maui fires. Let's be generous and say that 12,000 "families.

12,000 * $700 = $840,000

Oprah could double the aid herself without even noticing it. What a cunt. It's not even a million dollars.

2,200 buildings are estimated (again, estimated still!) to have been destroyed. These could all be rebuilt for $10 billion dollars.

But Slava Ukraini!!!!

Fuck our government. I'm in fully in favor of overthrowing it at this point. They don't do anything for this nation, they're just a group of fucking criminals.
2814   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 3, 10:32pm  

Mearsheimer is great, I've been posting his stuff since a decade ago. His "Tragedy of Great Power Politics" should be mandatory reading for HS Seniors, nevermind college students.
2815   Ceffer   2023 Sep 3, 10:40pm  

The Globalists are spending out everybody else's lives, blood, money, security, etc. to the bitter end to no real purpose or cause except that they can possibly re-establish Ukraine as Globalist Mafia Central. As long as they can do it over brandy snifters and cigars, with no direct flesh in the game, they will continue to do so.

WWIII will be their cherry on the cake.
2816   richwicks   2023 Sep 3, 10:56pm  

Ceffer says

The Globalists are spending out everybody else's lives, blood, money, security, etc. to the bitter end to no real purpose or cause except that they can possibly re-establish Ukraine as Globalist Mafia Central. As long as they can do it over brandy snifters and cigars, with no direct flesh in the game, they will continue to do so.

WWIII will be their cherry on the cake.

The goal isn't WWIII, it's just endless war.
2817   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 4, 11:43am  

AmericanKulak says

Mearsheimer is great, I've been posting his stuff since a decade ago. His "Tragedy of Great Power Politics" should be mandatory reading for HS Seniors, nevermind college students.

Updated version is now out:

2818   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 11:35am  

Guess it must have been too much winning.

2819   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 11:40am  

Bbbbbut, what about Netflix? Won't they miss the computer geniuses? Kicking the cuckoo birds from the nest.

2820   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 11:42am  

I think Biden is having a fire sale on the remnants of Trump's wall.

2823   Patrick   2023 Sep 8, 6:49pm  


NATO Chief Openly Admits Russia Invaded Ukraine Because Of NATO Expansion

During a speech at the EU Parliament’s foreign affairs committee on Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg clearly and repeatedly acknowledged that Putin made the decision to invade Ukraine because of fears of NATO expansionism.

From an AI response:

Secretary of State James Baker's famous "not one inch eastward" assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991. Baker's main aim was to allay Soviet fears of a larger, unified Germany

The US lied about NATO expansion, over and over.

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