Trump Mugshot Thread

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2023 Aug 25, 8:10pm   48,201 views  650 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Democrats seem to have—yes—truly lost the black vote, and the guilt trip is over, as the culture assumes the role of driver, while the supposedly terrifying despotic elites get ground down and recycled into content.

Content they have no power to ever create.

Tweets about New Love for Trump from blacks who know all about unjust jail sentences...

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56   Patrick   2023 Aug 29, 1:24pm  


The Mugshot "Heard" Round the World
Did the Democrats finally make a Trump voter?

You maniacs. You finally did it. You finally made people like me actually want to vote for Trump — not just vote for him because he’s a Republican, and he’ll do the dirty job of putting the brakes on “gender-affirming care.” I was already there. But actually wanting to vote for Trump specifically, to believe that only Trump can finally end this ongoing insanity in our government, culture, and country? Well, that seemed impossible.

I know the cost of crossing into enemy territory. I know that it means— into the garbage can with me. I know that it is social and career suicide. But I can’t watch them go after him like this, busting through norm after norm, relishing his humiliation, and not want to, at the very least, use my vote to protest what they’ve done. ...

I live in California, so my vote hardly matters. It’s more symbolic to say that I do not consent to my government or my tax dollars being used this way. I do not consent to a partisan, weaponized DOJ. I do not consent to show trials, performative indictments, or a two-tiered justice system. And I certainly don’t consent to mugshots of former presidents. It weakens our standing in the world. It makes us look small. It makes us look insane. It makes us look corrupt. ...

Trump must prevail because otherwise, they’ve shown us there will be no end to any of it. Once they’re done with Trump, they’ll move on to the next threat. More power for them means less freedom for us - in our lives, online, and in our culture. They will never stop on their own. They have to be stopped.

Like the raid on Mar-a-Lago, the mugshot was totally unnecessary. It was petty and vindictive, yet another episode in their ongoing melodrama that casts themselves as the oppressed victims beating back centuries of White Supremacy and racism that they somehow see embodied in Trump. ...

In all of the Left’s hysteria and mania over the past seven years, they’ve done nothing to address those who have felt abandoned by what our government has become. Why? It is much easier for them to kill the messenger.

Money drives politics; everyone knows that. But when Trump’s small money donors chipped in and raised $7 million almost overnight for Trump’s defense, it was proof enough of the widespread affection so many people have for Trump, and it was threatening for people who have all the money and believe that entitles them to all of the power. Well guess what? It doesn’t. ...

I actually think Trump could win. While it’s true his presence in the race will allow the Democrats to do what they did in 2020 - use their deep pockets to drive around operatives to collect ballots, Republicans can do that too. Trump still won Iowa, Florida, and Ohio - that tells us he was very close to winning, even with the war against him during his presidency.

Trump has one secret weapon. That would be Vivek Ramaswamy’s mission should he choose to accept it. Ramaswamy has said he does not want to be anyone’s Veep. But if Trump asks him and he accepts, he could be helping to take America through a 1980s-Reagan-like moment where the entire ship turns around. He can serve not just four years as Trump’s Veep, but he could theoretically do eight years after that as president.

Vivek Ramaswamy has what Trump has - the ability to instantly go on offense when attacked. He can do this anywhere, in any setting, facing down any opponent - the wokest of the woke, traditional Conservatives, the media. He can help grow the multi-ethnic, multi-generational movement Trump already started and finally, America can be rid of the monopolies controlling it at the top.

The Left has all of the power, wealth, status, culture, and institutions. But they can’t offer the people what Trump can, the essentials for winning a presidential election: Hope. Optimism. American exceptionalism.

We’re in trouble as a country if the current regime gets away with what they’ve done to Trump. Every American must stand up against it and send a message to DC that we don’t go along with this grotesque overreach and abuse of power. No, we do not believe in that kind of America, and no, we do not want that kind of America. ...

In all of that time, I was able to say, “I voted for Biden,” or “I’m not a Trump supporter,” or “I’m not a Trump voter,” or “I would never vote for Trump.”

But then they took the mugshot.
58   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Aug 30, 7:19pm  

Meanwhile in downtown Atlanta:

59   Patrick   2023 Aug 30, 8:59pm  

Trollhole says

We need a graph of the pre-mugshot numbers month over month to know if the mugshot made much of a difference.
62   The_Deplorable   2023 Aug 31, 11:37am  

Patrick says
"The response to the predominantly black crowds lining the streets of the Atlanta neighborhood reveals why there has been a corporate media blackout on Trump passing through the area."

Amazing! Blacks are lining the streets to greed Trump... Our lords and masters, the Globalists, lost the black vote.

From the link: https://slaynews.com/news/video-explains-media-blackout-trump-driving-through-poor-neighborhood-way-fulton-county/
67   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 4, 12:44am  

President Trump to every COVID tyrant... WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!

From https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1696958333284991416
69   richwicks   2023 Sep 4, 1:51am  

The_Deplorable says

President Trump to every COVID tyrant... WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!

Don't forget he's the one that did Operation Warp Speed, and took credit for the vaccines.

I know you want to trust somebody in power, but don't.
71   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 4, 12:50pm  

richwicks says

"Don't forget he's the one that did Operation Warp Speed, and took credit for the vaccines."

Not really.

The vaccine was released after he left office... but he needs to stop supporting this poison.
72   Tenpoundbass   2023 Sep 4, 2:26pm  

richwicks says

Don't forget he's the one that did Operation Warp Speed, and took credit for the vaccines.

He hijacked it from them. Had he let THEM do IT. They would have been a mandatory forced jabbed.
73   richwicks   2023 Sep 4, 2:41pm  

@The_Deplorable @Tenpoundbass

I know you want to have hope that Trump isn't a piece of shit, and he isn't as MUCH of a piece of shit as Biden, or Clinton, or Romney, or Obama, blah blah blah.

But he's a piece of shit.

He's just not completely fucking worthless.

Trump still claims that the "vaccines" saved "millions of lives" - they didn't save anybody. They were entirely worthless at BEST, and dangerous at worst, and it looks like the worst.

If Clit Tonne was president, nothing would have been different. That asshole twat would have done the same and probably she would have escalated all the wars. Trump like every asswipe that is president was shit, he just wants shit plus radioactive vomit, like our last 4 presidents before him were. He seemed good in comparison, but he wasn't good.
74   clambo   2023 Sep 4, 2:43pm  

The vax did help some guys avoid being put on a respirator.
We guys over 65 were in danger, so were "AIDS victims", unhealthy and fat slobs.
It was a "Hobson's Choice" situation for many people.
Trump isn't a doctor and was hearing a vaccine could be developed and doctors told him it's a good idea.
I don't blame him for getting it done.
It's unfortunate that guys like Fauci oversold the vax; it's probably useful for the groups I mentioned, not healthy young people.
75   richwicks   2023 Sep 4, 2:54pm  

clambo says

The vax did help some guys avoid being put on a respirator.

All the respirator did was kill people. If you survived being put on a respirator, that was the fucking miracle.

You know how you get through this stupid pathetic pussy disease if you're not getting oxygen? You get supplemental oxygen. This was a bad cold. The vaccine did NOTHING to prevent the disease, as it's a respiratory disease, it was never that dangerous, all the Chinese people you saw just suddenly dying were actors, it was all a fucking sham.

Trump gave people hints. Hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin he mentioned. They work. Fauci is a fraud, Trump should have fired him, and then had him murdered by a "street thug" (worked for Seth Rich), but I'm satisfied he gave hints. If Trump had REAL BALLS, he would have said "there's no fucking pandemic, all these assholes are traitors to the nation, and lying to you". Probably get him killed, but that's what actually happened.
76   clambo   2023 Sep 4, 3:23pm  

The vax did prevent some guys dying or getting really fucked up.
The proof is a high number of over 65 took it, and didn't croak en mass.
It's expected that a lot more of the old would have not made it.
It's inevitable that we all are exposed to the virus.
Either way I don't blame Trump for going along with the guys he assumed knew their shit.
77   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 4, 3:42pm  

richwicks says
"I know you want to have hope that Trump isn't a piece of shit, and he isn't as MUCH of a piece of shit as Biden, or Clinton, or Romney, or Obama, blah blah blah. But he's a piece of shit."

You are ignoring the fact that the vaccine was released after Trump left office... he didn't know. But he needs to stop supporting this poison. The latest from Trunp is this...

Donald Trump: "When I am back in the White House, I will use every available authority to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate," https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/donald-trump-covid-19-lockdowns/2023/08/31/id/1132747/
78   richwicks   2023 Sep 4, 4:20pm  

clambo says

The vax did prevent some guys dying or getting really fucked up.
The proof is a high number of over 65 took it, and didn't croak en mass.

Show the evidence, don't just say it's there.

The vaccine was useless. I know SEVERAL people that got the "vaccine" that subsequently got sick. I didn't take the vaccine, IF I got the disease (and I may have), it was just annoying, not deadly.

clambo says

It's expected that a lot more of the old would have not made it.

"expected" by whom? The people making bank on this bullshit vaccine?

clambo says

It's inevitable that we all are exposed to the virus.
Either way I don't blame Trump for going along with the guys he assumed knew their shit.

I'm old enough to remember when that mother fucker Fauci was forcing AZT to be used for AIDS. It was a failed chemo drug because it killed the patients faster than cancer would. It had zero efficacy, and at the time, Fauci was claiming it was "safe and effective".

Fauci just likes to kill people. He should at minimum been fired decades ago, and at maximum, executed. He's just a fucking sociopath.
79   Patrick   2023 Sep 4, 4:32pm  

clambo says

The vax did prevent some guys dying or getting really fucked up.
The proof is a high number of over 65 took it, and didn't croak en mass.

@clambo The recent JFK Jr. interview has him presenting evidence that the vaxx killed 4 or 5 people from heart problems for every one it "saved".

I'm pretty sure that's true.
80   clambo   2023 Sep 4, 7:01pm  

JFK Jr. is dead, you mean RFK Jr. the junkie.

Why wasn't the huge number of myocarditis found in the trials?

They did conduct drug trials as lacking as some will say they were.

As of April 18, the Pfizer and Moderna original vaxes are no longer approved, so not available.

The vax was probably not as safe as we wish; as I mentioned various times, it probably saved a bunch of guys over 65 a lot of problems.

I know guys who didn't take it who are mid 50's and had problems, almost died. I know people who took the vax and got sick anyway. I know all kinds of cases, but the second "wave" of the disease was putting a lot of people on ventilators, and I was glad I had taken the shit before that came around.
81   richwicks   2023 Sep 4, 7:11pm  

clambo says

Why wasn't the huge number of myocarditis found in the trials?

Why weren't heart problems found in fen-phen in the trials? Remember fen-phen?


Why weren't problems with babies found in pregnant women with Thalidomide? Remember that?

The truth is - they ARE found, they just don't give a shit. Psychopaths market drugs, not human beings. I mean, how do you become incredibly wealthy if you have a soul or a conscience?

Do you think it's a coincidence that Bill Gates is a billionaire, fucked over multiple companies like Stacker and Dr. DOS, then went on to do vaccine trials in India that killed people, and he's STILL pushing vaccines? He's just a fucking sociopath. He'll murder you for a buck.

It's not that they didn't know these vaccines were dangerous, they knew - they just don't care. They have full government immunity. The evidence is out, we know for certain they aren't only worthless, but dangerous. Still they're pushed, it will be called a "mistake" in time, for an "emergency", in time.

At the absolute minimum at this point, you must recognize that the vaccines are worthless at best, but they STILL push them, why? $$$$$ They are even trying to start up a new bullshit pandemic. I'm in favor of overthrowing this government of psychopaths at this point, but you don't see them as they are - psychopaths. I wish you would.
82   Patrick   2023 Sep 8, 10:44am  

This is why they had to get rid of Trump. He's was messing with their grifts.

83   stereotomy   2023 Sep 8, 10:55am  

Patrick says

This is why they had to get rid of Trump. He's was messing with their grifts.

Unfortunately, Trump couldn't conceive the true depths of evil to which the deep state would turn to railroad his ass to prison. This is total war, not just for ourselves, but for our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I know @richwicks has called for more extreme measures, and if it comes down to it, I agree with him. If one cannot negotiate with what is tantamount to evil, then the only option left is to extirpate evil, by killing and routing out and burning/annihiliating its rotten core.
84   richwicks   2023 Sep 8, 1:03pm  

stereotomy says

I know richwicks has called for more extreme measures

I'm not calling for ANY measures.

I'm pointing out that's what it's going to take.

People are stupid to think if they vote harder that will fix it. The parties control who is able to run, and it doesn't fucking matter who wins. Trump was the aberration because NOBODY thought he could win. The only reason Trump was allowed to run on the republican ballot is because it was inconceivable to the establishment that he could win.


Our FBI is a bunch of criminals that frame people, our CIA is a bunch of drug runners, our banking system is a bunch of criminal scum, our congress openly accepts bribes, Joe Biden OPENLY sells access to his office, and nobody does anything. It will take a revolt to change it.
86   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 13, 9:26am  

Putin from the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on September 12. From "Putin Mocks 'Rotten' US System For Prosecution Of Donald Trump" https://www.zerohedge.com/political/putin-mocks-rotten-us-system-prosecution-donald-trump

94   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 29, 10:31am  


A prominent Palm Beach real estate broker told The NY Post, "It’s utterly delusional to think that property is only worth $18 million... If that property were on the market today, I would list it at around $300 million, minimum... at least. He also has the separate golf course minutes away." https://nypost.com/2023/09/27/donald-trumps-mar-a-lago-worth-at-least-300m-sources/

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