Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   432,283 views  4,178 comments

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2811   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 3, 4:53pm  

Trollhole says

Eventually, even the most perfumed bullshit starts to stink:



Mearsheimer one is an excellent article on blitzkrieg warfare and how it pertains to Bidens/Ukies total fuckup in that regard right now.
2813   richwicks   2023 Sep 3, 10:30pm  

Patrick says

The current ESTIMATE (? why the fuck is there an estimate at this point?) that 12,000 people have been displaced by the Maui fires. Let's be generous and say that 12,000 "families.

12,000 * $700 = $840,000

Oprah could double the aid herself without even noticing it. What a cunt. It's not even a million dollars.

2,200 buildings are estimated (again, estimated still!) to have been destroyed. These could all be rebuilt for $10 billion dollars.

But Slava Ukraini!!!!

Fuck our government. I'm in fully in favor of overthrowing it at this point. They don't do anything for this nation, they're just a group of fucking criminals.
2814   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 3, 10:32pm  

Mearsheimer is great, I've been posting his stuff since a decade ago. His "Tragedy of Great Power Politics" should be mandatory reading for HS Seniors, nevermind college students.
2815   Ceffer   2023 Sep 3, 10:40pm  

The Globalists are spending out everybody else's lives, blood, money, security, etc. to the bitter end to no real purpose or cause except that they can possibly re-establish Ukraine as Globalist Mafia Central. As long as they can do it over brandy snifters and cigars, with no direct flesh in the game, they will continue to do so.

WWIII will be their cherry on the cake.
2816   richwicks   2023 Sep 3, 10:56pm  

Ceffer says

The Globalists are spending out everybody else's lives, blood, money, security, etc. to the bitter end to no real purpose or cause except that they can possibly re-establish Ukraine as Globalist Mafia Central. As long as they can do it over brandy snifters and cigars, with no direct flesh in the game, they will continue to do so.

WWIII will be their cherry on the cake.

The goal isn't WWIII, it's just endless war.
2817   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 4, 11:43am  

AmericanKulak says

Mearsheimer is great, I've been posting his stuff since a decade ago. His "Tragedy of Great Power Politics" should be mandatory reading for HS Seniors, nevermind college students.

Updated version is now out:

2818   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 11:35am  

Guess it must have been too much winning.

2819   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 11:40am  

Bbbbbut, what about Netflix? Won't they miss the computer geniuses? Kicking the cuckoo birds from the nest.

2820   Ceffer   2023 Sep 5, 11:42am  

I think Biden is having a fire sale on the remnants of Trump's wall.

2823   Patrick   2023 Sep 8, 6:49pm  


NATO Chief Openly Admits Russia Invaded Ukraine Because Of NATO Expansion

During a speech at the EU Parliament’s foreign affairs committee on Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg clearly and repeatedly acknowledged that Putin made the decision to invade Ukraine because of fears of NATO expansionism.

From an AI response:

Secretary of State James Baker's famous "not one inch eastward" assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991. Baker's main aim was to allay Soviet fears of a larger, unified Germany

The US lied about NATO expansion, over and over.
2826   Patrick   2023 Sep 15, 10:59am  


Russia Today reported that last month, former comedian and Ukraine President Zelensky fired all his draft commissioners, every single one, and ordered a fresh review of all previous medical exemptions to the draft, citing “widespread corruption.” Imagine that. In Ukraine of all places.

Apparently the officials were selling medical draft exemptions or something.

Not only that, but Zelensky tightened the rules, which now allow conscripting shirkers with mental health problems, chronic diseases, tuberculosis, and HIV.

Nothing could go wrong with that plan.
2827   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 15, 11:37am  


Great, the West's main battle tanks can't cut it against the Russians in Ukraine.
2828   richwicks   2023 Sep 15, 5:55pm  

Patrick says


Russia Today reported that last month, former comedian and Ukraine President Zelensky fired all his draft commissioners, every single one, and ordered a fresh review of all previous medical exemptions to the draft, citing “widespread corruption.” Imagine that. In Ukraine of all places.

Apparently the officials were selling medical draft exemptions or something.

Not only that, but Zelensky tightened the rules, which now allow conscripting shirkers with mental health problems, chronic diseases, tuberculosis, and HIV.

Nothing could go wrong with that plan.

It's becoming increasingly clear that our government just wants to kill as many Ukrainians as possible. When this war is over, Russia will have Eastern Ukraine, and our government (and its companies, which run our government) will be raping what is left of the West. It's clearly depopulation.
2829   Ceffer   2023 Sep 15, 6:00pm  

Are the days of wine and cocaine up for Z? His sponsor has been arrested, and everybody is running out of mothballed military inventory to send to him to fail against the Russians. They're down to organ harvesting and child trafficking to make corruption payrolls. They'll start harvesting before they even reach the battle lines pretty soon.
2830   richwicks   2023 Sep 15, 6:10pm  

Ceffer says

Are the days of wine and cocaine up for Z? His sponsor has been arrested, and everybody is running out of mothballed military inventory to send to him to fail against the Russians. They're down to organ harvesting and child trafficking to make corruption payrolls. They'll start harvesting before they even reach the battle lines pretty soon.

Ihor Kolomoyskyi's arrest might just be a political move to make it appear there's some sort of rule of law. It's like indicting Hunter Biden.

Zelensky's job, in my opinion, is to destroy Ukraine and drastically weaken it to make it more easily taken over by foreign interests, which are American interests. And the end of this, the Western Ukrainians will regret allowing the coup.
2831   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 15, 9:31pm  

richwicks says

and our government (and its companies, which run our government) will be raping what is left of the West. It's clearly depopulation.

Doubtful. Because by then the Russians will be the only ones capable of rolling in and taking the place. NATO countries will not.
2832   Ceffer   2023 Sep 18, 10:57am  

Guess they didn't like them hogging all the victory glory, and need to pass it around.

2834   Patrick   2023 Sep 19, 10:58am  


Watch out on deck! The narrative boom is swinging around. Newsweek ran an op-ed yesterday with the unintentionally-hilarious headline, get this: “We Can No Longer Hide the Truth About the Russia-Ukraine War.”

Bwahahahahaha! “We can no longer HIDE THE TRUTH!” Not “hide from the truth.” Get it?? It’s so obvious now that they can admit it right IN THE HEADLINE: They’ve been hiding the truth.

Conspiracy thinkers = 993, Experts = zero.

The author, Daniel L. Davis is a senior fellow for Defense Priorities and a former lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army with four combat assignments. Here’s a summary of his comments, in his own words (lightly-edited for brevity and clarity):

It's time to acknowledge objective reality and employ policies that can work. There is no realistic basis to believe that Ukraine has the capacity to attain its stated strategic objective to reclaim all its territory, including Crimea.
Washington has spent nearly $113 billion over the course of this war, provided Ukraine with an astounding volume of modern arms and ammunition, and delivered an impressive array of training and intelligence support. But after almost a year of preparation, Ukraine has hardly dented the Russian lines.
Although Ukraine appears to have finally penetrated the first line of Russia's main defense, the most difficult part of Russia's defensive system has yet to be overcome: the hundreds of kilometers of dragon's teeth, tank ditches, and yet more vast minefields. The best Ukraine can likely do for the rest of the year is to hold what they have and prevent the possibility of losing more territory to a potential Russian counteroffensive this fall.
The op-ed’s comments were fascinating. While the majority of Newsweek’s readers predictably commented that Lt. Col. Davis is just another sold-out Putin shill — Putin sure seems to have a lot of them! — there were other comments like this one, expressing surprise and shock that the Proxy War isn’t going according to plan:

2835   socal2   2023 Sep 19, 2:20pm  

Patrick says

It's time to acknowledge objective reality and employ policies that can work. There is no realistic basis to believe that Ukraine has the capacity to attain its stated strategic objective to reclaim all its territory, including Crimea.

I see this Newsweek Opinion piece is getting alot of traction posted on 3 different Russian related threads today.

Hopium for those who want to see the mass killing to continue until Russia finishes its illegal invasion!

Does the author say there is a "realistic basis" that Russia has the capacity to attain its stated strategic objectives? I didn't see it. What are Russia's strategic objectives in Ukraine these days? Just hang onto Crimea and the portions of Eastern Ukraine they currently occupy and deal with festering drone attacks and insurgency for the next 10+ years?

I'd think Ukraine despite being a smaller population has the capacity to hold off Russia longer than Russia can continue pouring men and material into a lost cause.
2836   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 19, 3:14pm  

socal2 says

Does the author say there is a "realistic basis" that Russia has the capacity to attain its stated strategic objectives? I didn't see it. What are Russia's strategic objectives in Ukraine these days? Just hang onto Crimea and the portions of Eastern Ukraine they currently occupy and deal with festering drone attacks and insurgency for the next 10+ years?

socal2 says

I'd think Ukraine despite being a smaller population has the capacity to hold off Russia longer than Russia can continue pouring men and material into a lost cause.

Wow. Just wow.

Russia hasn't been 'pouring' much of anything into this. They just build layers of echelon defense positions (none of which Ukraine has cracked), sit back and slaughter Ukeys by the thousands.

Who is on hopium crack now?

And why the hell should ANY of my tax money be wasted on this at all? (Who gives a shit about 'Russia this! Russia that! Russia! Russia! Russia!')
2837   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Sep 19, 3:59pm  

See? House MAGA Republicans hold all the cards:

2838   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 20, 8:16am  

Ukraine's bombing their own people, sounds like things are getting pretty desperate.
2840   Eric Holder   2023 Sep 20, 10:45am  

NuttBoxer says

Ukraine's bombing their own people, sounds like things are getting pretty desperate.

Slowly explain the supposed benefits of deliberately bombing your own people. I mean there must be some if you imply so, but what are they? It's not like enemy doesn't kill your civilians already every fucking day and in droves. What exactly is the point of doing that to themselves? I don't see any upside, while the downside is huge and obvious. To risk internal destabilization, army mutiny or worse if the truth of such deliberate acts comes out, and for what?

PS. This looney bean gets loonier and loonier every day.
2841   Patrick   2023 Sep 20, 10:50am  

Eric Holder says

Slowly explain the supposed benefits of deliberately bombing your own people. I mean there must be some if you imply so, but what are they? It's not like enemy doesn't kill your civilians already every fucking day and in droves. What exactly is the point of doing that to themselves?

@"Eric Holder"

The benefit is the elimination of the large ethnically Russian minority in eastern Ukraine.

So the Ukrainian government does not see those citizens as part of its "self" at all. It sees them as the enemy in spite of their citizenship.

It's pretty simple. Ethnic cleansing. Well, complicated by the fact that there are large natural gas deposits in that region.
2842   Patrick   2023 Sep 20, 10:50am  


Lockheed Martin Boasts to Investors: Ukraine War Fueling "$10 Billion of Opportunities ... Now to the End of the Decade"

The defense industry is bullish about military contracts to supply the Ukraine-Russia war, and replenish U.S. military stockpiles depleted by weapons transfers.
2843   socal2   2023 Sep 20, 11:13am  

Patrick says

Well, complicated by the fact that there are large natural gas deposits in that region.

It's just a big oil/resource grab by Russia?
2844   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 20, 11:59am  

Eric Holder says
"Slowly explain the supposed benefits of deliberately bombing your own people."

No problem. It is a False Flag attack and it is a specialty of the neoCons and the Nazi Globalist Reich.
2845   richwicks   2023 Sep 20, 12:10pm  

socal2 says

Patrick says

Well, complicated by the fact that there are large natural gas deposits in that region.

It's just a big oil/resource grab by Russia?


This is a resource grab by the United States. They hoped to capture Russia.

But since moron asshole Neocons are in charge that fail at everything, this will fail as well. They might get Western Ukraine, that's it.

Don't you ever ask to yourself why people who fail in their public statements of objectives, only fall upwards? The stated objective of the State Department is negotiation to avoid war, but we have these assholes like Victoria Nuland and Nikki Haley as our representatives. They foment war, they don't avert it.

They do everything possible in their position to cause war, they aren't diplomats at all.

I'll be plain. Their job is to lie to the public to justify wars, and the stated objectives to the public are a complete lie. Their job is to convince the public to support wars. They have no objective in stabilizing this nation or preserving peace. They have no concern about the stability or prosperity of this nation, at all. They have said this openly:

original link

Even when they directly tell you that they don't give a shit about the country, you can't believe it. Well, believe it. They can't be more obvious about it, more blatant. What's wrong with you? Even when they tell you outright, you can't believe it.
2847   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 21, 12:29am  

An American Journalist Prisoner in Ukraine

"The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve another $24 billion for Ukraine for now through the end of this year, which would add to the $113 billion that Congress has committed to the country since its war with Russia began in February of last year.

President Biden on Tuesday at the United Nations argued that investment in Ukraine was an investment in "the future of every country that seeks a world governed by basic rules."

However, the administration has been much less vocal about Ukraine potentially violating the rights of an American journalist who is currently detained in Ukraine for his reporting; and in a speech at the U.N. almost entirely devoted to Ukraine, the status of Gonzalo Lira was not mentioned once by Biden."

2849   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 21, 12:26pm  

See https://twitter.com/JesseBWatters/status/1704310428153635145 Watch at least from the 1:44 to 3:50 Minutes
2850   Ceffer   2023 Sep 21, 12:29pm  

Unbounded optimism that the NWO/Globalists can build back better their crime empire. We'll see what the Russkies have to say about that.

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