What do you think about my business name? It’s CarsByOwner.com

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2023 Sep 23, 9:25am   11,512 views  111 comments

by Robber Baron Elite Scum   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I don’t mean to spam but i just want to know
What you think about my business name ?

It’s called Cars By Owner, Inc. and the website is CarsByOwner.com

I am incorporated in Delaware.

Most people don’t buy homes without a real estate agent but they buy cars from owners directly.

I am sticking to cars only as many people buy cars privately without a dealer involved and also sell cars privately.

What do you think ?

Is it a billion dollar name? Google “Cars By owner” and all the top car companies are
Advertising on that term

Let me know
What you think.

I currently work for a dodge ram Chrysler Jeep dealership.
Lol 😂 I am scum

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56   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 4:51am  

WookieMan says

The name doesn't matter.

I think you shouldn't give advice about this. You really do not know what you're talking about. Companies spend ungodly amounts of money to come up with names. Startups spend ungodly amounts of time to come up with a memorable name that isn't already taken as a domain. If you have to purchase a name/domain from a 3rd party and you're a startup, that alone could cause you to have to find a different domain. This is where you get out over your skis. Especially now that domains are mostly all taken it is even more difficult. And I don't think anyone thinks that a name is all you need. Is a name important? Come on dude, of course it is.
57   WookieMan   2023 Sep 27, 5:14am  

GNL says

WookieMan says

The name doesn't matter.

I think you shouldn't give advice about this. You really do not know what you're talking about. Companies spend ungodly amounts of money to come up with names. This is where you get out over your skis. Especially now that domains are mostly all taken it is even more difficult. And I don't think anyone thinks that a name is all you need.

Enjoy: https://www.zyxware.com/articles/4344/list-of-fortune-500-companies-and-their-websites

90% plus have nothing to do with the product they're selling. It's family names and made up company names. I guess the top 500 companies in the world basically don't know what they're doing? There's a multinational company called 3M for fucks sake? They provide and make products/services that sell. A domain name doesn't sell for you. You're not getting the point at all. The OP is hung up on whether the name is good or not. IS THE FUCKING PRODUCT/SERVICE GOOD OR NOT!

I don't understand what is difficult to comprehend here. Nothing has been laid out about how this would be different than the thousands of other companies doing the exact same things, just he thinks the name is good. That doesn't make a business. And I'm not out over my skis. I ran a business for over 15 years top to bottom. If the first thing you question is the name, you're likely doomed. It means you cannot make a decision. If he succeeds I'll give him a digital high five, I don't want people to fail. I'm going to give real, constructive criticism when it's due.

Another thing is don't come to a public forum if you don't want to hear honest answers from people that have done it. Sometimes the truth hurts.
58   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 5:23am  

You are not a smart person. You've never started a company. Of course the product matters. Duh. No one said it didn't. You are projecting. No one here EVER said the name is the only thing that matters. If you don't think companies give a shit about the name of their company you are delusional. For fucks sake, they spend tons of money on logos and even spend ungodly amounts of time, research and $$ on just the colors they use in adverts. Good grief.
59   WookieMan   2023 Sep 27, 5:44am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

What you think about my business name ?

GNL says

No one here EVER said the name is the only thing that matters.

The first quote is one of two questions in the OP. Then....Robber Baron Elite Scum says

What do you think ?

No discussion of what the business is going to be and how to make money. It's about a domain name. It's a flawed approach. I don't care what companies spend on names and logos, that's all useless if you don't have a product or service to sell. Point in case: https://www.temu.com/

This is a company selling pure shit with a domain that makes no sense to any American, yet millions of people are buying from them. The business owner makes the name. These companies you keep mentioning didn't put money into logos/domain names until the had actual revenue in the millions. This is one of the easiest cases of a big company with a shit name and logo selling and making a ton of money.

You're missing the point dude. He has NO service to speak of besides one that has been replicated thousands of times that probably has a higher failure rate than restaurants. The name/domain name doesn't generate sales. Is it a good or bad name, who knows? If the service is shit, it's a bad name. Can you at least understand that? I feel like I'm talking to a wall.
60   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 6:16am  

All of this advice from someone who ran a daycare for adults for 15 years. You said it yourself, the RE industry is full of nothing but idiots. You're missing the point. It was a simple question by the OP and you turned it into a lecture about how it's shit because YOU think it can't be done. I pity your children.
61   SoTex   2023 Sep 27, 6:20am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

FuckYou Peasants is a great brand name.

For the parent company...
62   WookieMan   2023 Sep 27, 6:31am  

GNL says

You're missing the point. It was a simple question by the OP and you turned it into a lecture about how it's shit because YOU think it can't be done. I pity your children.

Lol, I'm not at all. I suppose you like your pronouns as well? The fucking name doesn't matter. There's no clear business plan besides buying a domain name. You're better off doing keyword search targeting with a domain as dumb as something like mycarisgay.com. Unless you have 7+ figures for marketing out the gate, your domain name makes ZERO difference.

And yes, if I can run an adult daycare filled with idiots, I'd say I have way more experience than most in the realm of business. You deal with dozens of high school drop outs that took 3 tries to pass their real estate exam. That's real fucking work. Thanks for proving my point for me.
63   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 6:50am  

I own a company. Any company is work. Any company can earn high dollars. Try it sometime.

Wookie bought a car and he's now an expert on the industry. He's never started a company but he's an expert. He's never flown a plane but he's an expert. He's never been a politician but he's an expert. He's never bought a domain but he's an expert. Are you catching on to the pattern yet?

Just now, he says he's closing on some land that he's going to build his dream home of 2,200 square feet and now he's an expert on being a builder. I pity the builder you hire (if you aren't the poser I've accused you of being). Interesting that after our dustup all of a sudden you're starting to get your act together on your dream home. Maybe you realized that someone wasn't buying your BS?
64   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 6:58am  

66   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 7:16am  

Schokolade says

Is it a secret

Why don't you give me your home address or an address of one of your rentals?
67   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 7:25am  

Maybe it's this one...

68   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 7:26am  

Maybe I'm just a lowly photographer on this site...

69   WookieMan   2023 Sep 27, 8:41am  

GNL says

Wookie bought a car and he's now an expert on the industry.

I've bought about a dozen. Have a good friend that works for Toyota and know a prominent Ford dealer in my area. I know more than most.

GNL says

He's never started a company but he's an expert.

Started 2 myself and ran another top to bottom for 15+ years. I know more than most.

GNL says

He's never flown a plane but he's an expert.

I've flown a plane AND have a current FAA license. I know more than most.

GNL says

He's never been a politician but he's an expert.

I'm an elected official. I've been on a ballot and have been elected. My father has ran for circuit court judge. I understand politics more than most.

GNL says

He's never bought a domain but he's an expert.

I own over a dozen domain names currently. Future ideas. If I piss it away, I don't care. It's just a name. Again, I know more than most.

Enjoy attacking me. You literally were wrong on every single thing you pointed out.

GNL says

Just now, he says he's closing on some land that he's going to build his dream home of 2,200 square feet and now he's an expert on being a builder. I pity the builder you hire (if you aren't the poser I've accused you of being). Interesting that after our dustup all of a sudden you're starting to get your act together on your dream home. Maybe you realized that someone wasn't buying your BS?

And on this topic, I've mentioned over and over and over again, we're not in a rush. The sale of my current house is a non-issue. I have time. What's the point in rushing it? I'm not some peasant that has to sell my house to build a new one. Not everyone lives like that and that's by choice on my end. I've been a part of 3-4 builds. I've rehabbed my entire current home from plumbing, electric, fixtures, kitchen, etc. I've been in well over 1k homes in and during construction. The builder will love me because I know the process.

You've been in a negative box lately. I'd suggest getting out of it. I have no reason to lie here. I can do anything I want and know more than most. Sorry that's upsetting I guess. I've had a fortunate life and at times unfortunate. I'm not certain why you care so much unless things aren't going well in yours. Maybe take a step back and realize other people are not you.
70   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 9:12am  

A jack of all trades is a master of none.
71   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Sep 27, 9:27am  


A perfect example is Cars.com

Cars.com is a name that clearly tells what the business is about.

All other companies like TrueCars.com CarGurus.com ETC have missed out on acquiring CarsByOwner.com

Service and product is bought by customers based on marketing. Marketing is part of the name you choose.

.com domains are the most trusted domains out there. I use .IO but CarsByOwner.com redirects the user to CarsByOwner.io

WookieMan says

your domain name makes ZERO difference.

Tell that to Cars.com

When you pick a name unrelated to your business, you need a lot of marketing and advertising which will cost you millions.

My name clearly mentions what the business is about "Cars By Owner"

All the big car companies are advertising for the search term "Cars By Owner".... Many of the companies are also trying to search engine optimize for that keyword: "Cars By Owner"
72   WookieMan   2023 Sep 27, 9:59am  

GNL says

A jack of all trades is a master of none.

I'm doing just fine. You literally just said I know nothing about everything I've done more than most. Insecure much?
73   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 10:34am  

More than likely, you "tried" a bunch of things and failed at all of them and that's why you think you know everything. It's to cover up your failures and insecurities. Thankfully, if true, you're coasting on the coattails of your wife and her "amazing" career.
74   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 11:55am  

I was just making some observations.

Wookie tried to shit on the OP's idea of a business. That's not a shitty/personal thing to do? And he always acts like his word is gold. I'm calling bullshit on all his bullshit.
75   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 12:24pm  

Does the phone number of a business matter?
76   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Sep 27, 3:42pm  

GNL says

Does the phone number of a business matter?

Phone numbers are just numbers.

Domain name is actually an online name and location.
77   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 3:59pm  

Read the story about the 1-800-flowers guy. I read a story where he attributed almost all of his success on a phone number.

78   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Sep 27, 5:14pm  

GNL says

Read the story about the 1-800-flowers guy. I read a story where he attributed almost all of his success on a phone number.


Yes it’s a really good business name that he has with the phone number.

Your brand name has everything to do with marketing and sales.

Branding is the first step in marketing and sales.

That’s what wookieman doesn’t get.

He says many names are unrelated to the business but they are many examples of names that clearly describe the business.

1) Facebook
2) YouTube
3) 1-800 Flowers
4) CarGurus.com
5) TrueCars.com
6) PureLeaf.com
7) Footlocker.com
8) Cars.com

All I need to do is search engine optimize CarsByOwner.com to reach page 1 on the search term “cars by owner” and come out with mobile apps for Apple and android.

I just need to hire a SEO agency to rank number 1 on the keyword “cars by owner”
80   GNL   2023 Sep 27, 6:44pm  

The world is full of naysayers. Especially when someone is climbing. Sad. You do you Robber Baron. Business can be exciting. Lots of ups and downs.
81   WookieMan   2023 Sep 28, 2:30am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

I just need to hire a SEO agency to rank number 1 on the keyword “cars by owner”

There ya go. You literally just proved my point in one sentence. The name doesn't matter and you know that. So that's good.

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Branding is the first step in marketing and sales.

That’s what wookieman doesn’t get.

Unequivocally false on so many levels. The product/service is #1 10,000% of the time. Then it's sales. From there you can use marketing and names to attract business, but if you're failing in the first two your business is toast. Hence why one shouldn't get worked up over a name or domain name.

Go check out the fortune 500 business names. Walmart? Best Buy? That just screams electronic and tech sales.... Amazon, totally would be known as an online retailer by the name.... said no one.

GNL says

I was just making some observations.

Wookie tried to shit on the OP's idea of a business. That's not a shitty/personal thing to do? And he always acts like his word is gold. I'm calling bullshit on all his bullshit.

You didn't make any observations. The guy came to this forum for feedback on a business idea. I gave that. The OP was about a business name/domain and no focus on what the actual business is besides it will somehow sell cars magically because of a domain name. I can think of thousands of domain names and business names. My kids could and they're middle schoolers. Could they run and operate a business, no.

I don't get what is so hard to comprehend here. He's got the domain, AND? Nothing. I could own NBAbetting.com but that doesn't mean I immediately have a online gambling website for the NBA. If you looked at a pie chart of businesses, name/domain is the sliver you can barely even see as far as what makes a successful business. My efforts and work have grossed over $50M in sales over 15 years, but what do I know. I know the value of my advice. Take it or leave it I don't care. If you want the OP to fail, then that's what you're pushing. Hope on a name.

Business isn't a game of feelings. He came to a public forum about something. If he doesn't like the feedback either leave or understand that your approach is massively flawed. I've never once said it couldn't succeed. I'm pointing out that a name is the least of his worries in a massively competitive market for used car sales. Just a name ain't gonna do it.
82   GNL   2023 Sep 28, 3:38am  

I'm the great wookie blah blah blah. Just call it WookiesDildos.com because it "literally" doesn't matter. You've done nothing but project. Literally NO ONE SAID a name is all you need.
83   WookieMan   2023 Sep 28, 6:50am  

Robber Baron Elite Scum says

Is it a billion dollar name? Google “Cars By owner” and all the top car companies are
Advertising on that term

Dude, THIS is in the OP. Reading skills are a thing man. There is no actual mention of HOW the business will be run and generate revenue. I'm responding to the post. Nothing I've said is projecting anything. This is a post about a domain name and that's the topic. I'm stating that it doesn't matter, as there's no clear business plan, just a silly name. So no, it's not a billion dollar name or even a $5 name. There's no business to speak of.

I really don't get why you're taking offense to this. It's a simple domain name question and the fact is it doesn't even matter. There's no site. No business plan. Work on that shit first before you even think of a name. You run a business, if you want him to succeed you'd be saying the same things I am. Fact is wookiesdildos.com would probably get more traffic than his site because I'd have a business plan and know how to run it. You're missing the point. And never have I said I'm great or a know it all. I distributing information that has done me well over the years. At no point have I been negative to you or the OP.
84   GNL   2023 Sep 28, 6:54am  

You need help. I stuck to his original question. You said a name doesn't matter at all. That is total bullshit. Online isn't the only place a company gets attention. Turn this into a Wookie school of "I know how to run a business and you don't" if you want. Asking if it's a billion dollar name isn't the same as saying the name is all that matters.

Anyway, who cares? This is a deadend.
85   WookieMan   2023 Sep 28, 7:05am  

GNL says

You need help. I stuck to his original question. You said a name doesn't matter at all. That is total bullshit. Online isn't the only place a company gets attention. Turn this into a Wookie school of "I know how to run a business and you don't" if you want.

You read the OP. Please explain how he plans to generate revenue? Be profitable in a highly competitive industry? A domain name? You are living on a different planet. I don't need any help. I'm actually trying to help and not have someone blindly lead down a path to failure. The domain name is the LEAST of the dudes concerns. I think you know that, but just want to argue for some silly reason.
86   GNL   2023 Sep 28, 7:15am  

Did he ask you about how to run, start or write a business plan? If I understood correctly, he's in the business. If so, you think he just might know a thing or 2? Just maybe?

Why did diamonds.com sell for 7,000,000? Why did the flower guy hit it big after he got the phone number 1-800-flowers? But but but, you know more than them. Nevermind.
87   WookieMan   2023 Sep 28, 7:32am  

GNL says

Why did diamonds.com sell for 7,000,000? Why did the flower guy hit it big after he got the phone number 1-890-flowers? But but but, you know more than them. Nevermind.

Not because of the name. They provided a service. my pillow is another example. Simple, obvious domain name. He HAD to provide a product people were willing to buy. There are 100's if not 1,000's of used car sources online. THIS name is somehow special and will be the big one? NO. He needs to be able to market and sell cars, quick and for the highest price. The name doesn't matter. You and him are the only ones hung up on this and don't understand.

He at least understands SEO is going to be a big part of it. But if the site can't handle the traffic, if the sales don't happen and negative reviews start rolling in, the name doesn't matter at all. I get a name can be a launching point for an idea, but there doesn't seem to be an actual idea besides a name. You can sell cars on Facebook just as easy. There's no value proposition for anyone to give him a cut of the deal just because of a average domain name. Not sure how much clearer I can be.
88   GNL   2023 Sep 28, 7:35am  

It couldn't be more clear that you don't understand some things. Diamonds.com was not a business when it was sold for 7 mmillion. Someone was sitting on it. That brings up another point, if names don't matter why are people sitting on domains?

Why have even successful companies gone through name and logo changes if it doesn't matter? LMAO
89   WookieMan   2023 Sep 28, 8:02am  

GNL says

That brings up another point, if names don't matter why are people sitting on domains?

I'm sitting on at least a dozen. I get your point. BUT, I have zero expectation of them making money for me based off the name alone and I have some good ones. That's what the OP is all about. Domain real estate that's just going to the moon because of the name. That's not how it works and it's not a name that would ever come close to demanding 7 figures without a solid business behind it.

GNL says

Why have even successful companies gone through name and logo changes if it doesn't matter? LMAO

LMAO is right. You ever hear of bad publicity? Think of Monsanto, again another company name that has nothing to do with the product they're selling. What are they called now? Logo changes are 99% nepotism giving family members a trivial task to do. Look at the Walmart logo. A retard on acid could have made that up. Walmart * That's a fucking logo and name. You think that's what made them???

Comparing cars.com to carsbyowner.com is a vastly different game. Until there's a business behind it, it's essentially worthless. Maybe can get another sucker to drop 4-5 figures on it I suppose, but someone can just come up with a better domain. Carvana.com? Yeah, it has car in it, but it doesn't matter. They created a business with a goofy site name. Diamonds.com is a unique, individual word. Carsbyowner is clunky and multiple words. Individual word domains will ALWAYS collect a premium because they're all taken. This domain name is not unique and has nothing backing it.

I'm not sure why you're arguing this so much. With zero evidence you have a valid point and getting into the weeds with personal comments. Maybe take a break. I'm 100% not wrong. The OP needs to rethink his idea if he thinks he has a valuable domain name. It's not without a producing business and even then the name itself is likely worth less than a car. This isn't some game changing domain.
90   GNL   2023 Sep 28, 8:23am  

I stopped listening. Until you admit you are wrong by saying "the name literally doesn't matter" you look foolish.

I know of 2 companies that changed their name. No, they didn't do it because of bad publicity. They outgrew the original name.

I had a friend who owned a print shop. Very successful btw. The biz started to go down because the competition caught on to his success. The name of the biz had to change, imo of course, if he was going to right the ship. Why? Because the name was too specific to the competitive advantage he NO LONGER HAD. I stopped lending him money (at 20% interest over 6 months. I did this 4 times with him. Large amounts.) when it became clear he was not going to change the name. He went out of biz 6 months later.

You said you're a business creator. You said you would make wookiesdildos.com a pounding success, correct? With that name, I assume you're going to sell cars or your favorite dildos?
91   GNL   2023 Sep 28, 9:01am  

You are right about one thing. I am doing all of this for personal reasons. I believe you are a narcissist. There's only one thing I detest more than a narcissist and that's a pedophile. Narcissists carry almost all of the worst human traits.
92   WookieMan   2023 Sep 28, 9:13am  

GNL says

I know of 2 companies that changed their name. No, they didn't do it because of bad publicity. They outgrew the original name.

Nope. Growth stopped and they didn't know what to do. Business 101 mistake. They didn't fix their problems. That name wasn't what was holding them back.

GNL says

I had a friend who owned a print shop. Very successful btw. The biz started to go down because the competition caught on to his success. The name of the biz had to change, imo of course, if he was going to right the ship. Why? Because the name was too specific to the competitive advantage he NO LONGER HAD. I stopped lending him money (at %20 interest over 6 months. I did this 4 times with him. Large amounts.) when it became clear he was not going to change the name. He went out of biz 6 months later.

This is a failure on your end. You lended money to a losing proposition and you even admit it. I'm not sure why anyone would trust your business acumen at this point in this thread. I don't care what interest rate you got, you threw bad money at a bad business and knew it. You basically screwed a friend over instead of just being honest. Kind of shady. Maybe you're a nice guy, but that's my point in this thread. I'm not going to sugar coat something that someone thinks will be this big lotto ticket in life. It's not.

No business I've assisted in/with has ever failed. Not even remotely even with complete dip shits running them. You profited off a friend while watching them fail. I don't know, that's pretty low, but it ain't my life. I don't have to wake up in the morning with that on my mind. I call shit as I see it. CarByOwner.com is not a winner at this point. I wish him luck, but you've shown your true colors by screwing friends out of money knowing they would lose it with damn near fraudulent interest rates... for a friend. Lol. This keeps getting more hysterical. I'll wait for the next comment... 3.2.1
93   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Sep 28, 1:42pm  

“cars by owner” is not clunky.

In fact I clearly showed you google trend screenshots that showed it’s what people are searching for.

All the top major companies are advertising under the term “cars by owner”

1800flowers is multiple words and digits.

Toys R Us is Multiple words.

Cars.com compared to CarsByOwner.com is comparable because you clearly claimed that a business name should not describe itself clearly and what business it is in.

Other examples of successful businesses using my name in a similar fashion is RentByOwner.com

And VRBO.com ( Vacation Rentals By Owner)

What about them wookieman? Have no answer, right?

Because you are just a jealous hater who can’t stand someone from this forum is on a billion dollar idea.

GNL clearly described you correctly as a nay sayer.
94   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Sep 28, 4:04pm  

GNL says

You are right about one thing. I am doing all of this for personal reasons. I believe you are a narcissist. There's only one thing I detest more than a narcissist and that's a pedophile. Narcissists carry almost all of the worst human traits.

CarsByOwner.com will finance pedophiles being brutally beaten up by prison gangs.

I am serious. I also hate pedophiles with a passion.

They deserve having their skull cracked open.

What better way than to pay off prison gang members beating up a pedophile.
95   Robber Baron Elite Scum   2023 Sep 28, 4:07pm  

RentByOwner.io is listed for over $10k for sale.

RentByOwner.com is one successful listing site.

Explain that wookieman ?

Also VRBO.com is a big company.

I don’t see them as being clunky.

CarsByOwner.com is a winner in my book and many others here agree!

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