If Israel really wanted peace, they would encourage Palestinians to convert to Judaism

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2023 Oct 12, 10:06am   2,091 views  62 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

The war in Israel is really about exclusivity.

Palestinians are excluded and dispossessed. Of course they are mad.

Again, it's a problem of too much diversity fucking things up. Diversity is death for nations. Everyone who parrots the lie that "diversity is good" should be slapped in the face.

I know it sounds crazy, but I think Israel could actually assimilate most Palestinians into patriotic Israelis if they encouraged conversion to Judaism. The economic incentive is there. Islam and Judaism are actually quite similar as religions. The people even look similar and probably have pretty recent shared ancestry.

Yes, the crazy Muslims would try to kill every Palestinian that converted, but that would only make the converted Palestinians firmly Israeli.

Why not? Nothing else has worked.

There were mass conversions to Judaism at various points in history, so it has happened before.

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1   Ceffer   2023 Oct 12, 10:10am  

All major religions are already infiltrated by each other. It comes with the territory of having an indoctrinated group yielding wealth and power to a narrow elite leadership under the banner of God. Religions infiltrate each other just like countries and for generally the same purposes.

The Knights Templar in the Middle East were allegedly shacking up with women from Muslim demon cults, and converted for domestic peace. It was one of the citations for burning them at the stake.
2   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 5:14pm  

Interesting interpretation.
3   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 18, 7:39pm  

They are already Arabs and Muslim, i.e. same as every other country around them, except Israel. Wouldn't it be easier to absorb them there instead of converting them to Judaism?
4   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 7:43pm  

Lol, it would be easier, but none of the surrounding countries want them.
5   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 7:46pm  


They are already Arabs and Muslim, i.e. same as every other country around them, except Israel. Wouldn't it be easier to absorb them there instead of converting them to Judaism?

The surrounding countries didn't cause this problem, the Israeli government did.
6   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 18, 7:52pm  

Patrick says

Lol, it would be easier, but none of the surrounding countries want them.

Would converting them to Judaism change the reason their own ethnic/religious brothers don't want them?
7   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 7:59pm  

No, the surrounding countries would want them even less, and might even try to kill them.

But each conversion would be a double-win for Israel:

1. one fewer enemy
2. one more friend

I know it sounds nutty, but nothing else has worked.
8   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 8:16pm  

Patrick says

No, the surrounding countries would want them even less, and might even try to kill them.

But each conversion would be a double-win for Israel:

1. one fewer enemy
2. one more friend

I know it sounds nutty, but nothing else has worked.

Zionists are racial supremacists. They don't think their religion makes them superior, they think they genes do.

You can't convert to Judaism easily. To do it, you basically have to be wealthy, and be willing to share that wealth.

Israel isn't trying to "solve the problem". They're trying regain Gaza and the West Bank, and if they can expel the Palestinians, that's fine, if they have to kill them, that's fine. Once they get rid of them, they'll try to remove their indigenous Arab population.
9   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 18, 8:27pm  

Patrick says

No, the surrounding countries would want them even less, and might even try to kill them.

But each conversion would be a double-win for Israel:

1. one fewer enemy
2. one more friend

I know it sounds nutty, but nothing else has worked.

Again, if they are already Muslims why doesn't it make them friends with the neighboring Muslim countries? If being of the same religion sypposed to work with Joos, why doesn't it work with Muslims?
10   Bd6r   2023 Oct 18, 8:41pm  

I saw a genetic study of Palestinians and Israelis and supposedly they are so close that they were difficult to distinguish. The paper was retracted because of politics - science was supposedly solid. Hate comes from religion there


11   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 8:45pm  


Again, if they are already Muslims why doesn't it make them friends with the neighboring Muslim countries?

@RWSGFY - same reason that Israel doesn't want Ethiopian Jews.
12   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 9:14pm  

From all I've read, the Ethiopian Jews have no genetic relation to other Jews within historical time. They seem to be descendants of converts.

But Israel did take most of them, about 155,000.
13   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 9:28pm  

Bd6r says


That article has this misleading line:

In doing so, the team's research challenges claims that Jews are a special, chosen people and that Judaism can only be inherited.

It was never the case that Judaism can only be inherited. There were converts right from the beginning, according the Old Testament, all throughout history, and there are still converts today, in both directions.

But mainstream Rabbinical Judaism holds that if your mother was a Jew, then you are automatically a Jew simply by that fact, making it semi-genetic. Ironically, the females lines (mitochondrial DNA) of Ashkenazi Jews seem to be mostly European, not Middle Eastern. This fits with the generally accepted idea that most European Jews are the descendants of a pretty small number of male Jewish merchants who moved north from Italy into the Rhein Valley and converted and married local women there maybe about 700 AD.

There is a Jewish minority called Karaites, mostly in Egypt these days, which holds the opposite: that if your father was a Jew, then you are automatically a Jew, because that's how it is in the Old Testament.
14   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 10:19pm  


Again, if they are already Muslims why doesn't it make them friends with the neighboring Muslim countries? If being of the same religion sypposed to work with Joos, why doesn't it work with Muslims?

I see Egypt's motive in keeping the Palestinians out - they tend to kill tourists, and not just Israeli ones.

But what is, say, Saudi Arabia's excuse? I'm not sure of that one, or Jordan, etc.
15   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 10:22pm  

richwicks says

You can't convert to Judaism easily. To do it, you basically have to be wealthy, and be willing to share that wealth.

While it's true that it's hard to convert, generally requiring a year of study and the willingness to come back after you've been turned away three times, there is no wealth requirement at all. Most converts are not wealthy.
16   richwicks   2023 Oct 18, 10:41pm  

Patrick says

From all I've read, the Ethiopian Jews have no genetic relation to other Jews within historical time. They seem to be descendants of converts.

But Israel did take most of them, about 155,000.

Then they attempted to sterilize them.


It's a state based on genetic inheritance.

Patrick says

While it's true that it's hard to convert, generally requiring a year of study and the willingness to come back after you've been turned away three times, there is no wealth requirement at all. Most converts are not wealthy.

Conversion is for business access, mostly. That's the real purpose of church. Israel doesn't accept the right of return to converts.
17   gabbar   2023 Oct 19, 4:09am  

Muslims have a hate hate relationship with Jews. Similar religions and heritage but conversion is a big ask.
18   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 5:04am  

gabbar says

Muslims have a hate hate relationship with Jews. Similar religions and heritage but conversion is a big ask.

They do now. Israel has been no end to problems in the Middle East and it's ruined their 1000 year historical relationship.

The Middle East used to be a safe haven for Jewish people during the Inquisition. The people that created Israel seemed to want to do it in the harshest, most brutal, and troublesome way possible.
19   gabbar   2023 Oct 19, 6:17am  

Call me stupid or whatever but Israel is good for world peace, overall, in a macro-cosmic sense. I support the lesser of the two evils in this for profit but necessary and continuous war.
20   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 19, 6:25am  

Patrick says

If Israel really wanted peace, they would encourage Palestinians to convert to Judaism

Or maybe just not bomb them? Yes, NOT bombing people seems more peaceful than bombing them.
21   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 6:35am  

NuttBoxer says

Patrick says

If Israel really wanted peace, they would encourage Palestinians to convert to Judaism

Or maybe just not bomb them? Yes, NOT bombing people seems more peaceful than bombing them.

That won't work either.

They are purposely put into a bad situation in an attempt to get them to leave. Those that can leave, DID leave, do you have the opposite of a brain drain. Those that remain are desperate, and those that aren't killed, are tough. Israel is breeding their own destruction.

If you armed the Palestinian population (it's illegal for them to own arms), and they just broke through that wall, they'd over-run Israel in a matter of days. That's eventually going to happen.
22   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 19, 7:25am  

NuttBoxer says

Patrick says

If Israel really wanted peace, they would encourage Palestinians to convert to Judaism

Or maybe just not bomb them? Yes, NOT bombing people seems more peaceful than bombing them.

This sounds like something a card-carrying member of BLM would say.

"They dindu nuffin, how dare police shoot at them!"
23   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 9:34am  

gabbar says

Muslims have a hate hate relationship with Jews. Similar religions and heritage but conversion is a big ask.

You're right, but hate is very close to love.

"The opposite of love it not hate. it is indifference."
24   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 9:39am  

Patrick says

"The opposite of love it not hate. it is indifference."

Is that really true? What's the opposite of indifference? It's not love.
25   zzyzzx   2023 Oct 19, 9:42am  

Patrick says

Lol, it would be easier, but none of the surrounding countries want them.

It's because they hate Palestinians too.
26   Blue   2023 Oct 19, 10:16am  

NuttBoxer says

Or maybe just not bomb them? Yes, NOT bombing people seems more peaceful than bombing them.

I thought for a second, you were a Palestinian hating all Kafirs!
Forget Israel, NO Islamic country allow a single Palestinian into their country - ever. Don't you think, there has to be a strong reason why!!
Israel turned desert into so valuable place to live that Muslims around wanted to move in and steal everything out of just hate and jealousy is their only investment that is recommended by their book to continue Jihad.
Israel do have so many Muslims and over populating as insider job that nobody knows what the long term consequences are!
27   KgK one   2023 Oct 19, 10:21am  

If you want real peace convert to buddhism or jainism.

Quran n other books talk a lot about killing non believers. If your religion is good don't force or convert people, people will see n do it themselves.

Amount of killing between jews, Christian n muslim is ridiculous.
28   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 10:24am  

Blue says

Forget Israel, NO Islamic country allow a single Palestinian into their country - ever. Don't you think, there has to be a strong reason why!!

This isn't correct. This is the Palestinian diaspora.


They are all over the place, but they are in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, and many other nations that are not predominately Muslim.
29   Blue   2023 Oct 19, 10:38am  

richwicks says


They are all over the place, but they are in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, and many other nations that are not predominately Muslim.

World must work together to contain the troubles not spread around.
30   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 10:40am  

richwicks says

Is that really true? What's the opposite of indifference? It's not love.

It's both love and hate.

Strong emotion vs no emotion.

It's a circle, with love and hate next to each other on one side, and indifference on the other side.
31   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 11:20am  

zzyzzx says

Patrick says

Lol, it would be easier, but none of the surrounding countries want them.

It's because they hate Palestinians too.

But why?
32   gabbar   2023 Oct 19, 11:49am  

Patrick says

You're right, but hate is very close to love.

It may be. But the hate in these peoples is based on Koran. It has lasted for centuries. So, it may be reasonable to extrapolate and assume that it could last for a few more centuries. Too much bad blood results in long memories. Is it possible these Muslims will ignore what's written in the Koran? Not in our lifetime.
33   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 12:02pm  

I think that Islam could suddenly collapse if enough people stood up and told the truth about it.

This is why Muslims murder people who tell the truth about Islam. They are afraid of the collapse of Islam.

But Muslims need someplace to go after realizing that Islam is false. They need something to fill that religious gap. Secular materialism is not enough.
34   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 12:04pm  

Here's what their revised Charter from 2017 says (10 years after Soros article):

2. Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the
Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to Umm
Al-Rashrash in the south, is an integral territorial unit. It is the land and
the home of the Palestinian people. The expulsion and banishment of the
Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist
entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their
entire land and do not entrench any rights therein for the usurping
Zionist entity.
18. The following are considered null and void: the Balfour Declaration,
the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution,
and whatever resolutions and measures that derive from them or are
similar to them. The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and
contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes
against their will and the will of the Ummah; it is also in violation of
human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions, foremost
among them is the right to self-determination.
19. There shall be no recognition of the legitimacy of the Zionist entity.
Whatever has befallen the land of Palestine in terms of occupation,
settlement building, Judaization or changes to its features or falsification
of facts is illegitimate. Rights never lapse.
20. Hamas believes that no part of the land of Palestine shall be
compromised or conceded, irrespective of the causes, the circumstances
and the pressures and no matter how long the occupation lasts. Hamas
rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine,
from the river to the sea. However, without compromising its rejection of
the Zionist entity and without relinquishing any Palestinian rights, Hamas
considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent
Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of
June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their
homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national
21. Hamas affirms that the Oslo Accords and their addenda contravene
the governing rules of international law in that they generate
commitments that violate the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.
Therefore, the Movement rejects these agreements and all that flows
from them, such as the obligations that are detrimental to the interests
of our people, especially security coordination (collaboration).


What's there to negotiate about, except unconditional surrender?
35   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 12:23pm  

Patrick says

I think that Islam could suddenly collapse if enough people stood up and told the truth about it.

This is why Muslims murder people who tell the truth about Islam. They are afraid of the collapse of Islam.

Every religion is false. Christianity has basically collapsed because people spent the last 2 decades telling the truth about it. It's not hard to attack the nuttiness of the Bible unless EVERYTHING is a parable.
36   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 12:26pm  

richwicks says

Patrick says

I think that Islam could suddenly collapse if enough people stood up and told the truth about it.

This is why Muslims murder people who tell the truth about Islam. They are afraid of the collapse of Islam.

Every religion is false. Christianity has basically collapsed because people spent the last 2 decades telling the truth about it. It's not hard to attack the nuttiness of the Bible unless EVERYTHING is a parable.

Do Indonesian Muslims have the same hots for exterminating the Joos? How about Albanian? Crimean Tatars? I could be wrong, but I never heard about them being hot and bothered about it.
37   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 12:35pm  

The first minister of Scotland announced that the country is willing to be the first nation to accept refugees from Gaza and would be a "sanctuary" in what he hopes would be a "worldwide refugee scheme.

... "and we have millions of sheep", added the minister.
38   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 12:56pm  

Eric Holder says

Do Indonesian Muslims have the same hots for exterminating the Joos? How about Albanian? Crimean Tatars? I could be wrong, but I never heard about them being hot and bothered about it.

I don't know, but the Indonesians had a small genocide a few years ago.


Well, maybe it was more of a genocide attempt. There was a film about it called The Act of Killing.

I think the problem in the Middle East, is that most Israelis are seen as invaders from Russia and Europe, because they are, and they don't allow unfettered access to holy sites for either Christians or Muslims.

People really don't know what Israel does. They've burned churches down multiple times there.
39   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 1:00pm  

Eric Holder says

Do Indonesian Muslims have the same hots for exterminating the Joos? How about Albanian? Crimean Tatars? I could be wrong, but I never heard about them being hot and bothered about it.

The further removed from Islamic teaching, the more tolerant Muslims are.

It's the true believers you have to watch out for. They take the Koran and Hadith literally and are very quick to murder people just like Mohammed did.

40   pudil   2023 Oct 19, 1:47pm  

Christianity has collapsed because it betrayed its principles, not because people told the “truth”. You can’t have a religion that claims to be following the will of the an ultimate being of Truth and Justice and then just claim this being just wants you to be happy so do whatever you want. In other words relativism has done all sorts of damage to the church.

The Muslims aren’t dumb enough to fall for that shit. Try telling them you can’t judge someone for being gay and they’ll laugh themselves silly as they throw you off a roof.

People want a moral code. It gives their lives purpose and makes them feel part of a group. Islam does an excellent job of providing this.

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